Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Dec 1908, p. 5

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111:1:1111101111 NEWSPAPER BltLE STUDY CLUB THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Prizes for .lliswcrs. Tao Gazette has scoured the rioht to publish the International Sunday School Lesson questions by the ltev. Dr. Lin- seott, which have aroused so much i11- terest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week 1s to be answered in waiting, and 111 )011 the 5e a111sw 31's prlzes will be award- ed. This paper is '11so authorized to for.n a Local Newspaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to 111111-111) join and fulfil the conditions, that e1. cry thine; herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. Persons may join the club at any time din-i112; the year, but must, of course, ansrmr the 52 questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify for the prizes. it is, ln'nVchL', desirable that the questions be answer-0.1 as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, Which had its origin last year at l3rantford, Ont., is for the pur- pose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity. and the problems which enterinto ev eiy man's lif1-3. lt- is composed of all those who join a local club and take up the si'nple course outlined herein, barring only ordained clergymen. We have the sympathetic co-o1'1eration of the latter, but it is not considered fair to have them con 1pcte for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church goo rs generally may belong to this new s- paper club, also non-churchgoers of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the prizes. coxmrioxs or Tin-1. cox-Tns'r. 1. Each contestant, or his or her fa 1n- ily, must be a paid-up subscriber to this paper during the continuance of the con- test in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each of the written ques- tions for 52 consecutive weeks, com- 111011cing for Sunday, July 26th, and the answers must all be in the possession of this paper within two weeks after the close of the contest. f3. Each question must be answered 1 separately, and the paper written on one side only. No ans'Wcr must exceed 200 words, and mav be less. If possible 1v1ite onle tter paper, size about 8’, b3 ll inches. and address of the writer at the bottom ol the answer, s') it can be identified, ghen a number, registeied, and then tln n 11ne cut olf so the examiner may knov. it by 1111'nb-'r011ly. 1'). Students should 1).: careful to under stand the question before answering. To do this the lesson text must be read, and especially the verse 'or verses upon which the question is based. I b. The answers for this local club must be delivered at this oilice, and they will be collated at the close of the con- test and forwarded to headquarters for independent examination by competent exami11e1s.The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest num- her of marks won by members of the 1 International Newspaper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club will be g1 ven out from this office. '1‘ In PRIZES. 1.1 irst Series-A gold medal to each of the first live contestants. Second Se1'ics.---A silver medal to each of the next five contestants. Third Series. â€"A teacher s Bible, price \5. 50, to each of the next five contest- ants. l1‘ ourth Series. ~Tl1c book, “ The Heart of Christianity," price $1.50, to each of the next thirty-five contestants. Fifth Series. â€"â€".