Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Nov 1908, p. 6

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. 3. $37.2 ;. .' Preacher Outlines the Course of Uncon- u in run HAS an scious Deterioration. Gray hairs are here and there up- on him aad‘he knoweth it not. ~â€" Hosca viii., _9.' The comic paragraphistsâ€"gentle- men whose elevating trade is to take all the dignity out of Sentiment and all nobility out of lifeâ€"are in the habit of making fun over the discovery of the first gray hair. There is nothing funny "about it. When some poignant experience forces upon us the realization of . that.for which the gray hair con- gigguritoggt and ventionally stands, when we realize ’ ’ with a shock that our youth has fled forever and that age is creeping on, the flood of new emotions may eas- ’J dom. we delivered ourselves cramping littleness pleasures of. other days. are we to sacrifice strength, and'we cannot see them? . MORAL DETERIORATION. “With great price,” said the offi- cer to Paul, “I purchased this free- With. great price, indeed, from the and ‘debasing And now the‘freedom . which cost us dear to ’open our fine gers in mere summer wantonness and let it slip from us while the years bind us again in the old bondâ€" age to folly or sin, whilestrangers though we gray hairs are here and there sprinkled upon us ; his} A GERMAN DOG DETECTIVES. System Employed With Success in Tracking Evildoers. 03,11 BB 0111186, US? [if Year by year I attend trials of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Fierce darting pains. Pains like red hot needles being driven through the fleshâ€"~in the thigh, perhaps down the legs to the anklesftliats sciatica. None but the victim can realize the torture of this trouble. But the sufferer need not grow discouraged for there is a cure an Dr. William’s Pink Pills. These Pills enrich the blood, feed the starved sciatic nerve and thus drives out the pain. Mrs. Joseph L. Brown, Wilniot, N. 8., was a victim of sciatica and found a cure in Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. . She says :â€"“For a year I was laid up with sciatica from my Side to. my foot. What I suffered was attimes awful. I could not touch my foot to the floor and had to hobble about with a cane. My right leg was drawn up, and I never expect- ed to have the use of it again. I “police dogs” in Germany and Ausâ€" tria, where man hunting dogs are trained and bred for police pur- poses and where dogs have become a branch of the police organization, writes a correspondent of the Lon- don Telegraph. In Germany there is a society called the Association for Furthering the Breeding and Employment of Police Dogs, and ideas on the subject are exchanged, all experiments with dogs being carefully reported. Years of thorough and painstak- ing study Were devoted to this sub- ject before suitable breeds of dogs were obtained and proper methods of working the dogs were discovâ€" ered. Originally Brunswick was the headquarters of the German police doggy men and when canine assistance was required one of the officers at once set out with a dog. These officers and dogs often trav- elled long journeys, going as fas as *flé‘amzrzdun'fissfl‘fiféfiwmxm A BHHUNIB GlTlHHH lllillflill HY PE-Hle. a :< leading downward to to the old unspiritual, unaspirinn', fl-nd'swift Oblivion. 115' can? PS Off our feet The poet tells us of hair growing If this is not true for you.and White in a single night from sud- has not been, then you are ell/her den fears. It may be so. But this mUCh better 01‘,“"01'S‘? 1311a? the RV" moral deterioration is slow, gradu- erage Of humanity. Either you have a], silent. No man becomes desper- fill‘efl-dy gl‘O‘Vn unthoughthll, Shal‘ ately wicked all at once. When low and 03110115: 0_1‘ 0159 you haVe discovery, scandal and prosecution EL Strong, 01056 gull “P013 1m” at the'hands of the law present to S_6011:~- but _eVer1aStmg realltles 0f you a spectacle of one who has held life- {incl 1t WOUId be g09d £01: 115 an honored position, a betrayer,‘ an 1- them “9w some Physmal $1811: outlaw and a castaway, the real 00119519911de :t0 the approach 0f tragedy is not that which you see; gray flaws;- }_Vh10}} nughl? warn us, 0f and the very tears are for the long, Emglldeliel‘lgi‘atlgn and awaken US s’lOW" process which no eyes but 0 16‘ neoeSS lyi'p 't- -- , ‘ ' Godfshave seen. How the hi hire- RENEXVIN‘GfOUR YO'UTH solgels‘ mus}: have dropped andgdied, by waiting u on, the. Lard Vb ‘»_tak_ an_ ‘10er t e man has juggled with ing in grealt reâ€"inforceihia'nitsrâ€""of;{3:933le played fast and 10053 With moral energy to repair the: 'ws'ste?”13'9Â¥i9§trtampered W'ltthhe Signs and decay of moral tissue. ' I " "Ilia 1.219.730 .commence.‘ O 5’01} m- The shock, in the nature of things: digihas.