Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 May 1910, p. 7

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0 for {Their id London,1May 7.â€"Thc official bul- Highness is a very able nurse, and lotin annoflncin the .Kin ls death she also rendered some assistance mad 1 f u , ii; g In the sick chamber. The Duchess I ‘5' 0 palm“ of Albany was another member of M- .~ . ._ ' L- .t the Royal family who came to see a“: 6' 11 00 p m_ His Mnes y his Majestypand when she left was the nglibreathed his last at 11.45 weeping bitterly. . ‘ CALLERS AT THE PALACE. MajeSt')’ Queen Alexandra, the Early in the afternoon'long Prince and Princess of Wales, the strings of motor cars and carriages ’ began to fill the court yard at the Princess Royal, Duchess 0f Fife: entrance to Buckingham Palace, Princess Victoria. and Princess and they continued with-out inteir- - , ' , mission until 6 o’clock. All he Lcmse’ Ducheg of Argle' well-known people of London were tonight in the presence of her -,Signed L'AKING, leaving calls and making inquiries, ’ » REID, " pr;liticians, Ambassadors, dignitar- POWELL, ies of the Church, great leaders DAWSON_ and men of note in the world. of sport, writers, painters, one or two warmest ritain are the ' minim: Beyond the $eas Maura “lllEllEAll HAS GUMETO UFE” “FRUIT-A-TIVES" MIRACLE . . magiâ€":31". 1%.: '~ MRS. JAMss FENWICK . Enterprise, Ont., October Ist, 1908. “I suffered tortures for seven long years from a Water Tumor. I was . . . . forced to take morphia constantly to 111 Royal hvery walked across the relieve the awful pains, andeanted to palace yard to the gates and faSt' die to get relief. The doctors gave me thousands wailing and murmuring through the crowd as the old man silence those in the front ranks death; The“ I Was indllccd'to takf: mad the announcement_ HI“,an “Fruit-a-tives"and this wonderfulfruit - ,n ~ , - V '. medicme has completely cured me. It aloud ' crled mam m the real? When I appeared on the street again but no one had the heart t'o' read my friends exclaimed ‘The dead has the sad news aloud. 'A woman comctolife.’ The cure wasa positive cried, “Oh, it cannot be! Oh, God, miracle." MRS. JAMES FENWICK. save his Majesty.” ,The Royal 5°c “ b°x*6 for 52-50‘0“ trial boxy Standard which floats over Buck- . . _ ingham Palace when the King is in Limited' Ottawa‘ ' residence there, and to which inany anxious glances had been cast The C. P. R. plans to connect throughout the day, is always taken the Central Station at Ottawa with down at sunset, and when shortly the Union Station by altunnel and after the 6.30 bulletin was postedlto make otherimprovements to 005*. 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives , LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS.’ Toronto, May 10.â€"Ontario Wheat -~No. 2 mixed winter wheat, $1.03 to $1.04 outside. Manitoba Wheatâ€"No. 1 northern $1.05; No. 2 northern, $1.03 at lake ports for immediate shipment. Cornâ€"American No. 2 kiln-dried yellow, 6634c to 070; No. 3, kiln- dried 05l/_.c to 66c; N0. 3 yellow, 650; Canadian corn, 600 to Glc, To- ronto freights. Oatsâ€"Canada western, No. 2, 30340; No. 3 C. W., 35%0, at lake ports for immediate shipment: On-z turio No. 2 white, 350 to 35%0 out- side; No. 3 white, 34c to 34%0 out-. side, 370 on track, Toronto. Barleyâ€"~No. 2, 530 to 540; No. 3 extra, 510 to 52c; No. 3, 460 to 470 track, lake ports. Peasâ€"No. 2, 75c to 700. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 67c to 680. Buckwheatâ€"N6. 