Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Oct 1909, p. 3

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3W _ , “\‘5 z. : ' * ' I”;_.‘.Q . 1‘ :i; . -‘ I entire body of Jewish Scriptures. forâ€"Paul’s ges ure must have . 3%,, beyond his Sada“... Hints for Busy Housekeepers. ,, . ers to the Jews in the court. The V; Pharisees would fbe SPeCIally irri- a ' ' ' ' ' ' t td b this in erence that th .r RBllglon Spll‘lt gtneeralybehef, in ghehhation, wag Recipes and Other Valuable Information 9 ' - ' in a resurrection ot- of the just of Particular Interest to Women Folks. ._, Aim That Apportions to Every Part and unjust , , 16. Herein I exer_c18e tiinyselmee .._._.â€"â€" if 1 » ' act-iced the seerce, elicf, d Flips mentioned above (14 and 6:2), TO PUT CAKE TOGETHER. ,and flavor to the taste. Strain and hp with the result that he had a clear The following way of putting a, "fl‘eez'c- Before SGIjVIQg GOV-er the conscience always: and Would not, cake together never fails: \Vork Kcr'eam “'lt'h 3‘ meringue and. bake '3‘ 111 a very hot oven one minute“ the butter and sugar to a cream, beat the whites and yolks of eggs separately, the whites to a stiff froth, the yolks ‘to a cream, then add the yolks to the creamed but- ter and sugar, beat hard for five minutes, then add the milk. then the flavoring, next the whites of the eggs, and lastly the flour, fold- ing it in carefully. Just before ready to put in the oven add the baking powder and beat carefully for two minutes. Avoid stirring the cake after the sugar and butter are creamed, but beat from the botâ€" tom up and over. Never allow the butter to get oily before creaming it. For small cakes- the oven must be hot; for large ones only med- erately so. When you take the cake from the oven do not remove it from the pan until it is cool. When you take it from the pan slip it on a plate and put on the icing. In making the icing a shallow, glazed earthen dish should be used. Allow a quart-er of a pound or more of the finest white sugar to the white of each egg. If you use flav- oring add it last. Put frosting on in large spoonfuls. Begin with the therefore, be likely to be a leader of insurrections, nor a man of low character. 17. After some yearsâ€"Between his departure for the third journey (A. D. 53) and the arrest (A. D. 57) about four years had elapsed. Alms to my nation, and offerings â€"â€"l\ioney collected in Macedonia and Achaia, and sacrifices for the fulfillment of his vow. As the money was for the nation, and not simply for Christians, and the of- ferings for a religious'purpose in the temple, how could he be thought a seditionist or a polluter of the temple? 20. Or let these men . . . sayâ€"The Asiatic Jews not presenting them- selves, these elders can say no- thing except that he l.ad preached the resurrection. 21. This one voiceâ€"Exclamation. In Acts 28. 6, we read that Paul “cried out in the council,” when he came to speak of the resurrec- tion of the dead. 22. Knowledge concerning the Wayâ€"Felix had a Jewish wife, “I will life up mine eyes unto The world is full of half-developâ€" the hills from whence rcometh my ed lives; men and women who are uelp.’.’â€"Psalms cxxi., 1. competent in spots, as strong in It IS not so strange that many some things as they weak in others, should say they have no need for brilliant; as to some of their ways religion in their lives. To some it and walking in darkness as to seems rather a. mark of weakness others; the man of affairs loses vis- than of .strength, a yielding to ion, the philosopher loses practical superstltlous fear 01‘ '00 90131113? sense, the scientist becomes an custom or a sacrifice of the inde- animated, soulless scalpel, and all Pendent JUdgment in favor 0f 3 for the want of an aim that would SChemC “I'l'lICh has been deVi’Sed by {Hegel-v.3 balance and harnlony in 'the few for the deception of the the