._â€"_â€"_.__._ Gliltlllllls UN lRANSlJflNllNElllll ALPHONSE JONELLE TELLS TALE WITH HUMAN INTEREST. Hardships attending work brought on Kidney Disease which threat- ened his life.â€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured him. Chicoutimi Ville, Chicoutimi 00., Que", March 13 (Special) â€"â€" The trials of those men who push the great railroads through the ob- stacles Nature thrusts in their way have been proclaimed in many a page of ï¬ction. But no story ever told is of more absorbing interest or teaches a greater moral than the actual experiences of Alphonse Jonelle, foreman on the Transcon- tinental, and well known here. “I contracted Kidney Disease working on the Transcontinental, where I am a foreman,†Mr. Jonelle states. “My skin had a harsh, dry feeling, and it itched and burned at night. I was always tired. Then came the pangs of rheumatism, and I ï¬nally got so bad I could not at- tend to my work. For ï¬ve years I suffered, and in the end Bright’s Disease developed. - “Then I began to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Six boxes cured me completely. Dodd’s Kidney Pills also cured my wife, who was suf- fering from Kidney Disease.†From all parts of Canada, and every day reports come of Kidney Disease cured by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. There is never a case report- ed where Dodd’s Kidney Pills have failed. They never fail. SAVED rnonwwonnnousn. Story of Robert Blatchford, the English Socialist. Robert Blatchford, best known as editor of the Clarion and author of “Merrie England,†has put into his stories many of his own advenâ€" tures in London, where, as a mere boy, he walked the streets, hunt- ing for work to save himself from actual starvation. The following story, quoted in A. Neil Lyons’ life of Blatchford, has served “inter- ests,†chief of which, perhaps, is its testimony to the enduring qualâ€" ity of the mother passion. The boy, tired out and despairing, had ï¬nal- ly gone to the police office for a ticket to the Clerkenwell Work- lious-e. Waiting outSide with other vagrants, he sat down on the pave- ment by a miserable woman. She was a swarthy woman, her skin tanned by long exposure to the weather. She were no bonnet, and was smoking a short black pipe. I watch-ed her for some time, and thought what a bold, hard, wicked face she had, and at length, more from curiousity to hear her speak than for any-desire for in- formation, I v-entured to ask her a question about the tickets. She turned upon me with a scowl, which gradually melted away as she looked at me, and at last said, not unkindly: “What do you want to know for, boy? You’re not going to Clerkenâ€" well, are you ’2" I said I was. She sat smoking for a few minutes, then took her pipe from her lips and stroking her chin with her great brown hand, said, very much to my surprise: “You mustn’t; no, you mustn’t. You’re only a boy, and not used to any kind 0’ wickedness, I can see. 'Don’t you go, boy; don’t you go.†“I have no other place to sleep,†I said. She shook her head. “Sleep in the streets; boy, sleep son the bridges; anywhere but there. It’s the worst workhouse in all London. No, you mustn’t go.†“But you are going.†. “Oh, me,†she said, and laiighed. “It’s good enough for me. But you are different. A11, don’t be stub- born. Take an old woman’s ad- vice. It’s a cruel place. Don’t go, don’t go.“ “I’m not a child,†I said. She laughed again, not pleasant- ‘Ty, and answered, “You know noth- in’, nothin’. I know all. through it all.†Then, very earnestly, she contin- Jed, leaning close to me, “Be ad- rised, now. Be told. I know these 1Lplaces; and I’ve had sons of me Been She nodded and put the pipe back in her moutn. “Good,†she said, her attenion another way. >l< BLIND OBE'DIENCE. A gentleman had a new head garâ€" dener who never thought of havâ€" ing a holiday or missing a day from work, and SO somewhat surprised his (employer by asking him if he could have “nixt Friday off.