w 1: .3; as we v. .295 .. . l“ )3. l “V i wit-rites??? urea... ,5 l2, . l l i v x ' suffer. ‘ inrownsnrn moiâ€" ~- A common and a. Dangerous Troubleâ€"You Must Enrich the Bland to Escape Danger ~ Anasmiais simplya lack of blood. It is one of the most common and at the. same time most dangerous diseases with which growing girls blood so often becomes impover- ished during development, when girls aretoo frequently allowed to over-study, overwork and suffer from a lack of exercise. it is dangcmus because. of the stealthi- ness of its approach, often being well developed before its presence is- recognized, and because of its itendency-to‘grow so steadily worse», if not promptly checked, that it may run. into consumption. The value of the tonic treatment with Dr. William’ Pink Pills Should be known to every mother in the land. These Pills make new, .rich blood, tone the organs and nerves, bring a glow of health to pale. sallow cheeks, and drive away the weakness, headaches, faintness, heart palpitation and loss of en- ergy so noticeable in young girls who are suffering from anaemia. To all such Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are an actual lifesaver. Miss Mabel McTaviSh, Prince , Albert, -Sask., says: “In my case I can only say, that life had lost its ma- gic; all work. was a trial, and even plcasureonly a. task. When I went up a flight of stairs I was ready to drop from sheer weakness, and I had begun to think life would he a continued burden. But all this is now changed, thanks to Dr. Williams†Pink Pills. These were recommended to me, and after tak- ing their. for about a month I found my health renewed. I could sleep better, my appetite returned pnd I was so strong and well that housework was no longer a bur- den to me. My sister seemed to be going the same way last summer and Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills were at once sent for and two boxes made her as well "as ever. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillsaue now the pi'izccl.1ncdi- cine in our home, and doctor bill: have been fewer since we discover ed the virtues of this great nic« dicine’.†~Sold by .all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes" for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. """T'““'*1<'""""" . GAS BAGS 01“ BALLOOAS. lliihberncoatcd “abidesâ€"«Layers of Cloth Cemented Togcllu‘r. The. gas bags of modern balloons are made of a cotton fabric coated with indie. rubber in the most care- ful manner in order to assure perâ€" fect impermeability without sacri- ï¬cing lightness. For all large balâ€" loons, and especially for dirigibles, two layers of cloth are superposed and cemwtcd tOgct-her. The outer skin is covered with India. rubber on one. side only, but the inner skin is Coated on both sides. In German balloons the in nor canâ€" vas is cut straight and the outer canvas is out bias. In this con- struct-ion gores with angles of :15; degrees are used and the seams are , ('{H-‘Ol’tfd, which causes a slight in- lci‘euso in weight. French balloon mink-ere prefer to cut both canvases .straight. Experiments show that thc'tcnsile Strength of the enve- lopes thus made is approximately equal in all directions. Each method of construction has its udwmtages and its defects. As India rubber, even when vulcaniz- ed. is altered exposure to light. the canvas is colored yellow in order to arrest the violet and ultraâ€"vio- lcl: rays, which are the most uclive. The pigment. used in France isg chromato of lead. which unfortuâ€" nutcly must be applied to the canâ€" vas before it is coated with rubber. and which consequently prevents the vulcanization of the rubber. be- cause the chi'onuite of lead is black- cucd by lli’fll. Picric acid is free from this objection. but its' cm- ,pl-oy‘nicnl- is too dangci'ous.NScicnu tiï¬c American. ...__â€"â€" ‘1‘ ’l‘l“..