Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Jul 1910, p. 3

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. m...“ .,.. . .w .....o..m_.m.-aun~ «mun h... .a...~sw.~.~...._... u........,~.....w_..__4 om”... WMâ€"WN - m..._...._.~_.‘.__._.v..,......... Irle A u » - ~ "’""‘ “"’_"“ " "' "‘"""""""‘”"'""¢"‘ mmm’ 4......«,-«" _ PUSHING A POPULAR LINE. ‘ A number of commercial men were S1tt1ng in an hotel, when one of them began to boast that his Consult u: with regard to your investments. ' 1; firm had the largest number of peo- . . . . . . . - ple pushing its goods, IV e have tlze faczlztze: for assistzng 1n selecting the There was a little argument. and security most suitable for. your individual requirement: 4 illnâ€" BABY’S OWN TABLETS I FATHER’S SOFT SPOT. . “You mustn’t touch the top of the baby’s head,” said a mother to her V Baby’s Own Tablets should be fiveâ€"year-old son, “because she has kept in every home where there a. soft spot there that is very ten- are infants and young children, and def” :at first sign of illness during the The youngster gazed at it curi- H... . .1... Iégs‘terslugnéisr inscpths theyAihoulil. be ogsly for a moment, and then ask-. then a coménercial traveller, who l ' 1e.1 e one. no Ime e :â€" :ad not ha much to say before, 5 . . . -‘-' a: filigree; is bgby m such dang? “Hhave all fbagaies hgotlsglft spots suddenly rose}:1 afird said, “I’ll bet : 3 our Quarterly list of ‘ 1m er- Pmmer comp am S on t e top 0 t eir eacs .” any man in t e ouse that my firm ' ‘ come on .so . quickly that unless “Yes,” replied his mother. . has the biggest number of people ‘3 ; Eggmggyalli Seyaétnémfidp ti: hat: 1 ‘gidfioapahhave a soét Epgt on his pnslfing ilts gooils.” d i ; ' July lst 1910 . it“ 1a 1exen»‘aaa” ' “o.”." ‘. ’ w' * V'hours. The Tablets nevenfail to “Yesv, and liewhzsts got it, still.” one. The nidicieirmleastggcff$snt§l§ t I: compiled and ready for distribution. Copy .mzt on request“ :ieclrilzyfiaytgeresricfo :fi;ld,efin:lhilfd%<if:- t A}111d thihold ligan, who happgned pun. {trp with a stakeholder, and the " ’y - . j. . V 1 y 0 car e a ove conversa 1011, among commercia traveller ask- '9 :églekeelpc hln’jl? Weill. .llqllrs. P. L‘ar- 532g outs_ -, N ed, “NOWL What is your fully-S line j GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS f: “I aét sunslmeron 5, bails-s sags Yes, indeed he has, my ' dear alugoods‘l _ n j .. __ __ To yield 4% to 5% 3: Salem” from stlgg’mch ayngubgieel gr 2e would have been a single man .Btaby carriagles, murmured the 1, , . =. l . â€" a . v : v ' troubles but the prompt use- of U y -â€"-â€"-e-- giiilamzliliaeniogstheegigglidotdlre meme) RAH-‘ROAD BONDS Baby’s Own Tablets saved his life.” ‘ . I' i To yield 57 to 67 -. . -.. The Tablets are sold by medicine NOT‘FOR HIM- Att k f h 1 d d 0 o ‘ dealers or by mail at 25 cents a Jfimsonâ€"That irl is a 'ewel. ' ac '5, ° C 0 am an ysentel‘y -, ‘ b-(X from The D1... Williams. Medi_ M‘wrison_Why an“ yo; marry come qulpk1y, there. §eldom beipg é : CORPORATION AND PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Cine Co., Brockvrlle, Ont. - her“; any. Wa'mmg 0f the “Elt- Remedlal ’7 '4 To yield 4%7 to 67 ' mid-"w" Johnsonâ€"J can’t furnish the set- action mu“ b? taken luSt as qllle‘ ; E - ° ° WIS i O \C‘, - ting 1y 1f the patient is to be spared ' I E W RDr. - ~ _ ___m_ great suffering and permanent in_ 5 , PROVEN INDUSTRIAL BONDS h’ k .d ' V ‘ ‘ ‘ ' if - o o .f culjizléigg wor s hai er than idle In Fields Far oftâ€"DrjAThomffsr fizzy/egg thefillgurriegaizfibgiréisuoittgg E I A H . To yield 5%A to GA _ _ . - ° - 'g_ ’Eclectric Oil is known in ustra 1a, ' . ‘ “ 3 3' ‘ . “ 1 01514135376; man marries for. love South andeentral America as well glgefiygflgzgylsogrfiii' DI‘t IE2: :' TlJe legality has been approved on all issues. Copy of our .2, The spark of love is usually kind_ as in Canada