Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Feb 1912, p. 6

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'3 Kinmount. Gazette Correspondence. 2 6 103' in favor of Kimnonnt was thf' result of a. well conteste'diganie playé' here Tuesday night, between Minden ‘ and Kinmouut hockey teams. Kinmount i..11rned out en masse, yand 11 large number 'of rooters from Minden help ed to fill, up lill ‘s ace availab'le to spectators The Fierst 110 'goals were Won by the visiting a111, but then Kinmou‘ut woke, and from then to the end, in spite of thol‘biighly 5;""(' players on the Minded teani,in'cl11d- u" an A 1 goal tender, the 'gamo was '91'11'31D11riligtlie first half the play was i‘athe'r too much of the rush order, with hot much opportunity for combination, “11111 ende113 1:02 in fay_0r Hot the home eam. The second half, howev er, was i'eal hockey, and tho Kinmount boys got in some pretty combination work. All tnrOugh, the game was inteLesting and there being no glaringly rough play nor pmtests of any kind either oduring the :game or afterwards, it was counted one of the best- yet played on Kinuiount ice. At the close of the contest, the Mindeh adios took possession of the ice, with those of their party who were not par- 'takers of the good supper given the ’players at the De ttman House. , Minden defeated Haliburton at Hali- burton last week by 5 to 4, _sl1owing that ’Kinmount seven are 0. K. One of the Minden teanis(fo1'1r-i'015ted) disgusted, no doubt, with results of the 'ovening, started fm" home with empty .slcighs, but was caught about a mile out of the village. Anniversary services were held' 1n the B11 pcist church 011 Sunday, Rev. Walker, of McMaster University, taking both services. Solos were rende1ed in_ the morning by' Miss 'Ruby Adsiti'd', 111511 in the evening by Mrs; Hall'uni. Great excitement was caused among the youngsters a few days ago, when a "pnir of Shetland po'nies, purchased by ng. Dick Scott _,1n Peterborongh, arrived 111 town, to be guests here until March .lst when Mr. Scott returns to his home 11 the West, taking them for the use of 1is grand- -children. ., Mr. Will Hopkins, of Pet‘érborongh, ,home from the pWest for a few weeks, has been visiting here since last Friday. 0-. l-euolon Falls Junior hockey team won i’rom Bobcaygeon Boy Scouts at Bob- caygeon on Saturday 5 to 2. , Peterborongh won from Lindsay 6 to 4 in the district intermediates on Tvucsday 'night at Lindsay. :DIEJ'D'; . Snwntrhâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on'hriday, 'Jannary 26th,1912, Catherine Ann Mc- Kinnon, beloved wife of. Mug-Henry ' Scwell, aged 48 years and 9 months. Rrsoox. -â€"-At Fenelo'n Falls,o 4 011518113115.» day, January 27th, 1912, Joseph Ris hgod 68 years. 1 month add 6 days._ ......â€"â€".- -â€".-.' my Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed; ~11111.11111'1111 1'11 - PABngiilENT. NOTICE is hereby given that an ap- ‘blication will be made to the Legisla- tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the next session thereof, for an Act to incorporate the Lindsay and Mindon Railway Company. (a) with the power to _'constructequip,own, maintain, andoper- “ate a line of railway from a point at or hear the Town of Lindsay in the County 'of Victoria, thence northerly through the Townships of Ops, Fenelon, Eldon, 7:1rden. Bexley y, Digby, Lntterworth Anson, and Minden,to tothe waters 05' Mountain Lake in Minden Township. crossing the Grand Trunk Railway at a oint in the Township of Eldon or Box- i'ey ,or such other point as may be nec- essary; (b) with power to construe-i branches or extensions at points along 'the said route to connect with any other ilway 110w built, or that may hereafter 13 built 1n proximity thereto, or to con- nect with navigable waters; (0) with power to operate the said railway by steam, electricity or otherwise, and the right to develop such energy by the 'oonstruction of dams, power stations. bud all other necessary appliances, and to dispose of any