Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Oct 1912, p. 4

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."c‘J‘N‘.‘o’k’c‘u‘w‘v‘m .w yd l.- .1.» do n tempt. ‘ ‘ ' < r \. ;‘V~r.x: ' ‘ Xv'v'xffl. .. .... v s. s‘ l V I ,> r, .. j, [1; f3 ) ’9 K ‘il l i s. .«A‘ v‘ u«»-\-’\' - -. bk; - 'vv.. - A f _u ‘ .«fv w v c » kit/v“. h..- . . 4..â€"--â€"â€"-‘ Poultry _ Wanted. 3 We are prepared. to‘handle an unlimited. amount of all kinds of live or dressed poultry, for which. We pay the highest cash price, delivered. at the store, every business clay“ except Saturday, from this date to Dec. 20th.- A. a C. McrARLAnn . a.» a ."._.;-::.\. -.,-. -.., ,. -. A. . a The King of Runyon;- . ,. . .,.. " BUC - . ,;w.,,1a.1.-~.__ . PY THOUGHT " _> One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian \Vonien '9 have decided for i The _“ Happy Thought” ' Range. ‘ Common Ranges Were not good enough-wwhy should they be for you ? Don't be imposed on by “just as good "_ talk. The construction of The “‘Hnmay Thought " is patented, Lts design registered, it is totally different in every respect to any, other. There is none like it. There can be none so good. If you only knew the time, the trouble, the labor it would save you, how little fuel it uses, you would not be one single day without one. L we The WM. BUCK STOVE, counters-am . Wm. Campbell.» New Idea Patterns 100. Sole Agents for the D. St A. Corset-s. NEED A nut ? ~ Engagement Rings. Wedding Rings. All the fashionable stones in Wide oval, narrow high oval, every variety of combination. Tiffany or English stile. Quality of stones, gold and Stamped " Brit-ton Bros.” and workmanship the best. guaranteed for all time. Whether you wish to buy or not come and see. Britton Bros. FOOT 0F KENT ST., LINDSAY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. corona-a an She Genefon 3‘0sz gagefte. --â€". FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912. ~»_‘_â€"W_.....~o.-~ â€".-.â€"..- . .. ~- ~ derelops Criminal instinct: From Church Life. Without question the motor,» while its advantages are many and manifest, has this count against it,-that it has developed the criminal instificsin' men,- and possibly Women too, which with- out it would have lain dormant. And though the sleep of the spirit of sav- agery might not count very much in the sum total of the virtues of the in‘: dividual, \i‘Ould undoubtedly make for the sa‘fcty of the’ many. It is a rather curious thing that the motor should,» apparently,- be such a" fruitful cause of the‘ reckless disregard of human life as it is; for it is a thing the chief value of which is conserva- tion of energy, the saving of time and the furthering-of commerce. Yet the instances multiply wherein motorists have shown utter carelessness before an accident which they and their machine cause, and u-ttercallodsne‘ss afterward. Only a few weeks ago, in onecf the larger cities of this continent, a man was run down, his body catching in the wheels. With an unconcern he mighthave shewn had he been taking a fish from a hook, the motorist disce- g‘a‘ged the i’ffan’s body from the mech- ine, threw it on the roadside, and, get- ing into the machine, drove,ofi'. In another city an old woman was run into and dragged, to. all appearances lifeless, for more than a quarter ofa mile, till the driver'of' the car saw a carriage come towardsthem round a ' bend of the road, and» knew escape ___was impossible. Even-a young girl, not yet out of ller1teens, who hadâ€"in- jured badly and all but killed a wom- an and her baby,» while she was driving at too it'lng at citing a much-trav- elled highway,‘_saldhenchalantly, “If they do n’t Want t‘b gé€ hurt they, had better keep out of my way.” ~ These things are all too serious to be allowed to pass'unnoticed. They show the revival of an instinct which is foreign to the age and which will mean a great bar to its development. The problem of man and his fellow- man is none too easy of solution at this time 5 andthosefwlio are trying to solve it will not bé‘nidcd by the in- crease of the spirit