2, 510. Manitoba Flourâ€"Quotations at Toronto are :-‘-First patents, $5.50; second patents, $5; strong bakers’, $4.80; 90 per freights, 28s. Ontario Flourâ€"~Wintcr wheat patents for export, $4 to $4.05, in bryers’ bags, outside. Millfecdâ€"lMa-nitoba bran, $19 per tcn; shorts, $21 per ton, track, To- ronto. Ontario bran, $20 per ton; shorts, $22 per ton on track, To; ccut., Glasgow We" London, May (ifâ€"Edward the Seventh died a quarter of an hour before mid-night. His illness, in its final stages, progressed with ter- rifying rapidity. It was only at hall-past three-this afternoon that he was prevailed upon to allow himself to be laid in bed. Since morning he hadbbeen reclining in an invalid chair. At 3.30 he had a violent attack of coughing, which so exhausted him that he held out no longer against the wishes of his physicians. He still retained full consciousness, and about five o’clock asked for news about his horse “Witch of the Air,” which was running at Kcmpton Park this afternoon. He was told it had won. Not» long afterwards it became ' apparent that he was rapidly growing worse. ‘All five physicians who had been called into consul~ tation were in attendance, and 'soon afiter their public announce- ment that {his condition was criti- cal the Royal patient began to show signs of the approaching dissolu- '~ 'tion. He sank rapidly, and at 11.- 45 jmsred'away. THE NEW KING. In the eyes of the British Con- stitution the King never dies. The death of one Monarch, technically termed the demise of the Crown, is automatically followed by the accession of his successor. Thus when King Edward breathed his last, in the presence of his family, among whom was of course his eld- est son, the Prince of Wales, the British Empire came into posses- sion of a new King. ’ The Prince and Princess ’of Wales drove to the Palace from Marlborough House at half-past M... maxi tell, and remained 1“ the 1'00”! DCX‘D streets slunvcd such a change that to that in which the King lay. Here “the Queen and Princess Victoria scenes of life, bustle and gaiety 1.3. also spent the day. The King was very glad to be able to command once more the services of the nurse who cared, for -him during his recovery from the operation in 1901, and several times sent out word to his family that he was as comfortable as he could expect. to be. THE QUEEN’S DEVOTION. The Queen has watched over his Majesty with the utmost devotion over since returning on Thursday night. She had heard of the King’s illness on the way to Calais, and hastened her arrival in England as i “10 Present? illness. When the bulJmS actors even. Every class was rep- resented in the line which advanc- ed slowly tothe door, and then drove away with saddened faces, “coking out upon the people gath- ered round the gates. When the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Althrop, left the palace smiling it was taken as a hopeful sign, and when it was rumored that both Sir Francis Lak- ingand Sir James Reid had gone out for a ride their spirits went up still further. The long delay be- tween bulletins was taken to mean that at all events his Majesty was no worse. ' DESERTED STREETS. While the sun shone more brilliâ€" antly than it had done any day this year, the people seemed to ex- tract the utmost particle of hope which the medical bullet-ins conâ€" veyed, but when evening came, cold and dismal, with rain drizzlng from the heavy skies, the crowds lcrt heart, and soon after the issue of the later reports announcing that his Majesty’s condition was most grave, and that the hoped for improvement had not set in, the streets were practically empty. Peâ€" destrians were rare. Cubs and taxis passed by at intervals instead of in ceaseless file, and motor bus- ses rumbled past empty or nearly empty of passengers. FEW IN THE THEATRES. t was‘curious to see how, out- side one theatre, where a popular success Was running, the crowd which had formed alongside the pit and gallery doors melted away be- fore the door were opened. It was evident that these people, to whom a visit to a theatre was such a m. treat that they would stand for hours waiting to secure a seat, had no stomach for 'musical comedy while their King lay at death’s ’door. All the West End theatres .were practically empty this even- ’ing. Even the physiognomy of the I thought the cud had already come, and policemen went amid the crowd explainingnthat the flangas only being taken down because the sun had set. ‘ NEW MONARCH PRO CLAIM E I) .