Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1910, p. 4

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E ’ ‘ .. ‘uum-u“ h - for the individual members of the rink winning the schedule cup, and for corn solation, bonspeil andi other competi- tions. Everybody at the banquet was en- thusiastic, and there is every indication that curling will boom next winter. The proceedings closed with thesinging of Auld’LangSyne and God Save the King. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". - _ -______ School Board. , Fenelon- Falls, March 30th, 1910. Board met as regular meeting, all members present. .Minutcscf previous. meeting read and approved. _ Inspector's report was laid on the table. Fyled. Auditor‘s report received. Johnstone â€"â€" McCallum â€" That the auditor's report as presented be acceptâ€" ed and that the secretary be instructed to have an abstract statement of the same printed in the ll‘enelon Falls Gazette, and the necessary number ofl SPRING M ILLINERY. The millinery openings at Mr. Wm Campbell‘s and .llliss‘Waslibui-n’s last week were well- patronized, as usual, by the ladies, and the displays were fully up to the standard of former openings. - "1"", . - a: , , VJ": .43.”, , ' V I . . .. . av“; ‘4‘“; a“, 1.4.: ‘» EXCEPTIONALLY FINE. The Weather has continued its good behavior all through the past week, and. farmers and everybody else- are feeling pleased. l’loughing has commenced, and seeding will soon be in full blast unless an unexpected‘cold dip interferes with the present good prospects. The ice will soon be out of the lake at the pres~ ent rate of going. i i i i i stock of groceries in town. Try, them. I. O. O. F. CONCERT. Miss Eva Cuthbert and Mr. Jack Howard, who will appear at the i. 0. 0. if.- concert to-night, are both very highly Lin. Jill!" .723. __________________._â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"--' N0 Tariff War. _ . . Ti S "*- CODICS [Drilltefl for dIStmbutlon-â€"Cd- recommended as entertainers, and, with g: G a The announcement that the tariff The followmg accounts were passed: the addition of the local lament, mat-.1135 2.3 . negotiations between Canada and the J- H- 85 1‘11- W- 13m,“de WOOdi $15364; been secured.areprovingagreabuttmc- a Un.ted St, ,3 l b I had 1nd Jas. Mchevap, kmdlmg, $1.75; 508. tion, as evrdenced by the early sale of l d 03 “we Gen Fore L .0 " Heard, supplies, $10.28; Jos. Nugent, reserved seats,- a good percentage of that a” danger 0f 3' tm'lfi WM‘ 13 W“! piling wood. which were sold over a‘lveek ago. 65 is being quite naturally received with Payments made by the treasurer » strong expressions of satisfaction. A “'91’0 confirmed as “Hows: 5‘ Ellery' DATE CHANGED TO TUESDAYS. “5 b t .‘fl l-k 11 th u“ b work at north ward, $4.00; F. Taylor, '5. .“l‘ .War’t‘ e a 0 ‘13)” tam“; :1" ‘ e do., $5.40; F. Chamrlfiers. act», $373123. One of the firm of McLaughlin,Pcel 8.; d: . . . - W mlurlous 0 one 01‘ 0 0 ‘6 com‘ Kerr acct. $2.15; .SCOl} acet- - ‘ Fulton barristers of Lindsa will be as W rpm-up: Jam WWMW‘W “W‘WVWW b l , . . a i 1 2 1 if 53%;”: [L 3W WW batants. A tarifi of any kind is bad Gazette, adct., [1:11.753 Fenelon Falls on Tuesday ot’each week, The secretary was instructed to order instead of Wednesday, as previously enough without being carried to ex- tremes. The tenor of the discussions previous to and during the negotiations affords ground for the belief that there is a. growing feeling in favor of reduc- tion in the tariff all along the line, and an extension of the free list. ________.__._â€" A Fair Sample. announced. The firm have secured an officer in the McArthur block, over Terrill’s store, next to Dr. Sim's dental office. Owing to the County Court sit- tings being held in Lindsay next Tues- day, the firm will be unable to send a representative of the firm here until the following Tuesday. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH. The Easter'song service in St. An- drew‘s Church last Sunday evening was greatly enjoyed. The pastor discussed the subject of the‘future life from the view point of the man of science. Next Sabbath morning the subject of dis- course will be “A. Divine Paradox,” and suitable for Miss Swanton‘s room, also desk for Miss Austin's room from John B. Snider Co. to be shipped July 1st. 1910. W Personal. _ Mr. F. A McDiarmid left this morning for his new home in Victoria, B. C., where he assumes the duties of city so- licitor.