_.________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- exccrable sect with which they are afï¬liated.†“These chiefs I hoped to arrive at by pursuing the simple soldiers, and I persist in the belief that if this Cal-noel has been concerned in ' the theft of my papers, it was a wo- lman who instigated him, and a woâ€" lman occupying a high place in the association.†“Perfectly The Finest Flavoured Tea “ SALADA†is hill-grown teaâ€"e grown on planta- tiOns high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon. The leaf is Small and tender with a rich, full flavour. â€"â€"â€"is always of unvarying good quality. Will you be con- reasoned; but you :have not the slightest conception iwho this woman is. Between our- ;selves, my dear Alexis, since you have been in France you might have I . gused more sagacity. Thus, we have -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€""â€"‘â€"â€"â€". ‘ r ikuown at home that you have been CHAPTER V.â€"-(Cont"d) â€" would be capable of inventing ea- Occupied with a number of Russi- the luinnics on me to avenge himself. {Lug-“who reside in 01- pass through PCl.'l'lELpS he has already (1011.0 ‘30, 3,3115, \\‘110 are not worth observ- for I suppose he \'as not satisfied .ing. It. is wellnig}, certain that these Nihilist rascals are directed He leaned toward colonel who, on hearing the word, said: “It is useless, my dear Ivan; but tell me, you are sent, then, on an “So extraordinary that the gen- eral allowed me only two hours to to narrate the story of: the casket '2†“He wrote that instead of openâ€" ing an intelligent inquest you had set to work very clumsily.†"Then he has stated that I have in this country by a French woâ€" man, and that this woman isâ€"but what is the matter, my dear friend? You are not listening.†tent with common tea when you can get “SALADAâ€? i ma. asIIâ€"Ido that in this country the femmes galantos are not engaged in politics, especially foreign poli- tics They make the most of us willingly, we Russians, but they do not conspire against our govern- man at the monk†other end of the hall fl†“There are exceptions, and the “Yes. He is the nephew of my person whein I have mention-ed is banker,.and took into his head yes- one.†l fiel'day t0 questim‘ me its to What “Then this person is a demoiscl-" I had done M. de Cal'noel. I 10-_a Coeotte’ to Speak 11101-0 pr 1- asked him out of my house. He Gisely H . $3335?st.thfliffel.%‘l1§e§§’lfle’§£e .“Shc is an irregular, but not 0110‘; : but am not without anxiety witli or the creature? wm-nn one m-eeï¬sl regard to that madcap-w everywhere. She is very little “He seems little inclined to pick kn'mvn' It “ï¬ght: be Slild’ more- " lover, that she 1s intermittent, for‘ “Excuse me,†said Borisoff, “a gentleman who entered just now distracted my attention for a mo- ment.†"That tall young laid hold upon a young man who was suspected of being the accomâ€" plice of the thieves 2’†“He has told all. He has exposed the means to which you had re- course to obtain possession of his person and the embarrassment in which you now find yourself how to dispose of him. He even declared that you were on the point of de- spatching him by the secret means that are made use of on great occaâ€" sions. And I will not conceal from you that'he animadvertcd warmly upon your course.†“Criticism is easy, but I should like to know what the ras fttl would have done in my place. It is true « make my arrangements.†“And what is its purport “Yourself, my dear Alexis Step- anoviteh. ‘ ’ “Me! of what am I accused?†_‘,‘Of negligence, or rather im- prudence. It seems you placed all your important papers in a casket and had the singular idea of de- ptsiting it .with your banker.