- Fish Ssized at Chemong. The I’oterborough Examiner says: An important seizure of ï¬sh was made this morning by Fishery Inspector Watt and Captain Carson. For some months past the inspeim s have been on the lookout for tieE: s of illegal fishing in the .43 men and a loaded handslcigh approach- ing the city, but upon approaching the men, the latter lied, leaving the sleigh Kinmount. (Correspondence of the Gazettc.) At 11 a. in. on Wednesday oflast week, at the home of M r. and Mrs. Alex Mur- ray, Monk Road west, their eldest daughter, Jane, was married to M r. Wilbert Lyle of Milbrook, eldest son of suit of navy santoy, and was assisted by the groom's sister, Miss EldaLyle, also in navy. Mr. Jack Murray, the bride's brother, supported the groom. After a dainty wedding breakfast the bridal Best Place in Canada For superior Business or Sliorthand Education is the great and popular iii"? . Mad ‘6': A)" :‘Ev'i‘i’ a" c ‘l TORONTO. our. ~ Graduates readily obtain good posi- tions and the demand is fully tllrco Did You Remember lll YOUR FRIENDS ll EtHISTMlS llME? There are no more appropriate gifts now than Photo- graphs, and none that will be more appreciated. behind. An investigition disclosed the fact that the sleigh contained between two and three hundred pounds of fish, Consisting of bass and maskinonge. It Was brought into the city and left at the police station, where it will be held, pending further instructions from tho Fishery Department 'in Toronto. In all probability the fish will be for- warded to Toronto, and later will find its w1y into some of the charitable institutions there. In the meantime steps will be taken to apprehend the parties i-cSpmisiblc for the violation of the Fishery laws. m ..._.___.-o times our supply. This college is open all year. Students havelately taken positions at $50, $60, $75 and $100 per month. Enter now. Cata- logue free. W. J.'.' ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. party drove“) Kmmounb’Whoremr'andi Call and see our latest styles and make an appoint- .LH.STAUTQN. BUILDING CONTRACTS W'e are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc.’ It will pay you to get ouri;_>csti- Mrs. Lyle took the 3.20 train for Mili- l)rook, spending a few days in l’eter- t borough and other points en route. men - As I write the air is ringing with cheers for the victors in a match played here toâ€"night, between Minden and Burnt River hockey teams. The very one sided score of 14-4 in favor of the visitors bears false Witness to the splendid game played here, on Saturday night by Coboconk and Kin- mount. The teams were well matched, excepting at the goal, which, unfortun- ately, was Kinmounts weak point. Out- SALLOW SEEN side the goals the game was well con- Another Bank fog Nam-low. tested, even Coboconk's professional Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark â€"-â€"‘lL-_ On Monday last the Bank of Toronto, Under the temporary management of Mr. 9' I’. .l. \Vl‘l‘YlIl‘: of Havelock, opened a branch here, in the premises lately occupied by Mr. J. Hendrcu and pre- viously occupied by Mr- \Valter Girvon, opposite the Methodist church property. player, Cook as cover point fairly well - meeting his match, though he is some- CerlesEunder “19 yes thing of a whirlwind. A tremendous crowd witnessed the game, about twen- ty-live coming from Coboconk among whom were noticed Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, formerly rosidcn ts of liinmount; Miss Nettie Peel of Lindsay and Miss are all signs of the sytem being clogged. The Liver and Bowels are inactive and the Stomach is weak from undigested This is but a temporary location, it Rhodes, who last winter had charge of f°°d3 and foul gases- .' . , ' .' ~ ‘ . ’5 . ' being intended that in We 3min“ new the Union CmekSehooL mates. )DOOIS and sash and inteiior ï¬nish alway s in and suitable building shall be erected In The rem“ match will be played a, FIG PILLS stock. 1 lamng and matching done to-order. some convenient place. This is certainly welcome news indic- ating the beginning of further building . operations that are bound to come to restore what our village recently lost by the devastation of lire. Inasmuch as the same constituency remains as was here before the lire, it stands to reason that eventually the local volume of business must resume its former proportions, which means that .the same extent of building accommoda- tion which formerly existed, must in time be restoreiI.â€"Norwood Register. -~--â€".~.._~ 4.. .