Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1910, p. 5

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“V T '“""“«‘~"‘5'~T\*iwn . m. . . ‘s *W -â€" ~ '3- “ ""' -- Messrs. Norman and Geo. Poguo have V left for the west, where they intend to stay for Mr. Yeoman Smith, postmaster, is a telephone put in this week. Baddow. Correspondenw of the Gazette. Miss Wedlock is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. Mason. Easter holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Sr., and Miss Ruby, spent the holidays the guests of Toront) friends. Mrs. A. Paton, of Cannington, is visitâ€" ing relatives here. of his sister, Miss Edith Morris. Mrs. Joseph Griffin and daughter Jean spent the holidays in Toronto. . Mr. Percy Suggitt was the guest of Mr. F. Rattle, of Unionvillc, over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. R». Suggitt spent the Week end with Sturgeon Point friends. M r. John lerness, of Rosedale, was in Bad-low on Sunday. Mr. G. Watson, of Coboconk, was re- newing old acquaintance here last week. The people of the Methodist church have been remodeling it, and it will be reopened next Sunday, April 3rd. Rev. M r. Mountier, of Cannington, will take charge of the service morning and even- ing, and will also give a lecture on Monâ€" day evening. .-.__. Fell’s Station. (Correspondence qfthe Gazette). Our burgh is still alive, and the bean- tiful weather of the past few days is puking things look very like spring. Maple sugar making is now the order of the day. Miss C. Devitt is spending the holi- days at her home in Devitt's Settlement. Miss May Tipling, of Toronto, is en- joying the Easter vacation with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tipling, of Honey Grove. v ' M r. and Mrs J. T. Thompson and little son, of Fenelon Falls, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wood over Easter Sunday. ‘ ‘ Mrs. Albert Patton, of Cannington, a former resident of this place, and two children are on a visit to friends and relatives here and at Baddow. Miss M. ‘Levely,,0f Burnt River, is here on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Bulmer. Miss Margaretta Shuttleworth, of Burnt River, spent Easter Sunday with her brother, Mr. W. Shuttheworth, at the Station. Mr. Ernest Hughes, who has been on the sick list for some time. is, we are pleased to learn, recovering very nicely. Mr. S. V. Bailey, our ellicient teacher, is holidaying at his home near Lindsay._ Mr. John Hughes is busy moving on to his new farm, recently vacated by Mr. George Metcalfe. We wfsh Mr. Hughes every SUGCGSS. The Armstrong brothers shipped sev- eral cal-loads of ties from this station last week. Mr. George Taylor, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'Brou n. ' .M r. Stanley Gainer from Fcnelon Falls paSsvd through here on Saturday even- ing, on route for Kinmount. 0-9â€"”â€" Powles’ Corners. (Um‘respmulence ofthe G’ tzctte.) â€" Mr. A. n. Willook spent a few days '11 Toronto during the Easter holidays. to Whitby to visit relatives. and relatives. W. Cooper. with her sister, Mrs. W. Cooper. with relatives in l’eterboro. of April. closer together. a good thing for the farmers. ability to purchase the plain necessit boots and shoes and many things to larger wages. o-..__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-' Bur y‘s Green. â€"â€"â€"â€"- Correspondence of the Gazette. their many friends. ing her holidays at her home in onto. daying at home. Paula's. having M r. Benj. Smith Miss Zillah Suggitt is spending the HeaSIip farm near take possession next fall. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspell took a trip Miss Ethel Marshall, of Peterboro, spent Easter holidays with old friends Miss Leta Cooper, of Lindsay, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and h‘lrs..Bert. Parrish, of Lindsay, came down on the noon train on Good Friday and returned Saturday morning. Miss Worsley, of Welland; is spend- E At present there is every indication of an early spring. The clover and fall wheat are looking good, which will mean Every man who is working for wages should demand a larger- amount for his labor, as the price of meat and flour has gone up almost beyond a laboring man's ies of life. Then we must consider that a great many wage earners have taxes to pay, fuel, rent, groceries, dry goods, too numerous to mention, and he is entitled Mrs. 1). F. Milloy, of Oakwood, is mov- ing back to the homestead and will keep house for her father, Mr. John Brown. About lift y friends and neighbors gathered at the home of'M'r. James Alcislcr last Wednesday to witness the- marriage of his only daughter Minnie to Mr. Albert Billett. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. H. A. French. After congratulations they all sat down to a tempting spread and then all enjoyed themselves till nearly midnight, when they all returned home. The presents were numerous and use- ful, and expressed the good wishes of Miss Taylor, of S. S. No. 7, is spend- Tor- Miss Maude Flett of Lindsay is holiâ€" Mr. Geo. Barrane, of Toronto spending his holidays at Mr. Chas. ‘ .‘fi fl<hffit>253rflt7ii=rrflrifi£§fi A: L”: nit-Tid'iir'awv‘flfi 331%. Some -plow, and if the fine weather continues seeding Mr. Thomas Flett has the material on hand for a large barn which he Ill- Mr. H- Morris, of â€"-â€"--*, is the guest tends to build this summer. The Pinchin of five, for the ering the lakes from Gore‘s Landing to Coboconk, and ultimately with the addition of a boat that is to he put under Lake Simcoe. Under the new arrangement a steamer will leave Gore’s Landing and other Rice arriving in Peterborough in time to connect with the mid-day trains from Toronto and the western points. The boat will then proceed to Stony Lake, arriving there early in the evening, making close connections and giving ample time to make all necessary calls among lower Stony Lake. Otonabee Navigation Company. Peterborough, Mr. W. H. Robertson, President, has arranged for Mr. Robert Managership of the 00., and having "taken over another boat makinga fleet ,... .~ .. ,. _ M v» t. .\-.v42,1.om.vmu~n1n.:.i .-. ......,.v...¢~~‘ .;,,..» p . , , , , , armmmxmmaeusmfimwmm r the summer. has purchased the Fairbairn, and will of the farmers have started to n. Care Of the old rigs. New ones cost‘ money. We ‘ make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up, bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can. build itâ€"good as the best. l. l. CHAMBERS. Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. will soon be commenced. .___â€"â€"â€"o-.____â€"_'_â€" Otonabee Navigation Co‘y of , to take over the General they have arranged their plans season. The Co. purposes cov- construction, they will cover Lake points every morning, siou steamer Otonabee willhandle the s ‘ excursion business as heretofore, be- ' . tween Rice Lake and Lindsay, as well as intermediate points. Monarch, Rice Lake and Burleigh Division. Capt. Wilbur Harris. ' 0.. Independent: Mr. Broad had the mis $5.25 to $12.00. Ball Lake. They crossed from the boat It would be worth your on the shore opposite the boat house, the A130 5'4 fun 11118 Of reed horse dropped through. No help was Baby Carriaqu at I a the sleigh himself to the boat house, and it is well {he did so, as he broke througlr The splendid new twin screw excur- The following are the names of the company's steamers and their masters : Otonabee, Capt. W. H. White. _ Water Lily, Rice Lake and Burleigh I Divisnon. Capt. Geo. D. FreWer. » \l )d' vale Burlei h and Bobca' eonl . Di*v,:i;,,. ’ g . 3g Just to hand a full line of Manita Lindsay Fenelon Falls and ‘ ' ' _ ~, - - - Coboconk’ Division: Capt. S. R. Pearson. QOIIaPSIbIe GO 03“ ts! mngmg Steamer Carmana, under construction. 11} pnce from fortune to lose his young horse on Wed nesday morning» in- Pigeon Lake. Mr and Mrs. Mat Nichols and child, and Percy Nichols had the horse and sleigh away taking supplies to their camp at house direct to the Big Island and then While to can and inspect these skirted along the shore, reaching their ‘ . destination in safety. Percy returned oefore purchasmg elsewhere. with the ‘horse, and followed his own track, but when near steamboat island within reach of hearing, and do what he could, Percy was unable to get the horse out. He could get the shoulder of the . animal 0n the ice, and then it would break or the animal slide back. He pul- L & led out the sleigh and harness and drew . ' several times on the way across and got out with the help of the shafts. The ice was honeycombed and rotten. PFurther down the lake between Sandy oint and . M u Montgomery’s Bay teams are still cross- § “In” "a"? FENELON FALLS MARKETS :Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 1, 1910“ Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 95c. to 97c“ the islands in both upper and Wheat, fall, 98 to $1.04 A boat will leave Stony Lake daily mg about 11.30 a.1_n. makin close connec- - WI , gt - r tions at Peterborough With C. P. R-‘aml fl 3313:; ifilgfi’sfgtfigio 59 Grand Trunk, and reaching Rice Late; BORN_ ' Oats' p’er bushey 5‘35 to 36 about 7 p.m. where it will remain an i V w ’ . P111 7 . ' , t the following morning. d_D°“\lBAS-lâ€" '1‘ $13810“. {F‘dgsiuofl ATE]; 3' a I thiiiihgdtb‘ffiheltfotlgo 90 Another boat will leave Crowe’s Land- D‘W’df :“c l b h e *w‘ 0'0 1' r “1‘ E5 Potatoes 2% to 30 ° ing and all intermediate points for Bob- ‘1” “bi 1‘ son” 3 ' . Butter, per pound, 21 to 23? Eggs, per dozen, 00 to 18 caygcon,‘ arriving there at 12 o’clock, connecting with the C. P. R. Leaving again at 1.15, she will arrive at Burlelgh Hay, per ton, $14 to $16 Hides, $9 to $10 Hogs, live, $9.50 selects nouns l. s A Business Education is the E3 i9 E l? _ DIED. . , ENGI.ISII.