†“I could not but believe it a _ . . safer place‘than my own house. I ' was known to the Nihilists who have I: * - agents everywhere, and was uncer- “ tam of some of my people.†" “It is not the less true that the V box has been stolen, and doubtless v' I by those whose measures you ap-l I ' prehend.†' l .‘J 'catarrh FREE ' For ï¬fteen days. If you do not wish to con- tinue. costs you nothing. I am curing ' Catarrh, Deafness. Head Noises, and Throat troubles. with a remarkable new treatment. I want to send a course of my treatment with .» two instruments. to every suf- -' ferer. by mail, all charges pre- paid. to try 15 days. i" 4-“ This is the free Trialealmenl Send no money. Write for my free trial treatment today, giving full do- acrlption of your case. Dr. W. 0. collee, “"- lles Moines, la. 696 “ii.†l extraordinary mission ’2†l I | :alélgnaya‘gï¬ilaygiï¬angge’agy ! she does not always reside in Paris. that des )airino‘ of extracting any- not appear to notice you,†She Is be seen at Nlcc.’ m" MQna’ “True; and I was wrong not t0! : - ". 5.1 CI. . 1.1 CI 1 .1 I. ,, _ _. ' 00- ill? GeneVa‘, and 1101' Journeymgs render an account of the affair to flung no.1“ t .15 ' L‘M'nore ’. . if“ t “‘LS huc' 'M‘lmme Dorgeresa have always one Clld- 'It “'33 ‘15 Ge" those who have a right to know. I thought 0t sendlng 111ml†Slbemfl’, “71ml.†Chan.†had led them, true ncva that she was pointed out to had reasons for mtin HHS vhich but I have abandoned the Idea. . to his promise to the countess, was me just summery I ‘viu OK 1 .n t q 51' 1 7 3'01] could indicate to 1110 2L method not, flnnklng 0f l-csunnng “nth “Ah, lino“, aslt bYIIVIIlgllll lfigen OE difppsing 0f him Without CUTLCOJCHGLthC Slm'my COD'vPrsation 0f sight'l’. so we‘ll instructed 2,, pi-imiising anything, you \vou ( the (lay previous. He did not look “Beth†than that I at present} “You do not S“: met, There is oblige me infinitely. I towardIBorisoff, nor the latter toâ€" ‘1 y “ f ' t V, w “I ' -" “Well we will talk over all this Ward him. U' 3 one 0' .my 00ml“ no 5’ W 10m however, a Iirench proverb which _ . ‘ " A 1 f I 1. ‘ .f , . P _ . she had bew1tched'and must have asserts that one is never betrayedlalildmrlm'y.11 n}, (111113.115 50“ I ’luf’tgle ‘(éoqlpglulmn‘ Of the colfoanel ruined. I had some suspicion that but by his own.†_ “Eli ‘le “lug†10 10,601) deal, 6i All? elderly“? _10};n she x'as enrolled among the Nihil- Betrayed my own! I havel I †fee “ 1 pneasl‘i t’l 0 0301mm] ‘ if ‘lm‘u‘l 11 St a Mic mg lot 0 ists, but there were no proofs, and here neither friends nor relatives.†‘ 1" ‘ml .Vanofélci’ } 33â€.“ 1 106‘; not: ‘1‘ t'mlvef m {#:1910311}. 10 cast 5 0' I did not concern myself about her You have an intcndant, my dear; ‘lug 1mg) 'la “Fulï¬ss L ,t. ‘ 1 ,l_ m“, g, dime? 3“ QEHMMDE.’ . sc 'iously. This winter we have re- , " Alexis Stepanowitch,†said the enâ€" hntder_13:?u,fâ€Â§ll mg 0 p C‘ WHEN]? ftfanlgi’ he sald to hlm‘ ecived detailed reports of‘her pro- voye, laughing. . mac“? 1} e "1 ‘Ltlhlbï¬ _ {6 t1, You "A 15131}: y_ la?†tscen Tm“? face ccedings. Thanks to her characâ€" . ‘ “Vaeili! what; this I J . Igoesltiilge“ 9.11301 t9 g'liévelbtï¬fw Rielâ€"71"“, tfa not 0mg ago ter of pleasure-seeker, no one shall see. an. ieason o 0.1 ,ei .cr. iaxe a- memory for faces, suspects her, and She has every fw ~1 her then by you Warren, Ont. Feb. 11th. "I had a horse that had a Spavin for a long time and I had tried nearly every kind of medicine when a neighbor told me to use Kendall‘s Spavin Cure, which I did and II acted wonderfully." M. ROSENTHAL. Kendall’s Spavin Cure is no unlrlcdcxperimeut,butisllle world's standard remedy for all Swellings, Soft Bunches and Lamcncss in horse and man. ....:‘qiamww"“'â€":'::“:““'s“-<“ knave has ,1 I. 1! been acting the spy on me and corâ€" . ‘3 - - ,~ L - ‘ ,3. .1. Illi- . l ." . t .. , . . USedih w ido tier 0 cars. respondmg “.lth the departman > we. shall not lose Dill-(H ("111g 1B ‘ and this one is not commonplace. mhty tm, connectmg herself “,lth Ever {4; mo: Signâ€: cyx RSS- .3 ' ,HH 't} .