which justifies its right to mow down'anything in its path, providing the reaping machine be a motor car. A campaign to deVelop the‘ con- science in motorist-s Would tend, in our view, to greater righteouness of living than a~campaign to abolish ‘ Sunday baseball. Needless Fears --u...... The opposition of the Board of Trade of the city of Toronto to the construction of the Georgian Bay Canalis no doubt animated by the fear that trade would be diverted from Toronto to other points. Aproper con- ception of Canada’s future tremendous commercial development would go far toward quieting the queen city’s appre- hensions. There will be plenty of busi- ness for both the G. B. C. and the \Velland route. But even if it could be conclusively shown that trade would be deflected and Toronto’s ambitions checked, that would be no reason for not openinga shorter and better waterway to the seaboard for Western products. The spirit of local rivalry should have no place in outer- prises of’ national importance, prome- ising great benefits to the country at large. Anything that isgood for Can- ada as a whole is good for all parts of it, and it is safe to predict that the construction of. the Georgian Bay Canal will prove to be a benefit, not. an injury, to Toronto. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"_ E. Fitzgerald Owns Dhiel's Point. â€"_ Mr. E. Fitzgerald has received from the Departmcmt of Crown Lands a state- ment finally continuing his title to Dhiel's Point. This settles the much 'llsllllh’d question of the ownership of the property. ’ l i912 Victoria {immigrant nay: splendid educational work carricd on Sunday after Sunday by the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance through its Field Day operations. This work is certainly producing a different senti- u'lcnt iii the c'o'i'ntry regardingtemper- afitie ans p'roh‘i ition; Off a‘ Field Day every pulpit in a county open to‘ the scntntivcs, and there is scarcely a phase of the temperance question which is not touc ed upon in some part ol‘ the county. Lust ‘ear upwards of 2000 services were conducted. but the operations of the )resent your will considerably surpass ihose of last. ‘ The Field Day for the united counties of Victoria and linliburton will be held this year on November 10th, and the indications are that it will be one of the ‘ {Elli-atele days, from the temperance standpoint the c‘ou'nty hascvor witness'- cd. A special interest attaches to the campaigns for Local Option in Fenelon Falls and Lindsay. These two places and the township of Bexlcy are the only muni‘cipalitil-xs in the two counties that are still under license. chlcy cannot vote ugaix till January 15¢, mm, but y'o'tin'g‘ in eneib'n' Fails and LindSay will take place in January next. No Illegal sale of Liquor. â€".â€"A-_ was o‘ii‘ma fiacneé . To test the assertions somethiics heard that liquor is illegallysold in Orillia, arrangements were recently made to have pure of the best liqn‘or'deteetives in tire Pfibvi‘n‘ce visit the. town. of the hotels, and knocking round with “ the boys," doing his best to purchase a drink of liquor, he presented a written is no illegal sale of liquor in this town. Though he treated freely, be utterly failed to get anything strOnger than Cobalt beer. In his written report, the detective sayseâ€"j _ ‘ . __ _ “ After éilq'ui’r'y a’n’d'upbn‘ the informa- tion I was able to gather, I can say there is not one place doing business as a blind pig. There is a clique among the town citizens who come together like a club, and send for liquor, and have a‘ good time together ; but no outsider would be :alllowed to join them. Some citizens to law. 1 used different ways of enquiry with , who has been telling several persons that sales are going on in the he did not know and could not say where it was to be, got; €513,113}! he declared- there was lots‘ a'ro'u‘ri'd; The thing is" there is no sale going on. road my ex- law. There are no loafers or drunkards‘ around at night. 