an' mg» . ; , A | ‘m “re-.2“ ilnemanl Catholic Church Caring for "I "mance at the Palace Theatre. when snowman. “Oldest Catholic Missionary Lives in Far North The celebration at Ground. at the _western end of Lesser Slave Lake, of the ï¬ftieth anniversary of Bishop Grouardâ€"tbe oldest active Roman Catholic misionary in Canadaâ€"will be remembered as one of the most un- usual and picturesque events in the ' entire life of the north. . Long before the date for the open» ing ceremonies Indians began arriv- ing with their squawa and papooses _ from every point of the compass. and by the most primitive means of trans- portation, to do honor to the occasion, This great band of aboriginesâ€"~01 ~vhlch there were at least a thousand ; â€"were dressed in their gaudiest cos- tumes, and the riot of color Was very ? magniï¬cent. The Indians encamped all along the, 3 northwest shore of the lake, and the- " trails of blue smoke arising out of theI ' crests oi’ the creamy white tepeei made wavy lines against the"g’!‘een oi tp‘e foliage and the deeper blue of the ; s y. ‘ : The ceremony began with a recep ’ttion and was followed by mass and various sports. Wm.pâ€"â€"â€"- .__.._ M N..- Suits to Order 818 to $35 world. Made to Your Measure in ~_ r A REMINDER The witness looked youthful, and "appeared to be rather uncomfortable, too. Consequently counsel assumed his most imposing manner. l “You describe yourself as a writer?†he began. ‘ "Yes. sir." i "What kind of a writerâ€"a sign- writer?" “Not an author?" "Partly. sir.†“What do you mean by "partly'?" "I’m in father's office, sir. He’s a money-lender, and I'm the author of all :the sharp letters to backward borrow- iers. if you remember. I sent you one 1sst.n'eek. sir." DR. J. H. STOLPER 7.2iirst "public defender" of Oklahoma. This is a. new office created by the State, and Dr. Stolper’s duty is to protect the interest in the courts oi persons too poor to hire lawyers. fli ‘ no: MAGNETIC wrsf Peopleâ€"Much Wpalth From U.8. So great has been the migration of lUnited States farmers to western Can- .ada during the past few years, that "the Roman CathOllc Church in the 'zUnltcd States. ï¬nding that the move- iment included many f its members and communicants, has formed an as- asoclation for the. purpose of aiding =and directing the settlers to a sec- tion where they could be in touch with '«communitles of their own faith. The association acquired a large wacreage, known as St. Peter’s colony. "in the Quill Plains district of Bass ' 'katchewan. A monastery was es- :tabllshed. and there is now a con- siderable Catholic population. The wealth of the immigrants settling in .‘the West during the ï¬ve years esti- ‘rrmated as follows: British, cash, $37.- Notice Weldon In the matter of the estate of Eli lili- yer. late of the Township ofsomer- ville in the County of Victoria, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands against the late Eli Hilyer, who died on or about the'twenty-ï¬fth day of September, A. D., 1912, in the Township of Somerville, in the County of Victoria, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the 1546; effects, $18,778,000. United , , . . State5_ cash, $157,230,000; enacts. undersigned, sohcntors herein for Alfred 4110 982 000_ Hilyer; executor of the said estate, their , ' ' names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them. And take notic‘e that after the first day of November, 1912, the said Alfred Hiiyer will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice.and that the said Alfred Hiiyer will not- bo liable for the said as- sets or any part; thereof to any person of 'whose claim he shall not then have received not-ice. ' Dated at Lindsay this 5th day October, 1912. ‘ McLaughlin. Peel, Fulton & Stinson, Solicitors for the said Aired Hilyer. Fenelon Falls oliice open every Tuesday. The Queen's Laugh There used to be an idea that Royal- ‘ty and those in its train must not 'laugh or display appreciation in pub- -1ic. This notion has been completely -exploded since the vaudeville perfor- ‘thelr Majesties and all their suite 'laughed so heartin at the comic "'turns." The Queen's laugh has in it a singu- larly merry ring, and is light and musiâ€" cal. It is said that when she was a little girl her mother. the late Duchrss "of Tech, used to try to make "Prino cess May" laugh so as to cheer her father when he got into one of the ills of depression to which he was sub- Ject. Canada’s Lobster Fisheries The Canadian lobster fishery, is, in spite of serious depletion, “the great- est and moat resourceful in the world." This statement was made by Mr. W. A. Found to the Commission of Conservation. ‘He further stated ‘lthst more than 50,000.000 lobsters are qannusily taken in Canada. and with efï¬cient pmtectibn this importapLin- -dustry bid 'air to maintain its pr- :sent important status. your order for Doors, etc. - Telephones in Britain ’ The National Telephone Company not Great Britain sen‘ed 250.000 tale Tahone users. and had an income. 0‘ "between “5.000.000 and 320,000,000 :acoordips‘to its last annual report. It ompibyed 18,200 persona/and th re wrere 516.888 stations. Sii!5,3._having hemmeddudnxmyeugl F. C. n... n ' «raw».