A: | l v . Wu“ am .451... 1.- . trounce: of their snootionl. - Tl Women's commonest ailment â€"â€"iho root of so much of their ill-healihâ€"prompily yields to the gentle but certain action of Na~Dru~Co Laxatives. .250. a box at your druggisi’s. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHCMIOAL Co. or CANADA LIMITKD ' ' lei WHAT WILL HAPPEN. '. A Southern lawyer tells of a. case l '1 SARDINES " that came to him at the outset of his career, wherein his prinCipal w1t- ness was a darky named Jackson, supposed to have knowledge of cer- "Tho tasty touch that means so much" for luncheon, after- noon tea or social evening. Deliciousl Nourishing! tain transactions not at all to the Get them From your Grocer ant. “Now, Jackson,†said the lawyer, “I want you to understand the importance of telling the truth when you are put on the stand. You know what will happen, don’t you, if you don’t tell the truth. “Yes, sir,†was Jackson’s reply; “in dat case I expects our side will win de case.†credit of his employer, the defend- Trado supplied by JOHN w. B1 arm: a GREENING, HAMILTJN. , MICROBES BU SIEST TIME. en’s Suits'“"“â€"°i‘é‘3‘â€"‘-‘"“ Make the Greatest Trouble at Nine and Nine. ' A celebrated scientist has made the interesting announcement that there are more microbes in the air at nine o’clock in the morning and at nine o’clock at night than during any other periods of the day. He has also discovered that the perccn- tage of microbes in the atmosphere is less at three o’clock in the morn- ing and three o’clock in the after- noon than at any other times. The explanation advanced for the par- tiality of the microbe for nine o’clock a.m. and pm. is that the “micro-be hour†is controlled by the movements of people. From ï¬ve to nine in the morning they are going ._.._..__>P....._.__._ Rest \Vork in Canada Gnlrl lilovdilist BRITISH AWE IGAll DV‘YING 00. -â€"-- an. a“ 233' mum“ Baby’s Own Tablets are baby’s best friend and the mother’s great- est aid- They cure constipation, simple fevers, break up colds, expel worms and regulate the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Napoleon Pellctier, St. Marcel, Que., writes: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for constipation and simple fever for both my little girl of’ three years and my boy of four months ,and have found them en- tirely satisfactory, and always keep them in the house.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. APPENDIClTIEa Cured without operations. All who are afflicted with this discuss and wish to be cured permanently. safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy. which willbe sent post-paid anywhere in the world with full ins;ructions for using so as to effect a permanent euro. Price $2. Address JOHN T. WAIT Homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprler, Canada. Eight Delightful Cruises to the Williams’ Medicme 00., Brockvflle, from their homes to their working mm ms Ont“ . places; anld from ï¬ve to nine in the ‘â€"â€"â€"’I""‘â€"“ evening t ey are again journeying ' NOTES 013‘ SCIENCE“ through the streets, either homeâ€" Lemng NW York ’ the m m8" â€"- ‘ ward bound or in search of plea- S.S. MOLTKF.‘ and VICTORIA LUISE Jan. 4, 15, 23, Feb. 8. 25. March 11,29, April 10, sure. He noted that at or about six o’clock every morning and even- ing there were indications of the approach of the microbe “rush†hour. From that time on until nine o’clock the atmosphere became more and more crowded with germs of all kinds, some bad, some good; and then, immediately after nine o’clock, the tide began to ebb, unâ€" til it was always lowest around about three o’clock. According to his researches, after lunch is the safest time for a nap. ‘I‘ Do it Now.â€"â€"-Disorders of the diâ€" gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difï¬cult to cope with. The ,surest remedy to this end and one that is within reach of all, is Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, the best laxative and sedative on the market. Do not delay, but try them now. One trial wil convince anyone that they are the best stomach regulator that can be got. An electrically driven machine to split kindling 'wood is a novelty. 