VOL. XXXIX. Protessional Cards1 LEGAL MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON «It STINSON. [ ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ics. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch Ofï¬ce at Fenelon Falls, open every Tuesday. Lindsay oilice over Dominion Bank. R.J. MOLAUGIILIN, K. O. A. M. FULTON, B. A. JAE. A. PEEL. T. H. STINSON. HOPKIIV S, WEEKS dc HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries, Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money.to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Oliices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ville, Ontario. G. H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE «it JACKSON \ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ste. Of 5 lice, William streei,hindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON _____,__,__________'_____._â€"â€"â€"â€" STEWART it O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Sac. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oliice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. ’l‘. Srnwum. L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY B Public. Successor to McDiarmid 86 Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Ollice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. W DENTAL. WWIâ€" Dr. s. .I. suns, DENTIST, 1*“enel on .Falls. ' Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved 1 methods at moderate prices. OFFIOEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- oruc street _________________.._,.._____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" . Drs. Neelands & Irvine. BENTISTS , LiINDSAY. Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work 9. specialty. Splendid (its in artiï¬cial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with grout success. .WM - MEDICAL. ' MMâ€; DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"â€"u. 0.,0. III., M n. as. Eng.,u.c.r. z. 9., ONT., r. 'r. M. s.â€" ' HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- enr. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelon DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, SUCCESSOR TO DR. A. \VILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Ollice, Colbornc street, Fen- elon Falls. MM AUCTIONEER. '1‘ I10 M AS OAS HORE. AUCTIONEER â€" FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conductc d in a ï¬rst- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vcrtising. _..._â€"-â€" 'I succxasson TO H. J. SOOTHERAN. CONVEYANCING. FIRE INSURANCE AT Low RATES. ESTATES MANAGED, AGENT MIDLAND LOAN Co. FARMS FOR SALE THROUGHOUT 'rnn COUNTY. E-Iil;'FII‘.E 9| KENT ST., LINDSAY. Miss Tena Bedford HONOR GRADUATE ALBERT COLLEGE, Is prepared to give lessons in oil or water color painting, crayon drawmg, or " The Parsonage,†designing. “ Fenelon II .1115. LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE No. 19S evening Meets the ï¬rst Wednesday each month in the Orange hall, Fenelon Falls. Lodge, M3; IF. Kenst See. . Since Shoes Were ~ First Made surpass in any way-those that this store offers you to-day. We’ve here and there, bought one line at one place and another at another. Have chosen them to suit the particular needs of our business: ‘il g ‘3 "i g s . . 3 I , NO shoes were ever sold that could g as i i *5 And from a lady’s most delicate slipper 5% ' to the workingman’s heaviest and longest ea lasting shoe, this store feel safe in promising absolute shoe satisfaction. We don’t know what your present shoe ' requirements are, but we do know that if." there is any advantage in a bright, new, clean shoe stock, this store offers you that advantage. Complete stock of choicest and freshest groceries. . . Wall Paper. We have about ï¬ve hundred samples of the newest designs in wall paper. Prices from 50. per single roll up. ' J. L. ARNOLD. . mewWrwwwwmrmnwwwrwunwuwtelecommuting DIAMOND HAL_I_ A SELECT STOCK OF Diamond Rings, Lockets, Brooches, Necklets, Clocks, Silverware, Fancy China, Musical Instruments. - Agents for VICTOR GRAMOPHONE AND EDISON PHONOGRAPH. Supply of new Records always on hand. N o matter what the price is, a mail order watch is not worth Don’t take chances. Come the price when delivered. and talk watch with us. A. NORTH EY - Issuer of Marriage Licenses. W z'll welcome l/ce reï¬ne- ment of Style in l/ée 5/2063 we are s/cowz'ng flu: season. 7713 Sl’Ofl/é is constantly doing improv- ecl aml includes l/ze latest novelties. SEE . OUR NEW STOCK. We have a complete stock of all F. H, D 0:, l makes and grades at convenient prices. Expert Repairing, FENELON FALLS I-IEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1817 CAPITAL ' ~ 514.400.000.00. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. KINGS WERE LIBELLED Offenders Did Not Get Off Easily In the Long Ago â€"â€" People who went out of their way to libel their Sovereign in days gone by did not usually get off so lightly as did the defendant in a. recent notorious case. ~ For instance, Leigh Hunt, the fam- ous essayist and poet, was sent to pri- son for two yearsâ€"exactly twice the length of Mylius’s termâ€"for calling George IV. “a fat Adonis of fifty." And George was not even King at the time, only Regent. Going back further still we find John Stubbs, a student of Lincoln’s Inn, arrested for libelling Queen Eliza- beth. He was sentenced to have his right hand cut Off, and the barbarous punishment was inflicted in public in the market-place at Westminster by driving a. cleaver through the wrist with a. mallet. The moment Stubbs lost his right hand he waved his cap withhis left, crying, “Long live the Queen.