- 1 Baby Carriage And V [in-Car s - it Attractne Pnces We would be pleased to have you call and see these , also our up-to-date' stock of Furni- ture. We make a specialty of picture framino‘. L. DEYMAN & SON.i GET THE BEST. IT PAYS. Among the'many positions our Col- lege has {recently ï¬lled were two worth $1100 and $1500. We are now trying to fill one at $1080. Demand for our graduates is_ fully ï¬ve times our supply. / %%&%h TORONTO. ONT. is a Business'College of the highest grade. Several former students of other colleges are now in attendance. It; pays to get a business education if you get. it in the right school. \Vrite for our catalogâ€"Ifaâ€"Enter now. w..I. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL , Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. For Estimates '01] new buildings consult us. Or give us Sash, Interior Finish, We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what .you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. TAYLOR. Suits Made to Special Order in F611: Working Days E - CAN tailor to your-exact measure a special order Semi-yearly ' Suitâ€"and have it delivered to you on the exact date promised. Count up the travelling hours from here to Montreal, plus it With four working days for cutting, trimming and ï¬nishing the garment from the pattern you selectâ€"and you have the exact time. This is‘ a time-tried method with Semi-ready Tailoringâ€"{or every ' Semi-ready store is so equipped to supplement its service and stock with the facilities of the ï¬nest wholesale tailoring organization in the Every pattern of imported English weaveâ€"every garment guaranteed -â€"-and the identical same prices here and everywhere in Canada. Four.DaYs- That’s a satisfactionâ€"won .know absolutely that the Semi5rcady price is fair and the same to you as to others. For Sale byt'Terrill Bros, Fenelon Falls. For Sale or Rent. â€".â€"...n~ 0n Fidler’s hill. a large seven roomed frame house, with summer kitchen and \voodshed attached, a good stone cellar, cistern, stable and a garden. Apply to Mr, Thos.Graham, Fenelon Falls, or 362 Huron 813., Toronto. GOUWÂ¥JEMMI .mEmnma Furniture delivers ‘LESS . THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. fuses our goods. 8. S. Gamer. FENELON FALLS. SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. Do You Own a DB ARE YOU A SLAVE T0 ILL-HEALTH ? A“ all t o i} Requires placed in any part of’ your home ; lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the lending physicians and health ofï¬cials ; specifiedby the most prominent architects and adopted by whole municipalities. ‘ Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less thanja year. Ask your dealer for prices. The Parkyte Sanitaa y Branchesâ€"Toronto, Montreal; Ca F. KELLY, _ Sanitary Chemical Closet _ in your home is the strongest, kind of insurance against the germs of diseace. It is a preventative against, epidemics and contagion in the sommer, and an absolute necessity the year round. Chemical (31th is made in Canada {by PARKER WHITE LIMITED. Winnigeg, Man.‘ . ‘FENELON FALLS. v -.‘.t «"5523 -‘ i FENELON FALLS _....._. Fenelon Falls,Fridoy,lOct. 11, 1012 Whent,Scotch or Fife 85c. to 90- ' Wheat, bump to 95 ' " Wheat, spring, ‘30 to BS Barley, per bushel, 65 to 85 Dots. per bushel, 47 to 50 Posse, per bushel, 90to 100 Buckwheat, 65%. to 70 Potatoes, bush. all) to 45 Butter, per pound, 23 to 26 Eggs, per dozen, 23 to 24 Hay, per ton, $8 to $10 Hides, $8.00 to 9.0.0 llogs, live, $8.00 to $8 50 Beef, $ 8.00m $9 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 12 to 17 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flounwinnipcg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, SiIVcr Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour, Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $33.60 Ficur, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.35 to 1.40 Shorts, (10., $1.40 to $1.45 Mixed Chop, (10.. $1.55 to $1.110 Corn Chop, £10., $31.70 to $1.76 Students may enter any day. Open the entire year. Now isa good time to enter. Largest iruin- ers in Canada. Graduates get; best. positions. Thousands studying at home. School of Isaac Pitinun. The largest; and most popular school in Eastern Ontario. Our management trained 2,000 stud- ents last year. There must be a reason. The. onlyschoolin illust- ern Ontario afï¬liated with the ~.-, Commercial Educators Association of Canada. Write, phone or call to. investigate. . SPOTTUN BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON. PRESIDENT. :-'. . ".011" -..."~‘ 35A.†3" ‘ TRADE Mums DESlGNS Common-rs sic. ‘ Anyono sending a sketch and description mu quickly ascertain our onlnlon tree w other an invention is probably ntontnble. ommunlrna tions strictlyoonudent n1. HANUBUU on Patents sent free. Oldest n oncy for securipz ateixls. Patents taken t rough Munn special muss. without. charge. in the 1 Scientiï¬c ï¬nances. . Ahondsomely illustrated weekly. Largest. sir-- culstion or any scientiï¬c journal. Terms for Canada, $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by all nonsdcalers. Miiilli 8. 89.8mm» Newlggkj Branch Omcc, 62b 3' BL. Washington. ONE d to your home at Call and “ PARKYTE †PAHliYTE†neither water nor sewerage ; can be costs less than one cent a (lay, and lgary and Vancouver, and-is sold by ‘bsb’. - 0. receive . g i I ;-;\:Ei‘.,£*~'. '. ~ ' .: . '< { ‘.‘- ' - ‘ '< “ ‘. _‘ .~V_4.-_ , . ‘ i4 1‘4" 4 ,. . “.5. .." 5‘ ‘v' -. .. - can «u».- - ‘ , >7: .,- *. I" I" ‘ ‘nmmk‘wusxhsw .........<.1.s: a n n! f if -