W.t~msmm&wï¬up\qxwm>h\miitt~20??†J ' ._.-_ ea@as@®e †acssusrersus . _, “TQRIC†-fl E?‘ .u .05? :' "e ‘1.1’ . ' 6 I .. “ ,\‘{ i, Elie? {iii ,éï¬ï¬gfi'gi, iii g? QUE‘ Tories __ ._, '. ‘l if ‘~ egsd; - ‘ e3‘- id 3:9 Curve Lenses if . . 17: '. IS NOXVT OPEN are very much better than the i: i: ï¬at kind. g and ready for business with a full line of é Come in and let us SliOW you L 5 E ._ i , , They are not only better for N n Y0]! GPOW H03? n? .4.‘ ‘ 7 _ . s SC Choice Genysssienezy, Fancy Cakes and e3 ehe y bee they 1e Whoa... spasm... if . - an irritating little hack worries, d you need Evans’ Antiseptic i . ‘J? comfortable and look better. - Biscuits, ‘Essa, Ganned. Goods, ‘Etc. Esrsuts lee Cream always on hand. my a BRETTQET BROS. . . 1 . l I ‘I. We have a good stock of Tobaccoes and Cigars. F001‘ 0F KENT STREET’ LINY- lenses which Follaw Throat Pasnnes . 5. -- J’ i a \ . ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' '. n‘. . I ‘I ~ bee 0.11 SOUl- Ciili'S. 155ml of M {Lillï¬bc Licenses‘ lilo curvallll'l 0i ill! E". they are unsurpassed for reliev- 1 ' . .. . .- . .. . . . m ing coughs, and preventing 0-1"’ soreness and irritation of the ' , sauna. ~ - Finesse be \Ve have made arrangements to supply our customers with ï¬rst-class Bread. throat. They keep the voice'in ï¬ne condition. All prominent singers and meakers use them. '1 AI. ' 1 4‘ ‘ . ~ \ , 1 __ ' yczecmiemr' :1- mmmxatm What you’ll need in Doors, Sash, Frames and Interior 5 Fruit in season. . . ,5 i ‘ . . Work for your building next summer, and let us have r g Your patronage respectfuliy SOllCltGCl. your order early. 4 i §_ _ _ i mm FEhEte A. TEER$ - O:_____ ‘s. c. sensuous, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. this tissues iiilLL. . ..<....O..<>..O..O..O.. . PillPï¬lETQfl, IQ § E a g -. This is the season when the m mm. . mm. “I feet 0f every man, woman and 'rnn PRIZES. ' child should be protected by a 6 good pair of rubbers. Dry feet "SPAPES iiiirszuiisiui inn Bi 3 3. E THE GAZETTE'S Bil-AND}. ti Fiirst erI'lCS.â€",A gold medal to each of -=- l. 17,: l. ‘ i D ie irs-t live contestants. S- l 123 1 E l- J “.3 i Second Series.----A silver medal to each of the next live contestants. _ _'l‘_hii'd Series._â€"A teachers Bible, price son), to each of the next live contest- are better than life insurance these days, and you will be as- sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. .7’ i. mun illll iOQfllOMiOWOOOOll. OQO. ,OOOQQOOOOQQOOQ Rev. in’. Linscott’s Suggestive Question i ants. . S .__,_. on the Sunday SOllOOl liiiSSOll fill‘ lfpui'tlrSc.i'ies.eâ€"'l‘lie book, “ The Heart LASTING a " r llglllï¬ Q All Sizes, - liiili'ï¬ild'ztll, 1905). of Christianity,†price $1.50, to each of ' \. Eli i All S1 ____ the next thirty-live contestants. ~ 7"le I napes’ ,. . _ . , as well as sanitary results are _. | _ All. Si} 1 . ‘It iltir SU}'lOS-r.â€"r;\ developed mind, an obtained from the use of Alabasiine. In- o 37168, Prizes for Answers. expanded I'llllglnfllilfllh fl Hillel‘ GXIJOI“ stead of deteriorating with agait actually °' All P1‘iCGS j The G matte has secured the right t0 limQP-z-l'nd a more prol'oiind knowledge (Pf becomes harder,’ until at last it {ormil ’ .' publish t'ie International Sunla v ‘Ceiiool t 1e lill)l0|fl.ii(l, 0t llto’ ‘50 all who take this ' part Of the wall itself. b t 1 , . .1 b 11.1,, [ii “rip-is by tli\ ii. ,7 "1),. Lin COUPs'f, \viictlier winning any other prize ll 01'1 y 02y.E.QUALI'1Yâ€"t 1e est. -_ .e.1.i \.~)'~.\l l~ Q . J. . .