Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Nov 1909, p. 3

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t‘tfiis. CLARE-i" POUND RELIEF AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING DGDD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HE; . Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her Sull'ering Sisters How to be Free From the Terrible Pains that Make Life a Burden. Pleasant Point, Ont., Nov. 15â€" (Special).â€"â€"That most of the ills that the suffering women of Canada have to bear are due to disordered Kidneys, and that the natural cure for them is Dodd’s Kidney Pills, is once more mhown in the case of Mrs. Merril C. Clarke, a well-known re- sident of this place and a promin- ent member of the Salvation Army. Mrs. Clarke is always ready to give her experience'for the benefit of her suffering sisters. _ “My sickness commenced twenty years ago with the change of life," says Mrs. Clarke. “My health was in a bad state. Water would run from my head which would make me faint. When I came out of the fainting spells I took fits. I was bloated till I was clumsy. The pain I suffered was awful. It would go .to my feet and then to my head. lMany doctors attended me, and I itried many medicines, but nothing gave me relief till I used Dodd’s {Kidney Pills. The first box stop- iped the fits and seven boxes cured me completely.” Every suffering woman should use *Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They make strong, healthy Kidneys, and the .‘woman who has good Kidneys is safe-guarded against those terrible pains that make miserable the lives of so many women. '14 WHAT HE I-IAD DONE. In order to avoid an argument with awoman suffragist on the sub- ject of her hobby, a happy bachelor gallantly acquiesced in the truth of hr r assertions, says Judge. . “But, sir,” sternly remarked the spinster, “your admission is any- thing but creditable to you. What for instance, have you ever done lor the emancipation of woman “l” “I “Madam,” responded the gentle- man, with a polite smile and a bow, {‘I have. at least remained a bache- or! .._._..g ._,y<._.._ M FILES man) at sanity New Absorption MCillOll If you suffer from bleeding, itchâ€" ing, blind or protudin Piles, send me your address, an I will tell {on how to cure yourself at home my the. new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers. Box P 720, Windsor, Ont. ._...___,.ae._...._.___ Some would-be fiatterers, after smearing on a lot of salve, spoil the effect by rubbing it in with a wire brush. . ..â€"___/. They Cleanse While They Cure.â€"â€"- The vegetable compounds of which Pnrmelec’s Vegetable Pills are com- posed. mainly dandelion and manâ€" drake, clear the stomach and intes- tines of deleterious matter and re- store the deranged organs to health- l'ul action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion available ,toâ€"day. A trial of them will estab- {lish the truth of this assertion and ido more to convince the ailing than !anything that can be written of ,these pills. A gentleman who discovered that he was standing on a lady’s Train had the presence of mind to from-ark :â€"â€"“Thongh I may not have ghe power to draw an angel from the skies, I have pinned one to the parth.” The lady excused him. mm ..1 :2 i i I ,_ ‘ISSUE N’). 47â€"09 ____..â€"-â€"- THE PAPA L C 0 OK. W Called to Vatican From Venice â€"â€" Pope’s Frugal Meal. Stefano Inchiostro is the name of the Pope’s cook. He has 1‘60‘ ently been relating his experiences in the Veneto, from which it is seen that his post is a veritable sinecure. ! For twenty-seven years he was the :COOk in the seminary of the Patri- larch of Venice, the dignity held by :the Pope before his call to the chair of St. Peter, and consequently was well known to his Holiness. On ,June 22, 1903, Stefano received a [Summons from his old master to repair to the Vatican. He went, and was conducted to the presence of the Pope, and it was only the geniality of the Pontiff that placed the cook at his case, for he was greatly moved. - The cook enables us to have a glimpse of the daily life of his ven- erable master, who is an example of Horace’s “obiter” that change of