Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Sep 1912, p. 4

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,:._ .__...,-. . D 5-: AW‘ .. - .~;:- - tsp-’3‘, ‘. .'. '~;|‘~WQ§J\(’.‘ The King of Rnnioe~ "BUCK‘S HAPPY THO‘JGHT" One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Canadian Women have decided for The “ Happy Thought” Range. Common Ranges were not good enoughâ€"why should they be for you ? Don’t be imposed on by " “just as good " talk. The construction of The “Happy ‘Thought” is patented, its 1 design registered, it is totally difierent in every respect to any other. There is none like it. There can be none so good. If you only knew the time, the trouble, the labor it would save ~ you, how little fuel it uses, you would not be one single day without one. is,“ The WM. Boon STOVE camera...” MlLLI‘NERY n REDUCED PRICES Wm. Campbell. Sole Agents for the D. & A. Corsets. New Idea Patterns 10c. NEED A RlNG ? Engagement Rings. Wedding Rings. All the fashionable. stones in Wide oval, narrow high oval, every variety of combination. Tiffany or English style. Quality of stones, gold and Stamped “Britton Bros.”and workmanship the best. guaranteed- for‘ all: time. Whether you Wish to buy or not come and; See. Britton ' Bros. FOOT 0F KENT s1'., LINDSAY. Issuer of Marriage. Licenses. A Woman of Few ‘ Words. , Mrs. Harry E. Bye, Main Street North, . Mount Forest, Ont, writes: Your res. medy for kidney, bladder and. stomach, trouble has. given me great relief. Hav '. taken three boxes_a1_1d now feel lik living'and better than. I have felt for! years endl give your- FIG PILLS ' all the praise, for they are the best I have. and fascinating. As entirely 0311331311 BliSlIleSS PEOOBduI‘B ever tried.” At all dealers, 25 and 50 cents, or The Fig Pill (29., St. Thomas. for the training of the ambitious Qnt.“ 12' young People of our country. f 1 1 Our raduates are success u . _ Ask agstudent or exfsl‘zudeutâ€" 1n Fenelon Fans A. J) they are oursbest advertisements. _ nous sruov couasss. Gould, Drugglsfz. lindsay Business College 0. R. Bower A. H. Spotton Principal President “Why We Excel We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern 0n- tario. The courses are thorough COAT LOST‘. I Lady‘s fawn~colored Raincoat. bet on Saturday afternoon between Powles’ (‘nrnor and Feuclon‘Falis. Reward at . Terrill fires... ENTER ANY DAY. ....e .. ..mwfiâ€"g‘Aâ€"râ€"fâ€"â€"r-yg EA“ ,_ " Jfie Echelon Jails Eugene. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912. Local Option Meeting. Rev. Dr. McTavish, an organizer sent out by the Dominion Alliance, addressed a. meeting in Jordan’s hall on Tuesday evening on the subject of local option. Among other things, Dr. McTavish pointed out that the carry- ing of local option, and its enforce- ment, had been made less difficult by changes in the law. Three months residence in a municipality prior to voting is now necessary, and this re-‘ quirement prevents the bringing in of non-residents to vote. Regarding the enforcement of the law, it is now a punishable offence to have liquor on hotel premises, and actual sale need not be proved. Police or constables who neglect to act upon information given are subject to prosecution. Dr. McTavish said that the one un- answerable argument for local option was the failure of its opponents to repeal it where it is in force. Last January the by-law was open to repeal in 178 municipalities, but in only fif- teen of these was repeal attempted, and not one attempt to repeal suc- ceeded. To show conclusively that local option does not injure business, as its opponents say it does, Dr. Mc- Tavish instanced Barrie, Orillia, Mid- .land and Collingwood, all in Simeoe county and all under local option ex- cept Barrie. Barrieis the only one of the four that isut a. standstill, not- withstanding its advantage of being the county town. , are growing rapidly. Dunsiord _'Rn;ra_l_' School Fair. . The first'Qrutar-ifschon‘air held