â€" ()l'lil'. - ,2 s-ntt, \vnicn have ai'ouied s') urich in- . .,(_‘_ , _ ALABAS E ENE 6 _. wrest elsewhere, and they will appear . “fwd medal WI“ .1)? suitably engraved, i <= -â€"-----. weekly. Om. of these questions‘ each string; the 11111110 ol the winner and lor With its plain tints, suppllBS_8. luxurious wall-covering for the ° week is to be answered in writing‘. and w'mt ht IS awarded, and mdlkc manner m0“ handsome rooms, leaving your walls free from the deli- Ql W BRY N anon these wiswgrs [mus will be ,iwnrip Ouch bible and book \vill be inscribed. rium of wall papers. _ We. Will be glad to tell you more about o J‘ ' A S. 01‘ .91, "i is paocr is also a'llbhorizel to All who can write, and have ideas, are Alabashne, if you Will ask us. Let us show you a. tint card Westo s B . . 1 f . 7.! e}; , . , _ , . , . . ii s ieiii 01 ha e. , pm“ ,7, Local Newspaper Bible study iii-god to take up these studies regard- and cutting 0f wood With 55 coats 0n. .‘ . Club for its readers, and guarantees to css of the degree of their education, as , Z , if‘ T. the papers are not ‘valued from an cdu- VOOOOOOOOOOOMOQQOO Q‘ T all who join‘ and i'nllil the conditions, Fen SALE BY JOS. HEARD. .4...:.>.;:_.;;.11y.».-_eu..,e ._ 1 __ _. 7 - 1 ,,_ ‘3'53 _-_;'. 3. -. ._.':_. '3: '- ,,â€".7_ _ ..___,, lY-Fli. plainezl, to qualify for the prizes. 1t is, however, desirable that the questions be answered as the lessons are. studied. International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had iis origin last year at Brantfoi-d, Ont., is for the purâ€" Jose of pro-hinting‘, in an in-iil'ettered way innong the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enterinto every man's life. 1t iscomeposcd of‘ all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained clergymen. \Ve- have the sympathetic co-operatioia of the latter, but it is not considered fair to- have them compete. for the prizes. Sunday Shool that everything her-gin promised shall be cational or literary standpoint, but from , 3,, faithfully carried out. the point ‘of’ view oftiie cogei'icy of their - -~ -â€"- - 1 ~ .. l q Persons may join the club at any time reasoned ideas. It is a beautiful custom to speak of ' " during‘ the year, but must, of course, _‘_‘ ' the good! deeds 0f the dead, and it is f‘ answer the 52 questions hereinafter e.\'- , Aeneas and Dorcas. Acts 9 23-1-43. well kept up ; but is there not almost 11 43 wr€ I‘ ' / l I“ i1-3 teachers, Bible c-lasszscholars, and church goers generally may. belong to this news- paper club, also- non-churehgoers of all shades-0.15 opinion; All such are warmly invited to, join and compete" for the prizes.._ . CONDITIONS OF TlIl'l’ CONTEST; l‘. Each contestant, or his ore her fain- iily, must be a paid-up subscriber to this paper during the continuance of the con- test in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible $tiidy Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each-of the written ques- tions for 5'2. consecutive weeks, coine- mcneing for Suml'ay, .luly Nth, and‘ the. answers must all be in the possession. 0L his paper within ftwo weeks iti'llOll'tllD close oi’ the contest. q 3. Each question must be‘ answered separately; and the paper written on one side only. No answer in-ust exceed7200e words, and may be less. If‘ possible, write on letter paper, size- about 8.1.- by lei inches. Golden ’l‘ext.~-And Peter said unto him‘: Aeneas, Jesus Christ makelh thee whole, arise. and make tli-y bed. And lie arose immediately. Acts 9 :31. Verse 311.