Professional Cards LEG AL. IVICLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON. ‘) ARRISTERS, SOL, CITORS, ‘NOTAR- ) ies. Moneyto loan. Special attenâ€" tion given to investments. Branch oihce at chelon Falls, open every Tuesday. Lindsay ofï¬ce over Dominion Bank. R. J. Mchentm, K. O. A. M. FULTON, B. A. JAS. A. PEEL. T. H. Srinson. HOPKINS, WEEKS & HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND B Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms. to suit the borrower. Ollices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- villo, Ontario. - G. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A. MOORE a JACKSON, Annisrens, SOLIUITORS, &c. or I lice,~William slreet,Lindsay. F. D. Moons.- A. JACKSON ____________._____.___.â€"â€"â€"â€" STEWART & O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 850. MONEY B to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. T. STEWAM. L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A DENTAL. W’â€" Dr. 3. s. eases, creamer, 3:“cnelon Falls. _ Graduate Of Toronto University and Royal College of“ Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES {3F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. ()FFICEzfâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orne street ~ Dr's. Neelands & lrvine. DENTISTS - LINDSAY. Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Splendid ï¬ts 1n artiï¬cial teeth. Painless extraction. Qas administered to over 9,000 persons With great success. A norm-W MEDICAL. DR. H.‘ H. GRAHAM. -â€"u. n.,o. AL, M. 1:. cs. Eng.,M. c. P. a: s., Own, 3‘. r. M. s.â€" HYSIGIAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUCHJ cur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, SUCCESSOR TO DR. A. “CHASON, ‘ RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Olï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. AUCTIONEER. T H0 MAS CASHORE, AUCTIONEER â€" FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. _._..._â€"__._.__â€"-_ In, Jewelry We carry a large and well selected stock. Our pricesare as low as you will ï¬nd any- where. It Pays To keep your watch in good '5 order. If it needs cleaning or repairing bring 11; here. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. renews FALLS. in goodness. satisï¬ed by. making the best “ good shoe.†In time that policy brings large and. lastingsuccess. ARNOLD’S SHOES are made on that high principleâ€"' to achieve the best possible in FIT, STYLE and SERVICE. We have a sale on, of the best good shoes made in Canada and can save you money on every pair you buy. ax} One good shoe diï¬'ers from another The ï¬rst reason for this is in the purpose of the makers. You can depend upon the manu- facturer, who scorns cheapness in shoes, who would rather make less shoes, and less proï¬t, if necessary, and know that they will give satisfaction to every wearer, who is himself only "WW1 paws-r 3': CATS are always the best. is always cheapest because it’s wholesome. HIGH Ill QUALITY but always correct in price, is what you always ï¬nd prevails at our grocery store. PICKLES, and other things that we handle UP The best Get our “High in Quality "I goods and be safe. ROBSON 8:: SON. mmm: new? zfl: mammoth: stimiflnsï¬mflrr Mï¬kmï¬: :Muflrflmï¬n ;ï¬rg&c&ï¬mat§h Whig Summer Suits. date goods for Suitings for Summer. We carry a. ï¬ne line of the most up-to- We" invite your inspection. Fit and workmanship the best. r213: 3mm No. trouble to show goods. TOWNLEY ROS. - I" WWWWWMW flaw LWWW 1910. HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHE n 317 CAPITAL - $14,400.000.00. ASSETS OVER $220,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits taken of$1 and upwards,‘ which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Fenelon Fal MONTREAL. REST ~ 12,000.00000. 1s Branch J.4._-,, Christian Socialism. To the Editor of the Christian Guardian. Dear Sir :â€"â€"In a recent issue of your paper there appeared a letter from Sundial, Alberta, on “Christian Soci- alism.†The writer of that letter has evidently never taken the time to ï¬nd out just what Socialism is. He he- lieves it to be opposed to our religion ; he believes it to teach inï¬delity; he thinks it is powerless to change pres- ent conditions, which latter result is achievable by Christianity alone. As a result of a considerable degree of study of tliis'question, I have dis- OOVered that that oft-repeated argu- ment about inï¬delity is worth very. little. It has nothing to say about man’s spiritual alfairs, If it had, it would cease to be Socialism. It is simply a theory of Political Economy, at diagnosis of modern industrial evils, a proposed cure for those evils and a political movement to realize the cure. The term “ Christian Socialism†is a misnomer. It assumes that Socialism can be un-Christian. It cannot. As it is purely economic and political how