and the United be got at smal'l cost at 'an dru ' ‘- Solicitor’: opinion furnished to Prospective purchasers. . l 'l led before there is a match. States, ani Its cggilmptmrll 1.11; store or general dealer’s, yand ii ‘3‘ , Things don’t turn up in this world 01191188? e'a’c year' as mate 1 will afford relief before a. doctor .until somebody turns them up. 0““ Way, and 3111 that niegs totfie can be called_ . , . It is better to take things as they done. ls to, ea? Its {game 51 gzeit i: -â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘ come than miss them as they go. pUbhc' Ever) one news 3' TIT FOR TAIL 1‘] to be had at any store, for all mer- chants keep it. W Some people would accomplish a lot more if they didn’t waste so much time telling others what they ~ are. going to do. If you must take sides in a quar- rel, take the outsideâ€"of the house. The lot of the peaeemak'er may be blessed; but he usually gets more hard knocks than the combat- ants. “I wonder,” ejaculated the pro- .1 :_ - ' _‘ if voke-d husband. waiting for his wife f , . Ll: t3 put the last dab the puff on é a u her nose, “if the world will ever ' i see faceless powder.” .‘ .V.. .. ._ . ._.. .. , . “Or,” put in his spouse, “smoke- " " ' ' â€" - - w' ~ - less husbands.” Worms demnge the Wh‘fle sys‘ PAINKILLER Is JUST THE REMEDY 'tom. Mother Graves’ Worm Exter- neeéleg in everythquseholg. Florfirgtsialglggg . ' an rulHeB. S ralns an. 8}) a] ' mmator deranges worms and gives a, cloth with it. apply to the wound and "fit to the SUfiel‘er- 11’: only COStS the pain leaves. Avoid substitutes, there is but one “Painkiller "â€"1-"erry Dawnâ€" 25 cents to try it and be convinced. 25% and 5°C.. __.' o A flavoring used the some as lemon or null} "ll B dissolving granulated sugar in want In ' , adding Mould“. a delicious syrup ll nude on : better than lo. M 12inch sold 2:12:33. If not «mo: fox?“ bottle ~ , swipe book, Crggemgfifgggo. Seattle “1!. Mlnard’s Llnlment Co, Limited. It’s as important to know when THE INEVITABLE. GFNTS _I d l b] to so of an as It IS of we ' Ganadia n A reciation 91“): V8 8 ma 165 l' t d O . ' to know whenâ€"to grasp 1t. ‘ Underâ€"blossom. He,s a scoundrel. him Any garganeuggoorg-n e um Without domg Yours an, WILll'RID GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drummondvillo, Aug. 3, '04. ’ ulnard’s Llnlment Cures carget In Cows. He lies in his teet .” . ' Griggs-“Why shouldn’t he'l His Sheâ€"“I’m going to cook dinner teeth are false,” ta-d‘ay myself. What would you -- llke, dearl” . Small but Pot-ent.â€"â€"Parmelee’a Heâ€"‘lErâ€"Com beef and PiCkleS-H Vegetable Pills are small, but they ” are effective in action. Their fine “eds Weflkv We”)? Watery Eye; qualities as a corrector of stomach gnaw By murme Eye Remedy’ Y3: troubles are known to thousands Langham Hotel, London. Gentlemen,â€"I wish to express my appreciation of the .38 h.p. Daimler which you have delivered to me. Before ship- ping the car to Canada I made a three weeks’ trial of it, cov- ering some 1,200 miles. The car ran perfectly, and I never had the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite lives up to the many claims you make for it. The silence, smooth- ness of running, and power of acceleration onxhills is really Husbands and wives rarely agree urlne For Your Eye Troubles- on the amount of pin money the ill Like Murine. It Soothes. 