life_ mhhy- _ A man can so give his hand to I‘here is a good deal that goes business in that he becomes n0- undcr the name of religion that thing but; a, hand; another can one ought to be ashamed not to diS- give his mind to intellectual prob- ‘OWni there are types 0f Piehy that lems so that he becomes only 8‘ are but confessions of poverty of brain carried around on stilts, Intellect, and there are forms of while yet another becomes a sto- faith that are only evidences of mach and no more. But religion cowardly and superstitious fear. suhdues all to a. purpose great Wherever religion means being less enough to enlist an the powers and a man, means dwarfing, shrinking tc bring them to the life, then one dare not ac- ‘ knowledge allegiance to it. HARMONIOUS FULLNESS- But there are so'many imitations, Religion means living 1156 for the so many pretensmns _of religion saks of life itself; it means find- Simply because the thing itself is ing a sufficient, motive in living. It so essential to the life of man. So is the point of view and the spirit through whom he would come to far from th_e.religious life being one 1,, life that sets things in right re- know something of the relations of Cf lesser llvmg’ so far from r6113- latl'Ohs; hell‘5 on” to find true Judaism and Chris‘tmnity' centre and spread with ath‘in blad- ion signifyingthe sacrifice of POW- values and to know the things that 24. Felix came with Drusilla . . 0 , - - . - . CPS, the denim!ng reason, Juds- are worth living for, to set the and heard himâ€"Several conjectures .hgliihgélleefieilgg 21522;: 231:6 ment’ am? the Wlu’ the truth ‘5 tools of life and the products of life as to the. reason are possible. Per- in a, cool 'la'ce g y that 110 hie CM! be In any Sense in right relations. haps Felix had been disturbed by Lady Bgltimbre Ca1_e__0ne cup_ Meringueâ€"Four whites of eggs, well beaten. Add one-half pound of powdered sugar and flavor. Or one-half of the recipe can be used- Salted Almond Sandwichesâ€"Heart one-fourth of a cupful of best olive oil in a frying pan, add four ounc-' es of blanched almonds. and fry a pale brown color. Drain on paper, then toss them in a seasoning 0! salt, red pepper, and paprika mixed together. Dry in the oven.: taking care that they do not be» come parched. Chop finely and sprinkle on to buttered bread, «cover with another buttered slice, .and cut in fancy shapes. These will be found to be both novel and. delicious. ‘ _ Simple Recipeâ€"Two eggs, beat- en light, one cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of sour cream; fill cup With buttermilk, one level tea~ spoonful of baking powder, a pinch .of. salt, flour to roll out. Fry and roll in fine sugar before putting on the table. . Prize Doughnutsâ€"One cupful of sugar, one egg, one cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda, two tablespoonfuls of melted lard, five cupfuls of flour. Flavor to taste Yand cook in deep lard. Prepare the dough at night, and cook de- sired amount of doughnuts fresh; jSet remaining dough away, and complain? “'ithOut its Who is sufficient for living with- Paul’s words about the resurrec- _ ' . . . f l fb t ‘ v - - ~ - . SPIRIT AND POWER. out this spirit? He who lives the tion of the unjust. DruSilla. was 61:1,; a:dt2:625fcélflglgfisoifsfiifii’ have fresh cooked doughnuts until. the daughter of Herod Agrippa, ’ all is used; is little work, last right life knows that he has struck man might well be ashamed it is time and tune, With the “elm” the loss of the spirit and ideals of laws 0f the universe: he Who lives religion in his life. These charac- for 1.0“? finds the real lawf’f .hie' teristics which mark the trained, Seekmghhe g0 developed, ordered, educated life SO‘OdheSS; the life and love maham are the attributes of religion. There the heart of all becomes a certainty a man a? Peuh , ' , is no fullness of life, no mastery to all of those who follow the light The faith in Christ Jesus â€" The of the spirit, no conquest of the they have, who do thewill of love. belief that Jesus of Nazareth was art of living without, this, The Of faith is living 11} loy- the Ligsaa’h expeCte‘d by the Jews. NO man can be a gentleman by any to faith in liferls .best, in its 25.11B-e rheah‘orliedlgf righteousness, This 18 the falth mm m“ o e 1x ls own ektmuon the dough. 