~l developed mind, an e\'p 111ded i111 1gination, a richer exper- ' iv: 1cc and a 1n- 11'11. profound knowledge of the. Bible and of life, to all who tnake this course, whether winning any other prize or not. Each 111'1d1l will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for 1.1 .11t it is awarded, and in like manner 'eaeh bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, a1 (-1 urged t1t take 11p these studies regard- - less of the degree of their education, as the p. ipers are not valued from an edu- cational or literary s. andpoint, but from tho point of view of the cogen'c_3 of their reasoned ideas. Rev. llr. hill‘;t‘<)fi’i$ll‘.l'2Ҥll\0QIlCSiIlOllS 011 the S11 :1'1111‘ School lit ssun for llcc. 2.6121, 1903. Review .â€"â€"Rcad Prov.1~l. Golden Tc\t .â€"â€"Ke11.p thy heart vn't-h all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Prov. iv: 2L3. A profitable revic '-.v of thi1 last twehc lcs ons 111113 be hal fro. n the plan which foll 11vs. ltc. 1d each lesson for the term, I: 11d t-lu'n rc1'.1e1t the G lden Te \‘ts, and a: svor one question lrom eaca lesson, as i‘ lil0\\'52 October 4.~â€"l)avid Brings the Ark to Jerusalem. ll Sara. (i. Golden '1'ey."â€"".1.'1ter info his gates with tl1au1.s'11\1n-,a1=.d in o his. courts vs. th prais. 1 l sahu 100: 4- \.|111s1-:s1-lf.-11-'- 1'. 111.11 1s n11. n.) 1-3'111- EY'AJHH) s: (L. :ssin"..| .\,.\n 110.11L'1L111, 111'1‘ .\1~:- 1:1 1:.1111 "1.111 no! s11. 01111 (11,11: a so runsox 11. 1111-. 111:11'11'.‘ \\11._"\1 nails in: (1.11:1 L111 10-4) AA A 1111s1' |.?'1‘ {Chis question must he answered in wrftiu" by members of the club)‘ wzfimw~ ~W October ll. -â€"God's Promise to David. I Chron. \vii. - Golden Text. â€"â€"'I‘hcre hath not failed one w01d of all his good promise. I. Kings, viii : 56. \erses 7-8 .â€"-Is a blacksmith, or ma- chinist, or farmer, or daily laborer, just as dear to the heart 0f God as one who is rich and 1n an exalted position." October 18.-â€"David‘s Kindness to Jon- athan s $011.11. Sam, l.\'. Golden Text â€"Be 3c kind one to an- other, tender- hea1ted, forru 11111‘ one an- other. Eph. iv 32 \111'ses 1l-l3.--Should the State make provision to kce1 J the aged, and all who are not able to support themselves? October 25.â€"Tl1e Joyof Forgiveness. Psalm 32. Golden Text.--Blcsscd is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose s1n is covered. Psalm 22:1 Veises 3- 'l. “Compare two men, one who bushes the v oicc of God 1n his soul, and another who listens to that voice and obeys, and sa3 u h 1t if a113, effect the habits of these men will haveupon the 1e1 1'_"tl1 of their 11\Ls November l.-â€"Absalom Rebels Against David. ll. Sam. xv. Golden 'l‘e.1;t.â€"-l-lonor thy father and thy mother, that thy days m 13 be long1 upon the land that the Lord thy God giveththec. Ex.xx:12. Verse ‘l3. -â€"-May we evpcct to win in any battle if our hearts are filled with fo'.?1r November 8.â€"David Grieves for Absa- lom. ll Sam. xviii. Golden "l‘ext.â€"A foolish son is a grief to his father Prov. xvii: 25. \crsc 3:3.-~Wh.1t can you say for, or a'1'ainst, the pathetic ""1ief of this hea1t- broken father at the LlLath of his worse than u orthless son. " November 15.â€" The Lord our S bephcrd. â€"l’salm 23. Gold-11.11 Text-The- Lord is my Shep- herd ; I shall uot want. Psalm 23: 1. Veise 1â€"Docs scientific iesoareh, and our fuller knowledge of the v ast network of worlds 1n the universe, tend to \1 eakcn or strengthen our faith in God’ s individ- 11 ll love and care for cach person? November 22 â€"Solomon Anointed King. Kings 1: 1-2: l2. Golden Text-~ Know thou the God of thy bother, and serve him with a percht heart and with .1 willing mind. l Chron. K\Vlil2 9. Verse 6â€"â€"Are unusual good looks and ability generally a- help 01' a hindrance to character ? November 29 â€"â€" World's Sunday. ls:.i1h xxviii; l-13. Golden Text â€"I keep under my body anl bring it int-o subjection. l Cor. '11; : 27. ~ Verse 2 â€"Is it possible for a nation of temperance - drinkers to permanently prosper? 