Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Dec 1908, p. 8

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We extend our thanks for the liberal patronage we have enjoyed during the past year and Wish everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. - 1 a ~ $5 . .Io'q; ' I ' ~ - - i . ',.- - 2' a it) - ‘ “a We: We call your special attention to the following departments. Xmas Gifts for lt'ien and Boys.‘ China and Class- IDAINTY LINEN$ ware. HANDKERei-nsrs. and Art Goods. Children's Picture Ilandker- 3 chiefs, selling at 50., 4c. and. . . . e Ladies Plain Hemstitehed, scl- 3 ling at 150., 100., 50. and ........ e. Ladies’ or Boys’ Excelda Handkerchiefs, plain or colored borders, selling at 15c. and .................... 1&0. Ladies’ Lace Edge and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, special values at 5 250., 200., 150., 100. and ........ 0. Ladies’ Silk Handkerchiefs, plain and fan- cy, in colors and white selling at 500., 400., 35c. and . ., ........ 20$. 250. Children's Handkerchiefs in l fancy boxes, selling at 25c. and I Ladies Handkerchiefs in fancy Fanchapanese Dailies, Tene- riff designs, at 500., 400., 250.,and Battenberg Dailies and Centre Pieces, selling at 790., 500., 390, 150. 25c. 30c. Fancy Embroidered 5-piece DoilyiSets, selling at per set.. Fringed Doilies in white only, 56 _ selling at 100., 80. and ..... L.‘ . . . Linen Tray Cloths, different 39 sizes, selling at. $1.25 down to. . c > I .I‘ I Linen Dresser and Side Board Scarls, selling-at 85c. do'wn' to.'. 4QQ. Muslin and Linen Shams and Table Cov- ers, nicely embroidered, selling 35 at $1.25 down to .............. a. Water or Lemonade Sets, fancy decorted glass, 7 pieces, selling at $4.00 $2 an down to ........... . .......... '. _ - Table Sets in glass 0r china, $1 25 selling at $2.50down t0 ........ -» I Biscuit Jars in China andgla'Ss‘ , 65 selling at $2.00 down t0 ....... c. Vases, small and large sizes, very hand- somely decorated, selling at 25 $1.00 down to .................. @- China Butter Dishes, selling 59 _ . 0. at 600. and .................... Fancy Cake Plates and Salad Bowls, selling at 750. down to. . 25%. Fancy Cups and Saucers in different sizes, selling at 500. down 1- 15 to @- Faney China Sugar Bowls sel- ling at 25c. and ................ Men's Braces, light and heavy, selling at 25c and .............. Braces in fancy boxes, selling at 700. and .................... 50a. 15a four-in-hand Boys’ Braces, leather and wor- sted tips, selling at 100. and. . . . ‘Men's Neckwcar, bows, knots, hook-ens and strings, scl- liiig at 150. t0 .................. Mons Handkerchiefs, plain and colors, selling at 50. to. . . . 350. Men's Searfs, Woollen and Silk, selling at 350. to .......... $1 .39 50c. ' 50a. 1550. boxes at )cr box 750. down to $ 7 I I: , ' , _~ I‘! 5:1“. h: ‘ " ,g '..\ it: ‘ 7515:‘.i' _:â€"‘-_ 55.5%..‘ .21.‘? '_-_-r.\ “Alli' 'l' _- ' - > _- ::- (5:7: ‘- I ‘-_ T '1: I. ‘ I L in‘ . I‘ I u f I Miss Irene Giles is home for the holi- il ‘X; if days from the Whitby Ladies’ College. NE S OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD‘ Mr. William Lane, ol' Dysart, was mar- , ried on Wednesday to Miss Isabella . Hutchings of the same township. Mr. Wm. John Cooper, of Kinmount, . . s m, ., . 