Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 May 1910, p. 5

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â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____.__â€".___ PUWle’s' Corners. r _. :3 ~ (Correspondence of the g rzelle.) ' Three years ago prohibition was voted I 3 on in the town of Shawville, and it was . .‘7 defeated, and on Tuesday, the second-of I be t t th I f a ry agains iquor. ' iero were one - . - '0‘ hundred and two votes for prohibition ,fintfid tpershop over Mr‘ Chns‘ Ken-V5 5 :gdbgog cm 31%;, “11:06, smeared pfifics‘é’iil‘iaé'éé’ptra‘l‘ii linis'epaiii‘hig .r a urse ac la 19. 1g ing ‘ r .- ‘ . ' Ego homes and3 lives of millions. T33 $32232;:ggtsil:p$°£lthgogn°tge OI! ' ‘ mperance ac in uebec oorrespon s . . ’ ‘ ' .' to local option in Ontario, except that gggrzntsetfiast c111”; “{m‘k'f 11‘ am “150 Of the 01d “gs' New semen; three-urth w than." in as terms c0“ money- We * 310 t esame in n rio. hitney ‘. ‘ ‘ . . ‘ " - ,3 gets a good support from the brewers attent’lou‘ mak-e a spew-alt), 0! re r? and hogplhkeepers as recompense for the “ - pmrlng! repainting, etc“ 7 Larce- t s clause. As Local Option ; d b . - a ' ’ T can only bersubmitted once in three Prom If you halve (tr-lythlng ; years, the three-fifths clause is a benefit ' that needs fixnlg “Pi 2' to the hotel keeper. In Michigan 282 ' â€"- - ' ' . " saloons are'closed, 40 counties are under - ‘ bring 1t hele. I Or if : [coral option and 43 under license. B J B l I you need a new one he farmers are making "00d pron‘ress ' ° C r ' ' ._ i .now and another week of afine wegther ‘ fl P s I B 2:: tfd’nbbutlld 1t gOOd . i will finish up quite a number. The fall ‘ 1e es c ' float and clover are looking good. merchant Tailor, A . . ' ' . ' ' v cent frosts were no benefit to the 5' ‘ ‘ ' 010,.c.__ Penelon Falls. ,. I s. ‘: ~ .3! r. A. McGee has sold his beef cattle, I l' A ; Graduate New York Cutting School. eleven in number, to Mr. W. Moore, of Fenelon Falls. They are worth quite a pile of money. Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. The beef, ring have commenced opera- tions. The second beef is being deliv- ered Wednesday of this week, those who are taking half shares are getting Premises over Burgoynes’ Store. Just tohand a full linevof Collapsible Go-Carts, ranging in price from pit for Se. per pound. Of course they have to take shanks and other inferior parts of the beef. It is about one cent higher than last year. Since writing last the whole world is mourning the loss of a great and good man, King Edward VII. May the new L King long reign over us. The New King. Toronto World. The matter of greatest interest to the empire to-day concerns the new King, George V.- v r . . ' We publish in our own news columns this morning copious ' extracts from sketches of his character appearing in the"New York press. These extracts are, on the whole, favorable to the new King. He may be taciturn, he may be Doors and Sash. Interior Finish. Your patronage solicited- but he is a man who masters his subjects, ‘ . l - knows a great many, things down to the - ’ - ground, and will bringhis task a well- trained intellect, a- wellstored mind and :a great fund of common sense. And on ttop of this, he will have what often proves tobe the case, that a man of com- mon sense when responsibilities come to him is always equal to them and posses- sed of a judgment that rarely goes wrong. The new King is an out and out Eng-. lishman, has no favorites, has no prejudé’ “ ices, or if he has, does not care to show them, and therefore will be every inch a King and devoted entirely to the busiâ€" nens he has in hand. He will regard his duty mainly as that of upholding the tradition of kingship handed down by his father and grandmother. In all prob- ability he will be a most successful mon- arch and will be ready at all times to as- sist in bending and changing the consti- tution where it has to bend and change in order to carry out the wishes of the people. It is the will of the people that rules in England to-day, and it is the duty of the parliament, whether of com- mons or lords, and of the King to realize the well-expressed and definite views of the people in regard to government ; and King GeorgeFWQ confidently believe, will not agtagtfilim the will of the people in M... <.'.".f.”"\'va' v. _ " Pcoplyc in Canada can judge the King by two things that are well known to all Canadians : his speech at the university here in Toronto, and his still more states- manlike speech in the Guildhall in Lon- don on his return trip from around the world, where he told England that she must “ wake up in regard to her future and in regard to her imperial responsi- bi‘litics.” 