place does not alter the man. Af- ter celebrating mass, the Pontiff takes a little coffee. Precisely at noon he lunches, in company with Mgr. Pescini and Mgr. Bresson. They are always served by a parti- cular valet de chambre. The repast is modest in the ex- treme. Some soup, a little meat from the soup and rarely is there a. roasted joint. At 9 at night the Pope takes his supper, more frugal, if possible, than the midday meal. Vegetables and a little meat is the night repast. In Winter the Pope takes more soup than in Summer, Imade from dried vegetables. His Holiness is very fond of the “polentina” (soupe de mais), made as it was in the days past in Venice, and it is generally accompanied by some fish sent from Civita Vecchia 01‘ Veniceâ€"London Globe. h}:â€" POULTRY. We call the attention of our road ors to the advertisement of The Gunn, Langlois Company, of Mont real, which appears elsewhere in fhis paper. If you have any poul-' try to place on the market during! the holiday season take their advice? and communicate with them befozel rushing your goods to market. It' is a good plan to write to these peo-i ple if you have eggs, butter, poul-l try or honey to dispose of at any time. on, 'RAPTUREI Patienceâ€"“Peggy is very hap- . i} . p5Patriceâ€"â€"”She’s engaged, isn’t she l” Patienceâ€"“Yes, and the man she’s engaged to is cross-eyed and he’s looking at her all the time, and no one can tell it but herself.” Holloway’s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of cores and warts, root and branch. Who, then would on- dure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy Within reach? Beware of the man who has a gm d story to tell you in a whis~ per. Mrs. Hobart E. Peary, more than nine years ago. favorably. com‘mentedon liaran lEye Remedy after its application in 115; Family for Eye Troubles roaultm: from Measles and Scarlet Fever. and later rc- commended to the famous Explorer, the Man who now returns home as the Discov- erer of-th North Pole. Cold. Cutting Winds and ust cause Red. Weak. Watery ves. Murine Eye Remedy affords Ro- lhble Relief. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. for Illustrated Eye Books Murine, 50c., by Mail. from All Druu'siats. l At an elevation of 2,000 *feet the atmosphere is free from microbes. A Wide Sphere of, Usefulnessâ€"â€" The consumption of. Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wher- ever introduced fresh supplies are constantly asked for. DON'T OUTâ€"EEG WELCOME. Every guest should take note of these conditions: Even if a bona fide invitation has been received, do not permit any amount of coaxing to persuade you to stay longer than a week, unless an invitation for a longer time has been given. If no length is set for your visit, then it would be wise to stay not longer than a few days, but you will genâ€" erally find that your hostess will mention in her invitation the period of time you are expected to remain. Master ~â€" “How was this vase smashed, Mary ?” Maryâ€"~“If you please, sir. it tumbled down and ,broke itself.’_’ Masterâ€"“Humph! ,The automatic brake again l” x )5 13km Mi. ..v. ’{xfl‘itvt'l‘ '.: - fir» > .‘w- as - ~REAB WHAT HE Mr. R. C. Blur-ton, a prominent Sal- vation Army worker, who occupies the proud pmition of Deputy Band Master at the Temple, Toronto, bears testl~ mony to the the great healing- power of Zem-Buk balm. He. says :~- “ Pimples and sores broke out all over my face and neck and notwithstanding all I did to try and cure them they spread. In places the skin was inflamed over big patches and caused me great pain and inconvenience. I was advised to try Zlm- Buk and for several days I applied it to the sores anointing it often with the healing balm. It soon began to sooth the pain, and in a short time the sore: ceased to be so angry and painful! W ill: perseverance Zam- Buk healed the sores cons letclyand made my skin as smooth and c car nil possible. I strongly recommend Zam»Buk to all who sufler from unsightly skin troubles, sores, ulcers, etc. It is a. wonderful healer! ".9 -‘~‘ Zam-Bul: curcs' eczema, itch, bleed poison, festering, chronic and suppural- mg sores, burns, culs, barber’s rash, fistula and all skin in'urics and diseases. It is also a. specific for piles. All druggists and stores 50¢. a. box or 3 for $I.25. Send Ic. stamp to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto for sample box. WITH OR WITHOUT. “The chicken stew has two prices in the bill of ‘farc. How is that, waiter?” . “With chicken in it, it is thirty cents; without it, ten.” “a” Pills of Attcsted Value.