Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Oct 1909, p. 7

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1‘13“ mummanmmw rmfimmu. 1 7 l tANANOQUE MAN LORD ON’S SWEET I‘OOTH. our or mouse HAD RHEUMATISM, BUT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED IT. {Hugh Abernethy on His Feet' Againâ€"Cure is Easy, Simple, Na- tural and Permanent. , Gananoque, Ont., Oct. 18.â€"â€"«’ l(Special).â€"That Rheumatism can: alt-e cured surely, simply and per-i :manently is the good news that; iHugh Abernethy, a well-known re-§ fsident (If King Street, is spreading Eamong his neighbors. “I had suffered from Rheumatism; fund stiffness of the joints,” Mr. Ab-‘ lernethy states. “My muscles twould lcramp. I could not sleep, and I, fhad terrible headaches. I took' lrna-ny different medicines, but no- I l I ‘me on my feet again.” . Others who have taken Mr. Aberâ€" ethy’s advice and used Dodd’s. liiidney Pills are also loud in their , raises of the old reliable Canadian, iliidney remedy. For Dodd’s Kid- :ney Pills cure Rheumatism and‘ : ther blood diseases 'by curing the: 'Efidneys. Sound Kidneys keep the,“ lead free from impurities. And: ,iiwith no impurities, such as uric; field in the blood, you cannot‘have; ’such painful and dangerous diseas~i i‘ps as Pain in the Back, Rheuma-j Itism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, and heart Disease. f Keep your Kidneys strong and; 'ysvell with Dodd’s Kidney Pills and you can face the cold, wet days of lfall without a fear of Rheumatism.’ >14 MATTER FOR GRATITUDE. Of two celebrated barristers, Bal- ,four and Erskine, this story is told. l’l‘he former’s style, it should be 'pnentioned, was very verbose, while the latter’s, on'the contrary, was] lcrisp and vigorous. In ecurt one ' ay Erskine noticed that Balfour’s 'ankle was bandaged. “Why, 'what’s the matter i” ask- d Erskine. - Instead of replying, “I fell from a gate,” Balfour answered in these words:â€" “I was taking a romantic ramble n my brother’s garden, and in ‘ming to a g nd grazed the epidermis of my leg, which has caused a slight extravas- ration of the blood.” f “You may thank your lucky Esters,” replied Erskine, “that {your brother’s gate was not as lofty his your style, or you would have lbroken your neckl” , Employer (to his olcrk)-â€"“Is it {true that when the clock strikes six men put down your pen and go, fL . . . a ,evcn if you are in the middle or a word?” Cleryâ€"“Certainly not, ir. If it gets so near six as that, E never begin the word at all.” .' m...»â€" i It is Known Everywhere. - There is not a city, town or hamlet in lC'anada' where Dr. Thomas' Eclec- lti‘lc Oil is not knownâ€"wherever in- ,troduced it made a foothold for it- )self and maintained it. Some merâ€" ,chants may suggest some other rem- ,ody as equally beneficial. Such ,recommendations should be receiv- cd with doubt. There is only one :Eclectric Oil, and that is Dr. Tho~ mas’. Take nothing else. .__.â€"â€"-._. , Kindly menliou the name of this :papcr in writing to advertisers. __â€".__ x “Well, gentlemen,” ’said Tompâ€" ikins to a couple of histfriends, “you ,can talk as much as you please about the inferiority of women, but there are lots of them that can dis- }count most of us for brains. Take liny wife, for instance; she’s got twice as much sense as I have, and I ain’t ashamed to acknowledge it either.” “But, don’t you think,” said one of his auditors, “that you put rather a low estimate on your wife’s intellectual po'wcrs i” _â€" ISSUE N0. 43--09 Apropos of the fondness of Eski- mos for gumdrops and the sustain- ing Iproperties of sugar, of which a su stantial ration is new supplied regularly to soldiers in the German army, there seems to be a distinct increase in the consumption of candies'oi all sorts in England of late. The enhanced value of the ' shares of the big sweetmeat sellâ€" 1 hing did me any good till I tried] ate I dis-covered_that_l had to climb over it, by which Il ame into contact with the first bar | Ling companies is one indication. Another‘is that everywhere in the City of London one sees an increase in the number of itinerant nougat sellers and other curbston-e candy hawkers, who are all doing a good . business. Automatic candy supplying ma. -chine‘s have to be refilled oftener and. workingmcn may be seen freâ€" quently buying a pennyworth of swee-tstuff and eating it as they go. This probably affects the tobacco ' l odd’s Kidney Pills. Six boxes puti trade adv-81381)"; all 3‘11 events 111 the poorer quarters of London to- bacconists are complaining while confectioners rejoice. Temperance advocates also wel- come the signs of increased con- sumption of sweets among the working classes, as it tends to counteract the desire for intoxi- cants- ,rE Two Quakers were having an ar- gument, and one considered the other was speaking falsely. This is how he reproved him :â€"“Friend Thomas, I will not call thee by any bad name, but if the ‘mayor were to ask me who was the greatest liar in the town, I would hasten to thee and say, .