-â€"Post. Mr. E. Chambers arrived home from Toronto this week, and intends remain- ing at the Falls all summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robertson of ' Peterborough visited relatives here over Prof. Goldwin Smith, who has been seriously ill, is recovering strength-in fact, is feeling well enough to indulge in his favorite pastime of knocking Agent for D. 81; A. Corsets. nu. tAlflPBElL Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES. (850 Acres) TORONTO, ONTARIO. *Canada’s Oldest and Greatest Nurseries E From March 29th merges into our summer session from July 4th and afiords continuous opportun- ity for bright young people to to qualify for good business posi- tions. Our school, The Central Business College of Toronto, in- vites your consideration. Cata- logue mailed on request. W. H. Shaw, Principal,‘Yonge & Gdrrard streets, Toronto. PETER MOFFAT Agent for WFEHELon FALLS and adjoining country. that all men are created equal. hope I have always been a steady and hearty _ industrial,social and political ; ist to that extent, and a hearty and faithful one, I am.” misrepresentation that Socialists are constantly up against. Goldwin Smith's statement and be con- vinced that socialism is impracticable. The fact is that to haveSocialism it is no more necessary that all men should be created equal than it is that they should be created equal to have public schools or publicly owned post-offices. But I advocate of the rights of labor, a Social- This is a fair sample of the kind of People will read Members of a church are not born equal, yet they own the church and enjoy its privileges equally, though they do not contribute equally to its support. Social- ism is simply the social ownership of the means of life, and the social ownerâ€" ship and management of industry, by the people collect-lyely, instead of by indiâ€" viduals. ' Believing in and advocating the rights of labor does not make a man a Socialist to any extent whatsoever. It is by the method he advocates of securing those rights that his claim to be called, or to call himsoll';a.Socialist must be decided. always opposed Socialism. of Mr. and Mrs. A. McFarland last week. ' friends here on Good Friday. I from Lakelield for the Easter holidays. holidays at the Falls with her cousin, ' Miss A. Burtchaell. ronfo on Thursday. holidays at Campbelll‘ord. a few days in Toronto this week. an extended visit to friends at Sutton, returned on Saturday. from Saturday to Tuesday. home in Pcterboro. Judged in this way, Goldwin Smith is not a Socialist in any degree. He has Socmhsm' He was ‘f’terv‘ewed a few Easter. in the evening the pastor will preach to days ago on the subject of the Phila- Reeve Jordan and famflv of Lindsay the young, the subject being “The dclphia strike, and in discussing labor Spent Easter with whtiveg in town, Kind of Young Man that God Wants ’ ' ' 3 T pmblems sum: Mr. Thos. Robson returned on Thurs- and an Age hecas‘ L “ I am not aSocialist, nor is it possible slay from a trip to Stratford and other ,‘ST, JAM ES» CHURCH ’ ’ that I should become one till I am (3011- points. ' , vinced of the truth of Jefferson's saying Dr_ Brown of Winnipeg. was the guest, The Easter services 'm at; James! ‘ ~ Mr. M. Power of Lindsay visited Master Beresford Hamilton is home Miss Burtehaell of Toronto spent the Mr. and M rs. T. Cashore were in Toâ€" Miss K. McDougall is spending Easter Miss Elva and Winnie Maybee Spent Miss Gladys French, who has been on Mrs. M. E. Calder was in Toronto Mr. Roy Wilson spent Easter at his Mr. Gordon Callan visited Coboconk relatives over Easter. Mr. P. L. G. Montza'nbert of the Bank of Montreal spent Easter in Montreal. Miss P. Bryson of Cameron, was the guest of her friend, Miss V. McKendry at Easter. Dr. and Mrs. Sims, of Fenelon Falls spent Sunday in Lindsay, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McDiarmid. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Minthorne and family left on Wednesday for Rosedale, after spending the winter in ll‘enelon Falls. - _ . Miss Bessie Nie of Orillia and Miss Annie Nie of Sudbury, are spending the Church were well attended both morn- ing and evening by appreciative eonâ€" gregations. day evening the reports read showed the affairs of the church to be in a very satisfactory . wardens of last year, M r. Hamilton and j‘ M r. English, Were reappointed, as were ‘ also accounts not having been audited, were not given in detail, and will be submit- ted at a meeting to be held on Tuesday. April interest to the congregation will also be discussed. A good attendance is requested. opposite the Mansion House, occupied by Mr. W. T. Robson, has been pulled down during the past few days, and Mr. At the annual vestry meeting on Mon- "V condition. The churchâ€" siciesmen. The wa rdens’ the other matters 12th, when of l CLEANING UP THE CORNER. The implement shed on the corner, Robson has moved his belongings to his new premises farther up the street. where the building lately commenced is being rapidly rushed up' under the superintendence of Mr. F. C. Taylor. The tearing down of the two old build- ings on the corner will make a decided improvement in the landscape, and the erection of a substantial building or buildings would still further improve it. M r. J. H. Bran lon, who bought the prop.