Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 May 1910, p. 3

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.m. as 4 _. l l g _ .... __. .. m ,,, l i ,r. v l _ g THE KAISER s MAXIMS. srocKs. POLITENESS_ D r M o rse ’ s l i The Emperor of Germany has al- I ” ' W’mmn The we,» t d' . I h ' (I . _ -- _ O, .. .y e a a lnnel, am 1'. e ,5 = . ways before him the following rules °T:A:l: LEBONUS OF 25a dalntlcs were on the table. I n d i a n Root Pl I I 3 i ‘ when sitting at his desk in 1118 Look at the rfld'L3'2}? COMPANY “Will you Have t-a-l't 0r pudding?” l workroom: ' Woods. Ogilviofwzindo wes‘iei‘fikec‘tidiléi “had Palm 0f T‘lmlny- :hluiilsxi thiviliili‘ttianccsilmi‘: $.32" .! a Y ' . ' ' ' ‘ _ - " - it - i BUT .001”) S KIDBEI PILLS Be strong in pain. . Ml'llng Companies» “Tart,” said Tommy promptly. ratedâ€"when their kidneys are out 3 CURED J, ];AIL]’,ARGEON’S To Wish for anything that is un- Edwardc 3‘ Co, His father sighed as he recalled of ""d‘f'"’â€"“‘l‘t“"f0\;ieP-i_ndulg;nce in V t . ~ .‘ . . . L y _‘ a some _avorl 0 ~ on gives t em in- l RHELMATISM. attainable 1s worthless. - . ‘ 01mm“ 0 s u _ t-e many ..lessons on manners he digestionâ€"Dr; Morsc'a Indian Root -; be content Wltll the day als it- 15, _ building 9 hee , Toronto had given the boy. Sills .“jllllflqmlgklyl and sufily at l ~â€" look for the good in evervt ling. ‘vvursw- “Tm-1;; “amt-2'” h.. queried kind} . 9m “8' - “N .l' Wrote a. t or v; , _ , L ""” -' ~ 5‘" w "’ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 3. nclther sickcn. weaken or ri o. g Funnel. Proof That no Case 0; IteJowe in nature and people and p v ‘ I Y ) ‘ ‘ But, Tommy:s eyes were glued on 151,... harsh Dummiwa. martian)?" . . . take them as thev are. ‘ ORALT SIL’ER AND PORH‘IIM“ the pastr Ch‘ldren'fl health by always keen- : Kidney Disease can Stand Before. , ‘ ~ . 1 Gold Stocks bought and seld- En- ’ ‘ y' in: a box of Dr Menu-w. Indian 3 i - y. 1‘01' a thousand bltttfl' hOUI‘S COD“ ginecrs' Reports on Porcupine. Write for “Til-N}, what '1” was asked sharply Root. Pills in the house [They ‘ the 01d Rellublc kidney Remedy. t 501.. yourself with one that is beau- Kartigula$s. P. 8.0Hairston, 25 Manning ti”; time - ’ . " ' 7 . rca e. oronto. nt. " ' Monte Bello, Labelle Co., Que.. May 9 (Special).â€"That a man may be cured even of inherited ill-health if he keeps his blood pure and his body toned up by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills is the experience of John Baillargeon, of this place. “I inherited poor health from; t-iful. Give from your heart and mind always the best, even if you do not receive thanks. He who can learn and practise this is indeed a happy, free and proud one; his life will al- ways be beautiful. He who is mis- trusting wrongs others and harms himself. 5-)" A RES IN AFRICA . Natives Have Many Superstitions Connected With Them. The African cobra is regarded somewhat reverently by the naâ€" tives of that country, who oncc a :(rral.t first!” answered Tommy Keep the Children Well triumphant-1y. ' . ‘3‘ - ~Th-e worst infidelity is that faith MINISTER “'IIO TESTED which holds that the universe is ZAllI-BUK. so much of a lie that you can fool Rev. r. r. Laugill, “The Manse.” it 'with a hypocrite’s hie- Carp, Ont., writes: “Some consid-_ arable time ago I began using Zam- Buk with a view to testing it thor- Mother Graves Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take; sure