‘ London, May 7.~â€"Kiug"Gcorgc V. was proclaimed this afternoon. The , . prcclamatiam _was approved by the semblcd streets in a crty through privy council at ,1 dclock' “'thh death had Stalked' _ The council met in the throne HOPE TU {NED TO DESPAIR. room at St. James" Palace under . "" \ : .\l‘¢,a "‘A v] After the first shock WlllCll the 3330.1”0glflfvlgtli ‘lf tll‘t‘llédli.fit.flg’llell¢% news in the mowing papers had v.10 O Italil,y'e’i',,lill, 'I cc 0, given to the great masses of the l‘mel' 0".“ “1131) (:llt‘l 15111.“; ' ' '-- 'l‘()lv_‘ A} . .A. population In London them was & monaici “as C.ncn 10 1 c o ting "‘n . . period when hope ran high. The i ("0130' V' earliest reports of the. day were. thoroughfares which are normally The. King, who had driven over I from Marlborough House, waited in night, and with the memories of {II”Uf;l.la;dllfim11% tllftf‘?1‘fllc_ll Oil??? his remarkable recovery after his 1 I)“ I.“ u L do“ em" '15, Mimi 1 “’8 attack of perithplitis in his eurona- to‘icmg "11 t0 ; 10.1‘15ctua 1 p100 ama- - u . ' - y n . - 1 )I . tron your, 1118‘ subjects set great "§’\l’.tl‘“’£(' lingualngf ' n, .11 store on his ability to pull through“ , f1 1t ‘1‘_'Ft‘lll S Celiinmy‘ a; 1‘ 1n or .y-i ‘r’year, 1c .‘econc so that the King had passed a good I cued up the bulletin. In absolute up and my friends hourly expected my Manitoba, NO. 4’ 52%,; on fluttered down, many people about a. million dollars. HIS LATE MAJESTY, KING EDWARD Vll. EXPLOSIUNCAT HULHUE. Ten Persons Tillieâ€"re Kill‘edflfiandfiMo-re' Thanh ronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. I ‘ Eggs~200 to 21c per dozen in case lots. Butterâ€"Creamery prints, 290 to 310. Separator prints, 240 to 250: Dairy prints, choice, 230 to 24c: largeâ€"rolls, 22c to. 23c; inferior, 16a to 170. I Syrupâ€"$1 to $1.10 per Imperial gallon. . - Cheeseâ€"12c for large and 12%6 for twins. Old stocks are easy at 12%0 for large and 130 per 1b. for twins. Beansâ€"$2 to $2.10 per bushel for primes and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand- picked. Potatocs â€"- Delaware potatoes, 55c to 600 per bag out of sterc. and tarios 350 to 400 per bag on track, and at 45c to 500 out of store. â€"â€"â€"m LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May 10.3â€"As high as $7 is mentioned in the transactions as finc- cxport steers, but the average range of the prices for good but- cher cattle was from $6.40 to $0.75, with secondary grades bringing all the way item $5.50 to $0.25 per cwr. Cows sold as high as $0, but the range for both 00va and hull: was on an average of from $4.50 to $5.80. With the exception of hogs. which are firm at $8.75 to $9 per - cwt., the light stock is easier. Sheep and lambs are quoted from 25c to 500 lower. ' One Hundred Hurt." Ottawa, May 8.~â€"Boys playing in burned ' quietly at; "about thrcc- ., the fields star-ted a brush fire which quarters of an - hour, when the caused the explosion of "Viritc"ibuilding in which thc'dctonators this afternoon of the magazine of were stored, exploded with a sharp the General Explosives Co. in Hull, report. which was heard all over Que. Ton deaths now and at least the. city of Ottawa. ' ' ' twenty cases of serious injury con- Abdul; two minutes afterwards stitutc the tale of casualties, while the main magazine, which con. the damage to Hull and to the taincd about livc’ tons of the ex- neighboring City of Ottawa may vplcsive, (lctolmtcd with a tremend- rcach $100,000. ‘ _ ‘ may be added .to. larly sharp and eliormous clfiuds The factory comprised a number of smoke rose to a great height in of small buildings