____â€"________‘â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-- Experiments With Farm Crops I The members of the Ontario Agricul- 'tural and Experimental Union are pre- pared to distribute into every Township 'of Ontario material of high quality for “experiments .with fodder crops, roots,’ grains, grasses, clovers and fertilizers, as follows : ‘( No. Experiments Plots_ 9. 1 Three varieties of Oats . . . . . . . . . . 3 l. 2a Three varieties 6-rowed Barley. . i 121) TwO varieties 2-rowed Barley. . . . 2 , ,‘ 73 Two varieties Hulless Barley . . . . . ‘2 -4 Two varieties Spring Wheat . . . . . . 2 f »5 Two varieties Buckwheat . . . . . . . . 2 .i 0 Two varieties Field Peas . . . . . . . . 2 7 Emmer and Spelt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Two varieties Soy, Soja or Japanese Beans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2 ‘0 Th rce varieties Hashing Corn. . . . 3 '10 Three varieties Mangels . . . . . . . . 3 .11 Two varieties Sugar Beets for feeding purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12 Three varieties Swedish Turnips. . 3 13 Two varieties Fall Turnips . . . . . 2 '1-l Two varieties Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 45 Three varieties Fodder or Silage , Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 '16 Three varieties Millet . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 17 Two varieties Sorghum. . . . . . . . .'. 2 '. 18 (1 rass Peas and 2 varieties Vetches 3 10 Rape, Kale and Field Cabbage. . . . 3 20 Three varieties Clover . . . . . . . . . 3 :21 Testing ' two varieties Alfalfa. (Lucerne) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 22 Four' varieties Grasses. . . . . . . . 4 23 Three varieties Field Beans . . . . . . 3 24 Three varieties Sweet Corn . . . . . . 3 5} 726 Fertilizers with Swedish Turnips 6 \ - , 28a Two varieties Early Potatoes. . . . 2 .' -- _ '281) TWO varieties medium ripening *7 _ . Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .. ; 280 Two varieties Late Potatoes . . . . . . 2 :1 1 " 29 I‘hrce grain mixtures for grain ’ . ' production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p 30 Three grain mixtures for fodder ,1; . production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‘ ' E301} blot is to be two rods long by one ., Nd Wide e’\<:pt No. 28, which is to be :3 one red squa - Any Person Ontario ma choose an A ONE of tin/experiments fhr 1910 and f apply I51: same. The material will be ,_ flirnished in the order in which the 7:, . applications are received while the T . , I ‘ supply lasts. It might be well for each v ' applicant to make a second choice, for a“ fear the ï¬rst could not be granted. All Imaterial will be furnished entirely free "of charge to each applicant, and the produce will, of course, become the . . property of the person who conducts the r experiment. .- eOntario Agric. College, C. A. ZANI’I‘Z, h r ' Guelph, March 1910. Director. ('4 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"o.â€"o . Mr. Flavelle Criticised. { In his speech before the Canadian Club "' f. ‘at Orillia, says the Toronto Telegram, \‘ , i Mr. Flavelle said: _ l .‘ ’ “I see no way in which men can be i ,v is prevented who desire to do so, from buy- l'. J .- ing products and putting them into store a... ' ‘ “ in the hope of making money by market- ¢_ ing them later, any more than I see how . - farmers are to be prevented from carry- :3 fing their grain in their barns in the hope " ‘ that at a later period they may secure a illigher value than that which is current at the time.†‘ ~ Is not M r. Flavellc somewhat super- ï¬icial in the above attempted analogy be- .= tween the acts of an individual and the :acts of a corporation'? The logic, or ra- ather the tendency of an assumption that :is utterly lacking in logic, offers these two suggestions: l.â€"A farmer, capital say $10,000, can legally carry grain in his barns, in the hope of getting higher prices. 2.â€"A corporation, capital say $200,000 000, can legally corner food products in - -» .. , 1 its cold storage warehouses in the hope of forcing higher prices. Surely Mr. Flavclle realises that the .farmer is a creation of nature and is res- iponsiblc to the God of nature for the moral, not legal, quality of his puny at- ' ,- tempts to corner grain. But the corpora- ‘ tion is the creation of the state and is responsible to the state for the effect of its gigantic attempts to corner food- stuffs. It is conceivable, but perhaps impracticable, that a corporation could ' lbe formed with a credit of $200,000,000 ‘- ‘ tor $300,000,000,and that its operations :should affect prices by cornering food products in cold storage. lt is incon- ceivable that individual farmers by mutual consent could affect food prices 1by attempts to corner wheat in their‘own barns. 