surplus energy thereof; '(d) with the right to purchase, acquire, lease or negotiate for power or energy from any commission, company or cor- poration for the purpose of operating said railway; (e) to cross any river or stream along the route by bridges as may be rquired; (f) to build, equip and navigate boats, scows, or other vessels upon Mountain Lake and the waters "o'on'nected therewith, and to build whar- ves, sheds, Warehouses, and such other bonstructures as may be necessary for the accommodation of such naviwation; ('g)‘ to construct, equip, own maintain 11nd operate telephone lines, and to 'char'g'c tolls for the use thereof; (h) to purchase, lease and own any other rail- way or parts thereof, or to amalgamate with other companies; (i) to make traflic both freight 11nd passenger arrangements with anv electric or steam railway; (j) and for all or any other of the purposes hforesaid' to acquire, own, lease, pur- chase and hold land and franchises, and to n1 1ke and execute all such agreements and contracts as may be necessarv and hdvisablo from time to time with any' individu'al, company, corporhtion, m‘unâ€" icip'aiity or body of persons; (i1) and with other usual and customary powers E11151: to railways. - JOHNH; DELAMERE Solicitor for applicants. , -3»,â€" ..~.,- . 01!. . Meaford Wins Ontario Iankard. The Ont rio Tankard was won by Meaford 1116 are close game with Lindsay ' by .two' s'liots; Skip Pilgrim of Meaford defedted J. D. B‘lavelle 19 t0 7, Geo. A. Little defeated Step hens of Meafo'r‘d 20 to 10. “The best ciii'lin'g 1n ioi'ty years" hundreds a ofoot old in the com- was Flavelle's c'o'uiuient on Pilgrim's merclnl world. 1111 idol-reuse of playing- . . . “9' 8A}; 1311151011 135%.: in attendance over that of last jan. 25â€"T'he whole b industrial career of Bancroft was wiped 3'9“” proves t 9 grewmg popu- larity of our school. What we out this morning when Fair and Sar- gont's grist mill, Fullcrs woollen mill, Flggfybgfm" {01‘ ““5353 we can ‘10 E. Reid 18: Son' 5 woollen mill, J. D. Pay- 1111 3 machine stop and the el'ect‘ric light Homé Study Courses plant were ii‘e'st'i'oycd by are. John 'Vincent of Swoyersville, Pa. ., afr id to trust his money in his pockets orhis trunk at boarding house, hid it in the 155111;: of his old shotgun. Mr Vin- cent had put $50 in bills in the 1m, which was unloaded. One night w iile he was dwd‘y from the 156119233. hip; dog ézinshd so Iiilich t odble 1n thea' yard that one of the boa'rt e'rs resolved to shoot the animal. He slipped a shell into Mr. Vi'ti'cént' 3 31111 and fired. The dog how- led with pain, leaped” the {cube and dis- appeared; Mi': V.1n'ce'15t is searching for the dog, in the hope of ei‘rtractlng some of the money fromp its hide. in educat on I.1v1l1v'ay's pays the best lnlcrboi.y0131'rs vie have given Lindsay Busmess Collegé ' (Affiliated with Dominion Correspondence School) Farmer's Attentien ! Owing' to the light delivery keeping 15 1551111 permanently at the Railway WarehouSes. We are in. the market for all kinds of grain, however, at the mill and prepared to pay the high- est prices therefor. It will pay you to 01511 before selling elsewhere. .5. 'H. BRANDON. FENELON ii'ALLs manners Fenelou Falls, Friday, Feb. 2, l9l2 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 750. to 800. Wheat, fall, 85 to 88 - » Wheat; spring, .73 to 75 Barley, per bushel, 60' 5075 Oats, per bushel, 40 to 43 Peus1'3, per bushel', 80t0 90 Buckwheat, 52c. to 55 Potatoes, bush. 70 to 80' Butter, per pound, 24 t .37 When it is infested with vei .131. . worm (in cattle. CRESOLEUM A. H. SPOTTON'. President." 1. This year there: are an nunsimluly large n'um'b‘er of complaints of 'lic'é uiid ring- Is the best com 161 these “cats, 151511 81188. per (162611.15 1'0 '9 is recodii‘hend ‘11 by iiib‘ 1131115 '31 iv'e't’é'rl , iini'ési'eé's'gii $333,? $14 - inary 11nt11011t1e11 11llo've1 the couniny. Hog :1 'live', $500 to $6 25, It' 19 also useful' as 1111711311 for cuts, Beef,$ 7.5010 $8 81: itches, ages“, étcz, 1155155 558 'p'diiéi‘l Wooipuk'ngo 5g 170 351555 15. dmnfectént 'as 1311.1“151: 11.5111; with'o'nt the l'zitt'er’s poisonous effects. In l-Pin't Lots, 30¢. Over 1- Pint L013, 256.. Flour, Samson, S2. 