Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1910, p. 7

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“My ~________________________. “CURE WAS QUICK AND comma: ,DAME l.’AREN"’S HEART DIS- EASE CURE!) BY DODD’S ’ KIDNEY PILLS. The All IMPORTANT l “stomach gastroscope, invented at don Hospital, last. year, has proved greatest value in the ._â€"â€" Stomach Telescopes Will 13 Great Assistance to Physicians. telescope,” or stomach disorders. .4â€" 'Shc Sull‘ercd for Two Years but New Advises all Troubled as She Was to Give Dodd's liidney Pills a Trial. 1 St. Robert, Richelieu Ce., Que, E lar. ‘28.â€"~(Special).â€"â€"“I recommend ‘DC-dd’s Kidney Pills to friends.” These are the Dame Joseph Parent of this place. gmn to actuanv the exact condition the interior of slightest 1 , ._ other ab Backache and a dragging SGUSHEIOD membrach being thus To be able to do this is of tance in suspectâ€" .stomach, where S 0 lies in the Dickinson, Room 20. 43 Scott Toronto. "And the good dame gives excellent reasons why she 'does so. “For two years,” she says, “I suffered from Heart Disease, Headache, across the loins. Seven boxes Budd’s Kidney Pills cured me. hope all who are troubled as I was will give Dodd’s Iiidncy’Pills a trial.” - Some people may ask how Dodd‘s Kidney I‘ills. which are purely 3. Kidney remedy, can cure Heart Disease. And the answer is sim- ple: Diseased Kidneys fail to drain the impurities out of the blood. If these impurities are left in the blood they not only increase, the work of the heart in propelling the all my date word-‘3 Ollnow enables the physician or see of the whole of (‘f served. 1 very greatest impor ed cancer of the the only hope of cure eradication of the cancerous growth at, the very earliest moment. means that'the increased use of the __R035, ill in the future save â€"-â€"â€"- would e lost through that dis-_ surgeon recently highest terms to the advances late- ly made at that hospital in the early detection of stomach by means of this instruâ€" ment, which will in the immediate future probably come to be Par of the equipment of every up-to- ho sp ital . gastroscopc w many lives that inevitably b Gillie. the ulce ‘ation, in the lining normality >I< London, referred diseases of the The AN UP-TO DATE CAUTION. Mother Birdâ€"“Run NVENTION. Dn “Horse’s e or Indian Root Pills the Lou- England, to bewot' the diagnosis of An eminent in the t gastroscopc surâ€" for himself stomach, the growth or readily ohâ€" This otherwise soil,rich 11-2 storcyframo house other outbuildings, a few school. and close to church. Strathroy market and R. R. Station. N D. 6272â€"50 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP along and save Doctor’s Bills in , , .aud eftectively. and dwr Safe Incestments .â€" Wo have moved to Our new llllll(llll',!, ( cure many common ailments which ‘ are very different, but which all ; arise from the same causeâ€"a sys- tem clogged with impurities. The Pills cause the bowels to move regularly, strengthen and stimu‘. late the kidneys and Openththe pores of the skin. These organs immediately throw off the accu- mulated impurities. and Bilious- ncss, Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Kidney Troubles, Headaches. Rheumatism and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root ~ Pills STOCKS. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. Write for our weekly circular on securities. Boleros to standing to any bank. ly 0 Bay 5L, Toron «V, to. i" ARTICLES FOR SALE. U'l‘lI AFRICAN VETERANS WAR- rants bought and sold,‘320 acres. AFRICAN WAR. . ANTED â€"â€" SOUTH Fox 8:. rants. Highest price paid. Scott St... Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. 