- (j t 1 let us begin bv preparing 011189 V65- He certainly has not a llrencli , , I - , - Y. r ’v ' p x, . .e “as all 101120~ 0 CO 50, ,Omcioug and I Mal P1“, 3“ 1 .S R1“.le these Russmns fiom whom she man, livery proprietor and horse 1-3 ‘ ' *> ‘ L " “3 ’y ' '10 1 1â€1 ’ hopes to extract valuable informa-~ owner generally should kccp it My appetite . _ mean to do justice to the cuisme and wines of France.†Whilst talking they had reached the fashionable cabaret recently opened on the Avenue de liOpera. Borisoff desired nothing better'l-iya] of Maximal than to enter, for he was greatly “Let us forget this gentleman annoyed by this bombshell that had,and return to the woman of whom ' this tlesul- we were speaking. We have reaâ€" that I can inform you." You must 5" be aware that, in foreign parts especially, each one is watched,â€" sometimes by a comrade whom he . . . . . I is hlmseli charged With overlooking. I . It is a system of: mutual observa- tion, against which it is useless to recriminate. And I enjoin you very earnestly not to let fail your anger always on hand, $1. a bottleâ€"6 {01(55. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book “A Treatise On The Horse"â€"â€"onwrite us DR. 3. J. KENDALL ca. 56 Enosburg Fails. Vermont. ' ‘ "x31? -. . yj,‘ since he is dining with that scounâ€" ta 2 . . H I 1drei Borisofl'. On their part, the two foreigners had resumed their drinking, and talking in Russian as before the arâ€" m. It was thus that two months ago she was here openly, under the protection of one of Our generals, who was here on furlough.†“I must at least know her name,†murmured Borisoff. “She changes it frequently. When I met her it was Madame de Gar- “. ‘ upon this subaltcrn who was, after-{muen 111190 1115 llfea and . . , ‘ v _ " 111; gilnplv exerciging his func_it01'\7 conversation unnerved him. son to suppose that it is she who ches. Here she has assumed, I am , | . p ‘ . l ‘ l I ‘ . . tic-n5 †Wine unties the most discreet conducts everything in Paris, and told, some vulgar name. But had you been better inforincd of what tongues, and he hoped that at table I am ï¬rmly convinced that she or- this representative of the great ganized the theft of your casket.†chief would unmask his real pur- “You say she is French?†pose. “French by birth, but of Polish _ Ivan Ivandvitcli spoke French as origin, and intimately connected say nothing of her beauty, which fluently as his own tongue, and 01'- with all the enemies of Russia.†18 marvellous.†dered his repast with an ease which “It is very extraordinary, if she HI confess I had not even a suspi_ gained him the 95mm“ 0f the Wait" “Yes in Pal'isa that She has “Qt been cion of herexistence,†said the col- 01'5- “lurked 011V, onel, somewhat piqued; “and un- No one suppOsed “She has only recently been (16- ~ti1 the contrary is proved you will ‘ Russian until the neunced to the Third Section; but permit me to doubt the fact, of her] course, when the colonel, who had y )ll might have met witli her, for having Stolen my papers}: hitherto confined himself to cm‘- she must have been revolvmg round “She has not taken them mm i-ent trivialities, in endeavoring to you, so to speak: . on he: own hand, but they were shown lead the conversation back to the In the world in which I move. by her orders and under her .in_ interesting topic took the precau- “No, my dear AleXis; you move tion to return to his native tongue. â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€""â€""'â€"_â€"â€"â€". ___ He . . . transpires in the camp of adven- turcâ€"sses, this one could not have failed to attract your attention, to “I will beware of doing so. w FOR GHAPPED KIN MID LIPS, OGLD SOHES, WIHDBMH. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capsicum. llorated. Mcntholntcd. Carbo- ' lated, (Inmphorated, White Oxide of Zinc, etc. Each for special purposes. Write for Free Vaseline Book. CHESEBROUCH MFG. co. (Cons’d) 379 Craig 81. W" Montreal WHY YOU ARE THIN; HOW TO GET FLESHY. Discusses Causes of Thinncss and Gives New Method of Increasing Weight and Rounding Out the Form. . him to be at end of the ï¬rst Prescription Accomplishes Wonders “we . .7 n structions. "Then she knows me 2†(To be continued.) A treatment which anyone can prepare cheaply at home, has been found to increase the weight, im~ prove the health, round out scraw- A flavoring used the some as lemon or vanilla. only in the true, antl it is a mistake. ny ï¬gures, improve the bust, bright- en the eyes and put new color into too cheeks and lips of anyone who Our chief said so to me the evening before my departure.†“What world should I frequent to He ï¬rst questioned Mouriatme adroitly with regard to the, chief and certain cmployes of'the Thlrd B37 dissolvmg. granulated sugar in water and a ding Mapleme. a delicious syrup is mane and Maplcine is sold by for 2 oz. bottle and a syrup better than maple. grocers. If not send 50c recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co.. Seattle. “I... is too thin and bloodless. It puts had still 1m- satist him 2†,1 - . 7 fl 7 Section, and if there _ . ' _â€_~_n Elisa Oil tiliosflfh’ho 111%"? 133911. “1“‘43‘5 gered any doubts as to the authen- ‘jAll of them, including the halt __.. ~- » A < v m W le'ml 10m l lsca'se m natulâ€" ticit-y of the mission with which sald which you have entirely neglect- . ‘ al tendency, on those who by heavy ,;9 ix, eating and diet have in vain tried I: 2 ' i v to increase; on those who feel well Mouriatine declared himself charg- er .†I ed. they must have been dispelled “Because there was nothing to by the ï¬rst replies of that person- be learned there. You know as well ‘ thoroughly _.;________________â€"â€"â€" l E ‘ . . 9 . i . . , 7 g ï¬ghccigildgellrfdh,:nd on thï¬c ago The envoyc was I .. ‘ a F ‘ e. 8““3 mm.“ 10. “3 acouainted with the most secret LOGICAL ECZEMA CURE 4:39-13ngserialize lliffï¬ï¬mï¬ngznig,†, e, ' vain. It IS a powerful aid to digcsâ€" ‘ - ' , f t1 . 1 'niSO-vation pVDoRSED BY PHYSICILXVS ca ct. is ie giant. ..0nh ‘u‘ ona , y g i _- - .- . j . . g. machinery 0 is d( 1111 w Li .. . . s - ever known (0) Brood l\iarcs,_(_.olls, Stallions , .‘ Lien, nutrition and assunila-tion. It which he reprpspntcd Evidentjy ___,__ and an Mg? horsesl; also Dmugï¬ye, 33,0“? ‘ 1 .'- - » . . .. . '. ‘ - ’ ,â€â€™ ' . a "5:: d. eci. 'l‘is itnn)0un smaco Sbfésfethï¬ bJIOeOd anabnclneï¬ mi,le he played an important role in the Dr, R. A. Iiolkerts, 0f Duluth, :33,†pu‘jfest jlng‘rpdicnlts Emdlnot an atom of l ' 1'1 U' [1' ‘V 1‘ 10 0t y 10 051 ' - ' ' ' i : x113 of his success in ti'eat- ' poisonous or injurious nature enters into its ‘ DOhblcal 170110“ Mum)†tb 2 composition. Many persons are now taking / Coughs, Kid- '\ ...*n'~i'. ' '. .- -â€"- n >- -' elements to tuned in fooo, and It was the ne“~..00lnCl who took 1m: pamemb With D. D. D. Iiesciip- SPOHNS for La Grime, Colds. R “l7 the thread 0f conversation Where tion: ney Trouble. etc... and it is always safe. expcls the Disease Germs from the body: gives the thin person the same ab- %. ‘ s I I. a g 1, (7 stufï¬ng qualities possessed by the it had been dropped on the bouleâ€" "There was a man here suffering g , - acts directly on the Blood and Glands. 