. .. _. m. __....... . .‘meWM-mn. . 9‘ '" ‘r‘ ‘ ~v ‘~ ' " . .. s. ,, - ‘ ,. ._' , y -,>.' £‘3'~-{:,.:,.‘r «.1, ,'~"‘,ï¬,1’ _~ ’ e -. u . ~e“ ‘ . new"; * ’ ' V . U-Wp‘o- mu um u mums, Better Keep Hands Off the "Pure Erect,†which Is a Specialized Business H Docs the breeding and feeding of a pure-bred dairy herd pay? This each man must consider according to his location, the capital that he has to in- vest and his general knowledge and at understanding _of the business. I ' ' "l‘he pure-bred business is a special- , ized business. It requires a watchful , _ Icare, thorough knowledge of the here- .uity of the cattle in your herd, con- .stant study in breeding, a better under- standing of the wants of the commun- ity in which you are located and plenty 0 -of money to iny’e'st in new blood at ~ any time the demands of the herd call for it. . - Records must be kept, and a daily ' record of each item be entered; in fact, xi might say you must ever be ready with pencil and paper to mark down .dates of service, birth, etc; "All this 'must be kept right, so that if called upon you can swear to your record. i, Even an application for registry pe- PETERBDHD SILVER BAND, WHICH WILL PLAY AT FENELDN'FALLS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, AUG. Ill-AND II M ' urea they cease Work, wnerens, u tnoy , , Inst every particle of grain out of the FENELON FALLS MARKEPS ' straw every morning they will be at it _ -__‘. _._..__. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Aug. 9, .1912 I “on day as brisk as ever. Never throw ‘2!“ ‘pers amounts to an oath' Ll! GOWn ln‘the wet or muck. Put it on Wheat, Scotch or File, 850. to 90¢. ' ‘ I You must keep posted on the activi- {a clean surface under cave“ Th3 - .tht, tan. 90 w 95 V [l k I x I _ ‘ “93 01 your breeders' assocmuon- Y0“ ,‘vacant straw can be removed before it Wheat, spring,- 80 to 85‘ I-CANADIA ! ’ p ‘ I mus: always be ready With 3- Penv mkv accumulates too much. It will pay all Barley, per bushel, 65 to 85 -, ~ 4, ' ' " - it and paper, and always cheerfully re- 30 buy a, quantity of grain in the straw oats, per bushel, 47 to 50 .'PAEV!‘E|F'4. ‘ E .e‘ .113; to all inquiring letters and postalâ€" ma atom it for daily use. ’ Pease, per bushel, 90to 100 - cards received, and at times this alone . - . v ' Buckwheat, 650. to 70' Potatoes, bush. 1 50 to 1.80 N __ . V | NDACIOUS WINDOW ME ' s Butter, per pound, 20 to 23 Chancellor Prescott, of Carlisle, is , Eggs'per dozen; 18 to 19 hnxious that stained-glass windows ’x,>.-Hay, per ton, $8 to $10 should tell the truth, and not repre- Hides, $8.00 130930 sent the pictorial fiction of artists. ,, Hogsylive, $3_09‘ {,0 $3 50‘ die rented a faculty, for a willde -j;;,'L'..â€"Bgeï¬vgfg.ogto $9 Iwhit; is to be erected in St. Aidan’s» ' Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Church Carlisle, in memory of the wool, 12 to 1.7,, _ flute BIBhOD ware, Of Barrow-111F111“ Flour, Samson,.$2.8€l to $3.00 peas, subject to an amended design be- Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 in? submitted. He did 110* thinks 311- Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 memo ï¬es usually were coats-of-arms. and Flour,Victoria’$2.45.t0-$2_55 .030 0‘ “19111 W“ represented dad I“, Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.60 the costar-arms 0! the Dean and ChnD- Flounfamilv, clipper, $2.35 to r2 19’ °£ (brush' oswald' King“ Norm' Bran per ‘100 pounds $1 35 to Iumbris, who died at the age of thirty- shores do._.;_$1..40 to‘ {€1.4ggy latchi- Wa- represented as a“ mid Mixed’cséi), (10., $1.55 to $160 man. and the'artists in stained glass _ . '- Mil now have to make him look more CU“. 0905?? $140 to @1370 : roman» will prove quite burdensome to the 3" man on the farm. Your sires must always be selected I ‘ .with the greatest care and judgment, and‘even then breeding requirements I l foiHARvssrmo IN wssran cANADA " GOING TRIP WEST." _ -»" RETURN TRIP EAST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Pl half cut. or mile from Winnl 11 Plus half centpormilefrom allpointseast of to‘ï¬wmd‘d, Gillan", or Edmonton. peg p MacLood, Cshzuryor Edmonton to Winnipec GOING. DATE : . ' Ali-GUST Emilâ€"Front stations on all lines" on anisouth c? the .Grand Trunk Main . ’ Line. create to Sarnia, including all stations on the C.P.R. Toronto to . gindsor (inclusive) and Branch Lines including Guelph subâ€"division from E: uclph South and from Brampton South. . , 5:; AUGUST 23rdâ€"From Toronto and all stations north of, but not including the Grand ' Trunk Main inc, Toronto to Semis, and from Toronto east to. but not IniftIllidlan Kingston. Sharbot Lake and Reni‘rew; and C.P.R. Lines -. ,, . westo en rew. _ . , august foH-iâ€"From all stations in Ontario; Toronto and.East, Qtillls and Scotia. " Junctioln and cast;dals<l)lcan (I)! Norththy,an€aI%asthm antlï¬ipind m hâ€" ram oronto an a stat one woe , n u re“ or -' AUGUST 3m ncluding C.P.R. stations. Sudbury to Sault Ste. aria. Ontario. _ 0 WA SECOND-CLASS 'l'lCKB‘l'S WILL I! SOLD 10 WINNING ONLY A. Onelwayï¬conzl class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include I . " v rliicatlon certiï¬cate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed ' a Winnipc by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer. the ' coupon'valY bc‘ Honored up wwacgumbir fair ticket at rat: Osloneâ€"lï¬sicflgzi; minimum ï¬ft cents) to any 5 n wes o no peg on c. as an a , l~iorthcrn or Giand Erunk Paciï¬ï¬mayzlip Manitoba, So's tchewan or Alberta. but not of Edmonton, a or , a. . . . wen/i. certiï¬cate will bcglgucd entitling purchaser to c second-class ticket to eturn‘ from any station on the Canadian Paciï¬c. Canadian Northern. or Gm Trunk sclï¬h Railways in Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton, to original eta-run int by the so a route as travelled on olngnjourney on or before ovcmber 30th on payment 0 one hall cent 1' mile min um ï¬fty cents) up an . _. inni “(idea to 318.00imaninnipcg,provldcd t holder deposits the certiï¬cate with ‘ " the tic et 'a slit on arrival at destination and works at lean thirty day: at harvesting. ' ;' For f particulars pee nearest C.P. Agent. or write- ‘ ' " " ‘ ‘ ’ ll. 9. nuarsr, D.P.A.. c.r.u., Toronto 1‘. I may force you to invest in a better one than you now- own, although you Emmy be compelled todispttse of your ., v . ‘ present high-priced sire for much less than he cost you. This alone would . strongly test the nerve of many a suc- »«5 =cessful farmer. Then again it is an "undoubted fact that all pure-bred ani- . ' mals are more susceptible to disease than the more hardy grades that ori- ginated from the same breed; this renders them a more hazardous in- vestment than grades. All of us, by a little self-searching. can tell whether or not we are strict ,t’rut’h-tellers or_whether We are indi- vidually given to misrepresentation or evasion of the cold, straight facts. All I can say to you if you are of this class is "to keep your hands off" of _the business of,breeding pure-bred cattle. If you maké‘ onb"mistulr‘e and go wrong, your occupation and busi- ~~ness is mined and yau have a herd of cattle on your hands that no breed.- er with a reputation would dare to buy, ,evsn though he was satisfied that they {were good individuals and worth the gxnoney you were asking for them. The Sovereign . l ;_ H Open‘ the entire year. Now is a raw: MAnK nee. _ good tim‘é’ to‘ enter. Largest. train- , Sheathing Felt .crs in Canada? Grkdunfes-getbe‘st Contains no oil or tar. is clean, positionsi’i’ Thousands's'tudying at home. :ZSeb‘colwof Isaac Pitman. .Thev larcht and most popular Our ,,::. ,i- « .... school ill Eastérn Ontario. I -' t?“ d ‘2, 0 t d. odorless. waterproof, germ and†management rune I, 00 s u t C discriminating buyer‘will study the _ I ' eï¬ts“laf5f;i,‘}308F-l_.,'1f*'fiel“llisï¬ci’9té I; . ' ‘breeder’s pedigree fully as closely as vermin erf and practically" ch§08.f: neon“ yrsc 130‘ in] as..- _ - .« ' he will that of the animal. jndestmcubh' Makes. houses - 8’†“ï¬rm-"'5‘ i ‘ate '“lt‘ the v l CommercialEd'lgcators‘Association _ of Canada“. Write, phone or call ‘4 to investigatéz’ ‘ ' . ' ..;SPOTTON, BUSINESS COLLEGE asepspo'rroni PRESIDENT- ., as . Newf’I‘elephone GOING THEM ONE BETTER. ' / , > _ With grades, on the other hand, a man can start on a very» little capital "" to lay the foundation for a successful ‘- ' - ' ibusin’ess, and, with the occasidnal pur- .