0 6289â€"100 acres in' the Township of Garadoc.in the County of Middlesev, sandy loam.31-2 acres orchard, ,Zframo barns and rods to public 4 miles from blood through the body, but act on , , the valves Causing disease. Pure Play now; 131m be cal'eflll you doll ll 1 d of_]Bl§1ndll"ordl. iultlic Cgunty of Ox- . -. . ~ . . . . » ~. » ~ ‘ , - -, , or v on- ‘bhmd “moves the cause of the, dis. get. 11 in} by an) Of thohc [13mg c‘i'xete {$11,563. Tiianical‘i’anzrmharnsivit‘li/ stcabl- (laSG. Dodd’s Kidney Pills make hmcmnes' ing under, othcrputbuildings, buildings munâ€""- nearly new- and in good repair. Situated from Woodstock putting the Kidneys pure blood by the in:- in condition to strain all purities out of it. ' M515 Mind your own business and some of your own. 1‘. Pleasant } lce’s Vegetable Pills are so com- I. pounded as to operate on both ‘ ipplicd, _ the dime return, experience teaches the Pains Disappear Before It.â€"~~No one need suffer pain when they have N . available Oil, day you will. be minding a. business quir near it for sale. stomach and the bowels so that they user of act along the whole alimentary excretory. passage. They are not drastic in their work. but mildly purgativc, and the pleasure of takâ€" ing them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produce. 1 Compounded only oi vegetable sub- stances the curative qualities of which were Iully tested. they afâ€" - ford relief without chance oi in- ju i'y . l 1 l A. man isn’t. 118! because he can’t keep a straight. lace. . - . V -._......- Pulnklllor in winter checks chills, brush up i holds and thus prevents Bronchitis, Lagrlppe l kud Rheumatism. . Unequalled as a linimont for i ,lrost bites, chilblains. lii'uiaes,_ sprains. b‘ _ n11 drnggists. Only one )Painkillor-â€"Perry Davis'. l ; ..â€"_...â€" a- soft spot in our; We all have heads at birthmaud some of. us; ._ . -. 1 In its initial stages glocal ailment easily dealt with. many neglect it and the result. is distressing a. inyster never lose it. ._ 5......- 1 l I Minard’s Llnlment Relieves Neuralgia El sensible man doesn't care ifl he isn‘t. good looking; he knows. that. there are others. l l l l The ucver failing medic-Que, Eelâ€".5“ removes all l Smut, the . 1 ~ . ' I I 1 CW3“ z-colds and coughs. the most diflicult to remove cannot! loway’s Corn Cure. kinds of euros. warts. etc; withstand this wonderful remedy. } W“â€" Sll‘(‘r~:'\Vll‘dl. becomes of all the money you get from int-'4” Sonâ€"~- “I give it up, dad!” “a... PILBS CURED IN 6"") I4 DAYS. PAZO OIS'I'MER’I‘ is guaranteed to cure any osso oi itching. Blind. Bleeding or l’rotruding Piles in 6 to it days or money refunded. i500. ('I-lothcs can be. ironed much more ‘guickly ll? sprlukled with warm water insiw‘id of cold. ' ., Mother Graves" \Vorni Extermin- '.ter does not require the help of by purgative medicine to complete he cure. Give it a trial and be honviuccd. LIT'JTLE SATISFACTION. ‘ “Did you have a good day’s ‘shcoting ” ‘ '0} rent 3” “Kill many rabbits?” “No, I only got one. But I think TI wounded at least 20.” 7DY-O‘LA ‘V‘W dpn'l’havo 'to know What KIND of cloth your Goods are made of. SAM: Dye for ALL. No chance of “Intakes. All colors :0 cents from 3 our Dniwtist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet From Tho Johnson-Blohordson CotleltedLDI I. 0 Montreal, uo. and th em». To whom it may concern: certify that. I have used MINARD'S DINI- MENT myself as well as my practice where A. 4 Italy I) 1'. Thomas’ If not in the house when re- cd it can be procured at the est store, as all merchants keep Rheumatism and all PUI‘g3~tiV€--~Pal‘1n6-lbodily pains disappear when it is Eclectrie‘ and should they at any the Oil how to deal with .â€"..,_â€" The best- cure [or worry is to find" somc one who needs your help. WW This is to ircscribcd it in liniment was required . _ and have never failed to gm. the desired :cssarily creode effect. - . ' U. A KING. M. D. 4 W Get a move on you ll] :direction, then keep gmng. loltcn the development of: iseirurcs of: the bronchial tubes and lungs that render lilc miserable tor the unhappy victim. there is nothing in the cine line so certain in curative rcâ€" ltr.‘ as Bicklc’s Anti-Consumptive a cold is a. As a first aid “.m- l’ .-'\ ( ,‘T .