‘~vv‘ï¬va'vï¬'v "-_- . . . .7: .11., ... --Tm 41.... ,.\WI> .J ‘ q I y ( I, ,. . i" \~. (J ‘I 1 I‘. l! i i. l' 7': '1 k. 111 I \‘ s l. 1 ~l ‘i F - -e..->-- reassesssssseses- stakes Ereiting Easy It is much more convenient to do your broiling by lifting this Key Plate, than to. lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room and get the meat directly over the coals. ,Notice the Low \Varming Closet, a special feature of this year’s "Peerless Peninsular†Ranges. Daylight OVen, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Bars, Thermometer in oven“- are only a few of the con- veniences you should ask about. 5'" n. téllséévms-ï¬iWMJ-h _.i\.=h*‘ “ ____.‘ =~.._._._~‘ ~-'__-n_-,. . ‘i5- i Step ln at any time amigoover-thc "Peerless ‘ Peninsular†Ranges; Glad'to-expluln their :_ ‘ï¬gwii d} '1 improvements to you. 72 3 39$. HEARD, FENELON FALLS ‘I'M landlimalllhmilhuulliaranhm: .irllhwiilhmsihulfliu Jillianrllhmilllmrlï¬hudlm m'lllummflmnllliu ï¬beuï¬hunl'lnulllhcï¬lhmilk. E , i 11111111111 of 1 been i l wish to convey to- our many friends our best g t I§M€<~7P¢vrwirï¬12.fliki l 1;? . e l‘ J» J1» 1-, thanks £01? the large business we have enjoyed during ‘ii the year, ouzr trade having been much heavier than. our ‘Y liondlest hopes could have realized. ‘5F *“i 0m: stock will be brinmful of attractions for the h " coming year, and promptness in delivery will ‘be one of Ff’ our special features. ' ' To one and all we wish a very merry Christmas ‘i and happy New Year. g Ed E t l. McFarland. 5 1 '1! 2:55p: app: any:"ngupmtgiiprrqapr 'u:qw:rnwryqy,prnmnr rummmnrmmrnmx ammunmmmr superman nwmupprmgwmw sign-W , Jo re a r s a‘ er a. s ssoeseas. Dent fen to malt-e a1 visit to our store. We have many things appropriate for Christmas giving. 1 Millinery Sold at Reduced Prices. Furs Sold at Reduced Prices. }: Ladies†Mantles Sold at Reduced Price-s. ' New lidea Patterns-400. l‘ ween Fan saw. The undersigned is prepared to dcli ver wood to any part of the village at any , -t,llllG. llard or soft wood 41 feet long or ll 111:1: 111111 COStS a int, 9f 1n®.n.ey_ g} All kimlis 0f green 311d dry “'OOd Therefore take care of the 1 boughtut highciit pricc' waggon you have. If it 46' P3. WHMEEY' needs overhauling or r1- pairing, have it done prom ptl y? can cit properly. Donit let ‘lit go to. rack tlnrougli ‘carelessness. faily facilities for repaiir- ing rcgaiiintiiig and ‘over-- waggons- were All. Work -~ze DEL. ï¬liikflPE, lllfl'llSl‘ TORONTO. will be at the MOARTHUR. l-IOL'SI'I, Fl'lNl'ï¬LON FALLS Wed. and Thurs, Dec. 30111 audiilst, And Wednesday and 'l‘hnrsday of I every alternate week following. Satisfaction assurodâ€"el’lato, (frown and Bridge work a Specialty. rm,“ ‘inter Term Opens Jan. 4 haul ing- rréflzer better; guaranteed; 1': done on a good rrpsterdlate- 1, machine at reasonable i l l __.__. Arrav'ro. now teat-loud the famous ELLIGTT rates. This school stands to-day. withers}. a superilor in the Dominion... Nara-m ly all colleges cla-inu to I.*e:tï¬â€˜a:-l‘+est but claiming to be s11‘; tithes not make them so. Get ecu-catalogue. Road it from eover'to cover. See for your self what this'w-llege is doing and the advantages it offers. W.J.1<Jlli0t.t Principal ‘ con.vo~e:.auo ALEXANDER s'rs. r":- M. raisin-15s 3r.- .x KING. 