†His request was immediately granted; but on the Saturday he did not show up. and a week went past, and then a fortnight, and still no sign of Mike. The gentleman reluctantly employed another man in Mike’s place. About three months afterwards he was surprised on going into. the grounds to ï¬nd Mike at work just as if nothing had happened. - “Where have you been to, Michael?†he asked. “Well, sorr, it’s loike this. You remimber the day you let me off? I had to appear at the coort as a witness. When I gets there, I sees the ould gint with the wig on ’is ’ead and ’is specs on the tip of ’is nose. “‘Michael Dboley,’ sez ’e. “ ‘Yis, sorr,’ sez I. “‘Go into that box,’ says ’e. ' “ ‘Right, sorr,’ sez I. , “ ‘Swear,’ sez ’e. 3‘ I “I did as ’e told me, though I l “ ‘Three months for contimpt of coort,’ sez_ ’e. I “And they’ve only Just let me out. sorr. l l l “I want to complain of the flour . you sent me the other day,†said ,"Mrs. Youngwife severely. “What lwas the matter with it, ma’am?†asked the grocer. “It was tough. My husband simply wouldn’t eat the biscuits I made with it.†3121 Cu ulchly I no on In cures colds. heel; rho thou-t onnd fling... . - I - 23 can“. “Grandpa, make a noise like a frog,†coaxed little Tommy. “What for, my son 2†“Why, papa says, that when you croak we’ll get a thousand dollars!†Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting nym- kind from the fatal ravages of con- sumption, and as a neglected cold leads to consumption. one cannot be too careful to ï¬ght it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. A girl who isn’t stylish may look swell when she has the mumps. l'lll::arr:'s Llnlmcnt for sale everywnero. Johnnie-“Pa, won’t you please buy me a microbe to help me with my arithmetic †Papaâ€"“What good will a microbe do you ’2†John- nieâ€"“I just read that they multi- ply rapidly.†Thousands of Consumptives die every year. Consumption results from a neglected cold on the lungs. lflamlins Wizard Oil will cure these Ecolds. Just rub it into the.chest and draw out the inflammation. If a man’s wife can read'about politics without wishing she were a man he will never experience the pleasure of being henpecked. PlLES CURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS Your drug ist will refund money if PAZO OINT- MEN’J.‘ ial s to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Touristâ€"“This seems to be a very dangerous pass. I wonder there is not a warning board up.†Guide -â€"“Yes. There was one up for two years, but no one fell over, so it was taken down.†An Oil for All Momâ€"The sailor, the soldier, the ï¬sherman, the lumâ€" berman, the out-door laborer and all who are exposed to injury and the elements will ï¬nd in Dr. Thoâ€" mas’ Eclectric Oil a true and faith- |ful friend. To ease pain, relieve lcolds, dress wounds, subdue lumba- lgo and overcome rheumatism. it has 1 no equal. Therefore, it should have In. place in all home medicines and those taken on a journey. l . “good boy._ Now you’re talkin’,†and turnedl doan’t use bad language as a rule. - pwn. Don’t go, don’t go. D’ye hear ’l†, , _ ~1 I rose up wearin from the pave- SCOtP-fuso Ila-WWI}, has gone Into xnent. the ministry. Last tmie I saw him he was in doubt whether to be that or a lawyer. I wonder what de- cided him 7†Mottâ€"“He probab- “I will take your advice,†I said. -a- â€"« n . - R; . ~ 1y recalled the saying that _it is % easier to preach than to practise.†’ flop- ho. cocoa colds. heal. ~ __ ' . . . 26‘ Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Burns. Etc. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. .__...._ Annual Report Shows Good Year's Business. The report of business done by this Company during 1910, as shown by annual report printed in another column, shows net proï¬ts of $163,- 812.51 after deducting all expenses. The Company’s assets are now well over $2,000,000,'and surplus to policyholders considerably over $1,000,000. The losses paid by the British America since incorpora~ tion in 1833 total the tremendous sum of $34,470,308.91. This splenâ€" did record of 78 years continuous business is gratifying to those in- terested in this Company whether as a policyholder or otherwise. ' The reâ€"elected President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, and Vice-President, W. R. Brock, are well known to Canadians in this as well as in vari- ous other administrative capacities. __>x<_ Teacherâ€"“Johnny, can you tell how the age of a chicken is deter- mined?