16,21; 28 {laysâ€"8145, $16), :175. and up. The population of Jamaica has 1n- Also Cruises to the Orient, Around the creased 30 per cent. in the last 20 World, Italy and ngypa. etc. years“ Sond for Booklet, H ating Cruise. Electrolytic etching is used by a HAMBURG'AMERICAN LINE, new process to produce hardened . - ‘W ' R . - 41‘s Broadway, Nil. X0 K Steel (hes. , Liberia will be given a wireless station with 2,500 miles radius by a French company. Qperated much like a job printing press is a new rapid printing ma- chine for photograph. v According to recent expert estiâ€" mates China produces almost 10,- 000,000 tons of coal a year. A’ redhot poker will soften old putty and make its, removal around window panes an easy matter. London has more than 2,000 moo tor omnibuses and the number is being increased at a rate of about, thirty a week. ‘ It has been estimated that it costs a dollar to stop an ordinary passenger train moving at a ï¬fty- mile speed. __ ‘ An international congress on by- drology, climatology, and genology will be held at Madrid in October of next year. For treating goods returned by customers a New York department store has installed a complete ster- ilizing plant. Of Spain’s 4.130 coal mines only 601 are ofï¬cially recorded as proâ€" ductive. yielding but about 4,000,- 000 tons a year. An electric cab which is ï¬nding “ , _ ‘ . favor in. Berlin is a three wheeled “ Peggy 3 m a terrible ï¬x.†affair with the body and seats com- What’s the trouble?†“She just pletely inclosed. counted up and found she’d refused " -â€"-â€"â€"-““â€"‘â€"“ a dozen offers -of marriage, and Very many persons die annually now, though she’s crazy to marry from cholera and kindred summer chk, she’s afraid to accept him, complaints, who might have been because he’s the thirteenth.†saved if proper remedies had been >*vâ€"-â€"â€"--â€"v-â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€" used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg’s Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a - cure. Those who have used it say ’ it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. " FOOD-CUTTER is entirely different from the ordlna food chotpper. 'll‘he big-{cl labiln 1:0 closely tting sec ions,c ampe o e or onescbscrc . gaaadiain made1 rrgizichinc:i w e or n qua ity on a and rice works better, better ï¬ni chfreu in pair-.0. Five different cutting lures. "hiAXWELL'S _PUR1 ‘Y" is the only food cutter made in Canadaâ€"and in case, convenience, perfect r l. . cuttinganddurability ' -ip superior ‘0 any" thing imported. f our dealer does not andle " Maxwell's Purity" write us. DAVID MAXWELL a SONS, SI. Marys. Ont. pâ€"uâ€"n Sheâ€"Do you’believe a man knows when he is’inlove‘l Heâ€"Yes; and he doesn’t know anything else. .â€"_â€"â€".‘ Mlnard’s Linimont Cures Dandruï¬. Heâ€"So you lost that. handsome little dog you had? Sheâ€"Yes, in a railroad accident. I was saved, but the dog was killed. Heâ€"What a pity l .â€"_â€".â€" A Remedy for Earache.â€"To have the earache is to endure torture. The ear is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it,.considering it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil offers a simple rem~ edy. A few drops upon a piece of lint or medicated cotton and placed in the ear will work wonders in re- lieving pain. Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth, and he shall know in his heart what sort of a man he 18. W“ l'u-IJ. “Why did you insist on having your wife join‘ the Suffragetto Club?†“Because,†replied Mr. Meekton grimly, “I want to see that Suffragctte Club get all the trouble that’s coming to it.†~â€" Minard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgla. THE CAUSE. Auntieâ€"“Why, Tommy, how you do grow l†_. Tommyâ€"“Yes, I think they water me too much.†Astonished Auntieâ€"“Water you too much!†. Tommyâ€"“Yes, auntie; they bath me every night and morning.†lllimard's Llnlmont ior sale everywhere. A DIFFERENT ‘THING. Henry Hawkins, junior, was 0 Sir uT d In about to be married, and on the 0 eve of this momentous occasion he 1 e was discussing the forthcoming - event with his father. - McPhers’ Ar???" little oPes “Well, father,†he was saying, eugenng from “Chmg: bummg “I must confess that I don’t feel so eczemas: 01' Other torturing, sure of'tliis marriage business as I diSï¬guring'. skin troubles? Are did at ï¬rst. In fact, I’m funking it you, yourself, worn out with altogether.