'Ilhc undersigned is prepared to (lei dressmaking or Sewing. either by the day or work taken home. Goodwerk- npinship : charges reasonable. Apply at re. McArthur's residence. ' .uIss MeDONALJ). i -/i.- i 7 1r l Me's/e “t 38 _ '22:: .. 1| .. . .._. . . , . ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"_"â€" :creascd'from tcn to ï¬fty per cent., it ‘ :prlnti-ng, ., bonus, $54.70 ; W. 'l‘. Robson, for 3 scra- i $2250, J. Wakelin, $2.50, J. Golden $2.50, The Fcnclen Falls Gazette. _____________._â€"__-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" Friday, Dec. 25th, 1908. The Gazette extends to all its readers and friends its best wishes for a. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. â€"____â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Short Courses in Agriculture at Lindsay’ An increasoo't' ten! pet’ cent. in our ag- ricultural products would mean an ad- 'dittion of twenty millions of dollars to the wealth of our province. This, and much more, is possible if improved me: h- eds in seed selections, rotation of crops, live stock breeding, cultivation and uuâ€" derdraining were practiced. Plan flow to come to- Lindsay during the Winter. Como for one month, and if not for a month, at least attend the live days course, beginning on January the twen- ty-sixth and ending January thirtieth. To the average man who is used to thinking in hundreds of dollars, $20,000 l000 may appear large, but. when distrib- uted amony 175,000 farmers, it is a com- paratively insigniï¬cant amount, and might easily be increased to twenty or ï¬fty per cont. This increased precinc- tion will not only mean increased pros- ,perity among the farming classes, but i the ellcct will be felt by all classes, be- cause the rural population of our \Prov- ince comprises met-mo than sixty per cent. of the entire population, and if the spendiing power of the majority is in- will be felt by the whole population». Tm: SGIIOoI.s.--â€"School closed’ for‘ the Christmas holidays on Tuesday of this week, and will reopen on‘: Monday, Jan. y 4th, 1909. S'r. AnnmawsC'uu'ucn'.â€"Spceial Christ- mas sermons will be preached on Sunday next‘ in- St. Andrew's church. Special music; the evening. Smrs- Tarn Ho'ncn.â€"â€"All Skips who wish to play their regular rinks on Christmas Day will please leave word with the Secretary, and the managing committee will endeavour to arrange games accordingly. A Hunau1m\\'.v.-Tl:e evening train on Wednesday did not reach the Falls until after 7 o'clock, having been delayed for over two hours at Fell‘s station owing to tho breaking of some part of the en- gine. Another engine‘ hard‘ to be‘ sent up from Lindsay to take the train through. A Gunafr Success-Jrhe basket social held at Foll's school house on the 'llth inst. was one of the most successful of its kind ever held in that neighborhood. Over three hundred people Were present and the trustees of the school have about 1i $70 at their disposal as a result of the social. Cnmsrnas SERVICES.-â€"~The annual fesâ€" tival of Christmas will be observed as i Tlï¬t'mdi iim: St. Jia'mcs' Church oni Christmas Day (Friday, the 25th), at 10.30 a. nr. 1 Special music will be rendered by the choir; sermon by the Rector, and Holy Communion. The Christmas music will be repeated‘ the following Sunday. 1 Auction SM.F..