†‘ Then there was that unhappy Wel- ter Walker, grocer, at the sign of the Crown, who said he would make his IV. was told of this merry jest, he or- dered Walker to be arrested and put to death’Tor treason. Almost as hard was the fate of the Buckinghamshire churl who, drinking one day in a village alehouse, spoke disrespectfully of Henry VIII. “King Hal,†he hiccoughed, “is no true king. Would I had his crown here, that I might play football'with it,†The libeller was hanged, drawn, and quartered, and pieces of his body Were distributed as a warning amongst the market towns of the county. OFF WITH HIS HEAD u, I I I i it i E g g i E l E i E E i E E: Bavaria A service-paper relates an amusing story of King Louis of Bavaria. His Majesty was much annoyed one one occasion when the soldier on guard at the palace gates neglected to present arms. The truthkwas the soldier did not know His Mafesty by sight. “Why don’t you present arms?†the latter asked, angrily. “Don’t you know to whOm you are indebted for your daily bread?†The sentry glared angrily at the King, and, imagining him to be the Army baker, said:-â€" . “So you are the miserable son of a baker who furnishes the soldiers with bread, are you? Well, I should like to have you by yourself in some quiet place. I’d spread your ungainly ana- tomy over three kingdoms! I’d make dough of you!†ELECTRIC IVIOUSETRAP The latest from America is an elec- tric mousetrap. It is connected with the usual lighting installation, and as .soon as the mouse touches a copper plate in the trap the current passes through its body. in 'MUST HAVE FELT SHEEPISH The Londoner who stole a leg of mutton from a Metropolitan butcher's shop and then allowed himself to be caught by a constable rejoicing in the name of Mutton must surely have felt 70 or in your pocket. A 75 Years in Business. Fenelon Falls Branch .. .-.flé.rr~;l.Ww+3-,q~r"jfr-mqwrf.r.§w..+n_y_..,._.~ A .._. son heir to the crown. When Edward ' Amusing Story Told of Louls of 'tudes, and the number The money is safer in the Bank than in your house BANK 0F MONTREAL, BIONTREAL. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT REST ‘ $12,000,000.00 ASSETS OVER $220,000,000. SAVINGS BANII DEPARTIVIEN'I‘. Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. Fenelon Falls Branch m NOT SICK FOR 76 YEARS Lord Swaythllng Was a Marvel of Good Health The late Lord Swaythling, the fa.“ mous Jewish banker, was a marvel of health. The first illness he ever had“ was contracted in January, 1909, when he was seventy-six years of age, through a heavyLonclon fog, when he aws laid up with severe bronchitis. Lord Swaythling considered thit his marvellous health was entirely due to the fact that he was a strict Observer of the Mosaic laws pertaining not only to daily food, but to hygiene. Lord' Swaythling was head of the great banking firm of Montagu and Co., and during his career had the honor of being consulted by no fewer than three Chancellors of the Exchequerâ€"both Conservative and Liberal. He passed through many crises in-the City, and; well remembered when the. Bank of‘ France was so short of gold that it paid the bankers to draw gold-em napoleons from the. bank itself, send them over to England to be meltcd down into bars. and resell them to France at a profit. A CENSUS OF THE. STARS Orbs That Move Less than a Second In a Century , Mr. F. W. Dyson, the Astronomer- Royal, speaking recently on 21 Geneva of the Stars, said that great as was the. value of the census of the stellar pop- ulation, it would be of far greater value when additional details w m.- given with it. To what questions couhl’. they reasonably expect answers were- a census to be taken? They could as :17 in what part of the sky 3. star wes sit-u ated. That could be clearly answered of every star that they could see '0" photograph. They might ask how bright a star was, and an accurate a12- swer could be given of every bright star and an approximate one of a1 other sorts. In what direction was n. star’s proper movement? The proper motion of thousands of stars could be. given. How fast was a star moving in miles per second towards or away' from the sun? The number of stars: in respect of which that question could be answered had been rapidly increasing in the last few years, and had reached some thousands. They could also ascertain whether a. star‘ was double or single. In 1885 it was: calculated that there were 300,001): stars, down to a magnitude of 91/2; Now, more than a million for the whole sky had been definitely ascertained as regards their positions and magni- Of stars ap- proximately in the sky down .to the 14th magnitude was 24 millions. The star with the largest proper motion. was quite a faint one. it was discov- erer in 1897, and it moved 8.7 seconds a year. To make a complete circ'it of the sky it would take 150,000 years. In the constellation of Orion there eight bright stars that moved less than. one second in a century. TO VVHITEN KITCHEN TABLE Take equal parts of white lime and sand, and sprinkle on the top of the table, then take a wet cloth and rub well in the same direction as the grain, of the wood is running and then rinse with clean cold water, and a beauti‘ lfull white top will be the result. Gill? "sir-J ~51 .’ CHECKING ACCOUNT provides a safe and convenient way of paying your bills, as each check issued returns to you as n. receipt. A SAVINGS ‘ ACCOUNT keeps growing all the time because interest is added twice a year. The Bank of British North America. and talk to the Manager about it. Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Call at W. A. Bishop, Manager, "WQV" your." . ' " I l » I ~ )oz-cï¬oooa-