1f the farmers sought a corporate existence from the state, the state would stand in the relationship of parent to its child, the corporation, and would be bound to see that the powers that child owes to the state were not used against the public welfare. â€"-0.0 But It's Different Now. A gentleman who used to farm in Prince Edward County, tells of an exper- ience he had thirty-five or forty years ago. Il'o killed some hogs and was told if he took his large ones to Trenton he could get a good price for them, so he i drove about twenty-five miles with them, I and when he got there he. could not sell 5‘ ' _ them at all. 110 then took them home .- and salted them down. The next spring he was told he could get a good price for his pork if he took it. to Flinton. about forf y miles back of Belleville. He E took it back there and received $10 per g ‘ barrel for it in shinglesâ€"Port Hope & - (iuide. .__.‘ ____... - .__.. ', - Now hail the gorgeous Easter hat ; ' A bit. of this, a lot of that; I A crinkled brim, a flowered crown-â€" , And $10.09, cash down I .Wr â€".â€"-1 Jack Howai'd,1)ickson's Hall t. - 'n'h . Toronto World: M r. Jack Howdi'dnbthte new (.‘omic Singer of Toi onto warmed himself info the hearts of his hearers at, Massey Hall last night. His “Silly Kid" im bersonafions “‘Ol'v on to than out of ' my. - UM ‘To IThe‘Women of Echelon Falls it. am the Queen of the Flour Bin, the lady- in-chief of the Royal Ti: Pantry, the oracle of the Royal Household. I want the attention of Big Folks and Little Folks, of Experienced housewives and Inexperiencedâ€"of Rich housewives and Poor â€"-â€" Young housewives and Old. For I have stories to tell. Secretsâ€"flour secretsâ€" to unfold. And these secrets have come by Experienceâ€" by actual knowledge of flour, actual study of different grades of flour. . mm. «1' ‘3 ~ :4 0.113.. 1- . u. . 1!!" 2,,2 I ems-x; gawk,†u; .n . 1:7": . Royal Household flour ,_ . so named because it was the flour selected for use in the Royal Household '35 of Great Britain. It is the one flour in Canada which stands out head and shoulders above all the testy“ It is i u :7 _ made in Canada by the largest millersin the Britishylï¬mpire . , _ I i â€"-The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Limited, and, becausé'of its .. I . -' high quality and absolute uniformity, has given thcx greatest "\ r ‘ _ ’ i} i, satisfaction both for Bread and {or Pastry. " ' 21 I ~ .’ _ M liliPlllllijlllitlllil. 'm‘.’i.ionnn The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada publish a new issue of the Ofl‘iclal Telephone Directory for the District of Central 011- tario, including the is about to llllllllii 0f lfNElllll llllS. Orders for new connections, changes of ï¬rm names, chang- es ot' street addresses, or for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to D. Gould, WI. 0., Local Manager _ How Is The Time. To Get Your Boats Ready I have for the season’s use. my factory ning order and will be pleased to handle any orders for new hulls or for life repairing of your present launch. GASOLINE, BATTERIES, CYLINDER. on. kept in stock. Thanking my many customers for past favors, The _ Perrin Boat Works FENELOH FALLS. J. T. PERRIN - Lindsay-Mar in ï¬rst class run- House. PROP. . If I can tell you the secret of making better Bread and Cakes and Pics and Pastry, that will be proï¬table to you. And ifI can tell you why one flour is more economical as well as more wholesome than another, that, too, will be proï¬table. For I mean to go into the flour question deeply, giving Whys and Where- fores, Facts and Figures. So if you follow my-little stories from time to time, as they appear, you will learn lots of things about flour that nobody has told you before. These Pantry Talks ~of mine willbc chiefly about Oï¬iceiner Farmers’ Bank, Kent St., Lindsay. â€"â€"â€"â€" conveyancing. Aild DISTRICT m.,-p... m.,-“1.1â€â€. iv . Art's! 'fl ‘ o... v m.- .:.r-;..