Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Jan 1912, p. 4

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' trees are noted for fine root system and New Year’s Greetings. We take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation of the patronage we have received during the past year, and of wishing our many friends and patrons another year’s success, in At Wm. Campbell’s , 3 All Millinery, Furs, and 3 3 Ladies’ Coats and Skirts 3 to be sold at reduced 3 prices after; this date. “'3 -v...,£".|'.â€" ‘ v. .1 WM. CAMPBELL New Idea Patterns Sole Agents for the I V 100. ' D. & A. Corsets. ' To in Cu: omen and-Fan S We extend the season's greetings and sincere 'thanks for your generous support thKough the year nowldrawing to a close. And; our earnest desire is to you continued prosperity, and that we may serve you better during the ensuing. year. 'â€" CLA FURNACES ULAR RANGES Call and see ourstock of new: good’s_ ewill be pleased to have your order 3 Winter Suitings for a Suit or Overcoat- workmanship guaranteed”; 3 TOWNLEY BROS. aw . Nursery Stock. Style, fit and. ~ Before ordering trees, write us for our. , Trees. that will Grow. catalogue and prices onsee our nearest agent. we are the largest growers of ....__ trees in Canada- Full line of Apple, Wh . . »- ' en buying traitor ornamental-“trees Pthv PM“ Cherry and Plum. Our see to it that you buy of a firm whose trees have the right sort of roots and largestlnnb growth. OurNurserics are have been handled correctly in the nur- patrouized by the largest and most pro- ressive fruit growers of Canada. Write r an Agency. " Brown Bros. Co.', NurserymenLtd. ,, Erowns Nurseries, Welland.Co ' (Interim. 3- reason. . Take an agency: send for terms. Out- fit free. Thos. W. Bowman &Son 00., 'Ltd., Ridgeville, Ont. E ~which we will continue to play a part. - E 3 DE Ipcallcd’ ‘30 giéve evidence as to the SW a kind' and affectionate husband and ‘ vey and the raising of the water on series. Our trees will grow; â€" there is " ., «a... Kicked by a Collâ€"Waller Irwin Badly Hurt. On Saturday evening lValter Irwin, a ladbetween twelve and thirteen years of age, a. son of Mr. Wm. Irwin, who lives near Roscdalo, had a piece of his skull driven into and imbedded in his 3203 brain by a kick from a colt which he was trying to catch in a field some dis- tance from the house. ' His screams attracted attention, and he was found in an- almost unconscious condition in the field, it is supposed about half an --- hour after the accident occurred, as the fingers of his right hand. were badly frozen and the snow was packed down for a considerable space around in his efforts to get up. Dr. Graham was sum- moned by telephone, and on_ arriving found, what he at first thought was on] a scalp wound, but on examination he discovered that a piece of the skull had The Fenclon Falls Gazette Friday, January 12, 1912. . Deihl’s Point Case. s... ' Thelitigation over Diehl’s Point on Cameron Lake,which~ was an action commenced by J. F. Mann‘and J. H. Brandon against Edward Fitzgerald to recover possessxon Of thls Pomt has The piece of bone broken from the skull 13.99“ terminated by the judgment de- measuredytwo and one-eighth inches in livered by Justice Middleton, and pub- length by one inch and a quarter in lished last week, dismissing the action )Vldtlh. At 11le I'GPOI'tS the young man brought by Mann and Brandon with ’9 making very favorable progress. costs "to be paid by them. Fitzgerald wâ€" , -â€" ~ â€" - is the owner ‘of lot 25 in the 10th Fenelun Agricultural Society Annual concession of Fenelon, which was pat- Meeting Jan. 20. ented in 1825 to the surveyor Who - surveyed the township. In the year 1833 ,Kirkpatrick, the surveyor, con- veyed the lot to Peter Diehl, who gave his name to the Point, and it has been called by that name ever since and recognized as belonging to lot 25 in the 10th concession, which is the Fitz- gerald property. The Point in' quest- been completely broken off and imbed- ded in the brain. The .piece of bone could .not be seen, but after careful probing it was located and extracted, requiring a