â€"â€"Do darkness and light, lighting and victory, sorrow and joy, persecution and “rest†alternate and enter into every normal Christian life to-duy, as in the Christian Community in the beginning ? When a church wall-rs in “the fear of G'od†and “the comfort of the ‘Holy- Spirit, "is it always multipliedi ?' Verse {iii-Was there» any institution, in the Apostolic age, to correspond with our settled pastorate ? if preachers were to follow the Ape- os-tlic plan, of “ passing throughout all quaters," would the ï¬nal‘- conquest ‘of the world be hastened; ‘B To whom. did the name of “saint "' ap- ply, iin those days, and sliou-ld' we con- tin'ue the use of it in these days ? Verses 33, 3+1.-â€"l's all sickness of the Devil? . Docs not God take away most people. to heaven through sickness ? What proportion of sickness is avoid- ablc ? Are we to assume-that God wants to cure evciiylmdiy from their sickness, the sameas. he d'oes from their sin '2‘ Was Aeneas cured through his- own faith, or by the poweirof and. pleasure oli G'od, without faith '2 What is- the difference in this cure- and modern faith healing; methods ?' Is Gendfs; ideal. for us, sickness or heal th. 2; Docs G'od' cure some people to-day in a similar way to the cure of this man-'3 Is faith for the cure of sickness a special gift of God, and we are not in- structed that God will cure the sick in criminal neglect in. speaking of the ge'iod ,qn iiiiniii deeds of the living? (This question must be answered in writing by meni- bci's of the. club. ) - in praying that the (lend be raised ? Why did God raise the dead in those,1 and not in these, days ? What great purpose has: the in-i'r- l'S-iabOilll'i liO aculous age served ‘2 Even. if these miracles should prove to lie but legends, will it affect, one iota, any essential truth of Christianity ?‘ Lesson for Sunday, Mare-1i. 21,, 1909.:- Review. new of Canada. of the- liitltil. Verses elO-ei23.-â€"ls there any use to-day The Bell @Ulephone GO. =1)ilal')~ll'h‘-ll- a new issue We carry a large and welt selected stock. Our prices are. as low as you will ï¬nd any-7 éwhere. Oiiicial Telephone Directory ' It Pays ‘ ._7.i' [answer the law), when a subsei'ilieii; does for the District of Central On- : tario, including the Teachersof ripe scliol'ar- To keep your watch in goodl i ship, wide teaching and ' business experience in leading C a n a d i a n and American c e n t r e s, ein- ployed by ‘our chain of High-Grade Colleges, have built up a superior, iiiiapproaclicd curricii-lizin. Eacliystudenl! is instructed private- ly at his own desk. We assist our graduates to the best positions. ' Three courses-â€"Comniereial, Stenc- grn pli y and 'l‘elegrapliy. Mail Courses. Entcrany'day. i Write for particulars. ' ' Parnassus Insiness entrees. i Gno. Sror'ron, Principal- mm“ NEWSPAPER LAW. l‘. A post-master is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper does noi \lllllllii ill‘ lillilllll lllLiS. ‘Orders. for new connections, , changes of ï¬rm names, change es of street addresses, or for 1 duplicate entries should be handed in at once to. DI Gauid, %II Du.’ Local Manager. order. If it needs cleaning; or repairing bring it here. f iOl-IN SLATER‘, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT DOOR‘ TO POST-OFFICE, EEN'ELDN FALLS... iie-a l :-. not take his paper out ol' the olii'ce, and slate the reasons for. its.not.~ being iiiken a [5.‘1~ 7; ‘.1. ,. ~.