Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Dec 1908, p. 6

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R'k < ‘if ‘a. v ' force.” .>~. ' - NEWS urwunr _.___- . . nus.‘ n. r. nicnanns TELLS now rooms mossy PILLS crane HER. ,_--- Alter Suffering for Twenty-eight Years From Pains and Weakness and Sleeplessness~llodd’s' Kil- ney Pills the (luly Medicine. She Wants. Cottle’s Cove, Notre Dame Bay, >Nfid., Dec. 21 (Special). â€"- Grand news for suffering women is that being scattered broadcast by Mrs. ' Elizabeth P. Richards of this place. For years she suffered from that terrible weakness and those agoniZ» ing pains so many women know. She has found relief in Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills and she wants all suffer~ ing women to know it. “For twenty-eight years,” says Mrs. Richards, “I suffered from Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and Neuralgia. I got so weak I could. not do my housework. out of the question except for a few minutes at a time. My back ached so I could not sleep. I tried all kinds of medicine and had come to the conclusion there was no cure for me, when reading advertise- ments led me to try Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills. I now sleep well and rise refreshed every morning. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are all the medicine I want.” The woman who has healthy Kid- neys will never know the pains and weakness that make life hardly worth living. Dodd’s Kidney Pills always make healthy. Kidneys. AG...“- wnrsflrou'rnn wrsn. Why should one razor be a treas- ure, and another, made from the same steel, atthe same time, be only fit for throwincr away‘! This is one of the questions which are difficult to answer. You may tuy ‘two razors for the same price, ex- actly similar in every respect. One will be a useful servant for years, while the other is a constant source of trouble and. irritation, acting beautifully one day, and scratching and‘ scraping the next. In the same way, one nut will go smooth- ly on, to a bolt. and remain there ‘firm; another,._exactly the same size, will not go on at all. A third ‘will go on all right, and keep com- ing off. One tool will break the ‘first time it is used; another will last for years, and then break sud- denly; while a third will be vorn quite away by hard work causing trouble. Why? It is one of the puzzles to which there would seem to be no satisfaciory answer. UNIQUE orrnn. Have you noticed the remarkable‘ '- offer made by the Manufacturers or Orange Meat“? They promise to the Winner of the first prize the sum of Fifty-two Dollars every year during the lifetime of the winner. This is equal to one dollar per week dur- ing life. Full particulars of this unique offer on a private post card to be found in every package of Orange Meat; Buy one to-day A master, after giving some les- sons on physical force, asked, “Now, boys, can any of you tell me what force it is that moves people along the street l” He was greatly surprised, and the class highly amused, at receiving from one of the boys the unexpected an- swer: “Please, sir, the police , \.,,._ There are a number of varieties of corns. Holloway’s Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your druggist and-get a bottle at once. ' _ “My poor deluded son,” said Mrs. Brohn, shaking her head in the direction of a very fat girl; “so that is the kind of thing he calls a lduck, is it?” “I presume,” re~ ~turned old Brown,‘ smiling misé chlevously, “it is because she ‘addlcs so.” A M39,- “ Hamrluf fie»1>--.r~ _ “mun-ms WP»: Sleep was i BACTERIA FIRE HAY STACK. by Bacterial Incendiary. Spontaneous combustion (is well- known to be the act of micro-organ- isms. The firing of a haystack is nearly always the work of a bacter- ial incendiary. Barns, granaries and spinning works have thus been destroyed by fire owing to the ac- tive oxidizing powers of the, micro- organisms. The carefully gathered crop of cotton or hops may fall to ‘the same destructive agencies. The category may be extended, accord- ing to recent works en the subject. Lven lampblack, charcoal, coal and ‘Buildings With Contents Destroyed peat are found