4. Each answer must have the name l Dec. 6 Solomon chooses wisdom~l l(i11"siii:'l-15. the beg i'nning of “isdom. ix: ll. Vc1's13323~â€"-\'ill every true Christian P1111 or us I have all the riches and honor that are ' good for him ?. December 13~-S.1lo:11')n dedicates the tnuplo. l Kin 's viii. 0111111111 Text.-â€"l was glad \1 hen they said unto me, let 11s go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122' . 1. Verses l ~11 â€"\\'hat' IS l'he chief insti- tulion of :1 nation, and what is thee nicf duty of man 2' December 20. â€"Solomon' s downfall. I ' Kings xi : 4-13. Golden Text -â€" Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Ex. x): : 3. Verses 6-8 â€"â€"Hundrcds of strong, brainy men are serving long terms in peniten- tiaries ; what proportion of them would Lesson for Sunday, Jan. 3, 1909-le Ascension of our Lord. Acts i : 1-1-1. I4] S T 12. AIS’ COLT. Came 0:1 to the premises of the under- signed, lot ‘2.7, c.111.7,l1Lnelon,-on Decem- ber l2l.,l. 1l98,oneb:-13' gelding Colt, with white 111:. rks, 2 years old. The. owner can l1a1e him upon proving property and paying charges. THOS. ISAAC, ltosedalc P. O. Fenelon, Dec. 15th, 1908. 46-3*' Professional Cards. LEGAL. 1.1‘. 11'. 1111911111111). 11111118111111, SOI.lClTOR,Ete., rave lon Falls. i opposite Post-office. IE5” Money lo loan 31111 real estate 111. lowest current rates. MoLAUGll LIN, PEEL 81 FULTON P AllRlS'fERS, SOLICITORS AND NOT- ) arics. Ollicrs over Dominion Bank, Lindsay. Branch oilice 0111111 at llobcaygron every Monday. Money to loan at lowest l rates of intrresl. I R23 .\ch.1vcm.1a.K. C. A..\l. Fumes, B. A. .Ias. A. Prat. G. ll. HOPKINS, K. C. BARII'BSTER’, SOLtGl'POR, NOTARY Public, kc. Solicitor for the Bank of: Moulrcnl. Mone3 to loan at terms to sub: borrower. Lindsay, Ont. l MOORE 81. JACKSON; AthlS'fERS, SOLICITORS, Ere. lice, William. street, Lindsay :F. ID, 111901111. Golden '[‘11\'t-â€" he fen" of thL1 Lord is ‘9&3 be there if they had been true to the ' . Christians God ? grams‘ 1115;111r111151r'111131rr1_,,111r Ollicc, Colbornc street if Ovllices, 6 ll illiam sl"ect,..,.1t;}-,;[1:€ 7- O-f- » A. J 1101:5011 @fi ri- 3:11-11:11- sao __ ,3 @@~s=@c-@Qeuewewewewaw We beg t0 extend to our customers and friends our best wishes fora E EJEes'ry fibristrusts and EEepgoy EEe'w Yeas. FOOT 0F KENT STREET, LINDSAY. . . O o sTORM~SAeH AND STORM DCORS. Prepare for the cold weather before it comes Save fuel by making your house snug and tight Order storm doors and sash now. Firsbclar. s Workmanshi D')11’t delay. Reasonable "Prices. FEE-‘35! LEE FALLS ElEilli'lE Edith A. TEE'RS The stores that are bright with silver and gold are not the only ones with Christmas interest. preference to l'ancv nothings. for presents, including Fine English Gallery, Knives, '3 STEWART 1i: O’CO‘I\*N&OR, I) Altl‘ lS'l‘l'lltS, NOTARIES,& l) to lo: 1n at lowcsl euricnt lulcs. L0 suit. hoirowcrs. 11111 York streets, Lindsay. l‘. S'rvanr. L. V. 000101011, B. Tc r Whal ll Eusls, and-- The Results; A Kennedy School education does not cast much-$10 a month (less for cash on longer terms). Any g1adn'1tc will earn from $500 to S1, 000 a year. We find the position. ' Send for our booklets. They tell the whole stor '. The Kennedy School, ADELAIDE STRl'Il-I'l‘ EAST, Toronto. 711.1"111 '1'» - ‘1713i fillft . f: A large assortment of illuminated pic;- g; tures. Just tlletlling ,1 for Xmas: presents. iii It will pay you to ii call and. see ‘them if. Furniture Dealers and Under- takers. "lflllf'"! "11”" 111.‘ '"flf aspirin‘ .whsn. buying; Xmas. igresents. Pricesdow, l. Deyman 81, Son, mummmmsmmji .MONEY ms Ollice on comer of Kent A ‘ ‘{4}’;1. im.._..l 1th: flmmiif.