and m ren . ” Mr. ai larveon 5.21 7s. . . . . . ‘ ‘ _ . (IE, byfiilercd \£t_thh:unlatié:n IS 0111‘ duty "t0 b”llevc every year a. ICObla- dc (321136110 and 01‘ y I anl troubled \vith ecyema' effectual 1n destroylng “worms_ 1 . b' _ L- d G, , 1 'I' , s a]: , one to be good as long. as we have hang its skln to the branch of a 13'. v _ v . th ‘ 1’ .Many have tried it with best 1-6. ‘13”? {m 1 1:3: s flaw“, I not the proof to the contrary; the tree, tall downward. Then all the wiggle? 3; tags “Slime m' t6 fa; y sults. “Us 11“ am n l u" ' ’ wcrld is so large and we ourselves p »‘ m e v an seems 0 9 V6 was a total wreck. I tried all kinds i so small that everything cannot re~ children born during the last. year larz brought out and made to touch me about spring. I, tried Zamâ€"Bul She (indignantly)_nYou no i :ftggglggézzgmfiiflggi rigurseheéfi’gé ‘ volve around us. the skin. This, the parents think, L”)I_g;‘1:d1:1l’e1tlyanndlyafil$fiza::3rizd3::' business to kiss me 2” He â€" “But 1 V o ' '- ‘ . ' v .V _ ‘73 I“ J ~ 3 s 7‘ l _ I 3 . ' ' v . - i I o VI _ It something damages us, hurt pl ts 11cm under the se1pent s pro than 1t checked the dlsease, hwh 1t “asn:t busmess, It “ as plea did me good and no mistake. I took lif'tecn boxes in all but I am cured. “My wife also has taken Dodd’s Kidney Pills and received great be- nefit from them.” Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure the Kidâ€" neys. Cured Kidneys strain all im- purities, all that disease feeds on, us, who can tell if that is not. nec- essary to the welfare of: creation? In everything of this world, whoa~ thcr dead or alive, lives the mighty , wise will of the almighty and all knowing Creator, we. little people only lack the reason to comprehend it. tectio’n. The cobra die capello di- vides with the horned viper of Afâ€" rica the questionable honor of be- ing the “worm of the Nile,” to whose venomous tooth Cleopatra’s death was due. The Kafiirs use the venom of this snake’s cousin, the puff adder, to poison their arrows, . ‘ sure ” ls. more than-lean say for anything - ' I have ever before tried. We now have Zam-Buk- in the house con-. timlously, and I carry a small sample box in my pocket. One even- ing I happened to look in where an old man had met with an acident a w ..- run nHwMAflsuâ€"u' is not necessary to go u Hot. Springs. Just. use “The D“ &n I. ' Menthol Plastors and results will be satisfactory. 250 n drugglsts. Davis & Lawrence Company, manu- luturors. AGENTS WANTED Din Of t.110.b1§?d‘ TILW-h y £13,? As everything- is, so it has to .be and when they have any small “Ye-(1k belie?) ang haid 10“ adfinggfi. CHRISTIAN MAN TO. SELL “mu ' BmeS-I'cmfi Hleufgléjiémgaging 3-" in the world, and, however it. may quantity left they swallow it, hav- 2‘?” ‘ P k' mfo ft 21:6 wounl Wbl mmfif‘de tena‘ “["d “‘9'” L“"“°"' lopsi am; em lbca‘ " be. should always-seem good tozthe ingr a. theory that it will protect “1‘3: Sigma!“ I eha ‘e esgzfilptfie (3: MN“ SS‘A DAY EA“ No I“ if... \. h H _ .‘V.._ r ,r. ,, ‘ , " _ ' a ' i, ' . . V 11:3- . 3L". I.- 1‘ n.1nd.of the creature. them from the bad effects of future A .penenco neede¢ Song on eight gentleman since,'and the injury is TWO VIEWS. . â€"â€"-â€"--~’X‘ â€" : ' bites. 'I‘lldSnake tribe of the Pun- culed Apsfgute necgssity fto farmers. Does work i, . .I k, 3 . 