-».ohase of a well-bred sire, he will be‘“ :jabie by careful feeding and judicious ‘ reelection to build up a good working igherd of cows. By raising all of» the ’lbest heifers that come from good Scows and feeding them so that they ‘will be large enough to come to pro- dit in the dairy by the time they are draftâ€"proof, easy to heat, and: comfortable in any Weather. Come in and see it. 76 3.1. onus-u Manufacturers' ms STANDARD PAINT CO. ’ Can-do. United. Mammal; Jos. Heard, - ’ Furniture delivered to. your home LESS TH AN OI T Y PRICES Fenelon Falls. menty 8L! ‘0 months of age, he , ! I V .D' ( ) 1 : ~l 1-Day expand he bus megs as lme goeg H ‘ S. Ii. :On. he watch! an the tdetaua at r - C fthe business and use good Judgment Iin selecting his first breeding bull to Icorrect the deformities and deficien- Directory. R. Morrow, - .‘ Kirkiield. -Lsee ‘ our goods. .The Bell Telephone Company of Cana- da is soon to print a new issue of the OFFICIAL Tatum-10m: DIRECTORY for the District of Central Ontzlx-io,vincluding 8 ° I SO 6! a 8 7/; o "fFenelon Falls FENELON FALLS Parties who contemplate becoming ‘f Subscribers, or those who wish changes in their , present entry. should place I their ordch with the Local Manager at Zcies that may exist in the cows, and {not be constantly trying new combi- .nations, he will have in a few genera- :tions as good cows for all practical ;purposes as the pure-brads from which {the grades were derivedâ€"W. M. K., in fGrain Growers' Guide. IFEEDING GRAIN TO FOWLS lsener Give it to Them in Straw u, , ' Available " â€"_ Whenever grain in the straw is available use it for fowl feeding. It is the bestsystem bf feeding of any I ever tried. “It delights the fowls and keeps them in grand trim. It is a real gboon to fowls in confinement, and those at liberty never tire of it. The mature of all fowls is to scratch and search for food, however small the particles. They seem to enjoy this v imore than having it shoved down their at lthroats in handfuls. Gobbling all _ v ltheir food up in a few minutes to be i ' _ jlucceeded by hours of idleness is not ' 1 tin harmony with their natural habits. IThis is apt to induce mischief. Win: in is it but idleness that encourages Foathereating. which is such an ob- ,1octionabie habit? Over-fatness is guise a result: then eggs are few. The :busy hop 'is always the thrifty one, land all are kept industrious when com ;can be picked from the straw. Give . _ .them a full furnished wisp in the morn- ,. ring and they will work at it all day. ‘ iThey will turn and return it, and ‘ lstrive for the last pick. it is delight- ful to witness. and fills the eggsbasket. No food is more healthy far fowls :than oats, barley and wheat. When ‘in well-harvested straw it is prime, and the fowls know it, They leave .‘bucketfuls of food to go straw-scratch- .lnz. Giving vacant. stew to aortas L... m. then}: u delusion they quickly detect; Fill TERM IIlIlM SEPT. 3 ‘ Arrange now to enter the TORONTO. ONT. The school that has a great reputa- tion for giving superior business and shorthand training. Graduates get and hold good positions because they are thoroughly prepared. Write for catalogue. Open all year. Enter any time. W. U.‘ ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Corner Yong: and Alexander Streets. Once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or direct? to the Special Agent‘s Department, Montreal. Do You Own a V“ PARKYTE -†on ABE You 'A SLAVE To ILL-HEALTH 7 A flDANNY!†Sanitary Chemical Closet K -‘ in your home is the strongest kind of insurance " ' against the germs of diseacc. It is a preventative ‘ against epidemics and contagion in the sommer, and an absolute necessity the year round. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. For Estimates On new buildings consult us. Or give. us your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Fmish, etc. Requires neither water nor sewerage ; can be placed in any part of your home ; costs less than one cent a (lay, and lasts a lifetime. , Endorsed by the leading physicians and health ofï¬cials ; speciï¬ed by the most prominent architects and adopted by whole municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less than a year. Ask your dealer for prices. . The Parkyte Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in PARKER WHITE LIMITED, Winnipeg, Man. Braricbes=~Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by F. KELLY, - V FENELON FALLS. We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will need Canada by in supplies, or the whole contrast, F. C. VTAY- L0 R.