-\N 1) FA NCY. produces friend in need is a friend to dodge. yearly 70,000,000 gallons of olive oil worth $120,000,- 000. ‘ ‘ Many a. man. in love with a. dim- Ke c p your feet ple makes the mistake of marrying the whole'girl. dry. The best chest protector is "worn on the sole of the boot. ‘ It. is better to get wisdom than It is also easier. is only three cents a pound in Australia, and a good workman’s meal costs a dime. Though courtship is the intoxica- gold. Meat tion of life, it is not necessarily true that marriage is the sick headâ€" ache. Ao Flro threads in dry grass, so doos'un inflam< matron in the throat grow down into the lungs. Deal promptly when you “So do_I feel sorry for him, if I as disagreeable company for himself at night as he is for other he’s with a cold as with n. fire. and begin to cough use Allen's Lung Balsam. SYMI’ATHY. f‘l feel sorry for Squinchley.” ‘jWhat's the matter with him ’2” “Chronic insomnia.’ . people in the daytime.” HE COULDN’T ESCAPE. “Do you believe in asked as he snuggled closer. ' “Well,” answered‘the girl, “I be- lieve that what’s ‘going to’happen Will happen.” Minard’a Llnlmenl for Sale Everywhere. M on Gravel road. 4 miles market and R. R. Station. merit appears Inquirer's will please state the paper in which they saw this advertisement, .The. Limited, Western 78 Dundas St. London, Ont. ___________,_,.____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Wright Investment ($0.. ' ' 5 'A.‘. B. (l. . . . . ww ~15 it’s the real thing. NOE, BUILDING 11‘ OR. SALE OR EXCHA merits. M. Mathews, "oronto. Mâ€"Mâ€"flf' \world-‘overto Cure 3. Cold in One Day. ‘ mar. who always makes the right k1),('-.Wl1 lecturer, states: handy medi- study.’ fate '2” he This advertise- in over 200 newspapers. Real Estate EXcliangc, RITISII COLUMBIAvâ€"FOR'I‘ GEORGE fertile wheat lauds, 50,0000 acres ‘ and mixed farming lauds. Send tor pho- tographs and surveyor-5’ reports. The Dominion Trust lands on » easy pay- propcrty. S. Yongc Street, lots and farm Will buy Western Room 11 1-2 75 is the only The hero in a novel, good. __.._.â€"-â€"- ially intended to. d many hopeless Contains no Allen's Lung Balsam is espec break up neglected-coughs, an cases have been saved by its use. opium in any form. . It’s easy to be a clrieeirlul giver +â€"~theoretically. flâ€" Minard's Liniment Cure: Burns, Etc. SOME HABITS OETHE ELY. Concerning his experiences while studying the life and habits of the house fly, Henry Hill, the wellâ€" “I wish I could explain why a- lly never walks down, but always up a clean win- dow pane, and why on the other But hand it will Walk down the slanting glass trout offia picture. It- is also yxto me why a- lly always rests head downward' on .a wall. These are habits of the house fly which offer: a field of interesting ’â€"-London Standard. But the things you’try to keep l'*“"f“m‘3d “’11le tm‘ dark will come to light sooner or later. Comprehensive ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Europe" arias-h Isles, Exten- swe Continental, lath Passion Play and 1 I BruSSels Exposition. Illustrated Program. 24“ JARVIS ST Tou R TORONTO. When You’re Hearse Use 150’“ - G U R E . nu: v.51 him“. an @ms egos Gives immediate relief. The first dose relieves your aching throat and allays the irritation. , Guaranteed to contain no opiates. Very palatable. All Drumzisu. 25c. A Thorough Pill'.â€"-â€"To clearahe stomach and mbowcls of impurities and their action is irregular. that will do are - which are. mild in action but mighty mancnt cu rc. without fear lul effects operation. is even worse than the neglect of our friends. Minard'é Liniment Cures Dandruff. the squint of envy. .lor 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. {Write all .nbout , they will advise as to the Proper Applica- Eye Remedies in Your. 1. tion of the Murine Special Case. '- lhnt Murine Relieves Sore enu Weak Eyes, Doesn't. Smart. Soothea Eye Pain. and sells for" 500. Your Eyelids. and Granulation. THE WISE PHYSICIAN. ‘The doctor has ordered iue to eat. only the plainest food.” , ‘For how long ‘2” ‘Till I have paid his bill, Ii guess.” ._ necessary when The pills this work thoroughly Vegetable Pills, irritants is Parmelce’ s They purge painlessly work a per- "l.