can it Oppose Christianity, which has nothing to do with either of these realms ’1 You can no more have “Christian Socialism †than you can "have f‘ Christian Arithmetic,†“ Chris- ;der by the abolition of poverty, at least in its grosser forms. It ï¬nds that our. present increase of poverty is the result of leaving the world’s indus- tries, the‘ producers of the world’s wealth, in the hands of a few who op- erate those industries, primarily, for private proï¬t. It believes that the development of concentration of' in- dustry is forcing the hands of, the peo- ple; and the Socialist movement, mil- lions strong, aims to use the ballot to secure these entrusted industries to be operated by the people in the people’s- interests. That alone is Socialism. The: Church had better refrain from inter- fering in politics and economics. All its past interference has resulted in. bungling. By opposing the rising de- mand for Industrial Democracy, the Church may ï¬nd a repetition of what, happened when she opposed emanciâ€" pation for the aegro, and burned wit- = ches at the stake. ‘ I may lack, and probably do, those ' powers of clear thinking and sound judgment which have been so lavishly " bestowed upon the enemies of Social- ism, and so sparingly upon its advo- _ cates ; but I cannot see why my sup- port of the economic and political the- ories of Socialism should make me less a Christian than those who do not so . believe. There . are. thousands of de~ tian Agriculture,†or a “ Christian l vout men and women in the ranks of Liberal Party in Politics.†:Amongst the supporters of the Liberal Party Socialism ; men and women whose ad- herence to its principles is a very are found both Christians and Athe- strong argument against these suppo- ists. I have found on mission ï¬elds just as many opponents of our faith in the Liberal and Conservative as in the Socialist ranks. Inger-5011 was a prominent Republican, but one would hesitate to oppose thatparty because it teaches inï¬delity. The Socialist Party does not oppose religion any more than any other party; not a word can yOu ï¬nd in its party plat- forms anywhere in Opposition to our faith. There is not a reputable and recognized organ of the Socialist Party on this continent that teaches it eith- er. It is true, many Socialists do dis- believe in Christianity, but one cannot hold their economic beliefs to be res- ponsible for their theological errors. What right have I, because I be- lieve a certain method of farming to be wisest, to denominate it “ Christian Farming?†“That right has my broth- er Of Sundial, because I believe Social Ownership of Public Utilities to be in the best interests of the race, to rank me as an inï¬del on that account? Christianity has committed itself to no economic theory or political party. It dare not. It has no more right to call my advocacy of Socialism, un- Christian, than his advocacy of pri- vate ownership by the Trusts. Socialism ï¬nds that 'many of our economic evils come from poverty and the unjust distribution of wealth, and it aims to produce a better social or- sed inï¬del tendencies._ If we, I pre- sume, would only sacriï¬ce our convic- tions and 'cease demanding political ' , emancipation for the race and come . back and say, like obedient children, that we are sorry and won’t do it again, then our brother will grant us absolution and restore us to our posi- tion among the dear Old orthodox saints, whose god is not God, but An- tiquity. My brother’s ideas on some subjects are highly reactionary. His advocacy of a Church censorship over our in- vestigations after truth smatters of Roman Catholicism. What right has he to shut us from reading inï¬del, let alone Socialistic, literature? He is guilty of a. most unworthy insult to ‘ our faith, when he is afraid to letthe light shine on us lest we lose our faith. If Christianity does not dare to come to the light of candid investigation, it is of those “who love darkness rather than light.†It is an unworthy political manoeu» we to draw Socialism out of its ele- ment, and to try to strangle it where it has no chance for life. Socialism, as a much-needed revolution in the tenure of capital and manner of proâ€" duction of wealth, is inevitable, and it seems a strange Christianity which goes out of its way to oppose that whose only fault it is that it is proâ€" (Concluded on eighth page.) 74 Years in Business. THE BANK OF Capital and IQlO l may be Opened by two members of a family. Either may deposit or withdraw money on his or her own signa- ture alone, so that either may do the banking, as is most convenient. $1.00 opens a Savings Account. Money may be withdrawn at at highest current rates. any time. Fenelon Falls Branch Interest compounded W. A. Bishop, Manager q-u’ 254.5 -‘~' 0" .t..2a:¢2¢~:"Ȣ 2am .- i’ts-rxu 7 1 r u we“ ,P, -‘vv;v;w~“ at,“ m v9â€