- '. L -. [- Money 3 Loaned on Farm or Town Property. Insurance. Estates Managed. Farms for Sale in Fenelon, Vsrulam, Ops and Mariposa. Baht. Chambers Dealer in and manufacturer ‘ ul of Call and gel designs and price . WORKS --â€"1n the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing n. entrances, F. H. KTDD, succussou TO H. J. SOOTHERAN. CONVEYANCING. . ESTATES MANAHl-Il), Aosur Mmenn LOAN Co. FARMS iron Sari: 'ruuouonuu'r THE COUNTY. Fina INSURANCE AT LOW RATES. iiiiiii Maihle and Granite Monuments Being a direct importer I am able to quote the closest prices. 1 have lulely installed a pneumatic pol- ishing machine, and a pncnmal Lellering and Tracing. better and deeper work than he plant for We ar- able to do tofore. OFFICE 9| KENT ST., LINDSAY. ‘ Money Back. Coal in Northern Ontario. Martin Shannon, of North Bay, form~ erly employed on the G. T. P. ' survey, Another Deck on Lady‘s Hat. Peterboro Review zâ€"Pcople are pretty nearly case‘hardened enough to expect a. woman wearing anything on her head, has Just returned from the Metagama l but them was a “tumomn on George St†River, north of the Transcontinental Railway, and a syndicate is being; formed to send him back at the head of a pa rry to locate coal lands. People coming out from the Metagama River country this \V'veli met four different pa rties going in, all looking for coal. Claims have been staked and recorded for twenty square sales of territory, where an immense body of coal has been found. Tests were made at fourdifferent places within an area of three miles along the Metagama, and coal was found , each time. Assays of the samples so far ha ve. been very favorable, and the intercstcd pa l'tch are througth satisfied that good commercial coal has at last been discovered in northern Ontario. The coal fields are. located about sixty miles north of the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c, west of Cochrane, and from the formation the M etagama River seems to have cut through an immense bed of coal, as it is found on both banks, and the high blull’s are. seamed with the precious commodity. Should a thorough assay of the samples brought out and careful inspection of the. deposits bear out the reports already given by engineers and prospctors a con- tinuation of the 'l‘. & N. O. Railways to the new coal fields will be a matter of a short‘time only. ‘ Terrible Disaster in Hungary. Mate-Szalka, Hungary, March 29.â€" More than three hundred persons were burned or trampled to death and one hundred others were seriously injured in a disaster in the village of Oegocrite Sunday night, at a public ball at tlu- hotel of the village, where the coach house had been fitted up as a ball room. While the dancing was in full swing a pine branch caught fire and fell to the floor. It blazed furiously, and almost instantly the dresses of several of the 1 women burst into flames, which spread with astonishing rapidity. A dreadful panic ensued, the~revelers losing their heads completely. Many of them, their garments ablaate, rushed surging towards the barred exit,wherc a mass was jammed together. The official estimate states that ‘200 persons perished, but it is believed that the total death roll will prove much larger than this, as many persons have not been accounted for. How Email We Seem. Governmen’s-controlled roads came right to the front in the discussion at the good-roads convention. Ontario has been in the limelight for several years as the province in the van of others in Canada in road improvement. But how paltry her efforts seem as compared with what some of the states of the union are doing 1 Massachussetts has spent $7,000, 000 in the construction of state-owned roads, and is spending $1,000,000 annu- ally iu maintenance. Then there is New York State, a. very wealthy state, it‘ is true, with big expenditures also. A speaker from Buffalo stated that there is not a city in that state that does not give twice as much toward good roads as the whole of Ontario does. The city of Buffalo alone gave over a million dol- lars for good roads in Erie County. What has Toronto done for good roads in York County ? Nothing but give the matter some consideration. A grant may come some daysâ€"CanadianFarm. o- HALIBURTON MAN KILLED. Dauphin, Man, March 28th, 1010.