\(ill (THIXICSI'I AT OXFORD. Great Britain has begun to rea- lize the possibililn-s of trade with China, and the dvsirubility of the bcâ€" i rapid increase of relations itwccn the west and the people of the (.il‘llï¬hl-lill Empire has been sin- gulzn'ly emphasized by the addition of flu: Chinese language to the cur- ricu'zuin of King's College. _....._...._. v54- It is common because the, in: s. s. LESSllll _ .â€"~..- INTERN ATIONA I. LESSON, NOV. 6. Lchuui YI.â€"â€"The Last Supper, Matt. 28. 17-250. .lioldcn Text, Luke 22. 19. Verse 17. First day of unleavcn- ed breadâ€"The Jewish passover was celebrated between the 14th and li’lst of the month Nisan, that is, Ithe ï¬rst month, and always, by a special plan in making the calen- dar, after‘â€thc spring equinox. 'J..1lS period was sometimes known as “the days of uuleavcned bread,†since leaven, being regarded as a source of corruption, was not per- mitted in the sacriï¬ces. Make ready . . . the passover‘Zâ€"â€" The disciples, thinking the prepara- tions were for the regular cclebrz ~ tion on Friday, would make such elaborate arrangements as were common for that‘feast. This in- cluded the obtaining of the wine, unloaveued biscuits, and the dish of herbs and fruits soaked in vine- gar, besides the procuring of the lamb. There is, however,â€" strong doubt as to the presence of any lamb. Jesus makes no refernce to anv. Perhaps all that the. disciples did was to see that the room was properly furnished. ' 18. Go into the city to such 'a man â€"~A1'ipurently, he had had an un- derstanding with-this man in Je- rusalem. Conjecture points to the house of John Mark's father. . The Teacher saithâ€"From this it is evident that the man, according to some previous plan, would rcâ€" cognize the authoritv of the mes- sage. If he had been a- stranger, and surprised at the demand, the. statement, My time is at band, would have had no meaning. This “secrecy was ncedful on account of the plot of the rulers and the trea- lchcry of Judas. I ‘ ' ,t-his passovcr with his disulples un- molestcd. To have made known the place. and time in the presence of the traitor would have led to a prc~ imature arrest. At thw house-It is probable that this house con trained the upper room mentioned in Acts 1. 1.3. l 19. The disciplesâ€"Peter and John. Not-c other fuller dcatils in Luke 22. 20. Sitting at meatâ€"The primiâ€" ‘tive posture was standing at the meal, but this had fallen into dis- use as it was the. attitude of bond- men, and thov were now freemcu. This was the last paschal supper Jesus was to eat with the disciples, and his eagerness to do so is maul-- lfest. . ‘21. One of you shall betray incâ€"â€" Mark’s addition, “even he that catâ€" ekh with me,†gives a color of special maliciousness to the betray- al, since among Orientals the catâ€" iug of a meal with aucthcr was a pledge of friendship, and loyalty. ’ 22. Is it 1, Lord ?â€"~;\sked with the intention of sceming to disclaim all part in the dreadful crime. Judas evidently was not suspected. In fact, it was difï¬cult for them to be- lieve. that any one. of them was ‘equal to such an appalling deed. Still. they had Christ’s own word for it, and it caused lrlu‘m anxious- lly to turn their thought- in upon their own hearts. i ‘7" He that dipped his hand â€"- peace, .d'). What actually occurred is more evi- dent from a comparison with the lpassage in John 13. The dish men- tioned was the one into which had lbecn poured a mixture of fruit- and vinegar. Pieces of the unlouvened bread were dipped into this and passed around by the one. presid- ing, a symbolic. reference to lbrickâ€"making period of the ligyp~ ltian bondage. As lh-crc was only lone dish, ,axnl all had parlzic-ilmted in this act with our Lord. the words by I fare equivalent to those used lillurk. "he that eatclh with me.†2-1. Son of man goethw'l'nc verb isiguiï¬es “to go home" arul“f‘o go Eon to deathâ€: hence, “to go back phonic by the way ....