‘hey can be. used by the most delicate,- eonstitutcd, as there are no pain- prcceding their gentle results. HEllOIU TREATMENT. Little \Villie worehis stocking Inside out, aliabit shocking. To” Correct his naughty whim, Mother turned the hose on him. -“M What In the Boot Thing to strengthen weal: back? cure lumbago and 1‘ seven 250. plasters. Montreal. “The D 65L" Menthol Plaster. It will lioumatiam. 81 rolls make Davis & Lowrance 00., r,â€" The attention of those we dislike w...” ._'-oâ€"- . Most moral astigmatism is due to Free to Our Readers. . Write Murine Eye Remedy (30., Chicago, Your Eye Trouble and Your Druggiat will tell you Try It iii Eyes 101' Sealy Eyes and in Baby’s Everybody appreciates goodness .". Only Ono "BROOMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROth QI‘INXNE. Look for the signature at E. W. GROVE. Used zthe '56. . . 4 .. I Of the eight sons of: the ,late Rev. 1 for a. career in the Ther eldest of ~his three church. I daughtersis a. missionary in Egypt. , And a frenzied financier is a chap! who rocks the financial boat. ’ .Semi for free sample to De t. unnal Drug a. Chemical 00.? flirting-3. Na Marlatt’s l‘lair Promoter. Grows Hair on any Bald Head On sale at the Robt. Simpson's Drug Dr- partnient. Tcronto. Can.. or the Marlait Hair Promoting 00.. Toronto. Canada. lODNOL [The famous new discovery of the age, positively, quickly. completely relieves and cures Gnitre, Thick Neck, Sciatica, Swellings, Bunions, Quinsy, etc. $1.00, or 61'or $5.00, mailed on receipt of price by LYLE MEDIClNE 00.. Toronto: ’ SAVED ,,*: ER . INGER. . ’4. E 5 i i. fl -vs -o« a.- Dr. Crokcy, of Glendermontt, Co.‘ ~- Londonderry, seven. are Presbyteriâ€"I an ‘clergynieii, while the eighth isl now studying 3-. 1 skin injurlenond diseases. voucher Ave, St. Boniface, VVinni g. _ says :â€" “ Some time ago my 9 took diphtheria, and while attending ' them the poison entered asmall 501115011 on the second finger of to left. hand. This became verysore and b’lo p mg soon set in. v children were quite well I was Iufier' ‘1 » mg from a. shockingly. bad fin et- lcratch was caused originally and in itself, was not at all Mario"!!- The consequences, however, of neglect- ing this scratch,were very goultloes and a salvo I had into the St. Boniface case similar to my own in which‘gflm‘ Eyes, Strength. 2 had effected a euro when everythln , v, oHree trlilbox. M 6,‘ l Mu. B. E. Bodwl, f 337 ro- chil ron od-poison- For months after the The y 3 Pin- scrious to me. _- set in] tried n the house. hose, howaver, did not have the desired “When the blood-poisonlu ofi‘oct. Quite on the contrary the flu or became more and more swol e n and i6- oolorod. It then began to foster, and Iliad ' to call in a. doctor. j to let out; the pus. and. you can ' how painful the finger was care, however, it again (entered an olntments. linimontl, and other Drel’“°" - tiona which the doctor gave‘ me 6 Ho lanoed t ~ no 1 new d the scenic any relief. ‘ ' absolute] unuhletobri b 'l y nga 220611130080 I ‘ Il‘h ,’ ‘ e dootor thereupon new“; I feared Han . that if I went to the nod-lira! 511811“ 9" would be amputated. We 3:1!” mm 0 "‘ had failed and the doctor had sat tn... only amputation could save the person's hand. “ We, .ihercrore, decided to give Zam- Buk a. trial. A supplv was procured, and we commenced the Zara-Bull treatment. It. only needed a. few (1: is to show the Wisdom of this step. The load-poisoning and inflammation were reduced. the pain '4 became less acute, and it was evident very shortly that. the trouble was being reduced to a. loss and still less area. We persevered with tho Zuni-Bill: and in the end the fostering sore was thoroughly cleaned. then healed. In under three ' weeks from first commencing with Zuni- Buk. the finger was entirely well; and had we applied Zam-Buk in the first place. ~â€"â€"â€"..,.. ' instead or trying ordinary preparations. no doubt. I should have saved myself hours r- nd hours of acute