Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Jul 1911, p. 4

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We carry a complete line of enocnarns. W .The Fcnclon Falls Gazette Friday, July'2lst, 1911 Special attention paid to campers’ and tourists’ supplies. Wages and the Costa} Labor. ___.__ The wages. of labor and the relative cost of labor are two very different things. Congressman Redficld of New York, himself a manufacturer, proved very conclusively in a recent speech that low-priced labor is not always cheap labor, and that an apparently low wage may be a very high one. “I saw them,” he says “driving piles in Japanâ€"â€" twenty women, each with a. rope, lifted the pile. They were paid twenty cents a day in our money. Yet it would cost four times as much to drive those piles as it would have cost in New York.” The cheap labor bogey does not stand investigation. Mr. Redfield is a special- ist in machinery. He found by careful personal inquiry that while wages in Japanese locomotive plants were only one-fifth of the American scale, the lab- or cost of locomotives on the same speci- fications was three and a half times greater in Japanese shop than in the American shop.â€"-Globe. In Congressman Redfield's remarks, as here referred to, there is no justification for the assertion that “the cheap labor bogey does not stand investigation.” The cause of the alleged high cost of production is in the primitive methods Is ready for your inspection. All the best 2 styles at A in any incurable inefficiency of their workmen. The point is that the Jap- anese cost of living is low, and will continue to be low when their producing power is raised to the level of that of the American by the adoption of modern methods. Mr. Redfield has to demon- strate, first, that Japanese efficiency ,cannot be increased to that extent; asecond, that if it could be increased “' living must rise pro- moderafe prices. } WM. CAMPBELL New Idea Patterns Sole Agents for the 100. D. & A. Corsets. Noxious Weeds. “I The» example of the authorities of the township of Thorold is worth drawing the attention of other municipalities to. The township council has fined a number of farmers for neglecting to destroy I‘ weeds on their farms. The law demand- .ing the destruction of weeds is plain ‘ enough and strict enough, but there is a widespread indisposition to enforce it The loss occasioned by weeds is not realized as fully as it should be ; other~ wise there would be less indifference displayed in regard to getting rid of them. gowwmmemwmmmzmwwwwmmmg - ,' Baits, and other good makes, Lines, Hooks, Etc. See our new Gaffhook. Marble’s Campers’ Hatchets requisites for tourists. E ; Ihe Practical Man. ; Dr. Crane in Toronto News. There is a great deal of buncombe accepted about the Practical Man. He is supposed to be of much more real use I to the world than the Theoretical Man. § We speak of the man who “ does things ” or “gets things done” with a certain § smack and relish as though be, after all, were the fellow worth while. Now, the truth is that your practical man is usually a second rate man. Prac- tical implies that he can do things that he has practised. But when we want a thing done that nobody has practised, § when we get to one of the real hard knots of life, your practical man is help- 3 less. Then we discover that the great man is the Dreamer with the head full of theories. I, The practical man can run a locomo- tiveybut he cannot invent one ; he can . manage a telephone system, but he can- and other Mfg .~ 69 VEARSL not pick the telephone idea out of EXPERIENCE- Nothing and make it Something. The - ~ practical brother gets the plums and ,4 the dreamer usually gets the sack. He twho founded Christianity had nowhere ' to lay Ilis head, full of ideas; he who manages a large Christian institution as bishop gets a palace and a seat in the House of Lords. The inventor of the sleeping car got swindled, the practical '. businessmanwlio runs. the sleeping car . company gets a large, juicy income. Ycur commonrsense physician can treat ordinary cases. but when the plague breaks out you send for your tmvsle- headed, absent-minded old professor; and the worse and the stranger the plague the. more absent-minded and towsle-headed the professor. The men who are doing the best part of the ,‘ fxv0i'ld's work-are the Theorists, in their studies excogitatiag philosophies, or.