- erty last year, is reticent regarding his intentions in the building line. The ['l indications are, however, that the cor- ii , ner will not remain vacant a. great ' ‘ while, as it is one of the best business sites, if not the best, in town... " ‘ The absurdity of Goldwin Smith‘s position is, however, not the main fea- ture of the affair. The thing to be noted is that in his first interview after his recovery Goldwin Smith brings Socialism to the front. The fact that it GOOD FRIDAY CONCERT. The concert given by the Methodist: Sunday School on Good Friday evening was a pronounced success, both regardâ€" i, i ing the attendance and the characterL and rendering of the programme. The- Easter holidays at their home here. Mr. W. A. Carley, of Goldwater, visit- ed his home here at Easter. _ M r. and M rs. K. Laue, of Lindsay, and Miss Lulu Lane of Toronto spent Easter w t-h Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane. Wide Oval, Narrow High Oval, Tiffany or English Style. Correct Shape Correct Finish Correct Style @ Correct Color Correct Quality é Correct Weight § STAllll’Ell “BRITTON BROS.” AND GUARANTEED FOR ALL TIME. merely an incident; people today. Curlers’ Banquet. was hit below the belt, as usual, is Socialism is the one subject of importance before the The local curlers wound up the season‘s sport with a banquet at Mr. W. Northey’s restaurant on Wednesday evening. The spread was first-class in every particular, and it is unnecessary to say that; the curlers did full justice to Miss Minnie llcllingham of Toronto was an Easter visitor at the Falls. Miss Arlotta MoNee-ly of' Medicine Hat, Alta., who is attending Toronto University, spent the Easter holidays with her friend, Miss Cecil Swauton. , Mr. Robert Bell of Lindsay is in town this week. Mr. Harry Chambers of Oshawa is an Easter visitor, to the Falls. M rs.Chas. Stoddard of Saginaw, M ich-, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, at the Falls. M r. Seymour, travelling rcpresenative of the Toronto Globe, spent the week proceeds amounted to about $52. Fol-. lowing is the programme : - ' Chorus by the School; Address by:- chairman, Rey. Mr. Cragg; Solo “Just for a Little While,” Della Deyman ; Reel- tation, “ Life is a Journey," Carl John- son; Selection .by Orchestra; Drama, “Courtship of Mother Goose," 21 boys: and girls, orchestra. playing between- scenes and acts; Recinitilm, “Phil's Complaint," Willie Keast; Trio, “The Gushing Rill,” Misses Wilma. and Elva and Master Carl Johnson; (liubySwingâ€" ing, Miss Pearl Littleton; Orchestra ;; Song, “Keep The Household Angels: Singing," tableau, 9 girls; Drill, “Tera '9 BRITTOll BROS. 0F LINDSAY. ii INSPECTORS G. T. R. TIME SERVICE. Little Injuns.” it small boys ; Orchestra; Drama, “ A Thorn Among Roscs;” Solo,, “0, Canadafi’ Mr. Geo. Wilson ; Dialogue, “The Journey of Life"-â€"iinished by a. tableau. God Save The King. it. Although a few of the members of the club were unavoidably absent, there were so many present and everything went so pleasantly that the banquet was unsuiimously pronounced the best that has so far been held by the club. The Brandon cup for the schedule rink games was presented to Mr. A. J. Gould and his rink,_H. Copp, E. B. Nevison and 0. Nev- ison, who obtained a strong lead early in the season and were never overtaken. The Brandon-Mac-Lean cup for the doubles, won by Messrs. O. Nevison and A. A. Cameron, was also presented. Appropriate speeches were made by Mr. J. H. Stanton, the President, Messrs. Gould, Nevison, W. H. Robson, Hamilton, Pearce, Graham, Robertson, Bishop, Twomey, E. Robson and mine host Nor- eud at Fenelon Falls, accompanied by M rs. Seymour and daughter. Mrs. Martha, of Lindsay, is in town on a visit to bar niece, Mrs. A. Trude]. Mr. C. W. Burgoyne was in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Ray Burgess, of Torom‘o, spent Easter at the Falls. .______.__.._-â€"'-- DOWN TO $9.50. A week ago Tuesday as high as $10.05 per hundred was paid in town for live hogs. Last Tuesday the price dropped a trifle, and the price was “ only " $9.50. WON A PRIZE Mr. Peter Moffat, agent for Stone & WONDERLAND . Open Saturday.- evening next. ,show. Usuali price, 50. VOICE AND PIANO. Mr. Cecil Carl Forsyth, organist and choir leader of Cambridge street Meth- odist Church, Lindsay, visits Eenelon Falls everyMonday for the purpose of. giving instruction in piano playing and I voice culture. Pupils prepared for any For terms address. Good FBUILDERS \Vho get their supplies from us will have the REWARD of satisfaction. See us they, and music by Messrs. Wilson, examimmns ‘ ' Dcyman McGee and Pearce and a solo Wellington won a prize for the most - . ' ll before plflcmg y our Order' by Mr: Moss, were much enjoyed. sales of nursery stock in the six weeks I‘l“‘15aY~ competition in December and January. The prize was a first class Morris‘chair. Mr. Mollat has sold a large number of trees for this firm since taking the General satisfaction “as expressed with the past winter's sport, and suggestions for improvements in the next winter's progralmne were made. These were mostly in‘ the..line of shortening the.agency last fall. Mr. S. Corbett will- sehedule games, getting them run off ; attend to the delivery of the stock con- early, and providing additional prizes, signed to the Falls. Jack Howard, Dickson’s Hall, tonight. New York Herald: Jack Howard, “The Comedian" is one of the best attractions. at Proctors Fifth Ave. Theatre this week. Don‘t miss seeing him. Frauen FALLS PLAiilllll sun 'A. TEIBS PBDPBIE‘I’OR ‘fl#_” """ ’ â€"â€"_= .

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