'Bak-e in three layer the process of memorizing books of higher values' I . f .th . th and abuse of an“ it . f If we need to nourlsh, a1 in e 101‘ .V, 0 59 ‘ cake-pans, in a hot oven. To make 13 the Begun; Obtainga When Dr . I etiquette any more than he can find _ , f .th control which hi elm. .th righteousness 0f the “nwer“e’ m ' ’ s r lions “1' the filling: Dissolve three cupfuls fullnessof health by reading books . 2‘ d D ma . ed h 1 k d. fth on medicme and hygiene. The life 111 goodness). Jruth, honor, an rus prov e ac e r 0 'e of granulated sugar in one cupful Wlllltllllfl’ AI'B U396.- Of courtesy and the life of vigor right as over and against lust and judgment to come, which would be f b .1. ‘ . . . . -, - ° . i - Without r-es ect for erson . L'ttl 0‘ 01 mg watch COOk’ 1.17 1mm.“ and health have the“ hldden sourc‘ meanness’ falsehmd' and cohwfifilo wonder thug, Felix gas teirifield' 6 threads, then pour over it the stiff- To have good health you must ly beaten whites of three eggs, stirâ€" haVe EOOd h100d- It is hOl'I only es. Every lif-fi) that realizes fullness 2‘06. 13:16 only ha; their“?! 1 A n . b and heaut as its hidden so ares or true to t. e vis1on e ias, co vcnien season never came. ‘. N ~ __ . . . _ . in the religious spirit. This first: who lives in the freedom of his At the end of two years Festus was “ng conf'tanuy' To t‘hls icing add Elbe,” the blood ls bad thaib bh° lower and 560’“ of the effect light. called to his place, and the only one cupfiil of chopped raisins, one tea ll} .15 poor. The blood is the i i p ° thing that saved Felix from pun- cupful of chopped nutmeat-sâ€"«pe- .llfe"SlV111g flhld 0f the hOdyâ€"ib is cans preferredâ€"and five figs out in- thEI‘EfOI‘O an absolute necessity that ife. HENRY. F. COPE- . . . _ ishmcnt for cruelty was the 11‘1flll-‘ , , , _ , i. M'" 14' ence which his brother Pallas had to thm St'l'll’s- Wlt'h thl’s we bOth 1t silcfuld be kept free from all im‘ the top and the sides of the cake. Phl'ltles and POlSOHS. To do this no- . -' q I _ with Nero. v _ ' . _ O . S S 1:;%isea);ehir:e ptgotftmjfetggmtgfiy 27. Festusâ€"A better man than Never Fail Cakeâ€"A good plain thing can equal Dr. Williams’ Pink 4 ' ' 3d olllbe th tem 16 (Acts 21 23) Felix. layer cake that can be depended Plus for Pale People. These Pills bias lime; abagdoneg ' upon every time is made as follow ; make new, rich blood with every 8 From Whom__Th'iS pronoun, as Rub one-half a cupful-of butter and dose; they drive out every impur- ______,E_____ INTERNATIONAL LESSON, it stands, must refer to Paul. But LITTLE ILLS 0F “HILDHUUD “'0 “PMS of “'th sugar to "L “y‘every pOiS‘mâ€"“d “ms 3”" one cupful of sweet milk, the batch is good as first, and who 1 ' ‘ wnites of Six eggs, two level tea- - Spo-onfuls of baking powder, one does “Pt I‘elISh 3‘ Warm freSh dough' nut with his coffee? teaspoonful of rosewater. Cream the butter, adding the-sugar gra- dually, beating continually, then '1‘ '1 '11: (1 fl ' , -x v Ethnic...aih-achalitniiakilfg 23:13.5 GOOD BLOOD 1‘1- .1) '”d,.d.'v, . ffi‘mfyaimifd.stiflies‘fii 1.231%.ng AND GOOD HEALTH which should be folded lightly into If the” Is one thing Of Whmh 8' mentioned in Acts 12, and had been wife to Azizus, King of Emesa, from whom Felix had indu-cre-d’ her to separate. It would be natural for her to have an interest in such fl cream, add the beaten yolks of EOOd health. Concerning them . ' . ‘ T1 l OCT. 17. Ltlézessfiriiie giggiifiighhff SthZifl ’ three eggs, and one cupful of sweet MISS Bernadette Lapointe, of St. ‘â€" in order to find out the truth In On the word of mothers all. over “lllk' Next Stir in "three Cupfuis CE I Jemmei Q11€-, Mystâ€"“For Several ‘ ' Canada there is no other medicine Sift-ed flour, and when well mixed years my health was very badâ€"my system was completely run down. beat with a cake mixer or wooden . _ I had indigestion almost continuaL paddle for several minutes.