Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 May 1910, p. 6

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-. _._..._.._._-...._...~_.vatm..m H...“ ......-.mzw:mzm.~.~nxsâ€"- mun-v. l3’ffl£fll¢3$k.~afi'.em4.~nulxtm wn~wyzm.:~..-eu:::r«era-aw. , w '.‘tlr71_{'4r("w'»k -. ________________.____ Iserâ€"by, whom a nocturnal promenâ€" ade had led to line Jouffroy would ~- Ihave thought it all quite natural. f ' ’ - Four gentlemen, arriving in a 7. . . beautiful carriage, before a house . 4, _ a T ‘ ‘ _ whose master gives a soiree is to ' ‘-; -' .' p ' be seen often and anywhere; but g _ , ithis very ordinary spectacle excit- . _ ied Maximo" to the highest pitch. ' IRobert de Carnoel falling in the ,midst of these people was stranger Ethan all the rest. I “Where did he come from? OR, THE. HERITAGE'OF MADAME \1, . YALTA. , ‘ Had {he been the colonel’s’prisoner, and ,if so, why had he let him come out? ' f , ,__,_____.___._‘ - ________._.......â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- lWhy did he bring him to the so- ONDER-SHI Cleans Silver and Gold without M Calle(1 Madarne Sargent-1752:, “[0 ago. I recognize his Square Sheâ€"(‘But ‘Vhy is you,,g0t CHAPTER VI___(Cont’d) “Oh,” said the coachman, “I’m Just as the ci-devant secretary shoulders. Ah! there is the ama- engagefl, ’50 one“, MI" 30363? . {3* 110â€" Because I haven’t the cour- “Look!” said Maxime, laying his hand on the arm of M. Bidard, “do you see those three shadows outâ€" lined on the curtain of the salon 'l” I “Certainly, the woman and thcl two messieurs, parbleu! Must be that supper isn’t ready, or they are expecting some one; they don’t apâ€" pear to be going to the dining-‘ room.” “They are standing though.” “Yes, or bowing and scraping. ‘ See! the tallest bows, and the co- ' cotte gives him her hand; it’s amusing like any thing, ’pon my‘ word. One might believe himself at Seraphin’s Chinese shadows.” “Ah! ah! the one'that'bowed is ‘ . - tl - . - - ' 'l- . . . . figiilegttgdltth blemseee'iimngxirfli’y’ 11w.) Off- I would lay a. lltl‘e 110’s al- one who paid leastattention to 131118! . : W '_uLik01y he’s gone to Bed. The ready at the Boulevard de Cour- successful imitation of the revilleiOhmcse. I thought those scamps ' - . V <. . t}, . - I , _ ._ a. . cellos.” ‘ ‘ ‘ chant was undoubtedly Itobert detwere not French. _ Dame! the H ‘ O 01 1‘s the COCOtte S gentleman well. mon brave, to Carnoel. He appeared in haste tolfricnds of the Prussmn! and see F0“ 0 APPE“ SK"! mm ups. ‘ The friend who came with-them has said good-night.” ‘ ' ‘ - “No, if that was so they'wouldn’t have lightedthe'salc'm and. dining- room. But we shall see.” ' ~ Five minutes passed without inciâ€" dent. The two stories were brilliâ€" antly lighted, but the shadows had disappeared. ’ Suddenly the little dcor through which Madame Ser- gesr. had disappeared the evening. of the Rink was opened softly. A! man appeared on the threshold fol-i lowed by a servant bearing a light with two branches. By the brightâ€" ness of this light Maximo recognizâ€" ed Borisoff and redoubled his atten- tion. He held a short colloquy with the valet de pied which by means of the gestures the observer interpreted for himself. that you mean to play him a. trick.” you to drive him somewhere ‘2” not uneasy about my pourboire; I know my .man. That’s why I could tell that tall one there was the husband, and a husband jealous as aturkey, and I see well enough “Perhaps, but did‘ he not ask “Yes; it vexed him to see ‘my carriage drawn up at the ‘end of the crowing _of a cock, 'or counterfeit of it, proceeding from reached the (1001‘, where a servant armed with a torch awaited him. a strange noise pierced through the silence of the night. It was the rather the a human throat. “It’s up there,” whispered the porter; “the clerks on the third dmv floor are at the window. One is a street where -he had just left hisxcomical fellow-likely he’ll make us particuli-ere; he there for nothing. He has a sharp scent. He asked me first if I would .drive him homeâ€"only two steps,-â€" and I should have a hundred sous. He might have offered me a louis, and I’d have stayed by you. And when he saw I didn’t bite, he filed “You did send that man off to walk, and I promise yo-u,shall