Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Oct 1912, p. 5

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~ .- Bob‘caygeon Curlers Elected Officers. , M: the annual meetli'.g of the Bobcay- goon Curling Club Mr. Green was re~ elected president, Mr. Lithgow; vice,- .5 and Mr. E. Broad, soc.-treas, The exx ’ l ccutive are MessrsLDott-dm;,Davis,Fallis ! and Mark. Ships are. Bottom, Davis, ; llroad, Boyd, Green; Fallis. H. O. Boyd, f Taylor, Nichols, Moore; Tankard skips, } " Bottom and Broad. Trophyskips, Davis, ' Ealllis, Green. 0. Boyd. District skips, 0. Boyd, Moore. _.-._.......â€". - o â€" ~__ I. i a Marmaduke Terrilklwl‘tjlled at Trenton ' Late on Friday afternoon the 'Ih'ang‘L lI-d remains of Marmaduke Terrill, a , n-Ininent citizen of Trenton, were dls- . gore-real beside the Central Ontario 2 youndh’ouse. He left his home on Thurs- ",xllaly evening to go to the Grand Trunk .i station to meet .I. wedding party due to jarrive on the Belleville local at 8.48. N6 5', Que saw the accident happen, but it is supposed that he was struck by a passing (l.'l‘.li.. freight, and thrown down the embankment, which is about thirty feet liigh at this point. He was a widower, libent sixty years of age, and a partner in the undertaking firm of McNair & Terrill. RH. A. J. Terrill of Tweed, is .he only son. V , H h , . Deceased was a cousin ‘of Mr. S. N. Terrill, Fenclon Falls. H 4â€".â€".â€". - Armoi‘y Conhapl was Arvai‘ded. w.- . m.~ l . “Ulzost: Mr. JamesBoguc, contractor, fills in Lindsay on Monday olibii'sinfess in connection with his contractfor the how armory; Inconversation with a re- purtcr he stated that he had received the contract, as was stated in the Post Some days ago, and was anxious to start work on the armories. The foundation for the structhre would hardly be built 1' lhis year, but tli'e exmiv'atlob work could be completed. .-.____.__. Fowl Supper alficsedalé'. ., A fowl supper and entertainment will ' 3 be held at ltosedalc', on Oct. 3lst, in aid ' pf the Presbyterian Church. Tea will )0 served in Mrs“ Dickson‘s summer home nonl 5 o'clock to 3; .A good time is expected. Admission 35c. and 2523. _..._. - .m_____. Powles’ I Corners. Correépondence or the emit; a . During the seven monlhs ending with 1] uly. 1911, $7,500,000 worth of flax grown in the western provinces were exported ‘to the United States. That flax paid 25c. per bushel or one million dollars in duty onentering the United States. ,Noncpf this tax wouldhave been paid 1 had the Reciprocity agreement of 1911 been accepted. And stillallc’gcd states- i‘neu' have the liardihood to tell us Reci~ iiroqity would be no'bcnéllt. In xseven iI‘IOIItlis ending with July, the United States imported 1,780,000 cattle from Mexico. If Canada had accepted-the reciprocity agreement Canadian cattle would how be entering the United States market free or, duty, While - Mexican‘cattlé would be talked; _ , Ev'éry financial corporation and "every manufacturer laughed at the farmer, and they defeated the efiorts for relief, and a large number of farmers ‘voted with the financial corporatioils. If a Canadian C mservative buys an automobile in the l'nitcd States that is alright .19th if a LIbe'ral in Canada wants to sell his farm produce across the line he is disloyul , and he is tramping on the old flag. I ' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Webster of Balsam . Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Glas- pell the first of this Week. , , , ‘ Mr. Jas. Bate is giving] ip Mn; N. Day‘s larm and will more back to the home- ‘stmd south of Cameron. Mr. W. Glas poll has leased Mr. W. A. Gillis's farm or another year. ., Mr. 11. Hardy returned from the North \\'ust and spent a couple of days visiting fur. and Mrs. w. Glaspcll. , Mr. W. Cooper arrived home from Markham last Monday. On Thursday, Oct. 10th, all that was lum-tal of Mrs. Mitchell Herron was laid to rest in the Fenelon Falls ceme- tery: _ Mrs. ,lle‘rrqh passed away on Oct. 7th. at her home in Pctcrborough. The ‘remains were brought here to her son's, John Herrou. The funeral was very largely attended. The departed was of a most retiring nature, and her kind, ‘amiablo disposition made Inr many warm friends. In the home. she was a kind loving molher, and her four sons and four daughters as iheystood at the open rave on Thursday realized that for her the snuggle and burden hearingof earth are ended, and like one who awakes from a troubled dream she' had awakened to see. life's endless morning. and knows herself to boat home with the vast throng: of loved ones. .manW‘ - _ .