‘Thomas, I think the may~ or greatly'desireth to speakâ€" w1th thee.’ ” A Bflllli Til liiflTHEli’S. When Children are injured I Children are always sustaining cuts, bruises, burns, etc., and not infrequently contract ringworm, scalp diseases, and similar skin troubles at school. Mother: will find Zam-Bul: without equal for all these accident: and diseases. Mrs. I‘homas Allen, 156, Water Street St. Mary’s (Ont.), says :â€"â€"“My daughter Mildred, 4 years old, ’was severely burned by falling on a hot flat iron. She was burned HIS EXPLANATION. “Well, dearest, I’m going to ask your father for your hand {so-mgr- row.” “Oh, I’m so glad, Georgel‘I was afraid you didn’t have the cour- age.” . “I’ve ot to do 1t. It’s one of the election ets I lost.” A Simple and Cheap Medicine.â€" A simple, cheap and effective medi- cine is something to ‘be desired. There is no medicine so effective a l regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee’s Vegeta‘ble Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got anywhere, and their be- neficial action 'will prove their re- commendation. They are the medi- cine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors’ bills will do well in giving them a. trial. THE KIND FOR HIM. “The auctioneer I met with you the other day told me he had just bought himself a yacht. Is it a steam yacht 7” “Don’t know, but I guess it is one propelled by sails.” It allowed to room over your house those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. No other fly killer com- pares with Wilson’s Fly Pads. A PHILOSOPHER. ‘ “Well.” 'says the Philosopher of Folly, “I won my case against that fellow 'who took my house away from me. My lawyer’s going to move into it next week.” Red, Weak, \Veary, “’ntcry Eyes. R_elieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You “7111 Like Murine. 1t Soothes. 500 At Y‘our Drnggisis. Write For Eye Books. Bree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. SURE INDICATION. Anxious M othcr-â€"Ho w do you - ,kn-ow young Cu'shleigh is in love with you? Has he told you so? Pretty Daughterâ€"Nâ€"no; but you on the heel, instep, and on the thigh very should see the ’way he looks at me badly. I at once applied some Zam-Buk, which eased the pain, and in the course of a. few days the wounds were thoroughly healed." Mrs. George Aldridge, 12, Louise Street, Siratford, says :~“ While playing barefooted about the yard my son Bertram, 6 years old, stepped on a broken lass bottle, which cut very deeply into his b1 tee. The cut was so deep that I sent for a actor and had the foot properly dressed, the doctor leaving a lotion to be applied daily. Under this treatment, however, the wound seemed to get no better, but on the contrary inflammation set in. A kindly neighbour than recommended Zam- Buk. We obtained a supply, and after a few 3 pli- tions the child seemed to rest better, an the pain was very much reduced. In a few days, under the Zam-Buk treatment, the wound assumed a better appearance, and from that time healing was very rapid. Inflammation and soreness were finally completely banished, and in ten daysfrom the first application of Zam-Buk, we took the bandages from the foot. I feel sure that but for Zuni-link the child would have had a very bad time, and might have had to sacrifice the toe.” Not only 'for cuts, burns, bruises, etc., in Zam-Buk effective, but also for serious skin diseases such as eczema, ringworm, ulcers, etc. It also cures poisoned sores, chronic wounds bud leg, piles, festering sores, chapped hands, cold sores, frost-bite, and all skin injuries and diseases. Drugginls and stores everywhere sell at 50¢. a box, or post free for price from an-Buk Co., Toronto; 3 boxes $1.25. You are warned against harmful imitations sometimes represented to be “just as good.” ____4.._....__.. Never strive for an inside view 13 worms- of a bad egg. n...â€" Used according to directions, Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial will afford relief in the most acute form of summer complaint. When- ever the attack manifests itself no time should be lost in seeking the. aid of the Cordial. It will act im~ mediater on the stomach and in‘ testines and allay the irritation and pain. A trial of it will convince anyone of the truth of these asser-‘ tions. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. GRAPES. when I am not looking at him. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in , getting a bottle of Holloway’s Corn, l Cure. It Icorns without pain. kinds of' Failure with removes all it is unknown. APPROPRIATE WAY. "So the club voted to ‘buy an air- ship.” “Yes.” “I suppose the motion to do so was carried by a rising vote.” N0 SUBSTITUTE FOR “The D. k L." Menthol Plaster, recommended by every- body for Mitnou, plurisy, etc. Made by Davis 6; Lawrence 00. Young Husbandâ€"“You mark moi A woman always manages to get what 'she wants.” Older Hlisband â€"-”I wouldn’t mind that so much, but the worst of it is, as soon as she gets it she wants something else.‘ Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting any- thing that causes ill-health. One great cause of disease in children Remove them with Mo- ther Graves’ Worm Exterminator. It never fails. ___...._. CAKES. Whit-e Cake.â€"â€"For a. delicate cake and one nice for a bride’s loaf use , two cupful's of pulverized sugar, three-fourths cupful of butter, one .cupful of sweet milk, one and oneâ€" half cupfuls each of corn starch and flour and‘two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder. Mix butter and sugar to a cream, then add milk, next .corn starch andpart of the flour with the baking powder sifted With it, next the white of six eggs bea- ten to a froth‘and lastly the re- .mainder of 'the flour. Use any flavâ€" oring desired. In baking any kind Grape Juicerâ€"To three quarts of of a. cake in loaves the pans should fruit add one quart of water. Let boil. Strain and then add one cupful of sugar to three quart’s of juice. Let boil and bottle. Perfect Grape Jell.â€"â€"Use in this be lined with a piece of oiled paper out to {it the bottom of the pan and pre‘ssed down closely before pu‘t- ting in the batter. This will keep the cake from burning and cause it (proportion:~ One-third apples, to .tn slip out; more easily, two-thirds grapes. Use grapes that are part green and part ripe, they make the best jelly. Cover apples with water, cook until tender (need not remove peeling); to the grapes add just enough ‘water to keep from sticking. Drain the fruitâ€"but do not squeezeâ€"use equal arts of juice and sugar; needs on y a few moments cooking longer. This makes a perfect jell, and it will not granulate, a fault with grape jell. When cool cover with melted paraffin. Prize Cakeâ€"Beat the whites of five eggs thoroughly to a froth, then stir in two~thirds of a .tu-inblerful of powdered sugar, previously siftâ€" ed several times, add three-fourths of a tumblcrful of flour previously sifted with half a teaspoonful of baking powder together Flavor with one drop only of Stir tar. extract of rose or lemon. together quickly and put in oven. 3 A little butter improves the taste 2 of the cake. p with a. . pinch each of salt and cream of tar- ' l Thebondswhich womandofl‘br are secured either by taxation orbym THOROUGHLY SECURED magi/ace on property with law can , INVESTMENTS MUNICIPAL BONDS: Numcrm (am of good cities, counties, tum, . and school districts. ,RAILROAD AND PUBLIC sum. I VICE BONDS: Bonds of well-known . lumadian Steam. and Elem-to Roads. ‘ ‘Electric Liam and Power Companies. INDUSTRIAL BONDS .- lona-esta-bli‘shcd {nmtrIBca Ylolfllng 4 to a Per Cent. 1‘ LIST SENT on REQUEST ensues Sausage WWOWICH Lil’llTEll grgofiéffnéfd WANTED. EDUCATIONAL. A BOYD'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 181' {ARM WARTED.â€"â€"Ontarfi)“mrm wanted - Yonge St.. Toronto, prepares com- exchange for (340 acres Southern Albert etent stem) ra hers in 30 dayg by the ‘ (all wheat land. A bargain for someone. EOYD svn-n‘hniio SYSTEM. Positions se- lil’o‘vh‘ess, 84 Don Mills Road, Toronto. cured. Write for catalogue. AGENTS WANTED. _.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€".g' 2 I VANTED-LOGAL AND saunas ‘ I -, British - American V-M-G-A- * - Bulldlns. Agentsâ€"Liberal contracts to 200 I BUSHIBSS Bodega Toronto. - » men: apply by letter. Continentaé #21:; . o Insurance Company. Toronto. Thorough, practical courses in all ! pondence confidential- commercial subéecls. Students may enter any ime. X'Vrite for EN AND WOMENâ€"DON‘T BE IDLE- catalogue, Show sgmplgis tof our reliable mpg- cines. super 01 e prepare ions. D T' M‘ WATSON' Princmal baking powder, and flavoring: extracts - your neighbors and forward their orders to us. You can easily make form t n to twenty-five dollars a week and ave permanent position. Goods sell on Si. hi and repeat orders come fast. Book “ ow to Succeed" and particulars sent free The Home Supply 00.. Dept. 50. Merrill Building, Toronto. m TOO SMART. ‘A man stops braggingaboui the smartness of his children aft-er they learn how to separate him from his entire salary. V A‘IT NOW IN EVERY UNR c EgRiflSE-NTED district a reliab§ u out to sell Pelliam's Peerless fruit an ofnameutal trees.