~ answer to such faith ? Verse iii-When God does cure some "Exit-szeegptwsiefsgflssén-z. ;; " D'oenï¬. ï¬lmet- tli at I. have Any neglect. todo. so makes the postmaster 3, 4. Each answer must have tlie- name responsible- Lo tlic- publisher;l'oripayincnt7, 1 mï¬rfédm“:;1zrswhmt:‘mZKQAL'yfle 1 11.7‘.- i I 7 Q'llllllilill‘C;SS-Of'tlLO.g\'l’ll3L51‘}Ilt t'hlc liit>_tiP°'{l' eases of noted sickness, what are the 1 , . d‘ . ' Q,- the answer», so i_-_ can ‘ye- iicu i IC( , results in this community ‘g 2e, lei‘ any person orc crsiiii-gkmper ‘iscon- . , i 3;, ï¬JZSiE; ©115in e, iflaglm. ‘1.? l illni y given a number», registercdhand then the If tho Church should have the power- tinned he Um“ WW7 all. “Ye-"P395, 01‘ U"? ‘lg 6.; a.1’e- Show'lllgi,‘ _ _\__, -.. _ . d. g†r! f, 011 ‘(I :1 . “ i‘ ,5 name cut oil‘ so the) Okiellnlllel‘ may know restored of healing sickness, would that IlllbllSllel‘ may. “Weilmle “1) selld it lmlll - ‘ ampere ‘ b0 do e8 the. .i 111 . 1,; I.‘ l)*iiiiinlJeDr'onl-‘L, , . ,- z . ‘ -. ~' 7, ? aiinent is made midi colect the whole, . ~ I t _°‘ ._ " 1 ' - - vi 3 produce a peiminint ic\i\ il P b some ï¬ne. 111168.‘ i Shls. 11:116 111 the 881] style ,, , 5. Students shonlr'rbe careful to under- Stand the quest i'one before answering. To do this-the lessoulcxt must be read, and especially the verse or verses upon which the quest-ion. is. based. l3, The. answers for- tliis local‘ club must be delivered-at lliiiez.oiliee-. and-they Verses 35-36.â€" is it as a i-ulc possible for a Christian to live without dieing‘ good ? - How do you classify tllOSGe vho con- tent themselves with going to church and prayer meeting, and talking- and praying. are not following Jesusin. “g0- ing about doing good '3 amount whether- tlie paper. is. taken from the oliiec OX‘; not. There can be no legal disconiinimnce until-the payment is made. . 3. Any. poi-son who takes a, paper from the pust'eoili'ce, whether directed to his n'iinie or, another-,0: whether he has sub- ‘ scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. f 4. Ll‘ a snbscriheuorders. his; paper to be , stopped atacertain time and the publisher ' also. toe make of Furniture at; SASE-l very reasonable. W339] E39 % S . prices-u C'all, and; ‘1.... -v-é -_se_~=¢ we; {We .,\ :_~'Q7l‘\' u' Why did God permit Dorcasto die ‘g. Why docs God sonictimespermit those Your patronage solicited‘. will be collated at the. closeof'tlie con- test and fore.v-.irded to headlined-(met; fore continues to send it, rhe subscribenis bound . . . .. ' . . ... - ‘ ~ I - - lo payfpiiit iflie takesit from the. post- . 0, - indent OLdlll-lllilliiï¬li b-_\ com yetent t0 (lle upon_ “ l1" ll so ‘ï¬lm-41 depends - _ . ‘_ gillitifiwdg. Thee prizes- will‘; Mile-,3†be, the bread-Winner of the. tamily, the. office. This proceeds upon-tlieground that _ inspect... -â€"'-' , blinded‘niecoi-dinfl-fo- the liigliest-num- mother of little children, tltc- pillar in, amen must pay. forwhat he uses, . ‘i " ‘ U L 5. courts have decided that. refusmg her of marks~ won. by members of the ' the (PLWECIB 01‘ the “ Dorcas.†ill."illlQ-Q0l11r- . . . 77 - , .7- mum y. - International. Newspaper .l)ll)le bLudy ‘ _ _ _ ~ Club, and‘ prizes which may be awarded Verse 39.~â€"Should a. Christiane ai-svays- . , e this I 0,331 Club will be 1 be ready to g0 to the home of sorrowatg, gxitiiindlilylfsrglln. this oilicea ' render help andiinpart comfort ‘2; to take newspapers and periodicals from g1.’ the post-office, or removing and leaving ‘ ) “them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence ~ e3 of intentionnal fraud.‘ I m. i1. DEYMAN a sou... mamanhemiarkévs'“ 1:1. .-'l wwmammw'mxzaamflmzrmx ETM§Y 1195.; mane.