â€"â€"A young homesteader named Holmes, who was on his way west from Haliburton, Ontario, to take up a farm near Payn- ton, Sask., was fatally injured in the C. N. R. yards here this morning and died' an hour later. He and his brother were waiting in the yards while the train for the west was being made up, and the dead man was struck by a shunting engine. Lame Back, Painful Stitches Cured in Ten Days or Your The moment you suspect any Kid- neynor Lil-[nary disorder, or feel Rheuâ€" matic pains, begin taking Fig ears FIG PILLS are sold with a guarantee to cure all Kidney, Bladder or Liver troubles, Indigestion and all stomach disorders. . FIG PILLS are sold at all leading drug tores at 250. a box or five for $1.00. ’ fiiiTthfl LIQUOR LIEENSE MIT. License District of East Victoria. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Incense Commissioners for the Incense District of East Victoria will meet at the McArthur House, in the Village of Fenclsn Falls, on Thursday April let at the hour of 1.30 o'clock p. m., .for the purpose of considering appli- cations for Liquor Licenses for 1910-11. All persons will govern themselves accordingly. J. LITHGOW , License Inspector Dated at Bobcaygcon this 23rd day of ' March 1910. l’etcrboro, on Suturda y last, that cunSed passersby to come to attention. A my: man was in a hat store on George street, and when she was coming out a small felt hat that was on an upper shelf tumb- led down and landed on the headpiece of the lady. There it stuck among the feathers, tin cans, rope and other artiâ€" cles that went to make up the trimming" The lady did not know that another deck had been put on her skyâ€"piece, and she walked a considerable distance along the street before becoming aware of why people Vere staring at her. Then she blushed and hurried back to the store. 04.9 Beavcrtou corr. Canningtmi I’laindeal- er :-â€"-“M y Council" are the words used by Reeve Talbot on different occasions in public, and a number of enquries have come to the Ollicc of the Hustler, as to who owns the council, Reeve Talbot or the ratepayers. We are under the Ilii' pression that Reeve Talbot owns part of the Council, or have them rented. It is a question that should be settled. before the new town hall is built, to avoid any dispute as to the ownership. Will some kind reader help us out 2’ Last week Teddy Thompson, an em- ploye of Mr. F. S. King, the butcher, was bitten by a hog. 'l‘he hog was scpicaling about the high price of pork, and Teddy undertook to close its mouth, at the same time it closed its mouth on Teddy’s hand and the result was that the tusk pierced his hand, going right through, and the mouth had to be pried open to relieve the hand. Teddy swears that he will never interfere with the price of pork again. He has been laid up since and is recovering under the careful attention of Dr. Galloway, of Beaverton. W , Toronto Worldâ€"“Vancouver and the west generally are depleting Ontario of her young men, and the acceptance of the principalship of the new. Anglican Evangelical Theological College. there by Rev: W. H. Vance of the Church of the Ascension, involves a distinct. lOSS to Toronto. It is the five years of his incum- beney he has entered unassumingly into the life of the city, and has made a deep impression among young men, while buil- ding up a down-town congregation in the most successful way. M r Vance will have the best wishes of the comâ€" munity he leaves, and Vancouver will have one of the best men we can send it. Jack Howard, Dickson's \Hall to-night London Free Press: The best numbers on the program last night were given by Mr. Jack Howard of Toronto. lie is the best that has been heard here for years. W VIN THE SURRDGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Infant children of Charles " - â€" » McGregor, deceased. Application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Victoria before the Judge in Chambers in the Court House in the Town of Lindsay, after the expiration of twenty days from the ï¬rst publication hereof, on behalf of Minnie Alberta McGregor of the Villageof Fenelon Falls in the County of Victoria, Widowâ€"the mother of the said infant childrenâ€"for an Order appointing the said Minnie Alberta McGregor, guardian of Edward ‘ Stanley McGregor, Mary Alzena Mc- Gregor and Charles Seymour McGregor, infant children of said Charles Me~ Gregor, deceased. Dated at Lindsay March, A. 1). 1010. MINNIE AlBERTA MCGREGOR, by Moore& Jackson of the Town of Lindsay, her Solicitors. ‘ this 18th. day of ._ ' â€" r‘ TOOTH AND TOILET- PREPARATIONS fifteen in the family, Robsons’ Drugstore. saunter: FALLS. -...,.a\.v.. .‘ -‘A‘LAAAAAAAAA ._ _‘l ‘