3N .; . . ‘.: , ‘ . a ' . _ o .6 men. ays or itself in one hour. ,liiflllAIiItAlilil. Lillllr (I Jill) sly that. the bites of snakes do “on another occasion a farmer Write to-day. C. R. Adams 00., Samoa. Hinl~â€"‘,‘Miss Pcachly certainly has not. hurt them, and if they find a. called at ‘The Manse,’ and I notic- ont' a good complexion.” . Vt , , ‘. 4 . . ‘ -.. , . - - .. . [‘05 )(ll‘ll SIN)“ ll ll (10‘ L! n- .3 l 591') nt the Y dre _ _ “ Herâ€""NYCS’ mama! She never 0 l I merit SlatemlnlB “ glccllles anilegive it 5'1. supcsrsb iiinelrn ed 8' mg on his finger" Enqm’m‘g ‘ th‘aNTSllWANTFleIIN \va” TOWN _ - A y; , v ‘ . ‘ n n -, . . - Be a six- 0 .r C.- blll‘s any 03001“? the befit- _ a]. about the mJury, I learned that he Cleaner: rapid seller? higac‘l‘é‘gimdgm“. â€"â€"-~'~'.I_< I One of the most remarkable 31mg“- ___.____,‘ had somehow taken a plece of flesh 111118. 556 Dovorcourt mi. Toronto. ‘ ' x v 7 7 ., , ,, ,‘ . _ 1| . ‘. ‘ . . LAKL HDfiQNgA} 1) LAhE lugs made by any Bank in tailabd Marmn“: I Showed papa those off, and the wound had started to EDUCAT'ONAL SLPLRlon, . made. evident- on the part 0 t.e vases ynu wrote me, and he seemed faster. I gave him about a thlrd of . A _ .fi t ‘ tr. . _ Traders Bank by their GovernmentImvasedo; Harvey “He did 2): a box of zamâ€"Buk and a few days EARN Tim BARBER. TBADEMNEW mag“) C?“ sufnme} “p 15 en Statement recently submitted, 1“, - “HY, H _-d 1 7 later he sand ‘That’s grewt, salve of 1‘ system-monstant nrarhr‘e: careful joyed 13V takmg thls "14113511 “fixer I. '. >1“, lthfi 1. ‘.t‘ ,f the J .LTZIOYI . LS- @- 531 10 was SO Y ‘ ~ fi ' . d . instruction: few weeks complet-n course: ~ shoulng l-lut- - t. (eposl s o . . gm“. to see you were not a poet}, ycuis, my ngel is now 0mg mama-grep, v.,,_.-,.~,,a,,,,,,.., can, We,” to Sea Voyage” from 'Sarnia, Ontario, to Fort William, Ontario, through [Bank have liner-eased during the first three months of this year over Red, “’onk. “'eary, “'atery Eyes. ’ ” eighteen dollars weekly: write. for catn- finc . ‘ College. 221 Queen Test Zamâ€"Buk! Don’t go by hearâ€" lngue. Molt-r Barber East. Toronto. ‘ ! l . I .\ T I -- o o n o “11858 £13145 “lghnd a“; t One and a Half Millions of Dollars, fifillllgggedey Murine Eye Remedy. Try, say! You W111 find it glves the best MM ‘ x I ‘ r y ' . \ , ‘ l . . - ‘ ‘ ~ -‘ ' 3 v V n - " .' , l‘ . . “9‘5, 0,, 1, brmgmg than» our deposit-b up to w... sense-5.33.“: m allof ._.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€""“‘°“'-"E““ C1 ‘9‘“ ,* “l‘lea 10‘? 5', .391" $31,300,000. . 11:9“ Dl'ug‘gisls.‘ Write For Eye 130'.)ng vorm. festering sores, piles, cuts. nonlinear HEADQUARTERS. ~ and the finest and fastest \esse E An equally plunging increase ,5 me. Murine Lye Remedy 00., Tai'onto.jbm~ns facg, sores eruptions and 1.1 Iron and wood-working machinery. - on the Great Lakes will flV the - .” . .. .. .. .h,. . _ ’. . . . ’ . ’ engines. boilers. steam pumps, gasoline . . . _ Show" 1n the Lula] assets to l. l _ ‘ H 7 all skin anurleS and diseases. All engines. electric motors, contractor- house flag 0f “115 DODUMT Com' B. l- -T}-, Bani “ports to the Mrs. Matrcnlym Ion are at the d 't. d to. r0 b machinery, em, Band for catalogue of T} t q a . . h an... lc l p . , ~ . , _ ruggls s an s res, o c ox, or over mm m,‘ h. as H W PM.ng Pam" ‘0 5 “mt” “"1 m come” lrvernm-ent an Increase of Its 10- 'bcm'm of "he 5130111113 “1333 again, from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto. for Limited. Tonight" ll‘lnutrcnl. 