-â€"On Tuesday. January ‘ Fcnelon, will hold an auction sale of his stands to reason that such prosperity FM,“ Mr. John Sutton, of‘ n11: .30’ con. 8, S'omerville Council. Burnt. River, December 15th, 1903. Council met pursuant to statute, all the members present, the recve in} the chair. The minutes of last meeting-“ere read and conï¬rmed. Mr. Neiili Wilson addres- scd the council noabonus for wire fence. The treasurer.r submitted the ï¬nancial statement. " .. ' 'arcw-â€"Fcll,â€"That the ï¬nancialstaite‘ mcnt be accepted, and that 100 copies be printed for distribution. farm stock and implementspall of which must be soldt.ao=hc is going west. The list is particularly interesting; as it in’- cludes 91 number of registered Durham lczrttlle, besides some extra good horses. ' Mr. Thos. Cashorc will be the auctioneer. BASKET Socmh.â€"â€"A basket social under the auspiccsof L. O. L. 1410, North Vor- ulam, will be held in the Orange i'lï¬ill at Fail-boirn. on the cveniiag: oi‘ Ja-nun ry. 8th. Rev. F‘. Barberf of‘ Bobcaygcon', and Rev. W.H‘1..A. French of Fenelon Falls will give addresses, and a good programme of songs, readings and music'- will be ,rcndcred'. Ladies with baskets from Oarc\vâ€"â€"l-Ioskins-,--â€" That. Bar-Law NeelIAdinission 250., children 150;. Fifteen â€"â€", a by-law to authorise: the loan-1 ing oil's portion of the sinking. fmid, be rendiaml passcd.â€"â€"Ca1rried'. Byslaw read and! passed accordingly. ' (Jarewâ€"Fcll,â€"â€"'l‘hat the following ac- counts be paid. Geo. Train, salary, pos- tage and making ï¬nancial statement, $51.00; J. Brisbin, for bridge contract, . $1000.00, Thos. Bulmer, for work on roadi, i$Â¥lli.25; Felix Northey, for culvert tile, ;$l0.00; The Fenelon. Fall's Gazette, Lindsay Free Press, printing, $721.74}; A- N. Wilson, fence $ 2.00 ; pers and‘ freight, $22.85; Craig and Aus- tin. for plank for Kinmount bridge, $46.34; A Burnett, repairing culvert, $2.00; A. Sinclair, do., $3.00): A. Morri- son, work at Orcgo's. creek, $3.65 ; E. R. ‘liiopl'ti'ns, work on road, $3.00; S. Sud- daby, balance salary, postage and at- tending Board ot' Health, $42.50; Coun- cillors fees and commissions-A. R. Cal- lan, $32.50, S‘. 1t. Carew, $32.00, Jas. Fell, 32.50, Wm. Hoskins $27.50, J. L. Davis, $33.50; members of Board of ILealtli,,a.tteocling meeting-R. A. Uallan, A. Y. I-I0pkins, ‘2.50 ; J. llodgson, messen- ger scarlet fever cases, $12.00; J. l'lor g- son, rent of hall for council meetings SI [.00. Hos-kins-Garew,â€"'l‘hat J. l-Iandley be allowed $15.00 for the use ol‘ his bridge and road across his farm till the road. bridge is ï¬nished. Carew-lloski:1s,~â€"-That $510100 be gram tedl WIW'ilSQn: to spend‘ on the third lilne west of the river. l)avis--â€"Hoskins,â€"â€"That Gee. Train be authorized to pay. ï¬Ã©ve dollars per month fonthe-belzcï¬t of the Johnston family at lCimnount till further provision can be made. Fell--Care\',â€"~That Mr. Martin‘s ac- count for goods supplied Geo. Booth. be mini-ell over for further investigation. Fell~-â€"Carew.â€"-'l‘hat A. Cavanagh be employed to put a boom at the liyrnes line bridge to prevent logs and timber from jamming against the bridge. Fell â€"-l)avis,â€"â€"'l‘hat the council adjourn. M Personals. Miss Bessie‘ Nie is home from Orillia. :‘br the holidays. ing Christmas in Toronto. Mr. Grattan Graham is spending the holidays at his home at the Falls. Mr. Alex. Lord, of Queen's University, Kingston, ()nt., is homo for Xmas. Mrs. J. Patterson, of Toronto, is visit- ing her :nothcr,_ M1135. Wm. Byrnoll, in Fenelon. Miss Alice Nic, of Amasa Wood llospi- tal. St. Thomas, Ont., is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robe and children, of the North-west, are visiting relatives at the Falls. Mr. M. 