- The our version a verse has been omitâ€" Lcsson 111' Paul a Prisonerâ€"Be' ted which appears in the Author_ («an equal Baby’s Own Tablets for the cure of such ills. as indigestion, fore Felix. Acts 24. Golden ized Version, which makes the pro- . , . _ . . ’ noun “Whom” refer to LVSiaS and cello, diarrhoea, constlpatiom more the cake is beaten the liner 1)’; my heart was weak; I had ’ Tc“, Aets 24' 16- this would be Wholly 'in a’ccord .SImple fever, worms and teething it will be. But the heating process headaches and backaches, and ' . o f h 1 , Th troubles. This medicine is God f0. should in most cases cease before was sore all over. My blood With verse .2 o t e esson. e g l. , _ the new born baby or the we“ the baking powder is added. Use was V'Cl‘y 13001“ and more than once I was in despair. I tried Verse 1. After five daysâ€"Mean- .. . - ,, , . old manuscripts differ very much mg, probably, five days after at this point. Paul’s arrival in Caesar-ea. . , With certain eldersâ€"Only the 10'21' Samh Paul 5 defense- 1h Sadducee members of the Sanhe- reply ‘50 tIhfi> threefOld Charge. that drin would he likely to come. he had exerted the people, had been Tertunus_If we judge by the a leader of_the sect of Nazarcncs, name this man was a fioman cho- and had tried to pollute the tem- , ' 7 sen because of his acquaintance plea .he d‘qda‘res. that he had no with the Roman law, and because gedlt’éouf lntznt‘mé‘s’ {fr ,,h‘e.th“'as of his ability to persuade Felix 0”” m t e . emp'e )2“ no that the apostle was a peril to the CrOWd’ nor yet Wlth hfmult (Verse government 18); that the Way which he follow- 2. By thee we enjoy much peace ed’ and “Ema? Yas.t93‘11:'d ba’ (15905}. .â€"â€"it is true that Felix deserved xiii: E31843 .80 aidegghlarfia she; {1:0, Knickerâ€"“When do you expect some credit for suppressing bri- bro“ ht m; roof of an intended confirmation of the discovery of the gands and zealots when he first on proffnation 2f the temble (19) Pole?” tered office, but it would be diffi- M 7 S. ' Bockerâ€"“Wben Mr. S. Claus cult to find any other praiseworthy 10- any bears- 1x or seven- comes to town.” ' Cheerfully make my defenseâ€"The 1 feature of his administration. _ _ , j , ‘ ; By thy providence evils are 001-. experience of Felix in the affairsof , rootedâ€"By the exercise of an un- the JeWPSh 1380131,e wohld qhahfy . usual severity he had brought him to make 3' fa“ (130151011- ~about temporary reforms, but they 12. A flat denial that there. had i yielded worse fruit late-r. been the semblance 'of_ a disturbâ€" ? 4. Further tedious unto thee â€"â€" M109 01151113th by hlm 111 any Part i This is a bit of flattery, implying, 0f the CltY- . . = as it does, such a deep absorption 14- All “111183 - - - accordmg ’50 in his discharge of public duties the law - - - in. the Prophetsâ€"This that he cannot, waste many mo- was an expressmn of loyalty to the merits in hearing Tertullus. 