to be really oxidiz- ed by a common organism of the soil, a fact which may ultimately establish that after all the micro- organism may account for the spon- taneous heating of coal, for the aw- ful'disasters of the coal mine. In human history there have been sev- eral appalling disasters arising out of great conflagrations, the origin of which has remained undiscover- ed. It is thus possible that the tiny, minute organism has been guilty of unlocking vast pent-up forces. â€"- London Lancet. q. AN EVELESS EDEN. On the borders between China and Russia/in Asia, almost due south of Lake Baikal, is a good-siz- ed town known as Marinatchin, which is exclusively inhabitedby men. The place has a considerable trade and is also a military post. An old law forbids women to live in this territory. Lady Visitor (who is being enter- tained by Tommy): “And who are you named after, my little man 'l” Tommy: “Dunno.” Lady Visit- or: “After your papa, I suppose. What is his name, dear 'l” Tom-- Lady Visitor: ‘ What does your mam- Tommy (prompt- my: “Dunno.” “Nonsense! ma call him 'l” ly): “Donkey.” A . Pleasant Medicine-There are some pills which have no other pur~ pose evidently than to beget pain- ful internal disturbances in the pa- tient, adding to his troubles anci perplexities rather than diminish-t ing them. One might as well swal- low some corrosive material. Par- melee’s Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious pro- perty. ‘They are easy to take, are their action is mild and soothing.I A trial of them Wlll prove this. w» J>.!wm..flkmnv-m-<xm~~n mawwm - at.“ a...“ .._._..‘....-_.¢-.. .._.,.. . not unpleasant to the taste. and isostag. stamp). i‘. ‘er-12sec m. for agents selling our toilet soaps. Lots making $5.00 a. day. Write at nce for full particulars to the GAP SBPPLY 60-, BOX 332, Toront sizes‘- _~ 1-1- ,hffi' 14¢!‘31‘:,3.'=_11fld.‘ , O s, o . ' ' “AM-asses .§%i§'*3‘3!a NOAH’ S ARK. One of. the most curious and in- teresting undertakings has just been completed in Denmark-â€"the building of a vessel modelled upon the lines of Noalfs Ark, as describ- ed in Genesis. The vessel as built is 30 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 3 feet deep-â€"these ,measurements be- ing one-tenth of those given in the Bible. When launched a few weeks ago the ship proved itself very sea- worthy. - NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we hear much now-a-days, and it is com- forting to know that there are plac- es specially equipped and located for combating this phase of modern life. On the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway System, at St. Oath- arines, Ontario, are located the curative Saline Springs known‘ as the “St. Catharines Well.” Con- nected with the Springs is “The Welland,” where treatments for nervous prostration, rheumatism, etc., are given by skilled attend- ants in chargclof a resident physi- cian. l St. Catharines is the mildest pointiin Canada during the winter months. For further information and all particulars apply to J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ONE SIGN. Said Hie-â€"“Young Smythe and Miss Browne are evidently in love with each other.” Said Shoâ€"“Judging by the way they look at each other.” Said Heâ€"“No; judging by the way they don’t look at anybody else.” A ‘Normans Sympathy Are you discouraged? ls your doctor's ‘blll a heavy financial loud? Is your pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women-I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will 1f you will assist me. All you need do ls to write for a free box of'tlie remedy which. has been placed in my hands to be given away. Perl-laps this one box will cure you-it has done so for others. If so, I shall be happy and 'ou will be cured for 2c (the cost of a. Your letters held confi- dentially. ~Write to-clay for my free treat- ment. MRS.