1’} naturally flcb.hy' vai-d. from eczema for the last fourteen g :_'.j sronN’s is now sold by nearly every enig- . Ibi'sl'rbody about the but “My he said, pouring and I applied the D. D. D. so t‘aair‘12.‘3.'.."so‘anz i comm“ Clement’s and grim“ 0f tile colonel out the dozenth glass treatment- I also applied it to a ; ' bottle, and $6.60 and $11.00 the dozen. . i" bleed and nerves are dehcmnt and" of Plif “06 “I must Pl‘OteSt in Ml‘ man of West Duluth, Minn, who if /’r.’?’é§: s i ‘l'i “Pm this if 001;)?â€th “ii? people vancc 1against an intention which has been suffering with Eczema in ' Tag 1 t Y Rec?“ 0! Aunniiogfggue, 301,] ll ‘ '3' 1W1“ Stay lhm' “10 nutrition Stays l 5'0“ might attribllte to me- I did his feet, and the second treatment '. 25:15.1. 2221122112111 ‘423‘64 " ' 9? ‘1’“, "l l'he,b°dy “Hfâ€. sepamtmn by the not come to Paris for the purposo in both cases cleared the skin al-l " n if? {.9311 395%?) ll ll 3. . digestive functions instead of pass- of sustaining your Steward against most absolutely. The ï¬rst applicw‘ a,» .1. ‘51,]: 4.0.2. 0 u um? through mmsed’ When this Vflhl‘ VO‘..‘.. 'I do not even wish to see him, tion is, a balm, and its soothing ef-l ; , {:ear 72 z: , l3 ' up“) ‘Fea°“‘e~"‘t 0f blended medl' had you may count 011 his remain- feet is beyond expression. I shall‘ _ ‘ ï¬g??? an Y3; u .. nines is used. Practically no one leg ignorant of the nature Of my never. be without it, and shall use “jigâ€: . 9111 your 221160 1: z I; can remain thin who uses it, for it mission ,He need not suppose his it among my patients altogether.†'_ bum“. “flag Iâ€. YES: :::::::::::>::28'i,620 z: :2 ‘1' “Dmihcs the iong- felt mien" ' dcm‘ncmtions hflV/e been “guinea to N0 matter how terrlbly you ,Suf' fï¬-Eicfflplzootlc? .' “Hu'leiillillg’igg " “ ii (i _ 'Mlx .3 .113†Pmt' l30ttle,_ three at St. I’etcrsburg. But we will conâ€" for from eczema, salt rheum, ring- \\__ ‘zgummmgn 14th “3;â€. ::_':.'::.â€â€_548:260 u p ‘2 mmces 0t essence- Of Pepsm, and sull together whether something worm, etc., you will feel instantly gnum;iï¬r’ 15th Year .............607,354 2 ; 53! H. . three ounces of svru of rhubarb. ,. . .A . .. . _ -. . . , . l ' 'l Send for our n‘oouietlonweive good recto-l I Vs . ‘ , . p bcthl may not be done. Import soclhed and the itch allayed at ryn use.“ 3, for tamny and mm medicines, BREE. , ti. g... lUJCU add 9110 0111100 compouud 05' aur, papers have been stolen from once when a, few drops of; this com. a ,I . . “meg ‘ial'dml' Shake and let Stfmd you, that is unfortunate, but it is pound of oil of Wintergreen, thy- _, Disinbuiors . ill C “"0 how-'5' Then add one Ounce.“ not an irreparable disaster; and in- mol, glycerinc, etc., is applied. The . a gag» 1 p A“ Wholesale “ruggisfs ill " tincture cailo'umw “QmP‘mnd (“Ob stead of concentrating ourselveson cures all seem to be permanent. glazing. , ' >1 ' I V r ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ,ri ardamonl). Shake well and take the discovery of the thieves, we For free trial bottle of D. D_ D. v n» S ,2 teaspoonful before and after must extend our operations. It Prescription write to the D. D. D. , ,. o m m i ‘15- Drink plenty Of water be? is the chiefs wennust reach and not Laboratory, Department W. L., 23 CHEMISTS AND BACTERIOLOMSTS ’3 GOSHEN, INDIRNA, U. S. A. i. the miserable subalterns who do Jordan St, Toronto, For sale in all druggist-s meals and when retiring. I not even know" the real end of the