-o WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING. The Women‘s Institute will hold their regular meeting on Friday, Oct. 18th, at the home of Mrs. A. Minthorue. )( TRAINS LATE. Trains from the south were a couple I ‘of hours late on Saturday, owing to an accident near Markham. ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPH FREE. FJI’ two weeks Mr. J. H. Stanton w'll will be hem in Twome-V'S ml" in the I give an enlarged photo 14x17 with ever dozen cabinet photos. Commencing Oct. On Tugsday, Nov. 12th, 1512, 2], excepting Oct. 24th and 25th. and ending Nov. 2nd. See bills or call. METHODIST ANNIVERSARY. , The annual anniversary of the Metho- counties mum be served on o f 'd’st Church, Fenelon Falls will be held Saturday. oczober 26th I be ore vrSunday and Monday, November Will 3. Id 18th. Rev. Dr. Carman, General B pcrintondent of the Methodist Church, w;|l preside. m NUWMMWI- s»..- .nawwugww-‘m w... 4.... AWNâ€"‘1 ' I-.." â€"â€".,~. n...“ a ..â€".â€"...<-...~a ~¢-~h Posing;ng open. H .. The work ofcleaning out Bigeon River beckons: the system '0"! was completed last week. The floating load fool gates exec“ H13 in IE: ENLARGEDO ,FHOTOGRAPH channel and confided with booms, 8.000 impultyourhedth. niches! stun feet being uScd: Stéadlb‘mté used to guhtor in FIG At navigate this river. years ago, and can g find 50 cents 01' Th. now do so again, giving Omomee resi- t: deiits connection. with the Trent water~ way, much to their satisfaction. Bur ' bogs Were removed to the sides of the Ind .wutc matter in the bowels Tr, ' denim . Hi Fill Cos Thomas; cm; :6 Sold in Fenelon Falls by A. J. "Gould, Druggist. GET THE'BEST. IT PAYS. gen-WWWW ENAMELED WAREi’ For Me. and 15c. Wash Basins; _ Preserving \Kéttlei Sauce Pans ._ . Pudding Pans, 2,3,4 qt. E E Vs Among the many positions our Col- legelhas;_i‘ccently filled were two woth $1100 and $1500. are are now trying to fill one at $1080. Demand for our graduates is flilly five times our supply. )0, EFuLIGTT I o _ _ I .i -/ With Every Order for One Dozen 3,3,}??? Cabinet Photographs . senor-mo. car. is a Business College of the highest grade. Several former students of ‘ other colleges are now in attendance; It pays to geta bl siness education you get It in he right school. ‘\Vrite for our catalogue. Enter now. -, 'w. 'J‘. 'E'LLIQ‘I'T. PRINCIPAL , Corner Yang: and Alexander Streeis. A nice mm of handsome-a Trays and Flower Vases; Pillow prs and ' l’i'n Cu'sllien’s: , . . Ladies’ black and tan hose, 15¢. Men’s tan Hose 15c. Men's black Hose 100. has. WEIR, LINDSAY 45 William St. North, next to ' Fisher‘s Grocery. ans: warm-wmeer Wnlfiawh*4“f*g” DEALER in run 0 WEEKS out Commencing October let, ending Nova ember 2nd, omitting Thursdayand Friday, Oct. 24th and 25th, We Will give with every dozen Cabinet Photos one enlargement of Look in Window. . A S I h 1 TI same, size 14x17 inches. , g .. _ . ' for sample of enlarged work. Remember Plain and Ornamental 1 c I this odor is for tWo weeks only. WILL-PIP 0f the Best Quality: _ ARTISTS’ MATERIAL-Sr mummies AND PIBTUBE FBAMINB Agency for N ordhiemer Pianos and Parker’s Dye Works. flaw aamw 5r Saves nin'é; A little bare bestowed on year teeth now Will save you dollars later, besides adding considerable (your personal appearance. We" carry all the best grades . h ‘ - - ~ of Tooth Pastesf and Pow. (j i, H _ A N N tiers, and the best Tooth ' ' ‘ fl Brushes_made-,\‘vhlclial‘e pos- PHOfQGHAPHEH -'_- I I‘- FENELOHVF’Ath. I itively guaranteed against - - the bristles coming out. 7 . . Quality in Toilet Articles as i ' ' " “’ in everything-else is our 1 motto. _ f '. I .' GI Fl} . Druggist