lose. nothing. He will return," the "animal, andas I want to watch him, I angmng to’ station myself as sentry at a plavceztlle thresh You will remain here andiprisoner, below. keep your eyes open, and when I return tell me what you have seen. If by chance I should need your services, may I count on you?” “Fully. You have only to call out, Auguste! and I come at a gal- lon. If any thumping is‘to be done, I can prove that I am not oneâ€"hanch .” “Thanks, and au revoir to-night or tomorrow, according as events, may determine.” Auguste, flattered by the confi- dence in him exhibited by his mon~ siour, 'made a magnificent gesture, entered. knew I wasn’t' laugh.” Maximo had little inclination of that sort, and the persons on the street still less. to see who had uttered this mock- ing coachman on the box, this singular coachman with a tall hat on. The They looked up including the appealâ€"all, enter, and the valet who held the candelabra made way for him pass. to 'One of the three escorts passed about to do the same, but the torchâ€"bearer held a brief colloquy with them, during which they paused, standing on each side of the door their comrade had just The coachman in citizen’s dress tied the reins, left his" seat precipitater and handed his whip to one of the individuals pressed against the wall. This man left his post amLplaced himself at the head of the horses. “Monsieur,” said the porter in a low voice, “look ! the lights are put out in the salon. Droll idea that! W 'â€" ! Rubbingâ€"lust Dip, Rinse and Dry. Guaranteed Absolutely Non-Injurious. Ask your Dealer or send direct 25c. for package to make 1 HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE CO. LIMITED . TORONTO 214 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG opens; a man appears there. It is one of the two who entered :1. mm- teur coachman approaching; they are having a talk. I want to hear what they say. Open the easement a little wayâ€"softly.” “It is imprudent, perhapsâ€"but if monsicur wishes itâ€"â€"â€"” The complaisant Bidard ended his sentence by opening the win- with great caution, and Maxâ€" imo. listened. A lively colloquy was taking place between the person who had ap- peared at the window and the col- one-l in the street; Both spoke icud enough to be heard, but at thz first wordsthat reached his ear: Maximo discovered that they spoke in Russian. - Bidard, who was listening, said: “What a language! It must be how they are carrying on,â€"â€"what gestures they ,mak-c.” The talkerswere making signals, which-Maximo strove to interpret. old immediately after the Evidently the question was one of and the two others were mounting or descending. ‘ (To be continued.) THE ‘30 YAL’ LINE To eueope ___‘.____.__._._ . _._.._._......_..__.___,_-_____...__.__._..__ 2 quarts of solution. TAAD‘ MINI age to marry.” _..... ._....i_______. In Germany marriages by any foreign consular officer are strict- !y prohibitedâ€"except where there special treaty stipulations. When a father objects to the. ob-, jeoz- of his daughter’s affections his objections are about as effective as the bite of a toothless deg. ’ THE IAGGARD’S LIMIT. GOLD SOBES.IWliSlBBilRH. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capsicum, normed. Mcntliolnled, Carboc lined, Camphcrated. White Oxide of Zinc. etc. Each for special purposul. Write for FreeVaaellne Book. - . . OHESEBROUOH MFG. CO. (Cons'd) 379 Gram St. W.. Montreal "v a “He sais he will return ” . . . . . . thc fight Mixime, “and the serva’nt, “limb Signlfiedi “BO 0353’; I am to blow out the candles just as the explains that he has only to ringihcre.” _ ' _ guests arriveâ€"the diningâ€"room, ) And havmg thus arranged his tcog They must, “mend to Spend SAILING FROM and they will open to him.’ The door closes again. Borisofi goes toward'the Boulevard Male- sherbes. And now the fencingâ€"mas- ter and the thief reappear behind the window of the salon. From thence they observe Tl‘ey are awaiting his return. “Shall I follow their example or risk a sally to see where he is goâ€" ing?” Maximo determined on the latter. “Listen,” he said to his ally Bi- dard, “I want to find out what that man is going to do. I am going to follow him to the end of the street !affairs, Maximo hastened the colonel. l his ambuscade. ed with great alacrity, learn the result of the sally. “Is monsicur satisfied? monsieur discovered anything lncw?” ’ l “The man sped away by the lBoulevard Malesherbes, but I am satisfied he means to return.” “011, that is clear as day. They are not going to table without him. 