'I-tried all the drug stores. One keeps no liquor for prescrip- tions: The others want a prescription. Strangers in‘t'll'é’ltowg think it is one of the strictest Local Opt’ibn‘ pianos in the country. They think the police have good control. I boarded at the 4-“â€" house, and I was satisfied that the where they could get liquor. Satur- day was my busiest day. I had a feel- ing some liquor came into town with farmers but I did not see any violations. north country, where he used to make whisky, but said that there was no chance for that kind of thing in this town. I noticed the“ police, as far as I could see, were doing their duty. I con‘ sidered it no use to stay any longer." The detective reported that there was considerable illegal selling of cigarettes of cigarettes to minors. The town police are taking steps to put a stop to these infractions of the law. . . ,. . H , Co‘urf’o‘ffl Revision. The court of revision proceedings“ on Monday Were“ of unusual interest on account of the approaching local option contest, and the elforts of both parties to have names added to or struck off the voters' list. Thirteen names suggested by the antis, and live by the local optionists, were put on. Following is the list: M. \V. Ricve, W. Jordan, 8. Mason, M. Lansfl‘o'ld, Wm. Avery, John Wallace, Mrs. 'I‘ownley, Mrs. Whissi’lo, Miss L. Power, Jos. Halley, A. McGee, A. Menzies, JR. Hand, F.W. Gunther, P. G. Foley, '1‘. H. Hathaway, A. Sewcn, A. Aulbrook, Thos. Drake Jr. Mi‘ss’ E. Rutherford and Mr. A. Quibcll were struck off. Judgment was reserved on T. Hitchue, Jas. Martin, Thos. Cook, Alex. McPliee, Wm. Doogau, J. R. Lex- chin, L. Cox. ' Fenelon Falls Council. â€"-â€".~¢. One 'c'aii scarcely lover-estimate the. Alliance is occupied by one ofits repre- ' Aftei spending a' week here, boarding in two‘ report in Which he‘ dé’é‘l’ai‘es th‘at th‘oro’ ha‘vc an idea that booze is oin vri'rht “'Cl-‘k' . , ,, .. .. and left, but there‘ is no fogidzfmm’l’or H_odge will farewell on Sunday, October it. It is all got privately attractor-ding 21th. » fellows who were there did not know relatives arrows. m -. . arson; It is our sad duty this week to record the death of Christina M. flood, the dearly. beloved wife of M r. A.A. Cameron; eripal of the Fcuclon Falls CoiMnua- tion School. a great surprise to everyone around" although she had been ill forsouu- thug 221in everything that physicians and kind friends could do was of no avail. Mrs’ Cameron was a woman of exceptional character. Coming hero with her hus- band three years ago, she was soon a. general favorite in tin village and lu-r presence here has loft. an influence which will be lasting. she was: ‘letlllllll'. out in'church work, being :1 nienlbcr oil, St: Andi-mus choir and of the other organizations of the church) _ The large concourse of friends tho .cxpressions of deep sorrowand the floral. djsplny on October 0th was a token of her high esteem in the district. She leaves behind to mourn her loss, a hus- baudia‘ud a daughter of “Moon mouths; bcéi'd‘csa mother and four brothers. The remains, according to her own wishes were placed in the Penelon Falls come: tcry on \Vcducsdziy.‘ the services being conducted at the residence by the Rev: Mr. Lord, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Cook of the Baptist Church. Friends were here from Ottawa, Whitby, Oshawa; Toronto and Port Elgin. _ The floral olTerh‘i'gs' consisted of a.[ broken column from St. Andrew's choir,‘ wreaths from the. Auxiliary of_ thd church, the School Board, Mr. S. )lasoi! and Miss Potts: a pillow from lliiz‘ Public School teacher and large Sprays: from Spry Lodge, A. F. & A. l\l., lhe' Oddfcllows, the High semen Mrs. Brokcnshirc, and the Misses Bell: iugham: - ’ bâ€"-â€"â€"â€"_ Perseual‘ lier heo thrc‘c‘ left for Cii’m’rosc' oii‘ Monday. « t ‘_ Messrs. Geo. Littleton' andTnos. Sud-f lcr are home from the Welsh; a’nd'tcl'l’ some th'rilli'n’ '. stories of their cxpori in' the .vagina cyclone. Mr. and Mrs. Will McKend ry of Lind-' say visited relatives here this week. Mr. Wm. Sedgwick left for I-Iuntsvill’c' on Monday. . * ()‘c‘ipt; Eugene or‘the' s. A‘; attend: ‘ ing the Army Council in Toronto this‘ Captain' Hargrave and Licut. Mir. P. Burgess has returned from a visit to I elleville relatives and friends. Mr. Harry Wilkinsou‘cll Bbthel spent” town, but when I got to the’ bottom of it, Sammy here. . . Mr. Robt. cinema fort r..