†Johnny-~“Yes’m. By the teeth.†Teacherâ€"“Why chick- ens have no teeth.†Johnny â€" “No’m; but we have.†Only one "BROMO QUININE" That, is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look. for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 250 Forgive your enemiesâ€"if they are bigger than you are. Whether the corn be of old or new growth. it must yield to Holloway’s Corn Cure. the simplest and best cure offered to the public. “If you want to marry me you should see my father.†“I’ve seen him several times, but I want to marry you just the same.†«TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. @Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. He is a wise man who agrees with his wife rather than argue With her. Mlnard's Llnimem Relieves Neuralgla. Heâ€"“Have you . ever noticed what small feet. Miss Fetcham has ’2†She (jealous)â€"â€"“No, but I’ve ob- served what small shoes she wears.†An Easy Pill to Take.â€"Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them withâ€" out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high tonical quality as a medicine for the sto- mach. ‘ “Why did Dollarby sell his ho- tel ?†“He wasn’t making money fast enough.†“What is he doing now?†“He’s luxuriating in the position of head waiter.†‘ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Has been used. for over SIXTY~FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN ‘WlllLE TEETHING. wlth PERFECT SUCCESS. 1t SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN: CURFPS WIND COLIC. and is the bust remedy for DIARRHCEA. Sold by Drumrlsts in every part of the world Be sure and ule tor“hlrs. Winslow's Soothan Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a. bottle. Gmranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, June 80th. 1905. Serial Number 1093; ‘ AN OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY. “So your daughter has been to a cookery school?†“Yes,†answer- ed Mrs. McGudley. “I suppose she has helped along the household economies?†“Not exactly. She has made 11s appreciate our regu- lar cook so much that we have to raise her wages every time she threatens to leave.†TNU ’ SSUE NO. 11â€"11. We own and Oj'er Calgary, P. BURNS ’8. to Packers, Ranchers and Provision’ers, “ Ix -' '» “PMâ€, LIMITED, Alberta, i 6% flu: and Refunding Mortgage Twenty-year slnklng Fund .Daled January 3rd, 191 1. Interest payable ist January‘and ist July. Bonds DugJanuary isl, 1931. Principal and interest payable at Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Montreal, and London, England. ' DENOMINATIONSâ€"moo, $500 and $1,000 with Sterling equivalents. Trustee: National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto. SEDURITY. Real Estate under the Mortgage, conservatively valued by In- dependent oxnerks at Sl,957,-;38, and total assets of $4,529,070 as security for $2,080,000 of bonds ($45,000 held in Sinking Fund). Ranch lands consist of four separate properties In the Pro- vince of Alberta, aggrozatlng 19,845 acres. The rotall business la conducted through 78 branch markets, well located In the principal cities and Towns of Alberta and British Bolumbm. EARHIH'JQ. The: average annual net earnings for past four yours, $302,652, or 2 1-2 times the utorost on 32,000,000 outstanding bonds: SlNKlNB FUND. An annual cl lklng fund beginning July 1st, 1912, sufflclont to ' rotlro the preach! laauo prior to maturity at 105 and accrued Interest. Copies qf/hé Trust Deed and offlze Certiï¬cates of Jlfr. lViIIiam Tank, of ï¬lessrs. Too/e, Peat and Company, Cal-3 gary (late District Land Agent off/1e Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way), and of flieser. Clarkson. Cross (‘3’ Iz’ellz'nrell, Vancou- ver, 3.0., covering the palliation oft/1e Real Estate ana’z‘lia audit oft/u Company’s accounts, may be seen at ouf qflices. Sand for doscrlptlvo circular and map. PRIDE; Par and Interest to yield 67:. . H V '1 1‘ . " I" 1. v u, ,2 _. ion trimaran ORPORATHON-LIMITED TORONTO . MONTREAL. . LONDONEIHG. 