'All is lit up and nothing moves in nthc house. Proof that they are Iwaiting for him.” t0 1‘egain‘thc night playing hideâ€"and-seek. Look! it seems-to confound the The Port-01' awaited him and Open" man who has just gotten down from ileOUS t0 the boxmhelooks at the windowsâ€"- r he retreats a little to Has viewâ€"yes, ogle as get a better you will, my child, all is black up there; you must go in without a light.” Borisoff standing in the middle of the street appeared to hesitate. He turned and looked up, probably to see if the persons who had imi- tated the cock were still at the win- dows. He then went straight to the door guarded by two of his subaltcrns. They moved aside to Montreal and . Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TURBINE ,EX PRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward m Royal George. Triple Screws, Passenger Elevators, 6 Passe will inaugurate the fortnightlym' The “Royal Edward" iserviee of the Canadian Nor IVI-rrconi Wireless, Deep Sea Telephones, nger Decks, 12,000 tons. thern Steamships, Limitedâ€"- lThe Royal Line «from Montreal and Quebec to Bristol on N E7 _ :. $2754 . -A-ԤA ‘Ar‘ a». 4A- - 4 ‘AAA ‘4‘ i-A'“ A 4 I A .. ---A.AA_.A-‘-“‘.A--------A-- -vzh‘. - . v . andiTll‘Ctm-n' ' “HUSh 2” said Max-hue: in a 10W make way, and just as he was about Thursday hlay 26th. ,, wt 15 easy' I “an Open to voice At this moment a carriage t 'l " l’ ‘7 l 7' - ’ W monsieur and resume my post. . ' ‘ ' , ,, ‘ ~_ ‘3 Du“ “3 Opcn’ 1“ was 0 “he; 310 , ,. . . , , .. w , ,~ I! h 7 . . _ _ stopped a hunched inches from lent-,1». by some one on thg msulc, Toe mm shlps. llu. lxoyal deard and UL. Mfmsmur has only to knofl‘ on the i Madame Scrgcnt’s house. “A'h! they have slammed the door _ “ Royal George" are the fastest triple screw lur- , Window when he returns. To hIaleO’S great amazement, in his face)": exclaimed NI, Bidard; Best APPOIHted bine boats in the 'Cauadian service. The British Mamme gilded Into the P“.“Ublli.obcrt do Carnoel descended from “what was that. coachman after? Steamers port. is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liverpool.) 1 anc- Saw Bunsmcf fifteen 51.30135 m ad" the carriage and advanced toward Did, he suppose himself invited . Special trains alongside steamers within no min- i Vance: 31nd at the same lame 3' man the house, flanked by twotall men , tcc 2” ‘ , - utcs of London. The steamers are driven by the Whose feet were pattcrmg on fhe Who Dressed him Closely, but '-(li(l “It is no coachman,” said, Max- Tile MOSt plc' newest type of turbine engines, insuring a maxi- Bquarf) vat It'll? entrance 0f hue T10? 1101‘] him 35 ll")heean do a’ line, who had recognized Borisoff. turesque Port. mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their . “ “ ' .139!udnce 01 talkmg “ 1th mm, and mg the Toms, that S 3' {ac-t- Bul‘z- rence. Large staterooms, spacious social apart- “,3 Only four days ments, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish- ings, perfect service, and ventilation by thermo- tank system, the fresh air being warmed or cooled as required. if he is a. monsicur, why was he on the box? Oh, oh! he is angry; he knocks at the doomâ€"beats with his, feet and lists. Good! there are the.l two others taking part in it. Ifl the door was not pretty firm they would break it down. What an up- roar they make! They will rouse the neighborhood. I am astonish- ed the, twoclerks up there haven’t cried out wolf.” “Hush! the diningâ€"room window .. marâ€"1:: w... ____. “Gown” he thought, “I may 18l'liit could be soon he walked of his 11137 RHSSian PaSS 011- My c011011mmlimvn free will. The. door was open Will lien me Whififll way he tOOk-U SO! and a valet dc pied stood there he dlsappeared in the shadow of the! with a fight, Evidently he waith wa-l. to watch events from afar. to receive Cameo]. The colonel walking quickly soon “Monsieur,” said Bidard under reached the Boulevard Malcsherâ€"ihis breath, “I believe they are