“ Consider. this. Goo pay weekly, Exclusive territory. Stock guaranteed up to grade and delivered 1 good condition and all the advantages 0 selling wellâ€"known stock. Write now Ptol- agency for Full and Winter months. a ham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy.â€"â€"These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they vis- it. The surest and speediest way W to combat them is with Parmelee’s FOR SALE' Vegetable Pills, .which will restore ; x mm BOOK450 FAVORITE SONG the healthful action of the stomach _ words. music: Ten cents. Arthu and bring relief. They have proved l mu” amnl’y' Que' their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give re- a ' ° ' . - ‘d ‘ 1‘ ed, the re arcd cloth hat to the suffering who are Wise S‘é‘fg‘cfiofeefnt‘fimly wfiy’p Price .3, cents. Sen enough to use them. address for trial sample. Canada. Silvorcloth Co., Toronto. TWEWEWERS Bargain prices, $15 to $65, (all makes taken in exchange Ior Model Io and l Remingtons. Many of these machiuel show little use. Remington Typewriter Company. lelted. ‘ 144 BAY STREET. 'ronorrro. other fine metals lIko magic. No powdes ILYERCLOTH will clean your Silverware an ces a1 THE MANDI“ THE HOUR. “What’s a food expert?” “Any man» who can make his wages buy enough for the family table.” After making a Imps-t careful study of the matter, U. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that the common house fly IS' the 1' and external, cured wit rout pan by on - - . . home treatment. Write us before too latop Ill'lnClPal “1011115 or distl'lblltlng‘ ‘ Bellman Medical 00., Ltd. Colliugvvood, Ont. typhoid fever, ' diphtheria and ANGER, Tumors, Lum 5, etc. internal I e smallpox. Wilson’s Fly Pails kill tuna the flies and the disease germs, TA"- cAn as ouncsrv râ€"‘r- TURNED INTO CASH Mrs. Eyram Dalyâ€"“Why, Brid- WRITE 30?: I didll’t 1310"" 3'0“ Could H. w. Nelsen&~Co., Toronto, Ont. write!” Bridget (proudly)â€"~“Y1s, too. mum. Me writin’ has got me mony ,m g. E. a place. I wrote all av m'e own re- .' d commendations.” “pg 5 e Good live canvassers to sell our Remedies‘l You should make ten to twenty dollars) weekly and not work ha rd. Write io-day, BELL'MAN MEDICAL CO.‘ coursewoon. our. EVERY HOUSEKEEPERâ€"muet often not as a. family hysiuian. Painkiller for all tho little ills, cuts and sprains as well as for bowel complaints is indispensable. Avoid substitutes, there is but one “ Painkiller"â€"â€"1’crry Davis’, 150 and 500. Dress and Manila Cutting, Fitting, and Putting Together THE KIND. ' “What kind of lights do they have on airships ’l” ' “I suppose they are all furnished with a sky light.” Learn by mail in your spare time at home, or if too far away take a personal course at school. We will teach one personal course at commencement of course only. Course taught at school In Strat- ford inside of a week, commenc- ing November 8th only. Remit- tance to be paid the day you are through and perfecxly satisfied. Board and lodging provided for pupils taking this personal Course at school free of charge. We have been in business eleven years, taught over 7,000 pupils, and guarantee to give $500 to anyone we cannot teach. lVrite for free particulars explaining how we teach not later than Oct. 25111 Sanders’ Dress Cutting School! 31 Eric 82.. Strati‘ord, Ontario, Canada. ~-.WM- ‘ «:0 -..- n‘mz 1.“ ' . -.' ‘ Tobacco and mu, one] New System of Treatment. Recently Discovered Remedy that Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results obtained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern i'lediclne. Patients cured secreny at their own homes against their own will and knowledge. No suffering. no injections, no loss of time, or detention from business, no bad after effects; FREE 1 FREE I ,.We send by 111311.. free err: charge, our 64 page book, which mny ex- plains our modern system of treatment, of how the Drink, Tobacco and Drug habits can be rapidly overcome and cured. This book I; sent in a plain envelope, sealed from observation. so no one can tell what your letter contains. All correspondence absolutely secret and confidential. Address. DE SILVA INSTITUTE, Suite zoo, 55 University St. Montreal, Canada m Bondaqf .' WWwywr.__.-. , 5V -: a, '.O.’- show‘vvvvthv‘v » x \ ‘-"'~ < ‘ is . Nym-AW' ‘ . WWWâ€"4‘, _ I HWM' “24‘”- ‘Kr'v-N' V W‘ ‘

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