on the {mt-skirts tlu- air, while stones,‘-mauy .01, of Hull. It was devotedmto the which ‘were' ol" great size, were at 450 to 500 on track Toronto. on-. having been paid for a couple of . The list of dead one shock. The noisczwas pearlâ€",- mucli as possible. . _ _ I was up nearly an night, staying by condition stlll gave rise to gravel the King’s bedside, and only catch- “I’llxmtl‘l “Nd .It “11% 50011 that five! ing brief rests on the couch in her (mt-tors had 51‘5an 1t. WI" 6011511“- sguingd-OOM adjoining the King‘s ants havmg been added to those in {,ymnmmz Hm. Majesty). 5a“. m, onc‘attoudancc yesterfidayathere was fxmm the physicians and Missicommcnsurate _dcpression. . SL111 Fletcher, the nurse, outside the , “1" 5"“ “'"S 5111111112915 1111811th In the members of the Royal familv. Prim-51“iuc Sky: and buoyant SWINEâ€"3‘ Wits “SS Victoria, Shar'cd in m}, long in. the air an-dkcpt up courage. But rig“, he,- Royal Highness helping'Wltl) the evening. bulletin hope was 542.3? mother to bear with fortituch“kaildt’lmd- - their trying ordeal. Sitting. forl SORROWIH: THE. POPULACE. hsurs by the bcdsrdc, .hcr il‘lajcst-y , - _ . {Si'l not relax her loving vigil once. ,As the business day came to a 5hr watched, the. doctors at their'ch-SL‘ tllc t'l'Oth before the, palace work. they also never leaving thclgi'ew in Enumbcrs. and when‘GBO room except for the bricfest in- a bulletin with its announcement irrrvals. The Princess of Wales that the King's" co'ndition was' cri- §eiued her shortly after 10 o'clockltical was posted by an old Royal yrslcrdny morning. Her Royal servant on the railing, there were Her Majesty ICU”. dated 11 51.111. Started thathis lf‘Um to King Edward VII' and manufacture of a specially,]')ow-crâ€" Que n Alexandra. becomes the rul- er of.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of the British Dominions beyond the seas, King, Defender of tl‘red’aith, and Em-' peror of India. iul explosive used in railway con- struction and similar work. It is under ordinary conditions of hand; ,liug extremely safe. . .. Uncasincss has been felt in ‘Hull at the situation of the- factory. . ‘ While on the outskirts cf the town, LESS WHISKEY DR UN“. it was situated within two or three , V ' ’ _ hundred yards of a- numbcr of 0rdch at: British I)istillcrics Dc- sliticks"ililxzrbitc<l='by poor people- creasing-Becr Prices Up. w- _’1‘.,._.~__ __ showered upon the :uljoining area, many of them. wrecking buildings hundreds of yards away. Thou- sands of windows were slmltcrcd in both Hull and ()tl'a‘wa. The fire had attracted a‘ great, number of spectators, and it was due to their presence That the ter. riny heavy casualty list to be win-rifled. The hall of falling stones .beat them down in“ numbers. In The city council had taken steps to l j'mltlculzu",. a bridge over. Arm-cry oblige. the companyio remove: its (lookwus thronng with onlookm's; A despatch from London says: establishment, but the litigation rc- and it is feared "that'somc of those The. orders at distillcries Continue: sultedmin:a,.dcfeat for thC‘niuniciâ€"{struck down are submerged be- to fall. Many men have beeni‘disâ€" pality, the latest judgment in thc'lncalh the waters of the stream“ charged. Inercased prices are case having been rendbred a short making the whiskeyadrinkcrs adopt time ago. be;ch Oh “‘cdiic‘sday" the. brewers amu‘runccd higher pricos also for extended about 5 p.1n.. to a build- bccr. ins), used as a workshop. This All the hospitals of Ottawa are filled with the injured and includ- Thc fire started by the small boys ing injuries by falling stones. it is ‘bclicvcd that from 100 to 150 "(MSW allies have occurred. _:, -\ ~ . . I i, . . ., . . : ---v . *‘ -:-‘-. 3-. ;. wraps“. ..‘ .. h“. .,~,_..V-.~ r _-V- i _ , 4.x _. . . . 4 r 4-. eswweww bwww- «Hie-- v ,» .. wt" 0

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