verydelicate operation. A portion of the brain, about an eggcupful in quantity, had also to be removed. The regular annual meeting of the Fender: Agricultural Society will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20th, at the Mo- Arthur House, Fenelon Falls, at one o‘clock. A full attendance is requested. "éiéc'atn of Officers. The following are the officers do! Leyal ion is physically connected with lot 26 ’I‘rent Valley Lodge Canadian Order of Odd Fellows for the year 1912 : P. N. G., llli the loshis‘fhigh 13 a loilboughtf by Bro. W. J. Perryman ; N. G , John Knox ; ann an ran 9“ 50’?" we or our V. G., Jas. Slater ; Sec., John T. Thomp- years ago, and they claim by reason of son; Trees, Lewis Deyman; lnit. Mas- this physical connection with their lot, tel‘, John E- Ellis ; Chaplain, Thos. R- and by following the description in‘the Be“; Warden, J°hn Lee; Conductor, _ .‘ Angus Fountain; Inside Guard Fred patent from the Clown Of then 19b: Metcali‘e; Outside Guard. John’Copp; which they allege should follow the Medical Examiner, H. B. J ohnstone; R. water’s edge, the Point would belong S. N. G., A. E- Minthorne; L. S. N. G., R. ' . . . - M. Hamilton; P. S. V. G., D. Brokenshiro; to the“ propel by, although It had L. S. V. G., H. Pearn ;Visiting Committee, always been recognized for the last Angus Fountain, John C. Parrish and forty years as belongmg to Fitzgerald. Sam Sharp; Finance Committee, R. M. The controversy was started in Mason, John Lee; Trustees, R. M. Ham- . March, 1910, when the plaintiffs enter- ilton, R. M. Mason and Angus Fountain. ed the lands and put up. a. tent on it 'â€"__"'â€"‘ for the purpose of'holding possession ; and the defendant, Fitzgerald, ousted them from the property. The case was tried before Mr. Justice Middleton, -who reserved his judgment, which was delivered as stated, dismissing the action with costs. “ p' " _ E. D. Armour K[ C. and A. D. Armour of Toronto'represented Mann and Brandon, while the defendant'was represented by R. J. McLaughlin K. 0., and A. M. Fulton, . . The action was one in which agreat deal of interest was taken in the vill- _ .ae .. Fenelon. an. and a. township “treasurersa: £223.”... T..- “f Fenelon as It was necessary to go- perary county,Ireland,56 yearsago. He into the history of. the survey of the came to-Canada about 30 years ago,com- township and the old field notes, and ing dire“ ’30 Lil'ldSW- During his PéSi‘ . denee in. town he has been connected a number 0f the oldest settlers were with; the firm» of Flavelles Ltd. He was Death of Wm wmé. The citizens were shocked this mornâ€" ing to learn ' that William White, the well known and highly esteemed travel- ler for Flavelles’ Ltd., had passed away at his residence, Bertie St. , after a brief illness. The deceased gentleman had been on the streets only a few days ago, and was in the best of spirits, conversing with his friends in his usual jovial manner. Probably no man Was better known throughout this district than the late Mr, White. Possessed of arwarm Celtic heart, he rap dly made . friends, and in father and leaves to mourn his loss be- Cameron Lake "which changed the sides his sorrowing wife, three sons. and - - - - three daughters William Joseph of shore line. son“? interesting points Toronto, Joseph ’and Patrick Joseph of of law were also involved. town, Sister M. L’eocadia, of St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterboro, Mary and Agnes Annastasia,.of town. Mr. P. White, Lindsay, is a brother of deceased..â€" Lindsay. Post. - Fenelca Falls Council. Council met pursuant to statute. The following gentlemen sudscribed to the ’ necessary declaration: of. ollice- and took ’ their seats. Samuel J. Sims, Reeve; Samuel Corbett, Lewis Deyman, Thos. Poulson, Alfred TierspCouncillors. - Minutes of previous meeting read and propertyl have about 500 tons 013 pure confined lead ready for-the smelter. Tiersâ€"Deyman.â€"That the following The smelter will turn out about fifteen be chairmen of the following committees tons 0f pure Iliad per day, which sells for the comingyear andthat the whole for some $65 PG? ‘30“ and is entitled to a council comprise each committee.