- under the summentrees dreaming of the coming days-.of gold and singing of their dreams. The most efficient man is the man with an Idea. 'i'anos llamas DESIGNS . ‘ Copvnienrs &c. Anyone sending a sketch and GQSCEIUUOU may quickly, ascertain our opinion free whether an invention isprpbnbly pat ntnbie. Communica- tions strictly. confidential. AliUBUOK on Patcnta sent, free. ()lucst agency Ion securing patents. Hate.an taken tin-0mm Mann .5; Co. receive special notice, Without charge. in. the gfitiliiiif fiftiti‘ifdi‘i. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation 3f any scuentlflc journal. Terms for emanated?) a. year. postage prepaid, Sold. by all newsdealers. more 3. Bofieemvallewli’gri Branch Office. 62o F BL. Washington, _. . . Students may enter any day. Open entire year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions. Thousands studying at home. Exclusive right of the “Famous Bliss Book-Keeping System for Ont- ; arijo._ “Actual Business from ' , i; _ Start to Finish.” ‘ielai'rito for particulars. PET ER Ed R 0 BUSINESS. (.0 LLEGE (Affiliated with Orangeville Business College); in F. H. men I J" .. Dr. Vrooman Nominated. vention assembled on Saturday in Lindsay nominated Dr. Vrooman as their candidate to contest the riding at the- coming provincial election. Addresses were delivered by Hon. W. J. Hanna, W. H: Hoyle, M. P. 1).. Cannington, and others. A resolution was passed: es.- pressing regret at the death of; the. late- S. J. Fox, who represented the. aiding. Resolutions of confidence in Mr. RzL. Borden and in Sir, James. Whitney. were also passed... ‘ suocnssor. TO H. J. SOOTHERAN. Convmuwcmc. ll‘mr. INSURANCE .vr Low RATES. ESTATES MANAGED, ’ AGENT MIDLAND LOAN Co. FARMS, For. SALE THROUGHUUT. THE COUNTY. ’ OFFICE 9i KENT ST"._, LINDSAY. G 50'. SPOTTO'N; PR E'SI‘DENT or machinery of the Japanese, and not ' 'of rf‘oronto, and Miss Hazel Thompson .Nevisonand [Leeleys Estate, 1223;: feet; English. Church . . , , council took up general business. West Victoria Conservatives in con- _ h Boat Notes. a.“ Mr. T. P. Thompson, boiler inspector, tested the boilers of local boats on Wed- nesday, and found everything 0 K. The Wawinette, Mackenzie’s yacht, which was here that morning, was also in- spected. The steamer Manita did not arrive from Lindsay on Tuesday, being in dry dock at Bobcaygeon undergoing repairs..- The steamer Monarch is making the, Manita’s trips. The Manita was leaking more than she should, and on Saturday lost her propellor near Sturgeon Point. The damage to the boat is attributed to frequent bumping on the sunken logs in the Scugog river. It is time these logs and other impediments to safe naviga- tion, both in the Scugog and elsewhere, were removed. On Tuesday afternoon the Wacouta went into dry dock in the canal and had four or five pounds of boom wire taken off the propeller shaft. It is thought the wire had been some days accumu- lating. On Tuesday so much had gathered that the boat’s speed was con- siderably reduced, and she was late getting in from Lindsay. The following regarding the steamer Otonabee is from the Orillia Packet :â€" A rumor having been set afloat that the Otonabee is an old boat painted over, Mr. R, Pinchin, Manager of the Peter- borough and Lake Simcoe Navigation 00., asks the Packet to say that her British register, which can be seen on the boat, shows her to have been built in 1907. She is therefore new, sound and up to date in every particular. A boat called Otonabee formerly plied on Rice Lake, and carried the Prince of: Wales from I-Iarwood to Hiawatha on the occasion of his visit years ago. But the bones ‘of this Otonabee now lie bleaching on the shores of Rice Lake. The modern Otonabee returned to Lake Simcoe this week. She took two excur- sions out of Barrie on Tuesday, one of 300. and a moonlight of 400, and ran from Orillia to Barrie for the Orangemen's celebration on the 12th. __.