'Vanéouu-rf tiol with the Grand Trunk Rail- way System, and all particulars, tal assets to the grand total sum of $42,000,000, which is an increase are you, Dorothy ‘1” _ Dorothy ~â€" “ch, mummy.” “How did it hap- l but refuse all substitutes. 4......__- pl ice, FARMS FOR SALE. _....___.__.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€""â€"“" .rates and dGSCI‘lJlLlVO literature. , . v V, . . en?” “1 of; too man Z! i' . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ etc can be had {for the asking b5 Of swat! ff’uoo’gooffiu t’h“ mport Sensors n g y s m Make your own footprints in- SOUEIIERIN dALrllllun'Il‘fi B om r 921:5: 6 "’ ’ ' ’ ’ : r. ‘ “our 0 1,10. vcar. -- - . , . 7. . . ‘ i L ,, (me an ’ w, 8,, C can 0 I I 1111 e a lb .. stead ofiollourng 1n the other fcl- ,,,.wh.,,,,s_ 8,, nomnms Rd” Tnmnm l applying to M1. J. D. M.eDonald,l District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. There is perhaps no Bank in (Janâ€" aoa which is showing such magni- .ficent evidences of prosperity and A Liuiment for the Logger.“ Loggers lead a. life which exposes low’s. ' ,~ Es’l‘lflltb.‘ FARM LANDS-~Cl'l‘Y LOTS orrcasy terms. -.lf;.von \VCSi..‘S(lll(l for my list, it will pay you. ‘A cough is often the forerunner â€"-â€"«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’3‘ i . . ' . . v i. . them to man aer‘ls. Wounds .- . . r . . . .. , 59011 mind gIO‘it-h “lithe “Jade-15 , J b‘ 1 ‘ 1, * of Sprmus pulmonary affhctmns1 Yet 5. M. Mathews. 75 ionge st. Toronto. Exa~ How queer of Ltllel. Bank ,1, the new“ tune rcut: ant rulses cannot be ato- _, . . . . s . . 1 ..- . tlere is a slmple cure Wlthln the FOR HALF OR ,.;x.;HAMm_3o l ‘ 1 . livery time she glances at. her old lover’s watch she starts to cry. I wonder why?” Ednaâ€"“Oh, the-rel isganothcr woman in the case 3” l Fever and Agile.â€" stomach and ArCure for Disturbance of the .â€" , By the time a bachelor things he can afford to marry he doesn’t want to. gcther' avoided in preparing timber Itor the drive and in river work, [where wet a.nd_cold combined are of daily experience coughs and colds and. muscular pains cannot but- ensuc. Dr. Thomas’ Ecle’ctric On, when applied to the injured or administered to the ailing, works ‘ARM ‘ _ II acres in the County of losses. wrll exchange for a larger farm. The West- crn Real Estate Exchange. Limited. Lond- M. Ont. Raise Them Without Inn- A L Booklet Free. Steelo,lBrlgga Sud 00.. Ltd.I TommoJOnL reach of all in Bicklc’s Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup, all old-time and wid ly recognized remedy. which, if resorted to at the inception of a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trouble. guard the system from any serious conse- ”" u" live‘ 21w. ' r e’ a~ 1* . . _ r '(l‘ .t 'Lij p ti!" Oil '0 I _ :iuenceg Pnce 25 cents_ at all lei-lira. Endorsed by foremod’. medical me (3‘ (3,1 and agug, g1orx1ng c_61d_nge- Minard.s Lin‘mant co" Limited. “I IN. 6T5. “palers 1131?th? particulars. 1}. LINDMAN, (Regal . - . )1 l‘ a mc-ut of, the digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of the bleed. In those ailments Parme- lcc’s Vegetable Pills have been found most effective, abut-lug the fever and subduing the agile-in a low days. There are many who are .Doar Sims-Your MINARD‘S LU-llME’N’l‘ lS'Olli‘ remedy for sore throat. colds and all ordinary ailments. 