at 'Dunsford on" September 12th has passed into history as an unqualified suCcess. About ten o’clock Mr. D. A. MacKenzie, of Lindsay, District Rep- resentative of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, and his assistant, Mr. ,VIZ. T. Hunter, arrived on the scene with chicken coops and tent, and by twelve o’c10ck one hundred Barred Rock chickens were in coops ready for judging, and fourbusy teachers were puttiig the finishing touches on as ,many exhibits in the twenty by forty tent. Lunch baskets were then un- covered and visitors and exhibitors enjoyed their dinner in good old picnic style, after which the crowd betook themselves to Mr. S. Thurston’s field 'opposite the station, where a program of sports was run ofl. ‘ While the sports were in progress the judging of the various exhibits took place, and at the conclusion of sports the prizes were awarded to the successful competitors. The exhibits as a whole reflected great credit on the work of the teachers and pupils of the competing schools, while the at- tendance, which. reached about three hundred, spoke well for the interest of the people of Dunsford district, in the first profession of the land, agri .‘culture., MacKenzie and these “associated: with. him. in. establishing; this Fair have every reason to feel gratified and encouraged at the success which has attended their eflorts. Mr. W'. T. Hunter placed the awards in tne poultry section, while Mr. D. A. MacKenziejudgpd the exhibits in the tent. Mr. MacKenzie feels deeply grate. > ful to the ladies who so kindly assisted him in providing and serving codes to those whowere present. for lunch, and to the. community in. general. for. the generous support accorded himiu. this. new departure, Special Trains for Lindsax Fair. A special= train will leave Lindsay at .8.l5 p.,m. for Fenelon Falls and inter- mediate stations on Friday, Sept. 20th. On Saturday, the let, a special will leave Lindsay at 8.15 pm. for Haliburton and intermedian stations,_ 1; Farewell Meeting} ~ m.- Fenelon Fair Prize List. | The annual Thank-olioriug meeting of the W. F. M. S. ofSt. Andrew‘s Church - was held on Friday afternoon and even: ing in the church. Rev. C. S. Lord, Pas: tor of the Church oiliciatcd as chairman. The afternoon meeting was of the nature of ,l'rew‘cll to Miss Agnes I. Dickson, Following is a. partial list of the! prizewinners at the Fenelon fair. The remainder will appear in next issue. Houses. The other three Draught Horses.â€"Span, 1 J35. Emery, 2 J83. Poison, 3 J. H; Brandon. Brood Mare, Cullis & Lane, J. Ii. Brandon. Foal,J. H. Brandon, Cullis 3: Lane. Two- year-old Colt, 1 and 2 Wm. Golden. General Purpose Horses.â€"-â€"Spnn, Wm. Kelly, Wm. Hetherington, Adam Ruther- ford. Brood Mare, A. McGee, Ed. 'I'ruax, Wm. Fell. Foal, Ed. Traux, A. McGee, Wm. Hetheringtou. 'I‘wo-year-old Colt, H. Stroud, Wm. Fell. One-year-old Colt, Wm. Hetherington, H. Owens. Specialsâ€"Agricultural Team, Wm. Kelly. Foal, 1912, Jas. Moynes. Walk- ing Team, J. H. Brandon. Draught Foals, 1912, J. 11. Brandon, Ed. 'I‘raux. Carriage Horsesâ€"Span, Jas. Polsom, J. Flett. Brood Mare, Jos. Moynes, J. J. Kelly. Two-year-old Colt, Alex. McGee, J. J. Kelly, S. Roy. One-yearâ€"old Colt, Jos. Moynes, S. Roy, Wm. Hethcrington, Single Driver, 15% hands and under.â€" A. Tiers, Wm. Golden, R. J unkin. Single Driver, over 15} hands.â€"- W. Rody, Wm. Gillis, Wm. Brandon. Cart Horse.-â€"J. H. Brandon. Lady Drivenâ€"Mrs. Rudy, Miss Nic- hols. Three-year-old Horse in Harness.â€"S. Hamilton, Robt. Eyers. Special.â€"Style and Speed, W. Rody, W. Golden, A. Tiers. Two-year-old Hackney in Harness.â€"A. Mche. Lady's Turn-Out.â€"â€"Miss Knox, Mrs. Rudy. Specials.â€"â€"Foal, 1910, A. McGee. One- Hetherington. CATTLE. Durhams.â€"Cow, 1, 2 and 3 Cullisd: Lane. Heifer, two-year-old, 1, 2 and 3 Cullis & Lane, Heifer, one-year-old, l, 2 and 8 Cullis & Lane. Bull Cali, 1 and 2 Cullisd‘z Lane. Heifer Calf, 1 Cullis & Lane, 2 A. McGee, 3 Cullis & Lane. Ayrshires.