___._._â€"â€"-â€"-â€"- Personal. Mr. W. J Copp, elevator foreman at the Cereal Co. plant, Peterborough, ac- companied by two of his sons, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Copp. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robson left on Tuesday for a month’s visit to Mr. Jos. Robson at the Canadian Soo. .. ,M‘isshaura Thompson and Miss Stokes, of Bobeaygeon. are visiting Mrs. M. W. Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFee, of Alpena, Mich., were at the Falls last week, renewing old acquaintances, after 'an absence of about thirty years. Mrs. Geo. Kemp and her two sons. of Andover,Mass., are on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. Inkpin. Mr. Kemp is a designer in the Wood Worsted Mills, employing 5,000 hands, at Lawrence, Mich, a short distance from Andover. Mrs. H. P. Begg of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Lane. Mr. Robert Dewart, of Rochester, N. Y ’ who left Fenelon Falls thirty years ago, paid a brief visit to the Falls on Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Connell has returned from Hamilton and other p Jints. Mr. Jack Herron, of Toronto, who has been fishing and beating on the Kawar- tha lakes. has returned home- Mr. A. E. Hoffman, Pittsburg, Pa., who has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Barkley the pest two weeks, left for his home on Monday. During his stay he caught fourteen fine bass. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bottom and Mrs. F. W. Road, of Bobcaygeon, were in town on Tuesday. Mr. J.Twomey, Jr., left for the West on Tuesday. Death of Mrs Glut/er. Toronto, July 12.â€"~Ono of the pioneers of Ontario passedawa-y on Tuesday in the person of-Mrs. Fanny A. Hughson Glover, wife of Rev. T. W. Glover, a re- tired Methodist ministcr. Mrs. Glover. died at her home, Lowther avenue, Tor- onto. at the, age of 67 years. She was the daughter of the late James Hughson, U. E, Loyalist, and was born on a. farm - near Orangeville, 1844. In 1863 she mar- ried Rev. T. W. Glover, and was his de- voted wife and helps r on various cirâ€" cuitsâ€"Brampton, Markham, Bowman- ville, Mariposa, Lakefield, Durham, Bol- ton and Fenelon Falls. In 188-2, along with her husband and family, she re- moved to Toronto, where she continued to make her home until her death, being a much esteemed member of St. Paul's Methodist church, Avenue road. In addition to her husband and'two daughters, Lottie (Mrs. Decks, Toronto), and Ada (Mrs. Rombough, Baltimore, M.) she leaves five sisters and two brothers, Mrs, McCormick, Mrs. Galbraith and Mrs. Smith, of Torouto; Mrs. George Lynch, Darlington, Indiana, and Mrs. Bonestill, Moose Jaw; Stephen, Newâ€" market, and Albert, near Barrie. Mrs. Glover's funeral was largely attended by relatives, neighbors and friends. Several clergymen were preâ€" sent. The funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. Dr. Rankin, Rev. Dr. W. J. McKay, Dr. W. L. Armstrong, Rev. E". E. Scott, Rev. G. Mitchell, and Rev. Wm. Tucker. â€"â€"0 * .â€" Trent Canal in be Lighted. Peterboro Times :â€"-As reported in the Times some days ago, a system of better lighting of the Trent Canal is soon to be put in. It is now learned that it is pro- posed to put in a system of lighting which will enable the canal to be used at night equally as well as by day, along the streams and lakes, which make the waterway, for a distance of 250 miles. Col. Anderson, chief engineer of this Department, recommended the improve- ment. New buoys are also to be placed as directedby the Superintendent. 0‘. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. Rev. Jas. Wallace, of Lindsay, wili occupy the pulpit next Sunday, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Lord will con- duct services in Lindsay. BAPTIST CHURCH. On Sunday next, July 23rd, the Rev. A. Kochaley, a native of Persia, will-preach in the Baptist Church. In the evening Mr. Kochaley will give a special address on the work among his own people in. Persia. A collection will be taken on behalf of Persia missions. SMASH UP. The 3.30 Haliburton train on Monday, had a slight smashup. When opposite- the coal sheds near the stat-ion here, the brake beam on the first car