4 I It never fails to relieve and euro prompt Yo . CHART ES WHOOTEN‘. Port Llulgrave. I L Wife (crosslylâ€"“Well, have your own way, and then you’ll be satisfi~ ed.” Husbamkâ€"“I’m not so cerâ€" tain about that. I had my own way when I married you, but I’m not satisfied.” .... vs.“ Love’s real'wcalth is often ac- cording to its apparent waste. _ one of the marvels oi the electrical ago u use throughout. the _world. Writ-e for out: gue. General Acoustic 00., o! Canaan, Ltd 0 Ask for Minard's and take no other. “BYONW 3‘"“""°l'°n‘°' . HADN’T SUNK SO LOW. :lub'ccl, to 1,-l'cr'e distressin disturâ€" â€"--~ __ a . .~ ’ , , p l- J-:--. .' 7‘ . t} . 'g 0 bet. Whv 1' ~ . . H0130 .Mf‘ am' I m hungry' I u, The nnsaornonn will give you the Janus d1)..,tl«_l’fne..ewle‘lClS n. , go lmpmg and whmmg do anythm fer some food. ; worms ‘0' good hearing. Send for "n Lel‘ preparation procurable as a about your corns when a 25 cent Housewifeâ€"Poor maul I won’t; ooklel, giving parxilculars and names users. 50 means of relief. "How are you, old nlallâ€"«fcolingl well?” “llo you really care a' rup'!” “Not a rap. I merely askâ€" ed out of :l politeness which I seal 7 Ion can never keep beauty on your face and hide thcbeast in your heart. is is a Liver l?ill.â€"â€"Many of the allu'lcnts that man has to contend \rlth have their origin in a dis- bot-tle of‘Holloway’s Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial am you Will. not regret it. ICE AS ‘FUEL. A cake of ice at 32 degrees Fah- t lo! satisfied lapeclal Ofier for a Month's Home Trial. :THE BRAND ELEGTRO OZONE LIMITED. 334 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. APPENDICITIS ’Cured without operations. make you work. Here’s a line he breakfastâ€"just. wash your hands. H boâ€"â€"â€"Ma’am, I said I was hun- gryâ€"not starvin’ and desperate. THE LlNDMAN 'rnuss will hold any roduuibld {OPE FOR THE DEAFâ€"IN ACOUSTIGONâ€"l q, Is Your, Hearing Good? All who are a!- arc going ‘ was ('uitc thrown awav.” . ' - - . . . . . ~ I . t . ; ordered llvel-q which 15 a dehcat, renheit IS ordlnamly conmdcred m :letedd with this 1(liseaseFIand wish to be _ ‘ ‘ u '. . .' ' . . - nre cm anon . Minard's Lmlment Lumberman‘s Friend. Olga’n' pecuh‘mly Susceptible to, th" be rather a COM su'bSl’a'nCCa bllt It With Phislzrenttyngiiweofiatfiincd £21125? _..,_... disturbances that come from 1rre is as much hotter than liquid air which will be sent post-paid anywhere boy 9,: ud deal of fun out. of motoring. Th:- Visltor»~â€"“But he doesn’t on I The l‘arn:crâ€"~~“My gets a i} a car." The Fal‘ll‘lel’m-“Of course not. He one o’ the county con- stables. ‘ . EVERY HOUSEKEEPEnâ€"munt often not as a lamily physician. Painkiller for all the little ills, outs and sprains as well as for bowel complaints, is indispensable. Avoid substitutes, there is but none " l'ainkillor"~l’orry Davis‘, 250 and Bill-r~ 'i’wu wretchedâ€"looking tramps ‘Wcl'c brought before a l'nagistrate. 