0 ,1 . .. .. . , , , . Was married on Wednesda Y, in the town- (Concp duet fthc Glzctlc) . (zonesponltncc of: (he Giza/ta’. ship of Hui-burn, to Miss) Annie Watt. Miss JesSie Spence arrived early this Christmas service \vill be held in St. daurrhter 0t‘ Mr and Mrs Jas Watt of ‘week to spend her Christmas holidays Peters church on the evening of Christ- tha?township ' H ' ’ “with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. mas day at 7.30. Friends,adlierents and The Ladies" Aid of the Methodist :Spcnce, at this place. well-wishers of the church are cordially church will give a concert in the town The Christmas Tree held by the Prcs- invited to attend. A special sermon on In“ 0'“ New Year's evening fiayt-erian Sunday SChOOI, in the church the Incarnation will be delivered by the ‘ ' O. here on Tuesday evening was quite a Rector. isuecess. We hope the young man who worked :so hard last Sunday night did not have is. very big bet up. J‘? Rosedale. Bury's Green. D0 you want a suit or overcoat for 0-0 District Notes. Baddow- Mr. William Harrison, of Anson town- ship, had one of his toes cut completely off while working iii the Gull River Lum- ber Co's camp north of Minden last week. "(OOI'TE-onndwcp (,f the Gazette.) "Section ho. 7,'o‘f‘the- Outauo-llicc _di- still very ill. » _ g _ _ y ision of the Picnt Canal, extending M _ M C‘ q, l t7 _t . l Great preparations are being made in from .R-ice Lake to Heeley's Falls, a dis- b Is’ , c M" an; Oh a} “gulf h: num- Enaii'y homes for Christmas, a time which tance of about 20 miles, has been let to er 0f younglpeop e 0." i’ Oh 1'5 ev cning $69th t0 be the happiest 05 the year Mr. Randolph McDonald, of Toronto. and ayxery p easgilnt timle ‘was spent. Some fine specimens of Christmas cake Only two sections of the Ontario-Rice Mr. V' J‘ GOO‘ 13"‘ hid a ‘(fiy suc- lhave been made, "ha i" some hOthS 11 Lake division now remain to be lct. cesstul §13 00h"; match Phi-S finer}. D {plum pudding will be made for the great The first clociflic locomotive ever If“? filllhlllhllggltb 1$llsltlhs at 0h- theme-coming “'hiCh is customary 0h the built in Can-id'tlwu'as turned out by the g0 J't us wee h - ' . . . * ' Miss A. Breaw, of Coboconii, is spend- ‘.‘25lh of December. C V. - - . . . . . ,_ _ anada General Electric works. It has 1,," Christmas liolida .S Wm, \lrs. Good- Wednesday, the 30th’ “"1 be the date gone to Shawenegan Falls, Que, where 11,3,(1. 5 l i for the annual school meetin". - - , . . . _. _ . There is still 1 qcu-citvnof “th. in lb “"11 be used. It’ weighs 11H3y 51x tons. Mr. Robert Butler and Miss Ruby, of .. . ‘ I ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' - The Bell Teleihone Co. inauflurated Woodville s>eiit a few da 's in Baddow grillilihvschlslis'iiiiil. sstg'ctfil: 1:23 still-0303:3155 [1(0 the “central enei'gy ., system ih Lindsay this week.’ l ‘ 3 estiblislied and theiougl ly ieli-ible . _ , 4 i ( i s t ‘. 1 . ‘ . __ . ‘ - ‘ I . > 1. -' l ' . l ' t ' ‘ can't be had for love or money. Farm- Oh‘ mutt“; Last. . rth.‘s ‘system does . hh'.(:’hNStpph(h W‘1'_ts?h’_ Pf Manitoba, school. Winter term begins January crs should try raising more fall wheat, away “it i the _ indivulual telephone is ViSIting his biotheis icic. _ _ 4th. Catalogue free. British Ain- as it is possible for a farmer to harvest users having to ring bells to call central We are sorry to hear Miss Lillian Jor- erican Business College Y M C A or “ring oft.”- dan,teachcr of No. 4-, Baddow, is leaving Building Toronto a ’ . ' ‘ ' ‘l u 7 ' a greater bulk of fall wheat straw per _ _ _ acre than 0i‘ barley or oats. Sow lots of St. Mary's Roman Catholic church at f0? her home m Lindsay. My“ {lOldflli W“...- ‘ \vill be greatly missed, both in Sunday Winter ? (Correspon dencc of the anctfe.) We are pleased to hear Mrs. Walter Butler is improving. Mrs. Hawkins, of Woodville, is spend- ing a few days with her father, who is you. $ZJ~ ' fl‘ '~ h& r . 5-.‘0-- Powles' Corners. TOWNLEY sacs. s a‘ “WWWWWFWIW Wanafliinawwnwar wwawwwwwwvgé ii E" E s g It so, try us, we can suit g Eli Er - 5' E P uuaiiniiiz ciiiiuiiqu is mailed free on request. Write for it if you have any notion of a College course. CENTRAL BUSINESS Contact, Tonox'ro. W. ll. SHAW, Pres. E. R. SHAW. Sec. YQUB COURSE ‘mi in Shorthand 0r Business will bring you best results if taken at our old It o I i everything except \vild oats. Lindsay was badly damaged by fire on _ _ _ ., _ ‘ ‘ i Mr. W. 11. Cillis intends selling his Monday night. The vestry was COmple- Selilool aizld lill ‘thelmeil'llOdlle choii. She â€"_-_"* i farm stock and implements about the toly gutted, andnuany 0t the valuable mac e ma y llOllLS \\ ii c ieie. ‘grim x“! 