fell. The » car was thrown off the track and turned on its side, and the secoan car partly‘ derailed. Considerable damage was done- to the track, several of the ties being; cut up, and the rails torn up and, twist- ed. The auxiliary from Lindsay was sent for and straightened things up. again. UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION: The combined Sunday Schools of the Baptist, Presbyterian and Anglican. Churches have secured the steamer" Otonabee for a joint Sunday School ex~ cursion on Friday, 28th of July. The boat will leave Fenelon Falls at a. in. sharp, and proceed through Klrk~ field Lift Lock to a camping ground: for dinner, after which the boat will; return and proceed to Laidlaw's, where- sports will be held. and then return to. Fenelon Falls. Tickets 500., children. other than S. S. pupils, 250. COMING EVENTS. Miss Genevieve Twomey is home from ‘ Loretto College, Toronto. Mr. Wm. Laking, of Haliburton, was in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. J. Price and child, and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pedlar, Toronto are at the Falls. Mrs. Price and Mrs. Pedlar are daughters of Mr. D. G. Smith, for- merly. of Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Jos. Welch is home from Porcu- pine, where Mr. Welch. was. burned out in the late fire. Eeneione Falls Scuncil’. Council met as Court of Revision for cement: walksonFrancis street. west of Colborne- street, all; members being present and Dr. Sims as chairman. Corbettâ€"Stantonâ€"That the frontage assessment for the north side of Francis street, west of Colborne street for cement walks be as follows: B. N. A. anch. A. Jordan, 1131,5feet; Dr. H. H; Graham, 58% feet; E. C."Edwards l' 56 feet; E. C. Edwards and Mrs. Ecl- wards, 58.} feet; Geo. Martin,58 feet; Mrs. E. A. McArthur, 116-;- feet; Fred. Green and John Shane, 172% feet; J. J. property, 222'â€" feet ;, Market Square and streets, 408% feet. Court of Revision then adjourned. and: Applications were received from Mr., E. Fitzgerald and Rev. W. H. A. French forthe position: of‘Clerk. Stanton éCashore, That the time for receiving applications-for the position- of Clerk be extended to, Monday,_ July 24th, at 6.1). m. Stanton.â€"~Teirs_That the Reeve sign orders for-the following accounts :. Jos. Heard, account, $3.95; J. McFarland, $14.42; D. Tripp, cutting brush, $4.50; Clerk, notices court of, revision, $3.75; Bell Telephone,.70c., Bank of V GardenParty-to-night (Fridaylat Mr- Thos. Cashorc‘s, by the Parish Workers. of St. James‘ Church. A good programme and refreshments. Methodist-S. S. excursion, Wednesday,. fAug. 2nd, to the first lock beyond the lift lock at Kirkfield. Returning, the- boat will stay one hour at the lift lock._ The Str. Stony Lake has. been.engaged,, and will..leave-at eight; o‘clock._ Tickets; ‘25‘c. Children'of‘ the S. S. free: Civic Holiday, Aug. 9th, celebration- under the auspices of the public library. Committees are at work arranging do:- .,ta-ils, and. a good day. iszexpeetcdl. 4-0 Mr. Harry Nelson has bought Mr. Jos._ Welcli's property of 25 acres at the. boundary, and: will take possession on. March 1st. Mr. Welch intends. moving, into the village. .01.. At the regular W. M. S; meeting ate, Miss Jordan's on Tuesday avery intcr~. estingaddresswas given. to thoJadies. present by Mrs. Dr. Wilmot, President, of Toronto District, on missionary \VOl‘lh, Mrs. Gould was unanimously electedl treasurer. in place of Mrs...lunkin, re-- signed, ‘ -c Minden Echozâ€"Dr. Mason,, M. L. A.“ of: Fenelon Falls, aner. W. J, Sommer- ville,,of Essom'illc,,visitcd' at the home of Mr. and’Mr. Goo. Addison last week. and'found the condition of-tlio road very, bad on their. way in. Already Mr. ’I‘.hos.. Graham and his helpers have put in a, busy week in doing good work on the. road from Mr. Perry’s to the corner, and: prospects are that we may have a gocdl road before long... >.~ar- E-v .-... ‘ '.LW‘ . .. â€""\‘.'£.’-Z‘".l»" «aka-4:»: :xr 3:11‘31441.‘ .mr mus-awcrgammnzynwwmr -.w 4mm 1a.: -x..‘ V a v-vâ€"zv' ‘mzaipr-(w‘W‘fi-uâ€"hyv'} ‘ flw-n wvmwpvmvm‘wmm A i c, 'r .5 3 3>".71'ai:-_‘3 - ‘

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