'We now read in the papers thatthis speech was written for the prince by some eminent journalist. This is probably a myth : but grant that it is so, a prince who has the ability to pick out a. man capable of writing such a speech and the large common sense to seize on such a speech when he sees it and to hand it out as his own is a man quite competent to rule England; and to be able to pick out twenty men to work for him when he wants something done and to properly boss the job as well. As for Her Majesty the Queen, she is, as- The World said on Saturday, the ablest statesman sin the royal house to-day. The Toronto Eye Specialist now in Fenelon Falls at A. J. Gould‘s drug store is doing a great work throughout Canada correcting defective sight in dillicult cases. Eye sight sufferers should call on him. This is also a splenâ€" did opportunity for‘ parents to consult a specialist in regard to their children's eyes. He remains next week only. GOES TO FENELON FALLS. Examiner :â€"Thc Government tug, the “J. B. McColl ” was launched yesterday afternoon and will proceed in a day or so up to Fcnclon Falls where it will work in connection with the dredge. The J. B. McColl ” is the olc “ Empire,” but it has been repaired and repainted, presenting a new appearance. It has been under- going repairs at McDonald‘s on the Little Lake. It- was put into the water on Thursday at three o'clock. .0- FENELON FALLS MARKETS $5.25 to $12.00. . It would be worth your while to Call and inspect these before purchasing elsewhere. Fenelon Falls, Friday, May 13, 1910'- Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 95c. to 97C.“ Wheat, fall, 90 to 95 Wheat, spring, 85 to 90 , 4 7. Barley, per bushel. 45 to 50 ' Oats, per bushel, 80 to 32 > Peace, per bushel, 70 to 75'» . Buckwheat, 46c. to 48. Potatoes, 15 to 20 Butter, per pound, 21 to 23 Eggs, per dozen, 00 to 18 fifty, per ton, $10 to $12 Rules, 88 Hogs, live, $8.50 to $8.60 Hogs, dressed, $10 to $11 Beef, $5.50 to $6 ' Sheepskins, 50 to 80 .Wool, 12 to ‘20 . Flour, Brandon's Best, $2.80 to $3.003) Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.60 to$2.80 , Flour, Victoria, $2.75 to $2.75 Flour, new process. $2.50 to $2.70" Flour, family, clipper, $2.50 to $2.7(l"l Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.10 to $1.25 - Shorts, d0., $1.20 to $1.35. Mixed Chop, d0., $1.35 to $1.50 WWW F. c. TAYLOR, ‘ ’ BUILDER. ‘ WWW. _ Also a full line of reed ' . Baby Carriages at L. DEYMAN & SON. - .-:,q_,c,.¢....m ,igmy was. .V...“ .».~,.:.,,...y. . . N "(W‘As mm mm W MONO-MW y n n _ Darner You Begin to Think BETTER THINK Now]! Can be used on any lock-stitch sewing machine. This is the latest and best device FOR HOLDING A STOCKING so that it can be darned AT ANY POINT, by any one who can run a sewing machine. BECAUSE It is the most convenient, the most practical and the most useful n device ever offered to anyone with stockings to darn and a sewing machine available. It is so much better than any similar device for the purpose. It makes DARNING A PASTIME and a work of art. I It will not tear the stocking, nor will the darnng hurt the most tender feet. ‘ It can also be used for darning underwear. Price only "750- J . S. Ncrthcy. The difference between the La ge- ‘men and the Small menâ€"the successful and unsuc- cesfulâ€"is only the difference in P L training. You were intended to be a success. We have trained and placed on the high road to success, thousands. No vacation. Open entire year. ENTER ANY DAY. Mail Coursesâ€"You may study partly at home and finish at college. Write for particulars. Pcterboro’ Business College._ ' GEO. SPOTTON, - Pres. - Prin. V liifi. . do;- :‘-~,y~rr\.c\.). r, 4‘ -I‘_ v ~ Muffins; .. i __ :wflp p51,; in! M's-NA". ig..... ry .____. Don’t forget that I have a first class Planer and am. prepared to do all work in: this line in the best style ;. also to make ( 1 1: ... a . . ,:.r l l % JetiiLWWKWBi-stilmMia’fimrfii’a‘neh‘l- 53-31] ,' r; .‘45 4337., .sasn asp scene. ,. ; H ‘zour natronage solicited-:1,- s. s. earns-n Who got their supplies from us will have the REWARD. of satisfaction. See -us before placing your order. FEhEidii Edith Pidiiltit’l Edith A“ ITEIRS PRQPREEYQR' ‘ Apr.5.19 603:1??? 8 Aug. 9.23 i May 3, 17, 31 July 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 THROUGH srncm TRAINS , TORONTO To wmmrne AND WEST f Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m._ on above days Through First and Second Class Coaches, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. : Apply to nearest C.P.R'. Agent orrwrite R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto. ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAEPIILET smiths cannon LOW ROUND TRIP RATES : i i, tithittl'lthfih‘t , AT r , “ROBSON’sy ‘ NEW ' * Banner. ; Everything first-class. , . . . hour patronage solinted; Lyn _ g ~ Tw0.1200r.s-Soulh,u£ liming-.2“ Wide Oval, Narrow High Oval, Tifi‘any or English Style. Correct Shape Ger-reef Finish Sort-act Style Be You want a Good. Psitin? Tth:ChQOSQ-bi10 light "school in which to get your education. » ELLIOTT ' / - ‘ v is noted‘shroughout Canada for high Correct Dolor Correct Quality correct Weight Sixteen-hour eggs are now advertised in the New York papers, that is, eggs that have been laid only that length of time. The March price was sixty-five cents a dozen. There is a suggestion in this to the farmers who are near any large market. Sixteen-hour celery or r TORONTO, ONT. ALL TIME. . cla:s work. 'l‘iiirly-l‘our of our stu- j dents h we lately accepted good pos- 5 ilions. The demand for our graduates is constant. College open all year. Enter now. Magnificent catalogue : free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princlpal. k} cousin: vnxrzu eight-hour stringâ€"beans or sweet corn - or green peas ought to find a ready sale ‘ to families who do not raise their own vegetables, and would like something which has not lain in the markets two or three days, till all the freshness has dis- appeared. S'MMPED “BRITTON BROS.” AND GUARANTEED mi Foorrfl or' KENT STREET. BRITTQN BROS. Linnsnv. NSPECTQRS' G. T. _ R.“ TIME SERVICE.“ rm m": l ‘r'v. 72 are (3 . maulâ€"1T“. ,â€".-â€"«~m¢. vâ€"m A-â€"-~--. wâ€"vWâ€"w. m ‘ writ?“ \ «l . .-. Mani . 3739"”

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