'l‘. McEachern, of McGill ELLQLL- ical Faculty, er-mtreal, is spending the holidays at the Falls. Mr... George Pearce, of Sask" who has been visiting his old home at the Falls forsome time past, left for- Moose Jaw, - the \uesb on: Saturday last. l Mine. hlï¬lctf'ammon, Mrs. Dr. 61m'rh:cv;. Mess; Butts: and Mr. Arden Butts, of ' Jelloville, Mr- and 1\1 rs. George Jewell- of. lh-acebridgc, and Miss Stella Burgess of Winnipeg, are spending ('lln-istmas at M r. l’. C. Bui:gcssfs,.at.th.e Falls. M- ROI) AND Gun.-â€"’l‘ho New Year number of Rod and (lun appears as bright and , interesting as ever. Whatever inclina- they cannot fail to ï¬nd matter of inter- est inthis number. tion individual sportsmen may fol‘ow,l Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heard are 'ccnts refunded to those’ inrying baskets. Lasr; nu'r Nor L1~:.\s1'.â€"'[‘lielasli Ch rilst- mas tree and entertainment of'the season will be that of the St. James’ Church Sunday school, which will be heldi in Dickson's hall on the evening of‘ Wed"- nesday next, the igood progrannn'e r's being prepared, con- sisting of songs, recitations and two dramas, entitled “ After School, What ? " and “ The Tragedy of the Ton Little Boys." Admission 200. and 100. Every- body welcomc. Sec bills. i Graeme Norns.â€"â€"A new cup. donated ‘ by Messrs. J. H. Brandon and l). J. Mc- Lean, to be known as the Brandon- McLean cup, is to be added to the list for competition between local curlers. It will be for the two-man game-â€"skip and lead vs. second and vice-skip. and the struggle for it ought to prove quite interesting. A. A. Ca:neron,_ A..Tiers=and‘- J. F". Mann, skip. will‘ form an eighth rink. Messrs. M. Haskell and T. Robson are rovers, with equal rank on any rink. PnRan'l‘ATION.â€"'i‘he annual Christmas tree of the Presbyterian church was held last. Tuesday evening in the base- ment 0t‘ the church. During the early part of‘ the evening the children were 1m=en1tcdto a sleigh drive around town, frcihvnning to the church about eight E o'clock lion- reï¬neshments. The one and‘ delighted’ the hearts of the children with his customary generosity. Miss Violette McKendry was then presented with a very handsome jardiniere stand as Sabbath school organist- This pleas- ant snrpise was fewhl'owed by an equally dclightï¬'ut one when M r. Sutherland, on 1beha'lf'of the congregation, presented the past-or, Rev. Mr. Lord. with a handsome fur-lined overcoat. Mr. Lord replied in a few well chosen words, after which the gathering dispersed with hearty cheers. Sonvnnm Nunmcn.