Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1910, p. 1

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.â€" .,-.,.........-.. ,...._._._.. ..â€" asthma.-.magma-M:menu-«:1..m.»._:=...:.r¢z .-’--.Mgfifm:rzaeatsafizeramo-rmannerisms. - r , ‘ r‘ ‘ vs - : aw has. ’~-zv'~~-""~?5‘<‘”~r“7 ~ ' ~ ' k‘ " ' i ‘ ' ' ' ONTARIO, FRIDAY. APRIL 1 n in" I-IEAD OF.FICE DIONTRICA L. ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL - $14,400,000.0D. REST_ * ASSETS OVER $220,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can he ‘ ‘ withdrawn on demand. FENELON FALLS, Professional Cards Least. McDIARMm, WEEKS a O’NEAIL “ AltRlS'l‘ERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARr l ies, etc. Solicitors for County of Victoria. Money to loan on real estate at lowest rates of interest. ()flices oppo~ site l’ym‘s l-lotel, Kent street, Lindsay. hl ember of firm will be at Fenelon Falls every Tuesday. 0‘. A. McDL-inmn, ‘ W. J; O’NEML . C. E. WEEKS, MCLAUGALIN. PEEL & FULTON, BARttlS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ' ios. Oliices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay. A member of the firm will be at Fenelon li‘alls every Tuesday. Ollice over ’l‘crrills’ store, next to Dr. Sims' ollice. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. R. J McLAIim-lmn, K. C. A. M. FULTON, B. A. % JAS. A. PEEL. starve and do lots of things against} the owners of the jobs, and you would? vote them out of the ownership, only that your ignorance blinds you to the cause of your small wages and the. make 3 PIOW- ~- - . high prices of the things you buy.~ It takes Ohe‘smbh the time for 3' When you get wise, you will vote for‘ garden Take' Socialists who desire to make all jobs It takes one-sixteenth the time to make a pitchfork now that it did for~ ty years ago. It takes onethirtieth the time to HOPKINS, WEEKS & HOPKINS. ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, AND B a‘iotaries. Solicitors for the Bank of 3. Montreal. Money to loan at terms to 'i suit the borrower. ()llices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ; ville, Ontario. _ G. n. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, ? F. 'Homnss Hornms, B. A. Progress and Prices. \about such action, for you strike and» It takes oneâ€"fifth the time to make the common property of the workers a 3'hy kmd 0f whim of the world. Until that time you». ' It takes oneâ€"ninetieth the time to will be skinned by high prices and" make paper bagS- . lowering wages. The capitalists are It takes one-elghth the time to not to blame. You are the chaps that» make blankledgerS- vote to keep things as they are. It takes one-seventy-fifth the time Cotton’s Weekly. to perforate bank cheques. - ' ' ____._.-.. 'It takes one-two-thousandth the 2:24-‘z‘-u..v/.- SAME as MEN. _____________.__ noonu & J AUKSON, ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLlUl’l‘ORS, &c. 01'- ! lice, William street,l.hidsay. A.JACKSON There is a competition among Shoes â€"â€"or *ather the manufacturers, that is pretty good for you people. l". I). Moons. ___.___â€"â€"â€" _-_____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"- Why Wait For a Flood? Word came from Paris that the municipal and national authorities imâ€" pounded the food supplies when the flood cut off their further importation, and dealers started to charge exorbi-‘ tant prices. The government decided'. that, in the face of a starving city, .' private property ceased to have the? rights it so long enjoyed. \Vhen tho It takes one-tenth the time to make boots and shoes. It takes one-fifth the time to make a wagon or buggy. - It takes one-fortieth the time to make a watch movement. It takes one-tenth the time to make overalls. ’ ' - And so on down the list of articles It suits you and your family with the best shoes in the world Without it costing you a cent more than it has to. S'l‘EWAit'l‘ a O’CONNOR, r ' )ARRISTERS, i'O'l‘ARlES, &c. MONEY ‘ i to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ollicc on corner of Kent. and York streets, Lindsay. L V. O’Connon, B. _A Of course you expect us retailers to gather these shoes that are the'win- ners in this war of competition, and that is what this store is con- 1‘. Brown". ._._. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fcnclon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. . stantly doing. of necessity. And yet the prices are creeping up and up and up, while ma- chinery is producing things cheaper time to rule writing paper. flood dr0ve' great masses of people from their homes the same governâ€" Our claim is that every time you have a shoe need, you ought in justice-to yourself let us supply it. Our stock exemplifies all, the' prevalent shoe newness. It contains the latest shoe thought of the leading 1 f-ctu'ers. , mm“ ‘ J. L..Arnold. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. , 'OFFICE :â€"-0ver Burgoyne’s store, Col- orne street __________________.__.._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Drs. Neelands & lrvine. DENTISTS - LINDSAY. ...... Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work especially. Splendid fits in artificial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great sucvess. W MEDICAL- â€"â€"__:â€"___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"___.