DOES ADVERTISING PAY? You can help yourself, help your newspaper, help us by filling out the attached coupon and mailing to us. This will put you under no obligation whatever, but will furnish you full information regarding the surest, greatest money-maker in the whole of Western Real Estate. FAIRHMIEN ‘ SUBDIVISION GOING THEM ONE l BETTER. Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. see our goods. S. S. Gainer". FENELON FALLS. Call and » or SASKATDON, WESTERN CANADA. The wonderful progress of this SURPRISE CITY OF THE GOLDEN WEST reads like a page from Arabian Nights; but those who invested‘a few hundreds, 3, 2, 1, years, yes, 3 months ago are wealthy to-day. Don’t let this opporâ€" tunity slip. Write to-day, now. EOPLE use ML Floorglaze for the hulls of sailboats and motor-boats, and are satisï¬ed with the way it looks. and lasts, That proves M L Floorglaze is water-proof. A good all-purpose ï¬nish. therefore. EOPLE use ML Floorglaze on vehicles, too, and ï¬nd it looks better and lasts longer than any kind of varnish or paint. That roves M L Floor laze is fade-proof and weatherproof. The perfect gro- tector for all woodwork, therefore. EOPLE ï¬nd that ML Floorglaze helps . housewives keep floors dust-free because . the surface stays glass-hard and glossy. INFORMATION COUPON. Send me full information regarding your Saskatoon property. .3 i :< , (., i ....................................................................... - Address ..................................................................................................................... .................................................. . The Universal Land Security 00., Limited. Head Ofï¬ce, Saskatoon, Sask. Eastern'Ontario Ofï¬ce, Room 18, Bank of MLHWIszedoemmindwehmm“ Commerce Budding, Peterborough, Uni. of feet nor dragging of furniture across it. L ‘FLOORGLAZE is the best thing you can get to help renovate the whole house. Fine for all woodwork, indoors and out. Get Read a y q , Distance is No Hindrance to those who wish to get the best. Many students, from the distant provinces and the United; States - Makes Old furniture look new again. Goes attendthe ' 1.; farthest, tooâ€"gallon covers 500 square feet. yflELLIOTT - \ I F L V. 1 b .11. ' ' ‘ *or next summers 6in ï¬ci'nor : ~ ' - Choose limong l 7 pretty cslors (i111 soliddepamel‘. / ' . D Opelatlons" '7 â€" t ' 'tt - a , ' ‘ . _ militaffaï¬gf‘ï¬nï¬hf“ Eggemilitflerzm TORONTO' ONT \Ve Wlll be pleased to ï¬gure on what you' Will; need": This school has a national reputation for high grade works Graduates readily get good posi‘ti‘ons. Open _ entire year. Enter now. Write for s catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor Yonge and Alexander Sts.. big tins. Easy to put it on right. Aslr at. your dealer's or write us for news of the hundred 5' use: you could make of M L Floorglaze. The Imperial Varnish & Color. Co.. Limited, Toronto ecommended and sold by Joe. Heard. in supplies, or the whole contract. r. o. TAYLOR. F-ENELON, FALLS: MARKETS W l â€"â€""- . r 2' I: Fenelon Falls,,Friday, May 12, 19].}. ,= Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 78c. to 800.. Wheat, fall, 78 to 80 Wheat, spring, 73 to 75 Is calling you, why not prepare now? The leading mercantile houses of P e a S I I I‘ Barley, per. bushel. 45 to 50 " Canada and United States recognize . Oats, per‘ bushel, to 35 . _ Pease per bushel, 75 to 80‘ Our mixture is blended by g . . ’ . . our eihcrency. ourselves from Sixteen choice named varieties. IHQESPUTTQN BUSmESS Away- ahead of the COLLEGES Butter, per pound, 20 to 22 Eggs. per dozen, Li to 115 1 . ï¬ . i Have give given thousands of young 01 dlnaly mIXt’ureS- people a good start in life. We can Sold. at the price of ordinary Hay, per ton, $8‘to S‘I‘O‘ ‘ assist you. mixtures. 50. per ounce, 750. :' Hides,$7 ‘ OUR HUME STUY. per lb. CQUHSES Rtiii’iï¬litlltti rum oases Youn. seams. surr FROM Towmsv sees. Beef, 7.50to $8 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 , Won], ]2_ to 20 Flour, Samson, $23K): to. $2 90. Flour, W'nnipeg $22.60 to $2180 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.ll0'to$‘2.60 Hogs, dressed, $8.50 to $9:00 ‘ Oil‘er unexcelled advantages-to-tlmse FIOIU’aVi0t01=ifl,$2-35 ‘10 who cannot attend“ college. Full F101â€, 110“: DBOQCSS’» t0 particulars upon inquiry. MOI-11‘, famll'y; cl‘l'pper, $2.25 to $2.43 MWNWWWW. Bran, per 100 pounds, $115 to $1.25 Feneilmt Fails. Shorts, (10., $1.20 to $1.30 Mixed Chop. (10.. $1.25 to SlAO T Corn Chop, do., f “ BUSll‘iESS CGLLEGE WAMTEDS . « , A good girl for. general housework GEO. SPOTTON. PRESIDENT belorc or by 1W Hp†‘ f m\, WSNTEE Laos asses = PEELED WOOD. m - A REMlNDER . The witness looked youthful, and appeared to be rather uncomfortable, too. Consequently counsel assumed his most imposing manner. “You describe yourself as a writer?†N0 young person can have a \z. mu m) Box 559, Lindsay, Ont, he began. ' “Yes. sir.†‘ “What kind of a. writerâ€"a sign- writer?†‘ “Not an author?" l “Partly, sir." i “What do you mean by “partly’?†‘ “I’m in father’s office, sir. He’s a money-lender. and I’m the author of all the sharp letters to backward borrow- ers. If you remember,.~I sent you one last. week. sir." -_. SEWI The undersignâ€"eâ€"d is kinds of sewing by the day at the homes of the persons wishing work done. Miss BARRIBEL. Fenelon Fallsl a... Bond St East, prepared to do all Basswood, Poplar, Spruce, Balsam and Tan Bark, for which the best prices in cashI will be paid, delivered on the line of the different railways in car lots or more. Basswood and poplar can be cut 55, 50 and 37 inches long. 55 and 37 are the best lengths to cut. 128 feet to the cord. Spruce and Balsam cut 4 feet lpng, also Tan Bark. M. Mansï¬eld, KINMO UNT; better safeguard against the adversities of fortune or a better resonrse in a time of need than a thorough business training. WE HAVE facilities to give you the best training in the Province. Our teachers are SPECIALISTS. All r . business and shorthand (Gregg subjects. Enter now. Home Study Courses. Lindsay Business College. I Affiliated with Orillia Bus.‘oouege A. H. SPOTTON, President. sorterwsrors ‘ ~ ‘3 We are prepared to take contracts for the coming season. If you have any building to do get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish, always in if». 1 stock. Planing and matching done to order. , fl it ' __________..â€" e. q FENELBN FALLS PLANING MILL V, A. TEIBS, PROPHIETOIL ,2 I} l." l ' ~ - -.., “4......†.. ._..... ~.-._'..â€"~.x.â€"m.