8'0 to $31.05 Flour, W 1111ip peg $2. 70 to S2. 90 Flour, Silver. Deaf, $2. 50 too-$2.71) Flour,Victor11$‘Z'.45 to $2.85 Flour,1iew.'process, $2.40 to S2. 60 Flour, family, clippc 1‘, $2 35 to :5- 0 F5 , Brau,p or 100 pounds, 31. 20 to SI. -11 l Shortsp 110., $1.30 to Si. 10 , Mixed Chop. 110.. $1. 55 to $1. 65 Corn Chop, 110., S1110 to Sl 65 Veterinary Remedies; ,. How 18 with stock prosperingi 2.118111 Of the old rigs New ones cost mohéy. We mak'é' a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it héfé'. Or if you need a new one we can build it~good us the best. i. F l‘ CHAMBERS Colboriie Street Fenel‘on Fall's. We' curry at all times a. complete line of remedies for stockâ€"all the best Stock Fouds, Liniments, Blisters and Condition Powders. Possibly you have some recipes that you may have found more than usu ally effective intreuting your stuck". Bring them here and let 11121 fill them out for you. we 11115. the same care with stock remedies as with everyâ€" thing olse we turn out. Our prices on this kind of work are remarkably close; Come to this store when you need Veterinary Syringes, Milking Tubes, Fly Oil, Gall Cures, Hecf Ointment or anything at all for your stock. i’IGAiiS’ DRUG STORE A. J. GOULD ' - . _‘-_ Regardingn the well known @212 ENTER ANY DAY For a. thorough course in Business, 1 001111333 are striétly first-clam Shorthaud, Tclcgihph'y or English 2. Much individual yiiisifiiétion is 111 0118 Of given, SH'A";S s‘fi‘HOOLs 3. T632333 are exp'e'rt and 'expei'iâ€" TORONTG' 4. Graduates ’iET and HOLD 'g'oo'd WINTER T111111 NOW OPEN. POF't‘OI‘“ 5. Eqnil )meut thoroughly up-to- 155116. B. Enjoys a wide-spread patronage. Write for catalogue. Enter now. W.J. Corner Y; in am! \ exsuier fine for catalogfie. Addres§_, W Shaw. President, Head Offices, Central Business College, Yonge and Gerrard 81.3., Toronto. W JWW ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Street's. Druggist and opts... Six Important Points F F CD: ’49 .\,. STucK Dayii 3615 will always have, but baby days are soon gone".- Keep the precious memories by kodaking the little ones often; J H. STANTON. ... M-.. -~.4>-w - ‘M-W‘rn‘. ~,.~. .. ._, ,..__.__ .4 ,. w- BUILDING CONTRACTS} We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti- mates; Doors and 11th and interior finish always id: 31151511; Planing and matching done 5'11 011161. 1111110111113 1111111111”: 11111 A. TEIBS, PROPREETOR. Do You OWn a “ PARKYTE ” 01% ARE 111111 A suave '11: iLLâ€"HEALTH ? _ 11 ~ » , ' 1 .1111111" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home' is the strongest kind of insurance ., l ag'airilist 1:155 111le 151515 c‘ont’agiOn in the summer, '3. 111511 55.11 absolute necessity the year round. Re'ii the: 'n'éi't'h'er wafer n'or sewerage; 1:11.11 be placed in any part of your 151111515" , coats less than one cent 11 day, and lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the i'e'ddi'r'lg physicians and health officials ; specified by the most prominent. 1111311in and adopted by whole municipalities. Gide?" 15, 000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less than n yé'zii' 7_. Ask your dealer for prices. _ The Darkyte Sanitary Chemical 01051313 is made in Canada. by PARKER WHITE LIMITED, Winnipeg, Man. Branchesâ€"Toronto, Montreal', Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by F“. KELLY, FENELON FALLS. , .v .,. .. - .‘u.... #3.; .A15'm A... .., F01 Estimates On new bnlldmds 'cO'ns s'u'lt 113.01 give us your order 5'01 Doors, Sash inteiior Finish, '50; We will be plebse‘d 515 Figure on What you will need in supplies, or the Whole contract-.- F.C. TAYLOR.- against thefei ins of diteacc‘. It' 18 a. preventative - BEGIN TEE New YEAR. ~By Starting that Kodak Baby Book;

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