††ong, sleepless nights and cease- h.‘ kgnsgg‘se’ (ï¬ghggyd’o Vï¬fpggjgï¬ ' ’ ' IS p 1'6 o c y 2;? may m carmg for them} . Maudie’s a nice girl, with a little en you Should know that! ,m money and plenty of common-sense. mOSt cases: a Warm bath Wlth What more do you want?†‘ 0 “Oh, cs, I admit that i†re lied Cuticura Soap y p Henry junior. “But it’s all very ï¬ne for you to talk, father. You and a gentle application Of Gilli. married my mother; but I’m mer- curaOintmentbringimmediatcre tying a total stranger!†lief, the little sufferers sleep, tired, fretted mothers rest, and peace falls on distracted households. Angolan Cuticuro Soap and Ointment are gold y late and dealers everywhere. u. gotta! M ‘ uticuro," Dept. 2M. Boston, a. germ secure 3 libero-l com to of each i 82-p. book on the skin on scalp. and Graceâ€"“I’m sorry your brother’s marriage has turned out such a failure and such a rich wife too!†Blancheâ€"“That’s just it; rich things never did agree with Jack.†Nearly every man wants credit for knowing more than he really does. A man can dress in ten minutes, but it usually takes his wife an hour or more to straighten up the house after he does. vâ€". A : and we are getting a large quantity of DESPERATE. She entered the grocery store with a jar of marmalade in her hand and ï¬re in her eye. “See here,†she said to the clerk, “I bought this stuff because the card in your window says it’s an excel- lent substitute for butter.†“ch, ma’ani, so it is.†“Well, it’s a grand substitute, I must sayl I tried frying a bit of ï¬sh with it this morning, and the taste was so awful I had to throw the ï¬sh all away.†-.." . ...' , BRAI WORKERS of all classes delight in it Relieves that tired feeling MPTGN’S TEA Sustains and Qhoors. u«._____ SUFFERERS FROM PILES! in .__.. FARMS FOR SALE. _ Zam-Buk IIas Cured Those! H_ w_ DAWSON. N, Friction on the hemorrhoid veins Toronto. "My comm“ 8mm" that are swollen, inflamed and gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and stinging and ‘ . ' ' _ _ EVENTY-SIX AGREE WITH GOOD Smfutlng 0f plles' zum Buk ap S buildings and apple orchard-i about plied at night will be found to give ï¬ve miles from Hamilton. ease before morning. H . . w. DAWSON Tore to. Mr. Thomas .Pearson, of Prince ’ ' " Albert, Sa‘sk., writes: “I must 92 ACRES 5 MILES FROM LONDON market; il, l ; thank you for the beneï¬t I have rc- buildings. Win cgghangef‘ï¬optï¬y’ ceived from Zam-Buk. ,Last sum- 01‘ Village property. or for larger farm. mer I suffered greatly from piles. $139,122 ester“ ï¬engtEï¬iaae- London- 0M- mom Tl . l I started to use Zam-Buk and found 0 " rem ’5 “mm†it gave me relief, so I continued it, and after using three or for}? boxes a ELL YOUR PROPERTY QUIOKL 1t effected a complete cure. :5 “for; cnslfi. no Entitelï¬ whore locate . Magistrate Sanford, of Weston, 5†“'1‘ “3 r90. 01* ‘Bmte Salaam“ . Co.,Dcsk5,Lu l.Nb..U. . . King’s 00., N.S., says: “I suffered ] 00 n e S (A long from itching piles, but Zam- AGENTS WANTED Buk has now cured me.†DAY AND UPWARDS MADE WI'I‘E Mr. William Kenty, of Upper ' our fast selling Xmas goods; cir- perience unnecessary. Either sex. Samples Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N.S., free. Sand postage, twenty can“. 5913783 I syffezeg tegrl'bly lfrou; Nichols CO, Snudina, Toronto, Canada. les e aina lines em amos iinbebrablrei. I tried variohs oint- MALE HELP WANTED' merits, but everything I tried failed EM“; THE RAILWAY STATION to do me the slightest good. I was any (hciiler atli'iidgiun #3833113 ‘12?“ all tired of trying various remedies, gfï¬ï¬‚dihn railways. Positions secured. when I heard of Zam-Buk, and R:llf..f§t.§fet.33%’éo.m D°“““’°“ B°“°°‘ thought as a last resource I would give this balm a trial. After a very MISCELLANEOUS‘ _ ‘ANCER. TUMO 8. short time Zam-Buk effected a comâ€" (J formal and exlfernnli'.U:IuPr§h evillatholrï¬ plete cure.†ggflgrebyo ogrthonli; tgegltmont. Write ul ' 0 I e. . Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for Limited. Collinewodd. fin?“ mm" oo' skin injuries and diseases, eczema, EARN SILVER PLATINGFPARTIOE ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, burns, iars i’ree. Specialties Agency, Box bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc. 500.“ 1336' Wmnu’eg- box all druggists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations. Try Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. ,_____tx4______ UNDRED ACRESâ€"COUNTY HALTON; Good House: Buildings; Orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. REAL ESTATE WANTED. The Soul of a. Piano lathe Action. Inslot on the “OTTO HIG EL†Piano Action An expert cabinetmaker can take a new piece of furniture and make it look as if it was 200 years oldâ€"â€" and so can the average small boy. LANGIVIWIR'S . . ‘ camoso'rm The Real Liver Pillâ€"A tOI‘pld Shingle Stains liver means a disordered system, protect~presewo_aenutlfy mental depression, lassitude and in the end, if care be not taken, a chronic state of debility. The very best medicine to arouse the liver to healthy action is Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills. They are compounded of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other pills have their ï¬ne Qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive stomach. ' JAMES LANGMUIR 8: 80.. ilmited 1374i Bathuret Street TORONTO ' ALL SIZES ' AND KINDS. Smoke Stacks and Flues, Wa- ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers PGLSGN ’R‘il’M‘i’T‘é'B’fs' T080 NTO Engineers and shiohuilde ‘s. . Motherâ€"“Nellie and her hus- band are still quarrelling.†Fathcr‘ â€"â€"â€"“What, does he still object to her wearing high heels?†Mother â€"-“ch, and why should she lower herself to please him.†______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Maypole Soap _. FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes or one operation, giv- ing remarkably clean, bright, fast colors. Dyes cotton, wool, silk ‘or. mix‘ lures. 24 colon, will give any shade. Colors lOc, black l5c at your dealer's or poslp'd with b'k- let "How to Dye' “Om F. L BENEDICT & 80. Montreal Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1905 Mlnard's Liniment 00.. Limited. Dear Sirs.â€"Your traveller is here today your MINARD’S LINIMENT. We find it the best Liniment on the market. making no exception. We have been in busint 13 years and have handled all kinds. but have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. Most Economical Oderloss' ever invented. Burns ordinary I $19 0 Kerosene Oil. "A light all night for Z of a cent." w. A. EAGERMAN. _____._.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- “What brand of cigars do you like best, Sponker'l†“The brand you have in your pocket.†Postpaid Only the uninformed endure the I" 1'1?“ agony of come. The knowing ones ‘ ,, A. SI’RVI‘YER applyelgglIOivay’s Corn Cure and ' 'â€"" 5233251333“ ge ' MONTREAL. Throw mud-at a man and most of it falls off; throw flattery at him and it sticks. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Burns, Eta. Anyway, a married man never has to waste any time in making up his mind. Recognized as the leading spool? f‘ic for the destruction of worms, Mother Gravcs’ Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails We will give this bountiful Expansion Bracelet free of all charge, to any girl or young lady who will sell 40 sets of our handsome Season Gree.ing. scenic and floral postcards at 10 come n set (six beautiful curds in each set). WHEN. I! When does your hUSbnnd ï¬nd The Expansion Bracelet is of rolled gold plate, and fits any am. i e 0 do all his readin '1†tIRUt g . ' Send your name and We will send an sually when I want to tell him the ends. When Fr... d “a the 84 ï¬nd something important.†- H03 -' },' ‘ _. The smaller the man the bigger Bantam [ER WAR!†NTOL‘LO Ont ISSUE 42â€"’12 the boast. Samples and Booklets on Application' .we will send you w..- bracelet. .‘iddrese_ .g.’,2.. :: “5;: e r . ‘5 tr“ :2 - s‘uf‘ï¬fwfm’. «My?! ‘5 a . i- a «lawmanvs-vw r.sandman“assets/magmas,c.1257.“ r‘rgmf,n¢..af~aï¬.xa v .r-c ‘_ ,, Am‘ Aâ€" - .-\, ., . “urn ova A A All“ All M ’- (NV. 4“; is». .. «,3; ‘- Vv‘fl “x SM V~;'h ï¬g.