Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Dec 1908, p. 5

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.... .....«nn. ‘wm Tahmr -A' ' - «.5. ants. mrzsmnaou NEWSPAPER BIBLE STUB‘I CLUB l ' THE GAZETTE‘S BRANCH. Prizes for Anchrs. __.__‘._.‘_- The Gazette has secured the right to publish the International Sunday School Jesson questions by the Rev. Dr. Lin- scott, which have aroused so much inâ€" terest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing, and uponthese answers prizes will be auta-‘r‘d- ed. This paper is- also authorized to form a Leeal Ncu'spaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to allwho join and fulfil the conditions, that everything herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. Persons mayjoin the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 5'2. questions hereinafter ex- plained", to qualify for the prizes. It is, however, desirable that the questions be answered as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last y'ear’at Brantl‘ord, Ont., is for the pur- pose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man’s life. It is composed of all those who join'a local club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained c‘lergymen. We have the sympathetic co-operation of the latter, but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class-scholars, and church goers generally may belong to this news- paper club, also nomehurchgocrs of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited. to join and compete for the prizes. CONDITIONS OI“ TIIE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her fam- ily, must be a paidâ€"up subscriber to this paper during the continuance of the con~ test in order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible Study Club and this Local Club. Each contestant in this Local Club must answer each of the written ques- tions for 52 consecutive weeks, com- mencing for Sunday, July 26th, and the answers must all be in the possession of this paper within two weeks after the close of the contest. 3. Each question must be answered" separately, and the paper written on one side only. No answer must exceed 200 words, and may be less. If possible, write on letter paper, size about 8% by 1&1 inches. 4. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer, so it can be identified, given a number, registered, and then the name cut off so the examiner may know it by number only. 5. Students should be careful-to under stand the question before answering. To do this the lesson text must be read, and especially the verse or verses upon which the question is based. 6. The answers for this local club must be delivered at this ollice, and they will be collated at the close of the con- test and forwarded to headquarters for independent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest numâ€" ber of marks won by members of the , International Newspaper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club will be given out from this ollice. THE PRIZES. First Seriesâ€"A gold medal to each of - the first live contestants. Second Series.»-â€"â€"A silver medal to each of the next five contestants. rThird Seriesâ€"A teacher's Bible, price $5.50, to each of the next live contest- Fourth Series.-â€"â€"â€"The book, “ The Heart of Christianity,” price $1.50, to each of the next thirtyâ€"live contestants. Fifth Series.‘-â€"-A developed mind, an expanded imagination, a richer exper- ience and a more profound knowledge of the Bible and of life, to all who'take this course, whether winning any other prize or not. Each medal will be suitably engraved, : giving the name of the winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies regard- less of the degree of their education, as the papers are not valued from an edu- cational or literary standpoint, but from the point of vie'.»r of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. ' Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson for Dec. 13:11, 1903’. S )lomon Dedicates the Tom ple.â€"â€"â€" Kings viii. , Golden Textâ€"I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the. Lordâ€"Psalm cxxii : 1. FfiVerscs 1-11.â€"â€"'I‘hese verses describe a I grand gathering of the King, the priests ' and the people for a great religious lest- I ival. Would it be a good thing for every 3 church to have such gatherings; some- thing, say, of the nature of the old time ' camp mcelings ? What is the chief institution of a na- tion, and what isthe chief duty of a man ‘3 , Is there in a church today, any more of “the glory of the Lord” manifested, than anywhere else ? Verse 1'2..