5. We have found this man a pes- tilent fellowâ€"He implies that a thorough investigation has been made into the character of Paul, and that he is a man of wicked life. A mover of insurrections â€" Putâ€" ting down uprisings was the special 3 r husiness of Felix. Hence this plea ' would appeal to him. Probably these accusers had gained infor- mation at Jerusalem of the trou- bles in which Paul had been in- : solved with the Jews at Philippi, l Corinth, Ephesus, and other parts grown child. Absolutely safe _ two rounding tcaspo-onfuls of bakâ€" you have the guarantee of a, gov- in-g powder. Fold the powder in ern'ment analyst that this, is, true, with an upward and downward Mrs. G. S. Ward, Rivingtony Que” movement, and when thoroughly says :â€"â€"“.I cannot praise Baby’s blended add the well beaten whites Own Tablets warmly enough.” Sold at the eggs in the same manner. by all medicine dealers or by mail Bake in a moderate oven for half at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Wil- an hour. The cake should be a rich liams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, brown on top when done. Either Ont. granulated or white coffee sugar ' may be used. If a soft cake is wanted use the latter. When a fruit cake is wanted use three cupâ€" :fuls of light brown sugar, four cup- ‘fuls of flour, two and one-half tea- spoonfuls of baking powder, one- half a cupful of strong coffee, one level tablespoonful of ground cin- namon, one cupful of seedless rai- = sins, and one and a half cupfuls of chopped dates. Flour the 'fruit and 'add last. Bake in two loaves for at least an hour. Angel’s Food Cakeâ€"Sift a tea- spoonful of- cream of tartar six times with half a cupful of flour. Whip the whites of six eggs until they stand alone, then gradually stir into them a half cupwa of granulated sugar and the sifted 'llour. Beat hard for eight minutes, turn into a clean ungreased pan with a funnel in the middle. Bake in a steady oven until a. straw comes out clean from the thickest part. Turn the pan upside down on a clean towel and as the cake cools it will slip out of the, tin. When cold ice the bottom and sides with a boiled icing. ydâ€" VARIOUS RECIPES. . Ice Creamâ€"Take one-half pound 0f the Roman world' ' ii. , of sugar, six yolks of eggs, one The sea" 0f the NaFaT-enizs _ A ‘ Fly.Justt to thmk thht I Sho‘dd ipint of milk. Mix well, put on fire, ‘erm 0f reproaCh’ Slgmfylng the Sand for free sample to Dept. w. I... Nae"he the thlrd one to dlhcovel’ the keep stirring until it comes- to a can’t convince him that lllc world “HOW-81‘s 0f the than 0f Nazareth tlonal Drug 0‘: Ghflmcal c°-- Toronto- North Pole lâ€"Eife. boil, and then add one pint cream i;:n’t growing many supposed remedies, but none of them helped me. One day a . friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills, telling me that she had found them good in a case , [similar to mine. I followed her ad- vice and began taking the pills. They soon gave me some slight re- lief. Encouraged by t-his I con. tinned their use for several months and they strengthened my whole system. ' I am to-day in excellent health and always keep Dr- Wil- ' liams’ Pink Pills in the house for if I feel a little out of sorts I take a box of Pills and am soon alright again.” ‘ Thousands of young girls throughout Canada suffer just an i«Miss Lapointe did. They are sickly, all the time and are totally unable to take the enjoyment out of life, that every healthy girl should. They,. need a tonic to build them up â€"â€" to , enable them to withstand the wor~,. ries’ of household or business du-h ties; to give them strength to can, joy social life. Such. a tonic is Dr“ Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Pee ', ple. These Pills give blood toi bloodless girls; they strengthen, the nerves; banish headaches and backaches; cure indigestion, thou:- matisni, heart palpitation and r . , lieve the many ills of girlhood'andj womanhood. Sold by all medicin . dealers or direct by mil at 6 cents a box or ix boxes for :82. . from The Dr. Williams? Medloln Co. , Brockville, Ont. _*______. THE FINAL AUTHORITY. V ’1‘ 'f-aacli" if" " *‘t {c Nov "curl.E After a man has tried in vain to borrow a few paltry dollars you' _ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-r Wfluu‘qg? V pp"; Jan. ’» ' m ' ‘- ‘

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