~â€"-Parmc- lee’s Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties ol certain roots and herbs, and the action of such as sedatives and lax- atives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compoundch have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their exccllency was recognizâ€" ed from the first and they grow more popular daily. GUARANTEED . “I like that piece of checked goods, but are you sure that the colors won’t run 2” “Madam, that check.” is a certified The efficacy of Bick’le’s Anti-Con: sumptive Syrup in curing coughs; and colds and arresting inflamma-‘ tion of the lungs, can be established by hundreds of testimonials from: all sorts and conditions of men. It. is a standard remedy in these ail- ments and all affections of the, throat and lungs. It is highly reâ€"Q commended by medicine vendor-3,; because they know and appreciate} its value as a curative. Try it. Sometimes a man is loved for the enemies he has made, but more of- ten for the money he has inherited. â€".â€"..,â€"._ Much distress and sickness in chil--. dren IS caused by worms. Mother , . . . Gravos’ Worm Exterminator gives relief by removing the cause. Give it a. trial and be convinced. BETWEEN FRIENDS. Miss Homeleighâ€"“Perhaps you \von’t believe it, but a strange man tried to kiss me once.” Miss Cuttingâ€"“Really! Well. he‘d have been a strange man if he’d tried to kiss you twice.” at . â€"».-. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism. Lumbngo and Solution to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes theso painful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has ,proved conclusively that. Dr. Morso’s Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and~ Cure Rheumatism »-_ sm-Wyâ€"w‘ REMARKABLE INDIAN ~BRID GE Built by the Indians Columbia. An interesting bridge, said to have been built by Indians, is situ- ated about 200 miles east of Prince Rupert, B. 0., near the proposed line of the Grand Trunk Railway, says the Engineering News. It is built of round poles, fast- ened together with telegraph wire and wooden pins, the floor being the only part where nails are used to any extent, and no two joints are made alike, but it seems to do the work required of it, that is, as a means for pack trains to cross Bulkley River. Looking at it from a-distance, it seems to be nothing but a collecâ€" tion of poles and wire stuck to~ gether any way, with no particu- lar reason for its not falling; the floor is very uneven, and the joints of the different members are made by lapping and binding them with wire. But by looking at it closely a person can see that the party who built it had a pretty good idea of engineering, for the bridge is an ingenious combination of cantilever and suspension construction. ~â€" in British “1.. “Do you take any periodicals '2” asked, the new clergyman, .on his first round of parish visits. “Well, I don’t,” replied the woman; “but my husband takes ’em frequent. I do wish you’d try to get him to sign the pledge!” _..._.â€"~ Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. . - and may Prove Fatal. Mr. G. L. Garrow of l 16 MillicentSt., Toronto, writ:- undcr date of September 4;, " B. 1908. “One year ago this spring! con- traded a severe cold in the chest, which dcvolo (limo Bronchitis. I look three kinda of medicine and found no improve- ; mam. Africncl of mine advised me tony PSYCHlNE and induce deys I felt like a I; 53 new man again. Idcsirc tolctolherskuow what a valuable cure you have in PSY- -_.' CHINElot itcured me where nllothcx med- ,_ icineshadlcilcd. lam moisthluthankiul to be well again, and lot the sake of olhcrs .whg 3 may beill.you may publish this testimonial. .