500 At and they are in constant demand '__.... . t . gig; Dfit‘iiglse‘isyevife‘i‘feifbgfirg‘éilfi everywhere by .those who know lat er need __ remarkable. , " . h. 1 .2331; Irfizgeség sgfifilgtiggfiigozhg as spfvsAylguHEET OTSEIE {mg}? You » ‘ My petrol consumption was 16 milesTEO the gallon, includ- § . . ___ w n . _ When: a man Jew his “if”; {era those acquainted with them, but to :cfiiulzarlty of “The D. a 311.2 12.5% mg {1‘ great.) deal of dnvmg “11: “$1330: .118 tyre? 813:“, n: ap grow a ter marriage his w1 e sus- th ‘ h t 1 them the Plaster unscrupulous makers are putting prec1able Signs of wear, and think 1tw1 prove _1g on yres. E'BC'GS' that he doesn’t love her a11y rwe :seongggyagothénggt prepamy ED 011° like it- Made by Dav“ abnamenc' I am really dehghted With the canâ€"Yours Sincerely, ' . . a e- r - - o. . . mom. 7 tion Don the market for disorders of (Signed) C. A. BOONE, of Toronto, Canada. .I 'A lady writeszl"‘I was enabled to the Stomach PITY IS AKIN TO LOVE. .5; remove the corns. root and branch, H . b t‘ - h - u h 5;}; r - , HYPENATED. e was poor, ut o nerw1se on 1' 3 most , b7 the use Of Holloway S .001?! u ,, vet, and he had just proposed to 3, Cum.» Others who have tried 115 When a woma - answers Nâ€"nol the heiress. s I I have the same experience. It is quite easy to guess “Are you sure n she queried ,Lf_ . UCCGSS u ' a - : ~ ’ ’ ‘ . "’"M The httle hyphen "3 to ihow ,, ter the manner of her kind, “that ACCOUNTED FOR. Her answer Should be ye‘s' you do not want to marry me for Car 0f the H: my money ‘2” “Of course I don’t,” he replied. “I am anxious to marry you be- cause I haven’t the heart to let you become an old maid merely because KQiCker'n’ must be fine to Stand Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. where no foot has trod before. ' Henpektâ€"Peihaps that is why Maria likes to put hers down on on‘ARL DIVERS OF JAPAN. 1110 r , Vear1909" ._._._â€"â€"â€"_,x._. the hamler stator. ll, (moo Limited, _ _ . ~-- . _ Girls of 14 Often Engaged in Work Sfiu_11al?’IJen to have a» paltry half- lllmards Lmlment Cures: Diphtheria. __Clothes and Equipment. million. COVENTRY, ENGLAND. V 4 7 1 . . ... .. ....-. . ... .. ....- .. ,. .. ,, _ W HERE PHE FAULT LAY- The pearl divers of Japan are the vâ€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" - â€"â€" â€"â€" -- ~-;-â€"â€"-»â€" M-‘â€"â€"~- ~ ~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" -â€"â€"â€"-â€"--~â€"---â€"â€"â€"â€" l uTommy, that is the last helping women. Along the coast of the R/EAKE MONEY or: MUSIC. THREE (lANGER. Tumors. Lumps. etc. Internal. ,,_ of plummuddmg I Shall give you ln Bay of Ago and the Bay of Gokasho Us}, fpégccsmsltiect mgsgl, 108. Big bargain J1 and ixtcrtnal. cur‘;}d without pain by g» . - , ,r .. e‘cor . ., ‘ a , 01 ! . ‘ . a i. “ . . ‘ 3 . M So spoléedTomgery’szmogher. Tozln- {Ye 1:31 and fi14I-y§a$‘â€"oloclll girls .after _ Ontario. u 0 0h mam 10131:. dlii'llzrdlziiit Motilith ICZP'UEiiiiittcodo, my grune . 1y ecause e "vey ave nis e an primary . “W_ o mgwoo . Ont. . ~ - .‘- .- i. , h _ , .1' ; _._________._~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€". . . was a little hog. school work, go to sea and learn to are .GTRTS TO \VOI lx lOR ,, l “Once upon a time, Tommy,” dive. They are in the water and continued his mother “there was :1. learn to swnn almost from bab - , us spare time, make $5 every week. ' ' o . Sample and terms, We. Dominion Mail Order ‘ ‘ House, Station 1)., Toronto. ‘ h. - v ' best», re I dz»? fl ilittlc- boy who kept on eatinrr more hood and they spend most of their - _ v , fi ' - ‘I f KINGSTON. and more plumâ€"pudding ctill he time in the water except in the cold- , ES Y0”? Hearing E‘de ‘ Q ONTARIO. ‘ ‘5}, A w ~ l ' - v - - . .. , r 2 “v ‘ i 1. . f"= EA .-O-Pn0Nn 111 l tle .‘ , . l, ‘l’iunirsf. He dfied.1 Tomngilrorn eat Est‘sfastcip, imam the on? (Iii 11))eccrn 355ch feegyggmggiiané begrfftsflot 120011 hearing 55“? (gum; ARES ‘ °° hp ° A as. mam... - . Ommy ms 66 15 e 131113- lven 1 ‘n e m S. 1 1 n .. " '- ' .i' w v' ' “l of satisret users. so as.) A ‘ 1’.- ”Ain’t such a thing as too much of seas0ns they sometimes dive for i “A” Drums“ and Slémzrma ' Special Ofier for a Month's Home Trial. THEGLOGY ': 4 33:: 1.plum-puddingl” he murmured, pearls. They wear a special dress, ‘ . was BFRAND ELECTRO ozone LIMITED. MEDICINE ‘ . (tightly. white underwear, and the hair .