--The Petcrborough Daily Emunincr has issued’ a very attrac- tive- souvenir industrial number, from which we copy the following regarding a former resident of" the Fir-.lls :â€"“Among theplaccs of business in Peterborough is one establishment, distinguished from its fellows by the sign of the big key. l-lerc is located one of the most esport workmen in Pctcrborough, and one whose energy and perseverance were suliicicnt- 1y great to establish his business and to carry ‘it on with annually increasing sue- cess. Twenty years ago Mr.T.A. Rednor entered the ranks of Peterborongh busi- ness men as a locksmitlhand sawï¬icr. To-day he has a well appointed SllOputlifll a workroom, modern in its equipment, and guarantees expert work. As an adjunct to'the original business, Mr. fltedner makes the repairing and‘ recov- ering of umbrellas and? the sharpening of carpenters! tools, skates, etc., a specialty. The most outstanding quali- ties of the proprietor of the “ Big Key †are his integrity"perseverance, and the: experienced. knowledge he has of his busiiwssa." ,â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-‘â€"â€"â€"_-'_â€""' DEATEG'ii-EED. 1‘..\wsom-Wnn"rann..â€"0n December 16,. 1908, at St. James!’ Cathedral‘, by the Rev. lanon~ Welch, Evelyn Maude... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El B. Wliytall',. of Fenclon Falls, to-Mr. Geo. Lawson, of‘ Bradford, Ont. RAY~~-F4:\rrru.~-~-,At the Methodist church. Fonelon Falls, by the Rev. WMFL M. Uragg, B. A., H‘. I}, on; ‘\‘i'erlncsday-P December 23rd. 1.90%, M r. John l-I. F. Ray. of Little Britain, to i‘. ary Ann, daugl'ter of Mr..'llhemas E. Smith. of. Feuelonhallsr Service of son-g by the choir in l 30k“ iii-st. An extra. , Dr. Johnston and Messrs- ,1 only“ Santa.- Cfaus †their appeared‘ and‘ 1 as a slight. appreciation of her services 1 ‘i l i --4 $1153?‘ Markets same as last Week. PSTiIAcY I-IEIFER. Came on to the premises of thcrundcir» ' signed, lot 14, con‘. 4, Somerville about the 11th of November last, one lied and ~\vhite llciler, 2 years old. The owner eanliavc her upon proving property and. paying charges. ROBE RT M ( )ltFAT, ‘ _ Burnt. River P. O.- Somcrvalle, Dec. 15th, 1908. 46-33‘ St ‘dyed 01' Stolen. Straycd or stolen oil’ my Corbon Crock ranch, near Goboconk, three lS-months- old battle, one red steer with thick “horns, one light. red heifer, one rod; heifer-‘\vi'tlr some white. Two 0t" them‘! were seen six weeks ago. The ï¬nder \Vlll. be suitably rewarded. ‘ (1 El). D. ISAAC. henclon Falls, Dec. 7th, 10.18. 45-41;‘ l W“ e wish to thank you for your pat- ronage during the year and hope to ance of the same, assuring you that you‘ interests will always be given our best attention. \Ve Wish you a Christmas Merry and‘ a Happy and Prosperous New i z i i; i i z i x z i E m e r i t a continu- i i i i x i i i i i T , i ieai. l i 121$ F. iii. tilthEN, FENELilii FALLS. g‘ imo Ȣ~“â€0““owooooaawwwwme-om“: - EYES TESTEB, FiiiliiiiiS TESTED- When your eyes trouble you}, cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, go» to lift. {1%. ï¬. ANHIS†Eyesight $pecialisi. '1 (over Neill's shoe store), Lindsay - Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- crate. ____...__~1_.~ my...»__..__ .-_...._... ____.. wowed. ï¬- “ liIEDICAL- MW“__ 1 Dll. ll. ll. (lllAl-lA .\l. --u. who. .n., n- u. c s. lug, M. o. P. a a, - @i'i-l‘., a; 'r-. n. s.- Pn-irsrenrn, SURGEON e ACCOUCl-L ‘cu-n. Ullice. Francis Street, Fcnelou. l' “1561 D-lt. A. WILSON, --â€"n-. B.,.L':. mine a. , Ontario,- 1_)llYSl(-l'lk~N, Sl'i'RGEON Sz ACCOUGHJ our. Uiiice, (Jul-borne StreetrlSe-uc-lom all-5. .-v--, ..<¢-,.._.______ , aw. .< :v-v-Ia'zx'u. ,evrcz 11.1‘: .w .1.._-~._....-¢..mm-m ummvris-r. ‘qsztï¬'rleTTBI-il " ‘ ,. ~17. rm.\.-.._ . -wiq >_-e-w.-..__