‘F. E CURRAH, ‘Windsor, Ont. One day an Irishman was 'askedl to come to work an In one 0f the great houses in the than usual. This he promised to Next morning he was an hour “Shure, sor, I should have as I West-end of London there was aldo. o'lnner and reception. Aft-er a while i late. the maid was called, and the Inis- been ‘no good if Oi’d come, ‘They offer peace to the dyspeptic. Itress said: “Serve , the dinnerywas fast asleep.” there is no one else to come, except a relation of llttlc importance.” announced in a loud tone :â€"“The' l l l relation of little importance l” i We Hake the Emphatle Statement that “The D ii: L ” Menthol Plaster will do more to relieve neuralgia. lame back, lumbago and kindred troubles than any other plaster. 250 tins and $1 yd. rolls. All druggists. l “Come, Willie,” said his mother, “dent be so selfish. tle brother play with your marbles‘ awhile.” -“.But,” protested Wil- lie, “he means to keep them al- ways,” ‘(Olll I think not.” uI think yes. ’Cause he’s swallowed two o’ them already.” Let your lit- To discern and deal immediately with causes and overcome them, rather than to battle with effects after the disease has secured a. lodgmeut, is‘ the chief aim of the medical man, and Bickle’s Anti- Consumptive Syrup is the result of patient study along this particu- lar line. At the first appearanc l of a cold the Syrup will he found 3,! most efficient remedy, arresting (18-! velopment and speedily healing the affect-ed parts, so that the ailment, \ disappears. ROYAL TOBACCO-TAKER S. King Edward’s fondness for a ci- gar is well known; but when with a few intimate friends, he not in- frequently indulges in a briar pipe. His liking for tobacco is shared by nearly every reigning monarch in Europe. Ills nephew, the German Emperor. was at one time a con- firmed pipe-smoker; but, as he was advised by his doctors to give up the habit, he now confines himself to cigarettes, generally throwing them away when half finished. The King of the Belgians likes cigars; while the Emperor of Austria pre- fers his pipe. The Sultan of Turkey delights in the cigarette, as does the Tsar, who gets through at least thirty of them a day. One or two during the same time satisfy. the King of Italy. The King of Spain is a heavy cigarette consumer, us- ing a long amber holder for the pur- pose. la cigar. Occasionally, too, he smokes .ha-ir done up . . . l Gr at Things Ilrom Little Causes be slight, a cold, something eaten. or drunk, anxiety, worry, or some other simple cause. But if precau- tions be not taken, this simple cause may have most serious con- sequences. Many a chronically dc- bilitated constitution to-day ‘owes its destruction to simple causes not dealt with in time. Keep the diges- tive apparatus in healthy condition and all will be well. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the purpose. Brown-â€"“What’s wrong? You seem worrict .” Jackson-â€"“I am. I wrote two notes-one to my broker, asking him if he took me for a fool, ing her if she would be mine. While l was out somebody telephoned, ‘Yes,’ and I don’t know which of] ’cm it was.” By Brlblng the Nerves wltlroplum you may stop a. cough, but tho inflammation goes mm but to worse. Allen's Lung Balsam, containing :1.) upturn, goos- to the root of the trouble and cure.) (loop-seated alfoctions of throat and lungs. Five minutes afterwards the maid~G1'0w.â€"~It takes very little to de-I range the stomach. The cause may, hour earlier .‘tlcmmfia' ‘new INTEREST ON Alli) GWE WU Atll “we ‘net-:11»: giving us one week’s We pay our interest on iil'ifi ‘I. Y "u *qun ‘immerses... . .w .l-m Nit?“- l3." v ., Belng the largest tetanu- taeturers or high-class Furs in Ganada we, can allow to pay ) l“: " 13:?5iltisill'lf j ¢ ‘Elie sellers lleug ‘ "_ The only pianos with 'l‘ Repealing Action. “In-â€"- â€"qmn llaser - sharpener. Do not throw away your mono in buying a new Razor because your old one 'will not work, but buy r. cake of our “Perfection Razor Pastel" which will keep your Razor in perfect cutting condition, and with care will last you a lifetime. 1f your Hardware or Drug Dealer duos not handle this, send us 25c. and we will forward same post-paid cam-ma Hons comeanv; Wawanesa, man. mm‘ :wv.\_<~.~.