â€" Coboconk to-morrow (Wednesday) even- ing. This was Kinmounts first defeat this winter. The annual tea and concert of the Baptist S. S. was held in the church on Friday evening, At the close of a good programme prizes were distributed to pupils, and Mrs. (Row) Walker, their very capable superintendent, presented with a set of silver spoons. Rev. Pratt of Minden held service in St. James’ Church last Sunday even- ing in the absence of Mr. Hockiey, who was in Haliburton taking charge of the day‘s services for Mr. De Loni, who is ill with pneumonia. Toâ€"morrow (Wednesday) asocial even- ing will be held by the \Vomcn's Instit- ute at the home of Mrs. Gilmour. Mrs. J. J. Townley of Fenelon Falls spent the week end in Kiiiinouut, the guest of Mrs. John Austin. , Mrs. Bridgwood is back from Philadel- phia, but leaves again on Friday next for different parts of Ontario. Mr. Jas. Wilson, who for a number of years conducted a butcher business here but went West five years ago, is in town visiting old friends. When Mr. Wilson first settled 'in the West he was flfty miles from a railway. He is now, after only five years, though still in the same place, four miles from a thriving towrfvwith railways and everything up to date. ~ the great fruit remedy, will make you feel like a new person. Winnipe , unez I II After taking three boxgs Iof yot71i' Igi‘ig Pills for stomach and liver troubles I feel' strong and‘well and able to do my own work. MRS. A‘. H. SAULTER. Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill 00.. St. Thomas, Out. 9 'FEilELN FALLS PLANilld idltl. . A. TEIRS, PBOPRIETER. Sold in Fenelon Falls by A. J. Gould, Druggist. 30 You Own a “ PARK‘YTE†GR ARE YOU A SLAVE T0 ILL-HEALTH ? A “PAEKYTE†Sanitary Chemical Closet I Lindsay Poshâ€"Mr. A. M. Paton, pres- ident of Town Hockey League, has re- ccived a communication from Hon. Sam. Hughes, Minister of Militia, to the effect that he will donate a handsome silver cup to be competed for annually at a tournament in Lindsay by teams from the counties of Victoria and lIaliburton. The i‘Jinistor's kindness will be ap- preciated by the teams of the two coun- ties, of which there are quite a number, hnd they all play good hockey. The games will likely be commenced just as, soon as the Town League series is flu- islicd, and no doubt the different teams will compete for possession of the ,cup. The teams in Haliburton county, as Well as those at different poins in this county, are playing good hockey and will put up a pretty warm argument at the tourney. ~ ' - .mk . So numerous have these . , ilgdlgiitigga egenome of late, that the Mr. John L‘on of Kinmouut. Rev. C. S. iiutlioriticii decided to watch the Che- Lord Of 1‘9'30‘0" Fans cunducmd F110 inong Road. While out in that vicinity ceremOUY- '1 he bride “'01'9 3' tl'i‘Vl’lhug early this morning they observed three in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of diseace. It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. .I N Requires neither water nor sewerage 3 can be placed in any part of your home ; costs less than one cent a day, and Endorsed by the leading physicians and health oflicials ; speciï¬ed by I l i â€"â€"â€"uâ€"- Nursery: Stock. , L ..._..._â€".â€"â€". . ..._ Bancroft Times.-â€"-Ou Monday last a deal was concluded by which Mr. W. H. Matthews of Toronto secured control of the water power, mill sites, etc... here from Messrs. Fair 8.: Sargent for the sum 0135,000. ~ Mr. Matthews owns a number of val~ lasts a lifetime. . ‘ the most prominent architects and adopted by whole municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homesin less than a. year. Ask your dealer for prices. ‘ The Pai-kyte Sanitaay Chemical Closet is made in Canada. by PARKER WHITE LIMITED, Winnipeg, Man. Branchesâ€"Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by Before ordering trees, write us for our catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent. We are the largest growers; of ' trees in Canada. Full line of Apple, And freSlmess are absolutely neces- l’each. Pear. Cherry and. Plum (luv sary qualities of the drugs you use if trees are noted for line root system and . they are to)â€, of the service required. . . . . . lar'rcstliinb growtl. »N M‘- ~-: - I . . . . and we understand it IS his intention magnumthengg‘gtmg:::g51:13,:l This applies With few exceptions to t011et articles also. E0 devell’p the power and use it to “Del†gressivc fruit growers of Canada. \Vrite You can depend on every article we ate a finishing plant which he will erect for an Agency. , sell as being of standard quality and 'uablo marble properties in this section, F. KELLY, - FENELON FALLS. For Estimates 011 new buildings consult us. Or give us 'your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Finish, etc. he'e' Brown Bros Co Nurscr menLtd It was confidently exocctcd that tho . . 