-â€"~Bull, one-year-old, Chas. Alger, J.A. Patterson. Cow, F. Northey, Chas. Alger. Heifer, two-year-old, J. H. Brandon, Chas. Alger. Heifer, one-year- old, F. Northey, J. H. Brandon. Bull ' flair, Fl. Northey. Heifer Calf, Jus. Gra- iam. ' Jerseysâ€"Heifer, twoâ€"year-old, 1 and 2 Jas. Burtchaell. Bull Calf, Jas. Burt- chaell. Heifer Calf, Jus. Burtchacll. Holstein.â€"Cow, J. C. Parrish. Grade Cattleâ€"Cow, J. A. Patterson: J. C. Parrish, Heifer, two-year-old, J. C. Parrish. Heifer Calf, A. McGee. Best Bull, any age or breed,â€"â€"Cullis & Lane. . Specials.â€"Bost Six Dairy Cows, J. C. Parrish. Herd of Cattle, Cullis & Lane. Guam AND Sssus. Fall Wheat, 1 Chas. Duggan, 2 Robt. Eyres. Spring Wheat. Chas. Duggan. Rye, Chas.Duggan, J.H. Brandon. Peas, Jas. Lamb. Oats, Wm. Hotherington, Chas. .Duggan. Barley, Chas. Duggan. Timothy Seed, James Burtchaell. Chas. Duggan. Clover Seed, Chas. Duggan. WhiteCorn, Jas. Lamb. Special, Shoal of Cats, W. Glaspell. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. H. Brandon. Mnn‘golds, Jas. Burtchaell, H. B. Ruby. Carrots, half long, Wm. Koast, H. B. Raby. Carrots, long, Jas. Burtchaell, Miss Burtchaell. Parsuips, Wm. Keast, Miss Burtchaell. Turnip Beets, Miss Burtchaell,Wml Kcast. Long Beets, Jns. Burtchaell, Jas. Lamb. Sugar Beets, J. Burtchaell, F. J. Pethick. Cab- bage, flat, Chas. Duggan, H. Nelson. Cab- bage, cone, 1 and 2 H. Nelson. Squash, Chas. Alger, Miss Burtchaclln Vegetable Marrow, Miss Burtchacll, J. Burtohaell. Pumpkin, Wm. K'cast, Chas. Duggan, Onions,~i‘rom top, Albert Kelly, Adam Rutherford. Onions, from seed, J. C. Parrish, Wm. Keast. Potato Onions, E. Smitheram, Jas. Lamb. Top Onions. E; ‘ Nelson, Miss Burtchaell. Variety. Pota- toes, Wm. Keast, F. Smitheram. Pota- toes, Rose, Wm. Kcast, F. Smithcram. Potatoes. Beauty of Hebron, Wm. Kcast, F._ Smitheram. Potatoes, Elephant, F5, Delaware, A.» Smitheram. Potatoes, V I Rutherford. Special. Early Potatoes, Jas. Poisom. Special. Late Potatoes, F. Smitheram. Special, Variety ofiVe'get- ables, Miss Burtchaell. ' ._ DAIRY, 1211000012., ‘ 5,0 lbs. Butter, Mrs. Lamb. Buttenyliirs. Lamb. 3 lbs. Butter, prints, Mrs. Alger. Mrs. Wm. Hetherington. Home-made Bread, Mrs. Jus. Lamb, M rs. I“. Northey. Variety of Cakes,_Mrs._E. Northcy. Maple Sugar,_M rs. Jasnhamb. Maple Syrup, A. Rutherford, Mrs. J. Lamb, Pickles, Mrs. J. Lainh,.lilrs._ F. Bethick. Preserves, Wild Eruibh Miss. ,Bolsom,,M rs. Pethick. Preserves, Tame .Fruit, Mrs. Hotherington, Mrs. Pethick,‘ Jelly, Mrs. Hetherington,,Mrs, Northcy. Special, Display of-- Cooking. Mrs. E. Nor-they. Special, Dr. Graham’s 5. lbs.’ 'Butter, Mrs. C. Alger. Special; Mr, Stanton's 5 lbs. Butter. Mrs. Wm. Hoth- erington. Special, Pair Ducks, Miss Polsom. Special, I (102. Eggs, A, Ruthern ford. Special. Collection of Fruit, Jas. Lamb. Cauliflower, I-I. Nelson, Miss Burtchaell. Tomatoes, Wm. Keast. Coll- ection Cut Flowers. Mrs. Wm. Hether- inalou..Mrs..-las. Lamp... ' ,. p.73... . M, .I , year-old Colt, Agricultural Class, Wm. A White Turnips, 1 Waniiethcringtomfi H. B. Baby. Swedes. Jas. Burtchaell, J... 20- lbs. ' “"3 euros shortly for China to resume her missionary work. Rev. Mr. Keith, of Knox Church, l’ct-erborough, and a representative of the Board of Foreign Missions was present, and gave address- es at both sessions. During his address in the evening he spoke of the high opin- ion held by the Board of Foreign Missâ€" ions concerning Miss Dickson‘s efforts in her chosen field during the six years she has been in China. Mrs. Fol-dot Cannington gave a most inspiring ad- dress on the subject of Prayer. Miss Agnes Dickson addressch the meeting in the afternoon on the subject of Thanksgiving, and in the evening on the pacscnt day situation in China. Both addresses were highly appreciated. Appropriate music was rendered during the services. A pleasing feature was the presentation of a set of books to Miss Dickson by Mrs. Lord on behalf of the W. F. M. S. The members of tho Agnes Dickson Mission Band of Kirklield were present. Refreshments were served in the lecture room after the afternoon meeting. o-.