-‘.' death." l, As it is written of him ~-â€" The lOld ’l‘estumeut is full of types and prog'iheeicz-r relating to the Mes- siah’s appointed death. This fact, of course. did not make necessary the. act of Judas. The old arqu ment, that be was irresponsible, is contradicted by our. Lord‘s attempt to save-him from his crime. ‘lt was .ccrtain that some, one would be rc- {Judas need not have been that one. lThc woo pronounced upon him, therefore, like. those in chapter 23, is softened'iuL-o ‘a‘ wail of inï¬nite ism-row by the pity with which his I Master regarded him. He wished to eat! the ‘ sponsible for the final lragcdv. but i To be thei lone through whom the Son of Juan signs of God but in carrying out ,t-he awful purposes of Satan (John 3. 27). Surely it were better not to have been born than to have, been that man. The sum of all tragedies in a human life is to have. I lprostituted to unholy deeds the gifts of God, to have seen the right way and to have gone the wrong. 25. The true explanation of this verse seems to be that Judas asked Wlth the rest, for his failure to do so would have aroused the suspic- ion of the others. Perhaps, also, he wished to know how much Jesus was sure of, although it would be strange in that case for him to ask after he had found out through dip- pisg his hand with Jesus in the dish. The answer of Jesus may have communicated to him person- ally, since hc sat so near the head ;0f the table. Thou hast said can [only mean “You are the one who said it, not I.†At any rate, the others do not seem to have sus- pected Judas even when he went out, which may have occurred at [this moment, so. that Judas was not present at the institution of the supper which followed. 26. As they were eating~.\bout the middle of the paschal meai. Jesus took breadâ€"~11; was one loaf. .tho breaking" and distributing of which was “a symbol of christian unity in diversity†(I Cor. 10. 16, :17). l Blessed . . . itvâ€"This act was like our “grace†at meals. Blessing and giving thanks (27) are the. same thing, Luke using the. latter for both the bread and the cup. The way to bring God’s blessing upon, iour food is to eat it with a truly lgrateful heart. ‘ l This is my body-~â€"".l‘hat is, it lstauds for the body of Christ», and lto partake of it is to be identiï¬ed with Christ. 27. Drink ye all of it-â€"Mcauing, not that they should drink the enâ€" ;tire contents, but that all should 'drink from the cup. l 28. My blood of tllC‘COVOIlflIlt- â€"~ The remission of sins is covenantâ€" ed by God to as many as shall be- llievc. on the (lrumï¬cd One, and this covenant is ratiï¬ed by blood. 29. The Words of this verse are .intrtiiduccd with the solemn declara- ltiou, I say unto you. They form a lkind of, vulenlictory, the ampliï¬- lca-t-ion of which is found in John llAl-IT. This fruit- of the vineâ€"wSuggest- '1 “M125 years. 2. His hands were so had he had to wear gloves day and night. ‘ 3. Doctors said he could never be, cured. - 4. For 25 years he tried for cure in valn. 5.Tl~.en he tried ZAM-BUK. 6.2AM-BUKcur- ed him. 7.TO-DAY,three years after his cure, he says: “I AM STlLL CUREDwthero _ , has‘ been no { ' 3 return- " . \Q‘K‘i- 7 - é") bv th of my . . " 1 7//’ t ( "Inn. .~- ‘ , 'uw CURES present address. rotu r11. ‘0.. FJIHIIIODUY. Mention imitations. as much. Winnipeg No. 2.27 Used in Canadian homes to produce delicious horneamade bread, and a eup- ply‘is always includedzin Sportsmena’ Li and Campers'Outfï¬ts. Decline ‘ ' ‘ They never give satisfaction and cost just 5. E. w. GILLErT co. LTD. - Toronto, Ont. Amarded blghsst ï¬onors at all Expositions. About ‘ . Montreal They never fail to give entire Satisfaction You JUST TRY THEM ing that water has been added to ltho wine; otherwise, the words would have been, “This fruit of the. tree.†Our Lord’s saying henceforth he was not to drink this ,wine, clearly means that he did par- take of the wine at this feast. But it was the last time he was to do so until he should sit down with the disciples at the Great Supper. Then he would drink it new with them; that is, everything, and pccially the joy of which the wine lis a symbol, will be changed and loriflod in the Father’s kingdom. m__._k_. T H. l‘} ' 'l.