'v " - " t B10“ "8 hursenes'“ (“Hand C0 full strength. To household remedies of proven "value we give particular power would be acquired by the mom Ontario. attention, and our prescription depart~ icipality, but Mr. Matthews knew a good thing when he saw it and lost no mm m gcmng Whitï¬bmu Of It“ ment has but one motto: “Absolute ï¬delity and accuracy.†And fair prices are a feature of every depart- ment. c. F. 'VICARs Druggist and Optician FENELON FALLS, ONT. “ Cleanliness is next to G‘Odliness.†For helps toward your ambition of cleanliness you will ï¬nd this store is headquarters. , Our stock of ï¬rth Room Requisites is large and varied. \Vhatever you wish, you’re almost sure of ï¬nding-it here. a, A discussion arose in the Senate last Week on the subject of preventing the drift to the cities by making rural life more attractive to the young. Senator Loughced's suggestion of improved highWays was one of the most sensible made. Good roads are, from every point of view. a wise investment. Of late' years Sinicoe has been doing well. re- latively, in this regard: and in this dis- trict the foresight and liberality of the Township of ()rillia are particularly to be commended. But there is yet much to do.---Oi-illia Packet. ;. We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. EC.TAYLOR. Wily tie Eiaai We have the most modern, the most practical and the best _, equipped school in Eastern On- ,. tario. The courses are thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambitious young people of our country. Our graduates are successful. Ask a student or cx-studentâ€" they are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY COURSES. aroaoss. All sizes, shapes and textures, from the expensive Mandruka to the cheap- er “ grass†sponges. ’ ACCIDENT. Mr. Johnstone Penrose, while working at the windmill at his house onThursday, had the thumb of his left hand caught in the gearing, and so badly torn that Dr. Johnstcne found amputation necessary. AUCTION SALE. On Wednesday, March (it-h, Mr. Thos Cashorc will sell for Mr. Samuel Smith- son, on Lots 8 and 9, Front Range, Homer-ville, his farm stock and imple- mcnts, Consisting of eight horses, ten good cows and other cattle, a number of sheep and pigs, 3. g00d list of implements, harness, etc., and a quantity ofhay. No mscn'a‘ see blus' Keeping your teeth clean is essen- KEEP THIS DATE CLEAR. tial not only to good health, but to Do not forget-l the great he,“ in Store 7 personal comfort and to the preserva- oii Friday night March 1st, under the I tiou of your teeth. uriicesof t. ndr v‘ S. ' ' ' - “ ‘l S A e‘ 3“ b “‘le‘sel’s We have Tooth Brushes in u. range| , Hall. The programme will be uni no . 7 and varied. The famous dramatic edict: 0f Prices from 100- “9- Also, 3'" the l 3m tum-i,“ by Jul-y†by the celebrated 1 good Tooth Pastas, and Powders. Per- composers Gilbert and Sullivan is being i gonally we believe Nyal’s is the best. MAPS. Bath or Toilet, in endless variety. i ate Care ‘ | "Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. lladsay Business ' tallaga C. R. Bower A. H. Spotton Principal President ENTER ANY DAY. Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make‘a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs ï¬xing up Or if .... s..-._..1s_.;;___r_.,.- ....._.,. a. . ;â€" -' _-:;.r:.7:x.~.vv:=:.~~ a ENTER ANY DAY bring it here. ., ‘l .. r -. . . ... ...s . n. -. 4 : . - - . __._____.__._______â€"___â€"_________â€"-...__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- ‘ r ir d n' . . r a - l'?’ p33.eovepglwiï¬gi’5?:;;;gggfe?cc§:e ' Then we have all the little accesso- â€" . I you need 3' new one L _bilis later. ries so handy op the toilet tableâ€"i Trees G'I'OW. we can build itâ€"good Shorthand Telegraphy or English . -- .. _ â€"â€"» ~~-â€" » Orange \Vood Sticks, Nail Files, Nail as the best, ' inone Of ’ BORN. Polish, Toilet Pumice, Face Creams, "â€" . I EDwARDS.â€"â€"In Toronto.on Friday. Feb. 5 Massage creams Nail BI‘UShe-‘i, etc~ When buying fruimr nmamenm] “(103’ l S see to it that you buy of a firm whose TORONTO 3:4, , l l s l l i; l i l 2nd, 19l2. the wife of Mr. 15. C. Edwards, l a daughter. DIED- Feb. 13th, 191‘}. Margaret Robertson, wife of (Judge) Hugh O'Leary. . You can depend, too, on articles you get here. Druggist and thiCigLn. l series. . ‘ éA.iooumnwm O LEARY. â€".-\t Port Arthur, on Sunday, I I z .. ll {I've- ' Ltd., Ridgeville, Out tl"~CS have the right sort of roots and have honn handled correctly in the nur- ()ur trees will grow; â€"â€" there is Take an agency; send for terms. Out- 'l‘hos. is . Bowman & Son 00., , Lemma WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. 3 Write for catalogue. Addf'E‘iS \V. II. Shaw. President, lIcad ()liiccs, Control Business College, Yongc and Gerrard ï¬ts, Toronto. 0W MMW’W WOW l Colborne Street" ' Fenclon Falls. t 1 “WW I ‘ For a thorough course in Business, :9