-â€"â€"â€"â€"_. Personal Mr. A. Warren of Winnipeg is visiting relatives at the Falls. .Mr. Wellington Ingram, of Toronto, is Visiting Feuelon Falls relatives. Mrs. Pearce and Miss Agnes Ellis of Parry Harbor are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. J. H. Robson of Madoc, and Mr. Albert Menzies of Cobalt attended the funeral of their brother, the late Alex. Menzies, on Saturday. M r. R. A. Robinson, formerly manager of the Bank of British North America here, is spending a vacation at the Falls. Mrs. G. A. Linton (nee Cameron) of Swift Current, Sask., was the guest ofl Mrs. H. B. Townley last week. ' Among those from the Falls attending- Kinmount fair were Messrs. J. H. Bran- don, John Copp, W. 'I'. Robson, F. H. Magee and Trans. Poulson. ‘ Dr. Mason, M. P. P., and Mr. II. W. Kearns attended Victoria Road fair on VWednesday. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"~«o --____._.. Population of Victoria County. A bulletin issued by the Dominion Government giving the statistics of On- tnrio municipalities for 1912 is to hand. The following are the populations re. corded for the different municipalities in Victoria County for the year 1912 :â€" TOWNSHIPS 24' (L39 412' '71 9. Fenelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1931 Laxton, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572: Marlposa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 223d: Ops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........201‘l»: Somerville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1698: Vcrulam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18641 VILLAG ES Bobcaygenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913: Fenclon Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100i Omemee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509.; Sturgeon Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385‘. Wooodvilie . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 . TOWN Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,142' ‘Eransporiaiion. Telegraph operatingn otters; splendid opportunities for young men who wish. to engage in the great businessvoi tI‘SJIS.‘ portation, Np country in the \VOdflliS; 510mg thenailsvfix- building that. Ganadn is now. engaged inand- the young man whogoes into this line of work and'bcn comes skilled in railway operations is almost absolutely certain to win great rewards. The one school which istraino. mg youngmen for. this field-with sunbeds success is. the Central Telegraph and Railroad; School of Toronto. See card in», ouradyhcolumns. e- \VOM EN’S INSTITUTE. The regmlar~ meeting of the Women's; Institntewill; he. held on Friday aftcr-. noon,_Sept. 20th, at~thc homeof, Mrs. W. B; Jordan. ‘ H ' S. A. THANKSGIVING, The. annual Thanksgiving services of- tho SalyationArmy willbc held on Sat-i urday, and Sunday, Sept. 21 and 22.. Brigadier anti-Mrs. Horgvave will. Q0117. duct the meetings“ " .7 A HOPKINSâ€"In the township of Somcr-. ville, on Sunday, .Aug. 13th, 1912, to Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hopkin,s,_a daughter. Flsx.â€"â€"In the township of Verulam, on, Sunday, Aug, 13th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Fisk. anon. ' ISAAc.â€"Ip_ the township ,of Fenelon, on, Thursday,,Aug._ 3-lst, 1912, to Mr. and;. Mrs. Geo.,.Isaac, a son., ' DIED-. Gunmanâ€"At Utterson, on Saturday, September. 14th, 1912,- Mary Ann Golden,‘ aged 28'years, 10 months and 10 days. ‘ KING.â€"At Battle Creek Sanitarium. Battle Creek, Michigan. U. S.. on Fridays, Sgt. 13. 1912, Mrs. Dale King, only. a ighter of Mr. John D. Smith, of Ports Hugo, Oath . . . . . . s.“ 1,4 M. v x uh l. . '. a ,n a”, fit.-. ‘dg. .; «finds in; ,A- -.>- . I: ‘. 1‘ . .“,‘~ ,‘ ,. - .. ., p , . . v as:

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