- Vimcouvcr' Sa tu rday. , Mr. Thos. A. Mitchell of Port ircxicnor’ porience I was satisfied that Local 0p-. spent the weekend the' guest of his‘ tion is being carried out according to niece, Mrs. A.'.\IcFa’rlan‘d‘.- . Mr. and M s. Terrill of-I’u'll’e’r spent} ai few days" t 0' guest ' of‘ .lel min )Irs.‘ _ Terrill at t'hc'll‘a‘lls". Miss A. Burtcha’oll spent a few dhys’ . in Toronto last week. 'Mr. Allan Terrill spent the week cud . in Toronto. ms: Brown of Toronto is visiting; Messrs. Robertsbn’ zi‘nd’ Wag'ar'and the? Misses Austin and Richards of tho Fenc-_ lon Falls Public Schb‘ol‘ stnfiatteudctf the Teachers’ Convention held in Lind- was telling me his experience in the say last, week. NIP. R. E, \Vugl‘u- was; elected vice-president of the Vic'to'rilii County To‘déhers" Association: a.- New M." Commenced: Oi’i‘; ~ill'rnlnosday work was connnonccdi on‘ the foundation of Mickie & Dynlcnt's‘j and soft drinks on Sunday; also selling mm (m: Rédnel“s 1’oiut.’hy‘ a Small gang of men, who were reinforced on ’l‘hursf day by a largermrmscr. The work will- be pushed to completion as rapidly as‘ possible.- 0.. Terrills’ lifter~ supper Sales. The ~i’Vedncsclaq' after supper sales of, ' Terrill Bros. have been creating niurli‘ .intcrest, and large crowds have availed themselves of the opportunity to securc‘ bargains. Some novel ideas have beer:-i intoduccd to attract. buyers, the princiâ€"‘ pal of these being the ofl'cr to take oldz shoes as part pay for new ones, 'l‘ho’ result was that a window full of good new boots was displaced by a collection of ancient footwear, in various stages of dilapidation. Nineteen ccnt brooms; were one of the first attract-lens, and Were so popular that they were pdt' (Hi again this week, and were all snapped} up in short order. went with a rush. Other goods also“ .-o St. Andrew‘s An‘niVersary Servic'esé: Arrangemcnts on a large scale arol Regular meeting of the’Couuc-il was completed for the anniversary services held on Monday, Oct. 14th. chair. All the on Sunday and Monday ncxt,(.)ctober' members present, the Reeve in the 20th and 2lst. The editor of the “'cst- minstcr, Toronto, will preach on Sunday, Deyman â€"Tiers.â€"That the following morning and evening. The Bury's Green" accounts be paid and the Reeve sign gravel, $38.00; Jno. Dinuie, work on drain, $35.87: Jos. Minore, work in gravel pit, $8.25; Thos. Scott, work on streets, 5.30; Jno. Jones, salary, $43.75 ; A. Suckett, work in drain, 900.; Foster Kelly, tile and pump fixtures. $51.70: E. Fitzgerald, book case for Commission Room, $6.00. Ticrs---Poulsom.â€" That this Council have an eave trough put on the front of the stone mill to carry the water off tlm street, and charge the same to the Commission. Council adjourned. 0-0 BAPTIST FOWL SUPPER. congregation have generously with: orders for thesamc: I". Jackett,drawmg drawn their scrvico for the day. Thé' ladies are preparing in their best style a fowl supper for Monday evening, and expect a record crowd. be rcâ€"inl‘orced from Lindsay, and the orchestra will supply a first-class mus- - icnl programme. divincs. and the local clergy, will deliver addresses. The choir will A number of visiting -.._â€"._.._ Card of Thanks. I wish to express my sincere thanks to‘ neighbors and friends for their many kindnesan during {he illness and at the time of tho death of my wife, the' late M rs (inumlull. and to assure thcln‘ The annual fowl supper of the Baptist “mt “""l' Sl'i‘lllilllly Wm always be: Church will he held on the evening of Monday, Oct. 28th, Thanksgiving Day. . tlu‘lnkl'ully remembered. .A. A. CAMERONr The and event occurred as ‘ pupila,’ ' ... 0..-“... “wt”; .a,_.~v.~.cxc;.<mrt >-~'~'r-*‘~ “‘ “ ' W~ WWW WM fivwc. .-..~. wanes-M“. "“ i

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