--â€"-â€"-â€""____._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘_'â€"‘“_‘â€"â€" DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-u.n.,0. M., n a. 0 s. Eng.,n.c.r. A 9., Own, 2. 'r. u. s.â€" ,‘ )HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- ' .1- cur. Oflice. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, , n. A. WILSON SUCCFSSOR To DROVTO UN’IVER_ We have given our expert atten RADUATE OF TO 1 3 tion and personal study to the 3 cooperative System of industry, 0,. houses, and, without permission from Socialism, the time you would work the Owners: fih‘fd them With, those" to produce a thing would be the time who hadbeen driven out by the flood... you would work to get it. These art} Much the same course was pursued in and cheaper ,md cheaper. Under a,‘ment took possession of all vacant ides would come to you for a continw San Francisco during the earthquake, any decreasing amount of labor; while at Galveston when the flood came, and- under the monopoly and profit system in other places suffering from terrible“ you have to work more and more hours calammes- , to get the money to buy them Every Why should we wait for an earth- improvement in industry has a ten- quake 0“ 3' hOOd to feed_the_hu"g1'y dency no“? to throw you out; of em_ and house the homeless in disregard’i . ployment and to raise the price of art- 0f Pm‘l'te Property .There afe more 'icles. This is a logical and inevitable hungrx People to‘day 1“ A'hemca' than result, of private ownership of the 1n.Paris. There are more homeless in:. means of production and distribution. thls country than in Paris- To be? Under Socialism the prices of things Sure: tmay are now scattered over “V would decrease in the exact ratio of gl'ehhel' territory, and the, cause , Of . - improvement in ways of production. the“ Bhfienhg is less SpecmChlhr- K, But the rich want to get richer, and, These things make hunger no less painâ€"I. as they have the power to put the f“): expo-sure no more enduhable- _ . Q prices on what is produced in their Why 13 a flOOd that “uses Pl'lces‘ privately-owned mills, factories and 3"W more Of a calamity than 9' trhSt' l mines, they raise the prices to make that does the same thing? Why is 3;. system of landlordisn that crowds the' workers into foul slums any different. " from a flood that drives them out of those slums? VVherein is a writ of V ejectment superior to a flowing river ‘ as a means of forcing a family into the street? , If it is a good thing to abolish pri- vate property temporarily, when it is- starving a city in time of flood, why is it not better to abolish it whenit is permanently starving a nation in a 4 -' time of peace and quietnessâ€"Chicago; » Daily Socialist. ' The real joy ride is on the back of the worker. Underneath his prejudice and igno- rance, every man is a Socialist. And do Why, do n’t you want to get more for your work, no i G city. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ‘ I more money to squander. coucheur.. Olfiee, Colborne street, Fenâ€" , Easter footwear question. elon Falls. you blame them? We have spared no effort to thoroughly equip our shoe depart- ment with a most complete and exclusive selection of newest shoe fashions and latest modes. matter how much you get? The capi- talists and you are both acting from E S E, the same impulse. The capitalist has «5 "l 3 § § AUCTIONEER. the upper hand of you, that’s all, be- cause he owns your job. NOW, if you were as wise as the capitalist, you would'see that you must own the jobs, so that you may get the benefit that goes to him by reason of his owning them. You vote for private ownership of the jobs because your masters have taught you that way. You have the votes to make laws taking the jobs out of the ownership of the capitalists, but you are too ignorant to use them. it is not because you have any scruples THOMAS CASHORE. ‘Aucrxonunn - FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a firstâ€" é; class manner. Secure dates before ad- é vortising. We carry a large and well I selected stock. Our prices are as low as you will' find any» I83 l910 Capital and Reserve Over $7,000,000 where. It Pays i To keep your watch in good 3 NOT - TOO LATE To think about your needs in spring .'.*,‘ 74 Years in Business. d It...“ needs Omani“, clothes. Our assortment of goods for this _ or er' ‘ ' purpose will be found complete and up-to-date. _ , oifered to Farmers, Cattle- ' or repairing bring it here. Your inspection cordially invited. ' Every Ban-hug m e n, Mine rs and ’ . Accommodation. Lmnbermen. , Sales Notes, handled on most favorable terms. 4 Checks on any Bank cashed. Money advanced to reliable men at reasonable rates. Money sent to any point by Money Order, Draft or Telegraph Transfer. ' .9... - ' .5»...A.«..‘A.~ ..:.,;. .. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES TOWNLEY BRO-S. ii 'I ‘l I. Wmvvv wokvvawé. .Fenelon Falls Branch, 10* v arm vamvmrmmv NEXT DOOR T0 POST-OFFICE. (5161.0! FALLS. A“ mam-DP" Main“? ' . ; -‘ "“wgf‘ ‘. . “ ' Wa..u Avvfldny‘-M»A-~W !

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