1m anesthesia mmmmmu an; Jainismqiil'" 13%. atlasitaatmflnstrata-(Jihngifln flmzmmmflg first of February. ~ prepcrties used iii the church service igfwhk iiimtwwiqgwgpmmwmunmmmr maritime at!“ iwawrnpcwmwrwiqgmm quiliriwlt'iugri 1;, [Everyonehas-been taking advantage were destroyed. The tower suffered i??? v o _ of the Hood sleighing, and the prospect considerably, but the flames were pre- E," ' En t at pi'esaelit is for 'niore snow. vented from reaching the main body of g, r 6 ‘a m ii‘ a 5 m a’ s Mr. Roy Gillis is expected home this the church, which was damaged only by i. week from the North-west. He will re- smoke and water. The firemen had one main until early next spring, when he 0f the hardest times in their history, will return in company with his parents, working from 11 p. m. until S in the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. (iillis. morning before the fire was extinguish- .‘iir. John Dean attended the Winter ed. The loss will probably be iii the Fair at Guelph, and brought back a good neighborhood 0i’ $5.030- report. "fir ‘ "qu “wniwmaniamal “smear 101W i iii. We generally make many new @éi’ friends. We do it by showing an unusdally complete assort- "B inciit of the seasonable is’? slit FllitCY GP'DCERIES. gig. We take particular care not to ‘it? adiiit anything that isn't the 05; very highest; grade. Then we A?!’ make prices right, so that you ‘ can buy all you want and still i have money left for il't § making. We are ready to make ‘it? your acquaintance and earn it? w Notice is hereby given that a. Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario A. fire in which eleven horses and a Voters’ Lists i‘ ct, by l-Iis Honor the A 1%‘th comes fl'mh Cameron 0f SOV- cow were burned to death is reported Judge of the C0: nty Court of the County eral farmers who ha V0 10% {10039, tlll'h- from the Miekle camps at llollow Lake. of Victoria, in Twoiney's Hall, Feiielon evs and hens. Farmers who have a lot The 111.0 occurred 0n Sunday the 0th ol' fowl should keep a lock on the door. inst. Misses Myrtle and Hazel Powles and i N. C. Hart went outato Linden Valley on Monday night to attend the Christmas tree, which was held at that place. Some oi‘ our citizens drove down to Falls, on Saturday, January 2nd, 1909, at 3 o’0lock p. m., to hear and determine _"_"' the several complaints of errors and (Chr'wpon'khw Qfehe mum") omissions in the ‘Voters’ List of the Mr. Mills, wil'e and children have gone Municipality of Fenolon Falls for the â€"_â€"-_~_- - .-__ Haliburton :iifim flit airs with: with: 3% flannfin. :irTEcz rm“: ‘rim’ 4"5' Feiieiull Falls 0h Monday h'ght tolattend on a visit to friends in Lindsav, Oniemee year 1,903. . your friendship right now. " the 5 al\'at-i..n i\.i'i'\l.\‘.b"l'f~‘1h,‘“” Muft- _ l and Lillord, where they intend to spend All lJGPSOllS having‘ hhShIQSS “h the i ' égfi Mrs. i_). tilflstlull. is visiting i-ela l\ cs _ their Christmas holidays. Court are requested to attend at the said $9 N & $6M é?’ ht Bel'hhv and “'lu be away {or two] .\lr. Joseph Pauli is payinga visit. to time and place. n E; RQQSC ' 1 months.“ _ __ ‘1 ll w? the l fi-impp; in ppfmqmrough this week. Dated this 24th day otDccembcr,1008. 555 . a? \\ 0 “'Hh the 011mm an. sta. L l Mrs. Win. Specrs,ol' town, is visiting W. T. JUNKIN. 57$?- hkhfiltkhtwhgzfi M ‘ “ "“"-"-‘-". HJIV _ . _. 6”‘th A A!“ L‘) Munch!“ ind a H I!‘ 1111‘ 50hr’ JUhh “110 RUh-‘l-‘b, 0t Foronto. Ciel-k of Fcneloii Falls. l New Year. l

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