'DESTRUCTIVE. “I see that they’re making brandy from sawdust.†“Good gracious, as if the for- ests were not disappearing fast enough as it is l†The Bowels Must Act Healthily.â€" In most ailments the ï¬rst care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee’s Veâ€" getable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bow- els. Indeed, there is no other speciï¬c so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. v~w Mrs. Grayâ€"“What did she say when you told her I ï¬rst met my husband in a big shop '2†Mrs. Whiteâ€"~“She remarked it was won- derful what a lot of cheap articles were to be picked up in some of those places.†Minard’s Liniment Co.', Limited; Have used MINARD’S LII-\lI‘ MENT for Group; found nothing equal to it; sure cure. ‘ CHAS. E. SHARP. Hawkshaw, N.B., Sept. lst, 1905. Mrs. Gossipâ€"“1 wonder if it is really true that fish is a brain- food l†Mrs. Hearsayâ€"“I’Vell, I’m sure they have some effect, for every time my husband goes ï¬shâ€" ing, when he comes home he seems too dizzy to stand up.†Mlnard’s Llnlment Cures Dandruff. HOME. It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house to make it home, A heap 0’ sun an’ shadder, an’ you sometimes have t’ roam Afore you railly ’preciate the things yer lcf’ behind, An’ hungerfer ’cm somehow, with ’em allus on yer mind. It don’t make any differunce how rich yer git t’ be, How much yer chairs an’ tables cost, how great yer luxury, It ain’t home to yer, though it be-- 'the palace of a King, I Until somehow 'yer so‘ul‘i's sort 0" wrapped i'ound'evcrythi'ng. ' The rolling tire gathers the lDOSt’ pu nctu res. AGENTS WANTED experience needed. Sells on sight. Absol- ' uecessit tn farmers. Does work of thirty non. Pays or itiolf in one hour. Write to-day. LlODlGRN MACHINERY CO. (Dept. 5). Sarnia, nt. - AGENTS WANTED.â€"83.00 a (lay easy, No to EARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW systemâ€"constant practiceâ€"careful instruc- iouâ€"a few weeks’ complete courseâ€"tools free. Graduates: earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catalogue. Meier Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto, FARMS FOR SALE.‘ \ . OR’l‘HWlGS'l‘ FARM LANDS.â€"Ilalf a mil- lion acres in most fertile districts. Special inspection excursion in April. Write now. ltowart & Mathews 00., Ltd, Gait, Ont. Hi'eni : wanted throughout Ontario. (glEVEN'IlY-FIVE acres in township Loco, L County Middlesex, soil sandy loam, 20 acres timber, frame house, barn on cement blocks, 9 miles to London.-â€"â€"'l‘he Western Real Estate Ex- change. Ltd.. London, Ont. (NANGER, Tumors. Lumps. etc. Internal / and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00., Limited. Celllngwood. Ont. THE GREATEST PAlNT IN THE WQRLD It has no equal for barnsaandlouthuildings, cement, brick or stone structures. 5? WNW†-â€".PAINT Y’HOUT 01Lâ€" Reducos your paint bill to a minimum. I SAVES 75 per cent. of the cost. Write for Booklet, Color card, &0. The Powdrpaint Co. 27 Front Street E., Toronto. And many a man never realizes the value of his home until he has occasion to collect the ï¬re insur- ance. Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves’ Worm Exter- minator, because it has relieved the ilittle ones of suffering and made them healthy. Lecturerâ€"~“What do we see above us when we go out on a clear day? \Ve see the blue sky; and what do we see above on a rainy day 'l†Voice in the Crowdâ€"“We generally see an umbrella.†Wm" 98" "e" ammo"- io Dem. ' . Iâ€, 2:» ~\.-..-; was 5. «manual 1.9.. Toronto. HW<â€"fytyflqu\â€"f\rï¬\e5w1aqh ,_.‘. , ,3. t g 55‘. ’< ‘ (-1.‘