‘ 2125s.,mflvr W121. Each year more people are buying useful things for gifts, in We show a wide ran"e ofattraeth e, sensible Hoods Silver 'l'alhrevsare, Sinai s and Sleds, Snow Shoes. rI'llc demand at holiday time is {or goods of first r111alitv,and our policy has always been to get the best, with no room here for auv thing1 in any sense inferior. 11' you want absolute ccr tainty as regards quality and value, this is your store. HEARB, FENELQEE orue street ‘to t l PROFESEETOR. Q F ungy Peeks. Hockey Supplies and rails. ' DENTAL. ~__" Fellelou Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and’ Howl College of Dental Surgeons- ALI. BRANCHES OF. DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. Ol"FlCE:-Ovcr Burgoyne's store, Col- _ DRS. NEELAllDS 81 IRVINE, 1111111151111 Liarsar. Natural teeth preserved. Crown and bridge work a specialty. Splendid fits in artificial teeth. Painlessexlrnction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great success. DEETISTRY.1 on. n A NESBITT, 1.. .,s 1).1)'. s ' Graduate of Royal College of Denta1 Surgeons of Ont-11'io.ilon01 Graduate of Toronto Univmsiry. Three Years practical experience. All modem 1111111111011111111" Ollice over Gun dian Bunk ofi 00111111111ch comer Kent a111l\\iili.1n1street, Lindsay, Ont. Phone 272. FELIX A. NOlt'l HEY, PUBLIC .11'13'1'1011111111. AUCTION EER.~_ Dr. S. J. Slilfis, DENTIST, oéommmwwoooooooooooookoooow \QOO P's-11111 and other sales conducted in iii-sh ' class ord 11 1'. We are continually trying to make our store a most desirable place 1'01 you to do your sl1oppin'1'. Our new all-crystal cases are wor- thy of a visit from you. We would ask your attention to our Xmas Goods including. Books, Fancy Perfunlcs, Brushes. Glove and I~Iundli0r- i chief Cases and Novelties of unally I kinds. ' “ Call- whether 3011 intend bu\ 111g or ' not. ' R0bson’s Drug Store. IFeuelon F11 lls. camoooocoooooooff 395 Eugl This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be piotccted by a good pai: of 111bbe1s. D131 feet axe better than life insurance these (1113 s, and 3ou will be as- smcd of the £01 111131 if you wear a pair of our rubbe1s. All Sizes, All Shapes, All Styles, All Prices, but 01113 on: QUALITY-â€"the best. ‘II-m J. W Buvnns. Weston’ s B'L 11111 for sale. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q 1 1. 40001000011100 )OOOOO 111.1 1:: Don’t forget that I have- a. first class Planer and‘ 8.111;: prepared to' do all work' in. this line in the. best style ,1; also to make: sass anu- Buses: Your patronage: solicited; stun. ‘:1.- 'v' erases 're: , Sven-re dates before adver- 1 \~. Using. Address, Fan-lbu Falls. gag. a fig E l _.--_ _ I‘ (k S'l'El’lll€1.N- OLIVER, __ ‘ I,» 1.. ____ I‘ nunsav - 011'1'. / g. [31111. Sane-k 11.1.1. gmmml 11.1011011891- I'am- once-more onhmnd'vsith‘ a large‘ I. " Write for datesbetort- advertising. and-well seleut-rdlhst'oeit: for: the Xmas: , tr.1de.-X\".1tch-;-s,. Stocks, Watch Chains, ’ .. 1 , . 111.1111 1:11am, “torch! 1'. Stick Pius, 131.1013»- '1 lltHl AS CASH OR I1 lets, Lockets, Cm. Links, Opera. Glasses: . 111:1;1'1'10311-11: 11- - maxi-31.0.1; rams-.- ,1Luflnm-11Lm, etc. etc. . ' ' Sales ofall kinds conductor-lib .1. firsts‘ , 1.1%111151, rightand" prices the lowest.. ,V/ (slatslllhgmor Secure dates hetero ‘ML-‘l Donut L'oiwplele ~.your- gift buying unti'jl 1 I" .1 l r). . 3,0111 have-ydsltcd my stone» w: "m z - Villllf Clilltli'lE llHlFFlllm..- M- stew ' ' 3011.02‘. 458116115113: (pin-.1101. 11-11111 vocal‘) a‘; JO} I’ ' p ‘Dominic-.1 Tier w.- storey: Music. Gol , , . 1 1.. 1 . -., 1311:6111‘ 1sto,1Wh11by Ladies‘ ‘Colleg e. Voice ISSUER Oi‘ MARRIAGF HCFITREU‘ p iand piano pupils accepted. Apply M- NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFJCE.., 1 1)" 7. 1 1 l Q 1'.‘ 1}:ng BLWilsonsitsidencc,or1el1glmé;1 FENELON FALLS». 2:": 1 '46} ' .1 P/ I! ,_, _ ‘1.. .

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