go- ' bcs: there he stopped, and obscrv- ing to commit a crime. They are ing the coachman, went straight toâ€" bringing the young man to the Tour ward him. This surprised Maximo, do Nesle. Surely it is to strangle who began to look with all his eyes, him. I have a. mind to call for wondering, with a certain anxiety, help.” what Borisoff had to say to this “Not man. The conversation prolonged,quickly, Itself for an unreasonable length of; do.” lime, more than could be needed' “Look, sir! above thereâ€"in the l For full particulars, rates, booklets, schedule of sailings, etc., apply any steamship agent, orwrite to H. C. BOURLIER, Gen. Agent Oanadxa‘n Northern SleamShips, Limited. Toronto. Canada. e, .1. VJ . p... ._ _- -.... “M... w... .. e. v n. {J yet,” replied Maxime, “see first what they will lo ascertain from a eoachman whe» salonâ€"those two shadows behind lher his carriage was free. But atithc windowsâ€"-” length Borisoff passed on his way} “It is the lady and her friend, and was lost in the darkness. Maxâ€"3 the one who remainedâ€"they are 'nn: after waiting awhile-went t‘()-lcxl-,ccting the other. They heard ward the boulevard. Arrived 'at‘ the carriage and have come to the flue end of the street hestopped to window.” ‘ look around. then turned to the “I lay a wager they don't open right and rejoined the coachman, in. My two tenants of the third who recognized him immediately story have opened theirs, and the and began to laugh. bngands don't care to SllOW them- “Ah, monsicur,” he said, “la selves. particulicre’s gentleman wanted to “See! the shadows disappear! It )ump me, but I. turned him off nice- is the street we must watch.” - w -‘ I y Fancy that seeing my coach Nothing extrmn-dinary occurred. drawn up here he mistrusth me at’ The carriage did not mo\'eâ€"â€"1'1cither mace and asked if I had brought did the three men who had come yolncbmly to Rue Jouffroy. I knew as scouts. They had well chosen ‘uhat was up and told him I wasitlcir places, for they seemed to waiting for a doctor who hired me make part of the wall, and to dis- hy the month, and was on a visit coin them it was necessary to know in that big house yonderâ€"~01] the they were there. boulevard.” The coachman remained motion- , “Really !” exclaimed Maximc, less on his seat. Robert de Oarnoel “you have put- him off the track. reached the little door escorted by That was a good idea of yours, and two persons suitably attired, and I shall remember it when we set- followed by a third who left the tie.” berlin after him. A chance pas- Cliaugc that limping, useless horse ’3 into a sound. healthy horse, willing ’ and eager to do a good day‘s work. Don‘t let a Spavin, Curb, Splint, Sprain, Riugbone or any other Lume- ncss keep your horse in the stable. Cure it with Kendall’s Spavin Care I! cures without leaving a. scar, blemish or white heirsâ€"because itdocs not blister. _ Port Kills, B.C.. June 14th 1909 "Have been using your Linlmcnt for years and find it all that you represent. Have not been without it for 10 years.“ GEORGE GORDON. .1. a bottleâ€"4i for $5. Execllcnt for household use. Sold by all dealers. Ask for free book "A Treatise On The Bone " or wdle us {or copy. 55 DI. I. J. mun. (:0. [union Falls, VI. ~ ‘-§WMI&W€SL'$Fmeanrzmm masses Dawns TROPHY. The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded yearly by the ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB for the most meritorious per- formance of the year under the general regulations for certi- fied trials. The New Daimler engine has now been in the handsof the public for nearly 18 months, quitelong enough to prove its merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and we should like to forward in any peIfSUn or persons interest- ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel- , 10113 new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet, “The Dewar Trophy and how it was won,” a, history of the ,,Greatest Engine Test on Record. The Daimler Motor 00., (1904) Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. __..__.â€"â€"â€"'______________â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- a .\--r..‘. K\ ‘\‘-b‘1 n: r u .v ..,.._.....___..__. . . _ . .. . LN

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