~.. ,. .. THEN SHELL TELL YOU. “Tell the me,’ ’ said lovesich youth, “what’s the best way to find lout what a woman thinks of you l” legendary “Fountain “Marry her!” replied Peckham, promptly. It Will Prolong Life-â€"De Sota, the Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of Florida, whither he went for the purpose of discovering the of perpetual lyouth,” said to exist in that then and the other to Miss Golding, ask-i I l unknown country. ‘While Dr. Tho- mas’ Eclectric Oil will not perpetu- ate youth, it will remove the bod- ily pains which make the young old before ‘their time and harass‘ the aged into untimely graves. ' She (on the Atlantic liner)â€"â€"“lT-id you observe the great appetite of He- that stout man at dinner?” “Yes; he must be what they call a ’ ' ' '. n ~~ . I, Mary-"Do you think 1t would be‘ SLOMZM M. conceited for me to tell my friends that I made this dress myself?” Edith-“Not conceited, my dearâ€" supei'fluous.” ' Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so nea' at hand? The Police Inspector (to witness): “Why didn’t you go to the help of the prisoner in the fight ‘2” ‘Kit- nos. : “At that stage of the game I didn’t know which of them was going to be the prisoner.” A Sudden Chill often means sudden illness. Painkiller is all that is needed to ward it off. Uneqnallecl for cramps and diarrhoea. Avoid substitutes, there is but one “ Painkiller "â€"Porry Davis’. Our idea of a beautiful woman is one woo looks attractive with her 1n lel curlers-and ‘_ ‘u ‘nu I ‘sue lo tax-11(38- ?‘glvlemo as sunshlno after a storm ls the relic! when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Allen's Lung Balsam. No o ium iu it. Tho good effect lasts. ‘Take a. bottle you this day. ‘ omo with 'rnn nnrnurursmo BARBER. Norway would appear to have made very considerable strides in the English tongue in the last twen- ty years, judgingrfrom a notice that appeared on a barber’s door at the time the Kaiser visited Trondhjem in the ’eighties. It ran as follows: “Important Noddis. Ladysh and Shontlemuns and Beobles. In con- sequents of ze visit ob ze Kaiser Wilhems I hab glosed de biznes on dis ockhasion. Hare cuts and shafes and all usuel Biznes 2 Mor- ro Mornick. Bes our Vaterland. By Order.” “Man,” said the tailor, sadly, “is, we read, made out of dust, but I can’t see how that is so. Dust always settles. Man rarely, does.” ' You can always withdraw your money by Why keep your money on deposit at 3 per cent P WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE , as” ‘ ' WHY DO IT" So many institutions devoted to the higher Echi- cation select Bell pianos? The fact that they use 1nd prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit] One iolloWs professional advice in acquiring ' why not follow professional custom in buying ell pianos 9 Eg'i. _ Send for (free) Catalogue No. 45. The BELL PIANO ‘Ell Organ CO" limited vouu HONEY lhlL BASH SEGURITY semis-a1." ‘awning-‘wind erg raw-.14 -,-.-.sl.fm,v,- -.; ' notice. NO D ELAYS. “1.” the first of each month. ll Far ta, sutures er, Tenors-r0. an education, the lllimilablc Qgicl; . __. ‘3"’? W. I'm". .. . ~__ A- d. Pl? arrears lie {Ts .. l 33-3-5 seer‘: eraser, manure. sleek Brokers 04 financial Agents - and other stocks naught and sold on coinmliwlon. ' (nu-ruipoudeuce invited. Orders may La Wired at l our expense. l new it all; l I ON FARM Puorsarv >6 ‘ll "f At lowest rates. Apply'to [JONES 84 PRGGTGR 5RQ$. . 9 Toronto street, Toronto, cm. sunrises n reuse Cleanlnz sud Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned These can be soot. by post, le per oz. the best place in IRETESii llhlEi'llBAll Eltfiitifi 39. MONTREAL. u w: I" SiaEN F0151’: tees nears "WM-“~- 0 s are laud Ship army 'uu'l obtain lllghezlt price._ Make ' fu l a trial shipment, Catalogue ou applicanon. i inferences. rho Dominion Bank and Commer- | clal agencie l. l ' A- a. s. Pier-ion a 00., l 501 sr. moi. s'r., - mourns“. ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT. i “Preachers are about the only men who can give better satisfac- tion by doing less work,” remarked the thoughtful thinker. ‘ “How do you figure that out?” queried the innocent bystander. l “Short sermons always plea-so,” explained the t. t. nuns. ._ .rry Black Plug The Chewing Tobacco 55.1!‘ ~ ii 133-me I 41114511»: .-‘. - .......,.;M .1 . 11"“ â€"w'r' . . . ,. .efer-z'. .'. "-4; l __ ‘I "L, TT-v

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