= Stop that cold or the vaults will be 1'" a=rious. You can do this by toning up the system wilh PSYCHINE. _ 1" For 5ch la: all linguists, 59c. & 81 mt bottle. Dr. T. A. SliOCUM unusn, 3- TORONTO . plithcrlc, r c m c y 5, Son. culls Poisonous ‘ Bites o! bogs. Snakes. Slings o! In sects, cw" ' a S kWDB'Nis condemn“ ." 5%”an M ' THE ORlGlNAl. none that equal IT IS A PERFECT : ~ l.‘ Neglected, it sees reach" the Lung: I In buying Condensed Milk, take no substitute for ._ Make No Mistake! ' soansn’s BRAND COHVENSE? There are choc Po UL TR v Rs [SEE DON'T play Into the hands of the ‘<'- POULTRY SPECULATORS who are , scouring the country and picking :1 u all the live birds they can lay t elr hands on. Naturally their object is to get the bulge on you and reap the benefit of a siren er and more profitable market la. er I", on in the season. 1: DON'T rush your Poultry on to 3. the market too soon. Pattern and dress it properly yourself; then sell -. it when condition of both stock and .. market will warrant your securing: . the highest prloc of the season. The A past three years have clearly pgotv- ‘.-. e r .. on that those who held Poultry until the latter part qt December, have reaped the largest returns for their out-lay. DON'T overlook the fact that tho above remarks are slmply In the 7:1: nature of advlco, and that it you ,; have any Poultry 'on hand that you 1} wish to dispose of NOW. we are ID ' the best. position of any house in the country. EARRING NONE. to » handle same for you. We are in the business every day in .the year. at.» and our 55 years of ever increasing business and a host of satisfied shippers are proof sufficient of our .7. ability to please you. DON'T forget to you are ready to ship. GUNN, Llltltlt & 00. , Limited, MONTREAL 7' Canada's Largest Produce Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES-406GB. BUT- :: TER, POULTRY and nosnr. ' write us when ‘AGENTS WANTED. ' ANUFACTURING COMPANY WANTS man to sell direct. to farmers. Quio seller. Every farmer wants one. 70 profit. Experience valuable but unneces- sary. Postal to-dny brings particulars. Charles Adams, Ssrnia. Ont. STOCKS. 0 INVESTORS â€"-YOUR. ORDERS To buy or sell Stocks will receive y personal attention. 8. M. Mathews, Bro - er, 43 Scott St... Toronto. Raise Thom Without Hillk I . Booklet Free. steole,!l}r:ggs Seed Co., Ltd. TorontoJOnt. Iron Pipe for $ale 50.000 ft. iron DIJO, all ' water. steam, fencing, alsofiuiieuslloirosr belting, chatting, etc.. good as new. cheap. Send for list ' w you need. stating what IMPERIAL WA'STE & METAL 00.. .5 Queen St, Montreal. Mention this paper. l3 [ll lit tltl We buy Wing and Tail Turkey; Feathers. Write for prices. H. W. Nelson 8; Co., Toronto, Dal. Dressed finality ANY QUANTITY. [nether Prices Guaranteed REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advise THE Ii. A. McLean Produce (lo. LIMITED, 7‘ to 76 Front St. East, Toronto Kindly mention the name of 'this paper in writing to advertisers. EQGLE Milli or and lnlcrio brands to the Eagle. but i It. It has steo first for over fifty years. INFANT FOOD. Borden’s Condensed Milk ,Ccmpany Selling Representative, WM. H. Mm“... its new In all casosiol DlSTEMPER.’PINKEYEJINPLUENZA. COLDS. ETC. If all horses, broodmares. colts, stallions, isfito “@POEN Tl‘li‘il‘d ” on their tongues or in the iced put Spohn’s Liquid ' Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It rats on the blood and glands. It: rents the disease DUNN. Toronto and Montreal. /,_. , by expelling fhediseuse germs. It wards elf the ,' - ' trouble no matter how they are “exposed.” Ab- solutely free from anything injurious. A child En safely take it. 50c and $1.00; $5.50 and $11.00 a dozen. Sold by druzgists and harness dealers. Distrlb utorl: All \Vlioleunle Drug‘glnls SPBHN musical. co..’ fChemisle and Bacieriologisla 32'} cosuEN. ma. U. s. n. 2. ~_..-..r~â€"vw â€"-WWW.-WWW‘â€" 'MWVM'VV\\_‘~. w .v\. W‘W‘~w\_'V\'V\‘\â€"\a\\\-\N‘w’~\~\-\\.\VV~4\-"~ V \. a. ~- - a _ -. a. Va; ,. . - ./ Mkixxx‘vaNM \NN‘VNK. ‘~"v\’\;‘v\~"'_“ .. \‘x-\.‘-"\ K.‘ WWNWVW_A, <V«\.-J\ Nk.‘ V < M- '-M¢.wcwuo-v» ’ x I » wu'vavewvvwvvvu‘vvsrvvw ‘ '- v «a. «as. a \. . ,- .. \ . l ’ » ' . . . , , , ,. , . . .v _. .. ....... ._. «a. ‘

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