and Optician A FENELON FALLS, ONT. We are making this special liberal ofie'r in order to introduce our enlarged work. Next SimpSon Heuse LINDSAY. no You ‘BEALIZE The money you can make selling fruit trees ? The present demand for Nursery stock is the greatest, in the history of the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or preparing to plant. WE WANT NOW For Fall _andWinter months a reliable ' ' ,â€" mah to Sell in Fen‘elon Falls and sur- V roundibg territory. Good pay,cxclusive ~ . Guaranteed Each and every package of " Hackney y\i'elerinary Remedfes " is guaranteed by us} If they do no do what we tell you they will, bring” them back and we will cheerfully refund your money. Here is a partial list of them: Hackney Stock Tonic, 25c., 50c., $1.00, and 25 lb. Pails fori$3.50. Nothing Like It! territory, find all the akvantages- in : representing an old established firm. " V. * 'Over 600 acres under cultiyation. ‘ Establishled 35 years; Write A i i E I PELHllill NURSERY 80. - . 20,000 Pounds of Hackney'lrlog Tonic, 61b. Packages, $1.00. TORONTO, ONT. Wool Wanted - ' V' - Also Poultry Food Louse Powder, Cold and Distemper Cure, Heavc Powder HigheSt CflSh Prlce at the Worm Poxvder, Gall Cure, Colic Cure, Foot Remedy, Physic Balls,ctc. ’ North Star Roller Mills. SEE nun wmnow THIS WEEK. Cement A. J. GOULD “893.18%” - FENELON FALLS BUILDING CONTRACTS- Cemenl jUSt arriVGd. HACKNEY .' CALF TONIC 50c" and Pails $2.50. Tojalze the p'nce of cow's milk. there is only one pre- pnrntionJ‘th- Cali Tonic. y ; ’xe We have the most. modern, the i.- 3, most practical and the best 2:; equipped school in Eastern On- " ,1 tario. The courses are thorough g; and fascinating. Anentirely canadian Busmess Procedure Several fresh milch cows for for the-training of the ambitious '.'_ sale. young people of our country. Our graduates are successful. Ask a student or err-studentâ€" they are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY counsss. :‘f Emil-luau Bullege C. R. Bower A. H. Spotton -- Principal President ENTER ANY DAY. J. BRANDON. We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior finish always in stock. Planing and matching done to order. ~aehn‘ w I OWE, 0,, rigs. New. FENELON FALLS PLAIIING MILL ones cost money. We 1" TEIRS: ' PROPRIETOB- make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itâ€"good as the best. SECOND DIVISION COURT IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. House and Lot For Sale Marble and Granite Monuments Five moms and workshup’ quarter acre _ Still doing business in the game’stanrl good garden, good well. on Fidlcr's hill, but “0t 3" the 53""0 Old “"130 , “0 35;“ : Renew“ ‘Fans. J. pENROSE’ Vance WIth the times and are in a posi- tmn to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods. in fact, the most up- to-date Marble and Granite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shop and SI]0\\' rooms 11 and 13 Cam- bridge St.. immediater north of firehall. Lindsay Marble Works I BOBT. CHAMBERS, ‘PBOP. The next Sit-tings of the above Court- 19.s Fenelon Falls. Village of Fenclon Falls, . - noon. Friday, Nov. lst. will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other I. E. CHAMBERS. Colborne Street Fenelon Falls. fi‘ Ofli ce hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m ELISHA MARK. E. D. HAND, Bailifi. , Clerk. Go to Gould the Optician. commencing at l 30 o'clock in the after- ‘ All work fully guaranteed. v 1': “fit 7» 1-: , I.“ «.11 'r ‘ "'.‘ 4‘ .f 1 fig: 3!, 4 «1 4 .' ’If‘.‘ ‘I . 'i .A l - ._ , r." '3. .5 i: . . x )s . i; J . it a "a “a , c» I ‘. .. g, . . fr) .. ,m 31 R . '. ., u. :i . f x I.) | 4 'I“ ‘8’ V ' .. ( . (I “I. I" .n' ,4.- ,n. u, i’ «C- . .,I_' 3 .. . ,I ‘V, ,) - .4. 1' r d A R f . b I "Tubal I. V. V; - x If ’ . .J. l _ (, ' i I i, ‘I 3. 3. . " i a k I .~ , -. W ,r . f'} ‘1‘" F“ Trv .‘ L1 3‘ J 3’ - :2 ~ I: . i. , , ,3 r ’9.) r? c . 1.. ii in 'h ‘4. *5. 1’ ,9. N r ‘ )1” 3* .fl . 5‘ ls,- I V 3 ’4'»? ‘ég. {C .;‘-’ “'5 .3. ,3, a n'.‘ I f" i I‘ 1“, I ’9’ .r. 1?: ~5f319n§5§ 2:4 ,fio' i>§~ . w . . 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