\ I. u 1i RATIO Nil. 7 L1 31 1TH!) . " ’ One of the most artistic folders is~ ~sue-d by the Grand Trunk is a bro- chure just out giving information regarding the “International Lim- ited,†which is heralded as Can- ada's fastest train, as well as its finest. The. buoklut is prepared in lmast attractive style, well printed land illustrated, while the asthetic relation of type and illustrations is maintained to a notable degree. The story of the “International Limited" is a familiar one to Caâ€" nadian, as well as American, trav- ellers, but, as shown in the latest publication of the Company, it is still not merely interesting, but attractive. A full dosa-ription of this train between Montreal and Chicago is given, together with all the information regarding time and accommodutiou, that any passenger could require, the whole tastefully put together and artistically illus- trated. A. copy may be- liad free on apyflication to J. l). )‘lCDonald, Dist. Passenger. Agent. Toronto. “.5 e value of this great household balm. cure.“ fREE BOX. Sm‘d this counou c'u’ a stamp lo Zuni-But; [oi-onto. for this paper. ARE PERMANENT Mr. T. M. Marsh of 101 Delorimier Ava, Montreal, has had this wonderful experience or Zamâ€"Buk. Mr. Marsh has lived in Montâ€" real for over 30 years, many of them at his He is Well known and is willing to satiety any enquirer as to the genuineness of his cure. years from eczema in the hands and had to wear gloves day and night, the itching was so terrible when the air got to the sores. Doctors said there was no cure. ago Zam-Buk cured him. Interviewed a few weeks ago he said :~â€"_ “From the day I was cured hi- to the present moment I have liad no trace of the eczema and feel sure 1!; will never When I think of the marvellous cure Zamâ€" Buk worked in my case I am more and more impressed v . I I‘ have had. letters of enquiry trounxll over Canada, and uni glad to personally corroboralc the published facts SENTENCE Shanon s. The noblest duty is we nearest one. None ever regretted burying a. slander. The outcome of ingrowing piety is pain for every one. It takes more than public generâ€" osity to'correct private greed. No one gets far in love's lessons without learning to hate heartily. Side stepping duty will give you plenty of exercise, but no strength.‘ When a man is good because it pays he may be judged by his moâ€" tives. Explaining the commandments is a common way of evading them. The sins that are proud of being little are worth a lot or pains to kill. ‘ ' Do your duty and your spirit of devotion will develop itself all right. » . Almost any kind of iniquity will.‘ hide under the alias of conscien- tiousness. .. Some men think they are almost good because they are afraid to be very bad. No church ever last by love for the weak sinner and a lash for the strong one. Counterfeit tickets to heaven are good to almost every point on tho other route. Some have. work getting any rc- ligion out of their hearts because so much was once forced down their throats. "flaw Try to get ahcadâ€"«but don't strive to get into the blockhead, sorehcad or deadbead class. I w He suffered 25 Three years Zamâ€"Bnk It is byworklngcurcslike this the! Zam-Buk has won lorizmll a world- wide re ulnliou, Unnquulled tar ‘ ulcers, a sales, Ynez, blood-poison, inflamed 55m, ca d aria-1s, ulnppbd ' bands, lalziea' cuipï¬om, varicose ulcers, hurnv, emu, etc, All drug. ‘ pins and atom at 50c box, or m- ' link (50., Toronto, for price. “In-u you are offered somthing _ . r r for million. look for the lIlViSlblullS betrayed. was to be the. agent ‘I I. l ‘ 'é" I ' , » . _ , .. v - £5.91! f? ‘ " ,Rriug. . not only in accomplishing the de- ~ v ~. _‘ x W U _ H N I _ I . . / . . M...“ wmqmu a»- viw.IJBZI'uI-'HWA“’ .0. ml: m...p.u,...: I . v. A. . ~.> -.-- "*0‘U5‘Ju-‘Khmwwu -' ' nun Mhmdlmuml‘niuudbw 5....