â€" 3.14 Spadlna VAvenue. joronto. - SCEENCE (including Engineering) . “Well, then.” said his m.-"‘-v"e'r, twisted up into a hard knot. The i“why did the little boy burst?” eyes are protected by glasses to 1 “Not cnuff boy!” remarked Tom- prevent the entrance of water. The Arts course may be taken without attendance, but students desiring to grade uate must attend one session. There izmy, and he passed his plate over Tubs are suspended from the . _ ,. :again. waist, Were l5l7 students registered session " ,1 l , -;â€"-~â€" . A boat in command of a man is v- totem/Au ,, 1909,10, , :21... _ Beware of cod intentions that assign-ed to every five to ten women mam, 53mm, 3,9. For Calendars, Wme the Re stray. _ g," g . r b s! p, lek over the traces. divers to carry them to and from “9.1 3m“ ‘3‘" “MS GEO. Y. CHOWN B.A. ,‘s . . pains in from one to h n ' 1.5 , the fishing grounds. When the div- twenty minutes. 14 lungston, Ontaflo. People who lead the Simple hie ers arrive on the grounds they leap Change that limping. “5cm, horse {xfighgg‘gi‘zfilg ‘ ‘ * ' nervous). Tooth- ache, Neumlgla, ' _, ‘- Rheumatism, “ Lumba o. gains and weakness in the ac . spine or kldneys. around the liver pleurlsy. swelling , .e of tho lolnts. and palms of all kinds, Rm. way’s Ready Relief wlll in a. flow days at. feet a permanent cure. - " into a sound, healthy horse, willing and eager to do a good day‘s work. Don't let a Spavin, Curb, Splint, Sprain, Ringbone or any other Lame- ness keep your horse in the stable. Cure it with Kendalils Spam Cure It cures without leaving a scar, blemish or white hairsâ€"because it does not blister. , Port Kalls, B.C.. June 14th 1909 “Have been using your Linlment .for years and find it all that you represent. Have not been Without it fox-10 years." GEORGE GORDON. $1. a bottleâ€"6 for 85. Excellent for household use. Sold by all dealers. Ask {or free book “A Treatise On The KEEP AWAY , “3.3:? E ' .7 5-.» 4.7.: For Hali’ (1 Cent a Day. Horn Flies. Gad Flies, Blow Flies, Flies of every kind. Mosquitoes, Lice and all of courSe it was an old bachelor worrying insects keep entirely clear ofthe wlto said that women ‘ought to hold “mmals ‘0 Wh‘Ch their tongues occasionally in order ’ to give their thoughts a chance to S catch up. are not necessarily simple-minded. into the water at once and begin to gather oysters at the bottom. The oysters are dropped into the tubs suspended from their waists. When these vessels are filled the divers are raised to the surface and jump into the boats. They dive to a depth of from five to thirty fa- thoms without any special appara- tus and retain their breath while remaining under water from one to three minutes. Their ages vary from 13 to 410 years, and between 2:) and 35 they are at their prime. 1,.” Some men enjoy a show only when there is fifteen minutes’ inter- mission between the acts. .j“ $571“ ‘ :.. (1-2: has been applied. Easily put on with a. sprayer, and costs less than one cent a Somehow the average girl exer- day for each animal. Protects wounds c5568 better judgment-I in Choosing from fly-blows and inflammation. More her friends than she does in choos- than, Pays for “56” in 9-le milk. extra ing a husband. bcel, lass feed and more work from horses. $!.75 A GALLON .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ ...-..._.. ~ _ n . ;, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds Etc. . . n . t f . 0 _ . “Is your husband an optimist or 0 SC MW“ “15 or copy 55 N l 5 c A QUART L’.’Tf'”,""""_~ . .. .B \‘,"0“'“‘â€"“08 10 a "pessnmst, Mrs. Weakhcddc?” 33-.3-3-“M‘uco'Enmumml'nv“ I Rich relatives have a manic. for Will. 8t x .3 0531' ‘ é - - m ' “Neither; he’s a chemist,” 'asossarzrwazwgaso! _'r.'-:"~-‘r‘-":"/""«"‘ livin to 8. ii c old a . ' a ' ‘1 g P 36 "rename. rung-ll- -t o 7

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