'Aridrl‘ssing the worseâ€"looking of the two, he said: “Where do you live 2” "Nowhere. sir.” “And where do you live '1” addressing the. second. “I’ve got the room above him, your worship.” l | ' You don't even hada to know what kind 0! cloth your goods are made of. SAME Dye [or ALL. Iii-like. are IMPOSSIBLE. Fast and Beulah-I Colors. I. cents. Don't Mite try it. SImplcCard and Booklet Free. Tllv Johnson-Richardson Co.. United. Montreal. AW SHIN lTflinS, 01‘ laCk 0f care in cat- as the oven in which bread is baked ing and drinking. This account: is hotter than the ice. A teakettle for the great many liver regulator's partly filled with liquid air and: now 'pressed on the attention ol sufferers. Pills. Their opcration though gen- placcd on a cake of ice receives so , Of “1088 {here is 110M much heat from the ice that the superior to Parmclec’s Vegetable liquid air soon boils vigorously, and the boiling can be made more the is effective, and the most deliâ€" Violent, by adding a few lumps of cute can use them. ice. If the normal temperature of the earth were at the_freezing point Never judge a woman’s intellect oi air and we could obtain a block by the number of rings she weal-g, of ice such as is distributed by the icclnan of to-day such ice could be used as fuel and would be put into the furnaces instead of coal. Keep Minard's Llnlment in the house. A LAND OF HUNTERS. Germany is a country of nimrods. There are 600,000 sportsmen, which means one gun for every 100 people. :‘ach year fall to the gun, on an average, 400,000 hares, 4,000,000 part-ridges. £2,000,000 thrushes, 500,- 003 rabbits. 190,000 deer, 145,000 woodcocks, 410.00 wild ducks, 9.5.000 pheasants, 22,500 deer, 15,000 quails, 13,500 bucks, 1,400 wild boars and 1.300 bastards. In weight this “bag” represents 25,000,000 kilogrammes. . The nloneta'i‘y value is 32,000,000 marks, or $6,900,000. The sum received for licenses to shoot is 7,500,000 null-ks, or $1,- 500.000. Rockets always upbraid the stars for being so stolid. TNU \ V, I _- “â€" ISSUL 1 0‘ 20 m' ; Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians. in the world with hill' instructions for using so an to effect a permanent cure. Price 52. Address John 1'. Walt, Homeopathic Pharmacy. Arnprlor. Canada. L: 'I. ' ' . , GMCHEPLWGGPA marmmzsmaumamuv iiuquy's Rea. .y Relief 1 cures the w.-r.t pains in from one to twont minutes. For Hen '. ache (sok or norv‘ ‘ o u s). 'l‘ o o t h ache. Neuralgia. R h e u ~ I matlum, lnnnbago, name in the back. spine or kldno s. ulna around I. no ivor, pleating, swellings of the joints. and pains of all kinds, use RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. Band for free sample to Dept. W. I... Na- tional Drug a. Chemical 60.. Toronto. ‘ THE SIN OF SHAVING. One of the severest sects of Old Believers in Russia has issued a manifesto directed against the “noxious evil” of shaving and cut- ting the beard. This herotical cusâ€" I-(lll has, it is stated, been spread- ing among Old Believers during the last thirty years. Shorn men and met. with clipped beards come to church. kiss. the holy cross and the lle icons, and are apparently unâ€" conséious that they are living in a state of habitual deadly sin. To make them realize the abominable nature of their criminal vanity it is now ordered that if a shorn man’ wishes to be married he is to be told that the church will not pro- vide a grand wedding with singing and ceremonies unless he repents. ! a , a. s . You have used-Horns, Trumpets. and other _Mechanical Devices in the hope of being able to hear. but always found the expected satisfaction was spelled D-I-S-A-P-P~O~l-N-T-M--E-N-T If you write to ERNEST PRATT, . 468 Yongo Street. Toronto, you will learn son... GOOD NEWS. Do it. todayâ€"better still. DO FT NOW!

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