agony." All mothers should note this case. Zorn-Bull: i is A Cure cure for blood-poisoning, festering, cuts, scratches from barbed wire. bruises, ’ eczema, rushes. totter, salt rlioum, taco sores ulcers. piles, hid leg, vurico-o veins, and all . [$00 in box, all drug- gists and stores or peso tree from Zuni-Buk 00., Toronto. iorprioe. Send In stamp {or voltage Refuse all imitations. ~ ~ "‘"'. ...v . ~.,.. EDUCATIONAL I EARN'THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW / system~eonstaut practice: careful course: 1 Is Your Hearing Good? give you the Send for tree names The HEARD-PHONE will benefits of good hearing. booklet, giving particulars and of satisfied users. Also Special Offer {or a Month's Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OlONE LIMITED, 88¢ Spadlna Avenue. Toronto. APPENDICITIS All who are at l Cured without operations. wish flicted with this disease and cured permanently. safely with this great Homeopathic which in tho world instructions with full Price 32. Address " ~- John 1. Wait. Homeogall'hlo Pharmacy Arnnrlor. Canada. warmersme Rndway‘s Remy Relief 4 cures the worst pains in tron) one to twent' minutes. For Hen - ucho (slok or u or v~ one), Toothache. Neuralgia. R h e I] ~ nautical, Lumbago. pains in the book. spine or kldnc s. lmi around t m lver. pleur-isy owellln so! the joints. on pins 0 all kinds, use MOWAY’S READY RELIEF. to be and quickly remedy. will he sent post-paid anywhere for using so as to effect a, permanent cure. instruction: tools: 01 ahfcmi lot-rue. Mole? Barber 1“ . ___________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-'"'â€"-â€"""â€""__________.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"- _____.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-' m st, Toronto. engines, engines. mach incrv. over Limited, l l ' pericncc Absolute necessity to farmers. of 30 men. Pays Write to-day, Ont. few weeks complete free: graduates earn twelve to dollars weekly: write for cata- Collcge, 221 Queen ‘ MTcHINERY. __________________.__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- ACHINERY , HEADQUAREERS. â€"â€" and wood-wcrkiug machinery.l boilers, steam pumps, gasoline electric motors, contractors etc. Send for catalogue of machines. H. W. PETRIE, Montreal, Vancouver. ____._-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" AGENTS WkNTED. Iron 1400 Toronto, ‘ _' . GFN'l‘ «‘65 A DAY EASY. NOIEX- Sells on Sight. Does work in one hour. for itself . Co.. Samoa. 0. R. Adams ____________..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THE NORTHERN LIFE ASSURANCE . Company have good openings for ex- perienced insurance writers. also for young men who desire to make money. Address. John Milne. Mnnaging Director Northern Life, London, Ont. CA L VES ‘3'" ‘£&$i£'§?.%‘." "'"' Steele,!liriggs Seed 00., Ltd., Turouto,{0nt. THE LINDMAN TRUSS will holdany reducible Ol'llllt. Endorsed by foremost medical men, \ rite for particulars. B. LINDMAN, (llcg'd) Montreal. one of the marvels of the electrical ago. 1 use throughout the world. Write (or cats. Jowue, General Acoustic 00., of Canada, Ltd, 16% Yong. Street. Toronto. ______________.___â€"â€" inn Your blood has becomclhin and weak. The drain upon your system the past few monlhs has been very great. You are con- sequently feclin§“ all out of sorts" and “run down." our appetite is bad and ‘ you hardly have enough energy lei! to do your daily duties. You should take PSYCHINE. the greatest of Tonics. with- out delay. This will put you on your feet at once. 3 Gentlemen :â€"-"l have used PSYCHlNE f. and I do think it is the greatest tonic and system builder known. I would advise all who are run-down or physically weak to ~ use PSYCHINE."., Yourstruly, Mrs. Jae. .' Bertrand. West Toronto. ‘ ‘ If you are weak PSYCHINE will make you sirens. For 5.1. by all Dmuiul & Dealers, 50:. & 5| per bottle. Dr. T. A. srocuul RONObGED Sl“'.EEN HOPE FOR TNE DEAFâ€"IN ACOUSTIOON~ i . 3.». LIMITED, ' TORONTO

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