~â€"â€"At Toronto, on Sunday, . at 4 pm. and other romts on March 27th, 1910, Martha English, Falls i132? and lOWeL‘ Stony Lake a “we gigonlgfigid Chalmers, aged gogis,%1r(35s)s:d,§610 to $11 .. . _ _ - w . , ec,.‘5. 0v; of on i." t° 8° Lindsay and Sturgeon point, as we” as Tuesday, March .29th, 1910. Mary Ann ‘ your children. We get down to F1003 B“ 0d 8, B t 290 t @310, Bobcaygeou, 10611310,, Falls and Cobo- Lean, beloved Wife of Wm. Hore. aged the rock bed foundation of living Flom’ 85?? ons 0:: ’fi’ " ago 'l ' ' . 63 years, 10 months and 1 day. _ b - . . - d - t . our’ 1. ‘erpcaf’ ‘12“0 130:9?90 conlh é usmess selencean HSSIS VVOI‘tIly Flour, ‘nctorla’ $2_60 to $2.80 I graduates to the choice positions. Flour, new process. $2.60 to $2.80 ll‘lour, family, clipper, $2.55 to $2.75 Eng part of the Easter holidays here Mrs. .l. W. Gillis, Mrs. Wm. Herron and Miss M. Herron spent- a few days lair. and Mrs. Thos. Hewie and family intend going to the Northwest the 15th ing last Monday and talked over matters pertaining to the welfare of the scholars attending school. One good move trusâ€" The trustee board held a short meet- tees are making is to move the seats. i is mm___________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- -â€"-“ . .-..._.. g]. A. MCKONE, - Prin. ngWWWWWMW Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.20 to $1.25. Shorts, do., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop, (10., $1.35 to $1.50 Twentyâ€"five years’ highâ€"grade , work has made this the LARG? ta EST AND BEST Business Train- it a; ing School in Eastern Ontario. :3 #3 E 3’ i Enter any day. % Individual instruction. Home a study courses in Senior Teachers, . Matriculation and Commercial We search out the best farm tools of every sort and make it worth your while to come to us for \vliatci’er"‘yo'u want. We mean that this store shall’be the best in every senseâ€"whatever stock you turn to. We’ve been here long enough to know your needs and in a measure to deserve your confidence. You can judge this entire by the way we sell farm and garden tools Don’t forget that I have. a first class Planer and am. prepared to do all work in ' this line in the best style. ;, also to. make SASl-I. . AND DOORS. Your oatronage solicited. AFTER EASTER is a good time to enter the BUILDER. _ é FENELON FALLS. f7: g r. e. ‘ TAYLOR, TORONTO. ONT. This college noted far and near for superior work. and enjoys a great attendance. We assist our students to secure choice positions. Take one ' step towards success today by writing for our free catalogue. Col- lege open entire year. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princlpal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER ST-S. W Doors and Sash. Interior“ Finish. Your patronage solicited. And Cleans Your Houseâ€"Clear Through Cleaner Than Any Other Method Gould, 3 Possibly Make It. a orrronorrnv AT‘ ROBSON’S ' NEW Cleans floors, walls, ceiling, picture frames, rugs, carpets, draperies and furniture. Brooms- and sweepers slide pver the surface of your floors, reiiioving- the dirt from. the top. . The Chatham; gets down. into. the pile of’ your carpet and: forces the dirt oht of it. - GOING DATES The Chatham prevents any parti'cleof dust from. escaping l ' I B into the air. Makes dusting needless. - 3’. Apr. 5,19 June 14. .28. Aug. 9. 23 _ '. ‘ May,- 3. 17}. 31. July 12, 26 Sept. 6. 20 __ .- THROUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO T0 WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.009.:11. on above days . Through First and Second Class Coaches, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto. / ASK FOR IIOHESEEKEIS' PAIPBLE‘I‘ Everything first-class. 'Your patronage solicited. J.RoEson. Two. Doors South of Hoard's. Full Particulars from J. S. HORTHEY, Agent, Fanelon Falls. Machines for sale onto rent. M.

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