â€"â€"ls “darkness " as much a sign. of God‘s presence as is the light, and is one as necessary as the other ‘3 Verse libâ€"What is the best thing for a man to do with his surplus money 2 Hogs(live‘, .............. 575 600 HogF (Dressed) 7 00 8.00 Beef . . . . . . . . . ............ 5.00 6.00 Shoepskins.............. 40 50 Wool ........ . . . . . . 8 14 = Flour, Brandon's Best . , . . . 2 95 Flour, Silver Leaf ...... .. 2-65 Flour, Victoria ...... 2.60 2. O Flour, New Process .. _ . ;. 2.55 2.75 VERSE 14.-SuorLD EVERY rouse}: cos- STANTLY “ BLESS ” EVERY OTHER PERSON, AND in IT WERE DONE, WHAT WOULD BE THE RESULTS? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) Verses 15-21.â€"-Are the promises in - this day which God makes “ with his mouth ”, always fulfilled “ with his hant ”? What was God's chief purpose in choosing Israel to be the reposdory of his truth ? Why 'did God not permit David to- build the Temple of God ?- What reason is there to believe that ' each individuel is a link in the chain which draws out of events, as they oc- cur, God's purposes, as in the case of- David and Solomon ? Verse 3-2.â€"â€"â€" Ministers, like Solomon, often spread out their hands when- about to pray in the pulpit. ls there any in1~ portant significance in this gesture, or is it simply a useless pulpit mannerism? Verses 23-24.â€"Granted that there is only one Almighty God, are there any other powerful spirits, either good or evil, which exercise an influence over us, and answering to what the ancients called “ the gods " ‘2 ' God’s promises in general, and to the individual, are as dependable as are the laws of gravitation ; but what is the evâ€" idence that such is the case ? Verses 25-26.‘â€"Is it a proper prayer to ask God to keep his promises ? Which. is the better way, to keep God in mind of his promises, or to take it for granted that they will be answered, and to ask God- for grace to keep our part of the conipaet 1’ Verse 27..â€"What is the supreme evi- deuce that God does dwell on the earth, and 'in the heart of each individual? Verse 28.-â€"Speaking from actual test, or experience, what are the benefits of prayer ? Verses 29-52.â€"â€"Was this great prayer of Solomon extempore in its language, or prepared before hand ? ' Should ministers prepare their pray- ers With as much care as they should their sermons ? Which is- the more important part of the church service, the prayers or the sermon ? Solomon assumes in this prayer that all calamities, both national and person~ al, are a result of sin. Is that assump- tion correct give the- sins of the people of any avail, if the people do not repent ? Verses 53-66.-â€"-What is the chief, or supreme, purpose of the church and of : worship ? 'hat are the churches doing for this country ? Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 20th, 1908.â€" Solomon’s Downl'all.â€"I Kings xi: 4-13. FENELON F A LLS MA RICE'I‘S. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Dec. 11th, 1908 Reported 03/ me Norm mar Roller Mill C'o \thut,Seotch or Fife .... 80 to 85 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 80 87 Wheat, spring .... 80 32 Barley, per bushel. ... .... 48 52 Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 4s 53 Oats, “ n... one. Pease, ” can not. Rye, “ ...“... 65 70 Potatoes, “ .... 40 45 Bu-tt-er,perlb............ 22 25 Eggs», per dozen...... .... 17 18 Hay,pcr ton...... . 13.00 16-00" Hldes.....‘.....u run-o Flour, Famin,Clipper.... 2.. _ Bran, per 100' lbs .. . lull Shorts, “ “ 1 Mixed Chop “ .... 1 'How to get a. Position We have over 1,500 calls a year for stcuographers, - bookkeepers, a n d o the e workers. We can fill only a fraction of that number. A Kennedy School gradu- ate is absolutely sure of a good position. The Kennedy School, ADELAIDE STREET EAST, Toronto. EYES TESTED, Fillii‘leS TESTED. 'Wlien your eyes trouble you, ’ cause you pain or'head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, go to D“. M. B. ANNIS, Eyesight Specialist. (over Neill’s shoe store), Lindsay - Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- erate. Is a minister’s prayer for God to for- ' Fm' .b ..L 3 Thinking ofthe Holidays Sets you thinking of the JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, BRIG A BRAC, @WWW presents you will give and we have been thinkingof what will best supply your needs, With the result that our this year’s assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, FINE LEATHER GOODS, is the most varied we have ever shown. Inspection In vited. BRITTON BRO . FINE CHINA, OUT GLASS, FOOT 0F KENT STREET. LINDSAY. STORM SASIâ€"l AND STORM DOORS. Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. Save fuel by making your house snug and tight. Order storm doors and sash now. First-class WorkmanSlfi'p. Don’t delay. Reasonable Prices. FEfiEWfl Fhllfi Pthiihh hilt!" PROPREETR. A. TEES - The stores that are bright with silver and gold are not the only ones with Christmas interest. Each year more people are buying useful things for gifts, in preference to fancy nothings. We show a wide range of attractive, sensible goods for presents, including Fine English Cutlery, Silver Tableware, Knives, Skates and Sleds, Fancy Pocket Hockey Supplies and Snow Shoes. The demand at holiday time is for goods of first quality, and our policy has always been to get the best, with no room here for anything in any sense inferior. If you want absolute certmnty as regards quality and value, this is your store. J08. -HEARD, FENELON FALL3. We have'some of the newest lines in Wedding Invitations, Visiting Cards, Memorial Cards, etc., which it will give us pleasure to show you, at the Gamma Orrxcc. manna-,pnnmn‘uwu Im- . I lit will‘lllft‘ A large assortment e of illuminated tures. Just the thing ' for Xmas presents. It Will pay you to call and see them when buying Xmas presents. Prices low, a. at ‘ L. Dcyman & Son, Furniture Dealers and Under- takers. pic.- , .. ..Jdiiuuuh‘luunilui ~14 lleJfi .‘nfirmflcmufllimulhuit lflm"I‘L'IWF?IIIEC‘lgl2 2w??me InWWQI‘NMjflmfl-C 1W?" _ Wu: 4 -vâ€"mmmm A ; ihanlllu. mfllllrmlllhmuliilu .r‘l‘liur. uthml'dumiflx idliur. fir. Jud-or. Mung ._...___-â€"â€" litith ‘iilil tililll is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.0M. YEAR, In ADVANCE. or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising 12 ates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line poi-annual. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first. insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tion. Contracts by the your, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. - JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor: ectly and at moderate prices. 111. D. HAND, Proprietor v, “A and piano pupils accepted. AUCTION EER. FELIX A. NORTHEY, PUBLIC AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in first- chiss order. Secure dates before adver- : tising. Address, Fenel'on Falls. STE 1’ Il EN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer ll me for dates before advertising. THOM AS CASHORE, AUCTIONIH‘IR - . FENEI‘DN FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a first- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vortising. roar CULTUIIEAND Pl-llllfl. LILLlAN G. WILSON, A. T. C. M. ‘ Honor Graduate (piano and vocal.) of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Gold Alcdnlist of Whitby Ludics’ College. Voice Apply at studio, Dr. Wilson’s residence, or telephone- No. 20. 31-0111 __.-. INTEI‘iBII’I‘G PLIll‘lTEIlS ill? NURSERY STGEK. Should either write direct to us or see our nearest agent before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction- Prices. right. Fifty years' experience. Extra heavy stock of the best apples. Agents W antcd. â€"_.____â€"_.__â€"_ §;@@@¢flflflalsfl-@@@fifls@ 6 FOR miss. I ._.-_,_._____â€"â€"- >1: , BOOICS and BIBLES. We have a nice range of these at : popular prices ; Perfumes. a splendid 3 assortment; Comb and Brush Setts, Collar and Cull Boxes, Travelling Cases, Noveltiesgd’ay our store a visit. We feel sure we can please you. Robson’s Drug Store. Fenclon Iralls. O \0000000000000000000' for This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a good pair of rubbers. are better than life insurance Dry feet these days, and you will be asâ€" oro3% i sured of the former if you wear a pair of our rubbers. All. Sizes, Q All Shapes, ° All Styles, Q All Prices, but only ONE QUALITYâ€"47118 best. __ J. W. ERYANS. JVcston’s Bread for Safe. 4 M Don’t forget that I have a. first class Planer and am. prepared to do all work in this line in the. best style; also to make sAsu ARE! ~ , DOORS. Your patronage solicited. 33- QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am once more on. hand with a‘large Whom 01' Part Of lilme- Salary 01‘ liberal and well selected stock for the Xmas commission. terms. CANADA'S OLDEST NURSERIES. Outfit free. Send for trade. Watches, Clocks, Watch Chains and Fobs, Brooches, Stick Pins, Brace- lets, Lockets, Cull’ Links, Opera Glasses Tile ThOS. ngmfm &_ Sonj G0" Harmonicas, etc. etc. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GAZETTE AND GET THE BEST Quality right and prices the lowest. Don't- complote your gift buying until you have visited my store. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. FENELOH FALLS.

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