â€"â€" 8- government bounty 013 $100 per ton Corbett, streets and bridges ; L. Deyman, additional- finance; A. Tiers, property; T.Poulson, The lead will be teamed to Kinmount, charity. . a distance of about four miles, where it Corbettâ€"Poulson.â€"â€"That the regular Will be Shipped by rail. meetingpf. the council be held on the The Old Galway second Monday of each month. By-laws appointingauditom.and.mem, who did some developing work, . but not bers of Iocal,Bon,1-d of Health were read sulficicnt to uncover the rich deposits of and passed, and also‘a byllaw extending lead and silver. Arecent sample, weigh- the time for collection of' taxes. ing about two pounds,;contained: eighty Mr. Worsley tenderedhis. resignation per 08"“ pure lead.T-§Peterboreugh R0- as caretaker-of cemetery., view. Col-bett-Poulsonc-That the council advertise forlapplicationa. for. the- posi.â€" : tion of assesses, applications. to be- re- ceiged'up to-siirw'elock pain... Feb.; 12, 191 . Tiersâ€"Poulsonrâ€"«That' Mr. Worsley's resignation be accepted-and the same to take eiiect on Feb. 12th, 1912. Deymanrâ€"v'l‘iemrâ€" That the following ' accounts he paid, and' the Reeve sign I Lead Mine in' Galway Townshipz. A Asmelter is to be installed at the Galway lead mine, where the Union Creek Milling Co., the owners of the mine was former] ' A Great Concert. One of the best high class concerts ever given in Lindsay will be presented in , the Academy of Music next Tuesday eve- ! ning, 16thinst., when Miss JessieAlexâ€" andcr, the foremost elocutionistin Cans ada, will give a recital in connection ord , s for thesame L Election ex with Mrs: .lda McLean Dillworth sop. $18860 ;> insurances on- market 2211?; rano soloxst in the Timothy EatonsfMem- houses, $17,115 W. h Robson, treas. of oria] Church, Toronto,and Arthur-Blight, cemeter . 10 00. Eli Worsle ' the renowned baritone solist. The pro- 01' cemeliefy', , $7300 ; Burgoyyrlngmgizgf): gramme presented by these art-istss' will charity to M. Frisby child, $3 45 ;Jno. be such as will?appeal to all lovers of, ‘Jones,_salal'y,. $35.00; Public Library, geod music and: elocution. - Seats may .. _ . , . be reserved at Roeni k’s music-star s15 00 , Hospital for hick children. s5.00-. . , g e' McLaughlin, Peel, Fulton & Stinson, .rei Eggga‘éboéf ghefiifigegéggrggefig? :he ShIPWY bylaw: $1430? M°La“gh“"' mills eo le will take in on t. it eon Peel, lfulton.&Stmson, general account p p . s rea " re by-laws 6ceénenlz. walks, Criebent-ures â€"â€" . etc 2513. $ l 6; Times Ptg .,election The following students from the north blanks, $1.90; 219- Fitzgerald, [3036386 enrolled at the LindsayBusiness College ggcount, $1.20; BellTelephoue,acoouub. * last week: Miss Bertha Austin, Hall- c. . . f burton; Mr. Wesley Hewie,. Came'on ' Gounod adyourned. ‘ Mr. Murray Smith, Hartley. J , ' .- his business dealings he showed himself owned by the late Mr. John- Burham,. . l 3 4 Kinmount. ’ ' A .â€" Gazeue Correspondence. . Tuesday night the G. '1‘. R. 4.80 trailed into Kinmount at almost 5.30. its two engines pulling heroically to bring along tholr heavy train of two coaches and the mail car. To-morrow with the'additional weight of the Kinmount correspondence to the “Gazette” on board itmay not get through this frozen country of the North, for between 14 to 16 inches of snow has fallen here during the last two days, and from reports the whole Lindsay and Haliburton lines has been similarly treated. Fortunately the stormy weaths or held off during the holiday season with all its home comings and happy gatherings. The last week has seen the departure of mOst of the holiday visitors but the season of "Peace, good will to- ward mcn" was made very bright and entertainers. . Christmas night a charming dance was given by Mr. and Mrs; A. Y. Hopkins for their son, Percy, home from S. 1’. S , Toronto, and to introduce his college friends, Messrs. McKay, McKcown and. Green who had come down from Toronto to spend the Christmas with hiu‘, hero. The beautiful home was fragant with cut flowers, the large dining room, which was set aside for dancing, being decor- ated with garlands of holly and mistletoe. Other out of town guests were, Miss Fitzsimmons of Toronto and Miss Alice Hopwood of Pcterboro.’ The following Monday, the first oven- ing of the New Year, Mr. and Mrs. Levia gave a delightful little dinner party to a few of their young friends, and after:- wards entertained them at cards. Thursday evening a number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison drove out to their home to offer cengratulations to the newly elected recve of the Townshipl. A jolly evening was spent in games and music, at the close of which, Mr. Vic Seward proposed the toast which brought, as response, the first speech of the new move to at least a few of his electors. The large majority given M r. Morrison showed his popularity in and around Kinmount and his hearty approv- ciation of the loyalty shown him was voiced in his speech on Thursday night... The S. S. concert and Christmas two given by St. James’s church was a de~ cided success, in spite of rather disa- greeable weather. Rev. and M rs. Walker have returned from Hamilton, where they spent Xmas with Mrs. Walker's parents. Also, Miss Vanderbury has returned to her duties- in the public school here. . _ Holiday visitors who have recently re~~ turned to their dut es or studies are: Misses Leta Train and Boa. Chessell, l'o Patel-borough Collegiate and Business. College ; Messrs Wilfrid Mark and 8.. McEachern to Lindsay Collegiate '; Miss: Margery Austin to St. Hilda's College, Toronto ; and Mr. Bob Frost to the Medâ€" ical College, 'I‘m'onto. The next meeting of the Women’s ln-r stitute will be held next Tuesday at the- home of Mrs. Alexander Morrison. Rev. James Fraser, of Fenelon Falls; conducted services in the Presbyterian- church here on Sunday and Monday, 4-. FIRST OF THE SEASON. Don’t forget the carnival in the shat; ing rink Monday evening, the 15th Four good prizes given for costumes. AUCTION SA‘LE. On Thursday, Jan. 18th, Mr. Cashore' will sell' for Mr. Geo. Metcalfe, Lotiallii Con. 4, Fenelon, his livestock, imple- meats, etc. Sale at 1 o’clock. Usual? credit terms. See bills. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. The next meeting of the Women’s In- stitute will be held’ on Friday. Jan. 19. Subject, “How We are profited by meetw ing together.” A good paper on .“ Chars- acter" will also be given. Meeting at? Mrs. Wm. Welch's, Colborne street. All: members are requested to attend; BAPTIST" CHURCH. The Pastor will commence a special" series of sermons on Sunday nights.. Jan. 14 Subject. “ The Bad in the Best of Us.” Jan. 21, “ The Good in the Worst of Us." Feb 4. “ The Good and Bad beâ€"- fore Each One of Us." All cordially ino- vited. . . .... .Don't forget anniversary of‘ church opening Jan. 23;. when Professor Trotter ofi' McMastor University will? preach morning and evening. r..â€" - WINTER WEATHER. Predictmsloll‘amilil winter began to> havo‘d'cluhts nn- Shrurday morning, when. variOus thermometers registered twenty- four to twenty-eight below zero. Sinccw then there has been stead y cold weather, .. with a footwf snow, accompanied by very“ blustery weather. All trains-have been- late, and snow ploWs and‘ snow-shovels: in constant use. The snow is very deep. along the sides of Colborno street where- it has been thrown off the sidewalks, making it rather unhandy for sleighs in: front of the stores. Running: a-- harrowr over the snow on the streets on ’I‘h‘urfih~ daycmade quite an improvement. . ‘ .. a......-4â€"‘----~ HYM NxBOOKS.‘ A newnp-to-date and complete line of? hymn books, for Methodist, Presbyterian ,». Baptist and' Church of England, has- arrived at? Vicars Drug Store. Prices. from 100. to $1.50. Call and see them.- I .__._‘__..-_.._.__.._...-._.____ .........n._ ,_ _. _..__‘ MARRIED; K1NG-â€"-HILL.â€"-At .Fenelon Falls, by the~ Rev. "C. S. Lord, B. D., on Thursday, Deb cember 28th, 1911, Mr. Horace King, of" Hamilton city, to Miss Maud Mabel Hill,, of Echelon township... , enjoyableby some of Kinmount’s capable 7"” l‘ .. _. .. 'Wérxm 5.; . - mammnrrvwzwm

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