‘*dfllbemtely lied to I?” Own Could not be pleasant. The awaken- 301.115; Ited‘m chuwh’ hedrto hls God (I, 51.3 might be rude and painful. But Ind-63S, but you are Wliong' He‘ha‘s it would be salutary. It would be lost 1.113 50111 and 10317 his God’before chastening. And if for. the moment he Comes to. hmh'halided’ brazen' it was humbling, in the providence CllB‘jkec-lfdehbefafite hum" of God it might be permanently up- F1331?) the filmmg; then‘ the ex" lifting. If we could really see thisgploisllonI _ Fll‘St the INC-1’31 111115019 Soul destroying Process at \v01‘k,ig1‘0“’n- fiabbYfi then “13 helpless something ; weakness before temptation. First, worse than a second childhood, the;sray'. hairs ,hel‘c and there leading to a second slothfulness,fipl‘lflMed Upon 111m fwd he 1‘90)” unreasonablencss, barbarism, back It 11013; finally the Spll'ltllal senlhty This .is the life from which we have emerged, course of unconscious deterioration. would not that be good for us? Rev. Charles F. Aked, D. D. was attended by our family doctor, Paris and Constantinople on two and tried several other remedies, occasions_ but with no benefit, and I felt very The German trainers soon came mfucfi discourai%°d' Oilejday Iffl‘ead to the conclusion that notl even the o t e euro 0 a simi ar su erer most perfect deg woul carry a “130115111 Ill;i111:nls;hli1nk €153 line three or four ddys old when an eel 6F ‘0. ry- em' ’ ‘ l . not in a or ect worcin Six boxes, and by the .time I had ddndviition, as he wguld not be afteg takdenhthem I viasleciiipilfigelyimfigdé a .long train joe‘rnney. "Before any fiwlingeahf tlibotrodlile since gI ain thmg belse iihef mlmg Of 3}; iOg ‘T 1' - ‘ must; e quite res1 ecause e as therefore, a very enthuSiast-ic friend ,0 d f ‘ _ 1 h h r 3.]. , . , _ o o ai more menta t an p )â€" Of Dr' “éhgiimsi £11301: ynlgilili sical work. Further, 'a dog brought Ygfifyetgoublggbio » "u to a country in which the conditions I . - ' .. . are different from those of his home mime 1‘8 no mybtmy abOUt the cannot settle down to the work at cures Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills , . . . u 7 n i} 1 1 once With his mind quite fresh for kao' “my act Upon “e b 00c, the task. Artifimal means to “re- enrichinor and urii’in it and in , D p y g ’ v1ve the scent” are not always this we. feed the nerves and reach . . . y handy and even then Wlll fail if the the root of the disease. That is why _ , ,. they cure such common ailments as (103‘ 13 11013 111 Perfeet W01kmg 0011' anaemia, pimples and eczema, in- dition- I digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, Quite a revolution, however, set St. Vitus dance, paralysis, and the in when the assoc1at1‘on'referrcd to irregularities in health of growing above began to distribute dogs girls and women. Sold by all iiie-lamong policemen and _watchmeii. dicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents These animals got so accustomed ‘1 box; 01‘ Six boxes for $2.50, from to their masters and the rural con- the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., ditions of their districts that the Brookvme: ont- ‘ slightest change from the normal '7 ‘ state provoked their suspicion while on their daily patrol, and any amount of cases are published evci ‘i ‘.. - . or week where such we. trainc To Be Rdisca to '1 '0 Shillings on dogs led their masters to places of MRS. F. CARR. MRS. F. CARR, Vineland, Ont., Can., writes: ' _ “For several years I was af- flicted w1th catarrh, which made life a burden. hacking which accompanied the dis- ease was terrible. “The complaint finally extended to the stomach and I was in a wretched condition. “I tried different remedies and the best professional treatment all in 'aiu. “Finally, as a last resort, I tried Peruna upon the recommendation of my sister in Hamilton. “I could see steady improvement precious medicine I was feeling well again, my old trouble being com» Iletely a thing of the past. “To-day I would not take one thousand dollars for what this. grand medicine has done for me.” I’eruna is a universally recogniz- ed catarrh remedy. It will relieve catarrh in its most obstinate form- *â€"â€"â€"u~--â€". - ’I‘AX' 0N GERMAN BEER. {lmem - - yâ€"v mm ' The coughing and- and after using four bottles of that. WWWâ€"“WEâ€"m Nellieâ€"“That Clara Sharpe is just the meanest, most utterly sel- fish girl I ever saw. She never - thinks of anyone but herself.” Dora -â€"â€"“Tell me about it.” Nellieâ€"“I ran in there the other evening for a few moments, and while I was there Mr. Spooner called. It wasn’t long before he requested her to play.‘ music, you know. Well, what do 'ou think that girl did? She asked im to come to the piano and turn the music for her, so that I couldn’t talk to him.” . He’s passionately fond of HORDES 0F BIRD S. !FlOOliS So I Have Not Planted. ‘ are suffering as the rest of the country will suffer, from plague of Mail. The long and steady east wind which has brought unusual hosts of migrants safe across the North Sea has especially favored the short In places in the 1 Great That Farmers The eastern countries of England such- a starlings as has never been known, says the London Daily Twenty-four Gallons. .. The bills to be submitted to the German Reichstag for the reform of the impe"ial financial system provide that the wholesale buying and selling of spirits shall be taken, over by the empire. The selling price will be regulated as to bring in a net revenue of £11,000,000 to the imperial treasury. I The tax on beer will be raised by abouttwo shillings per hectolitre (22 galldns) on all beers'ready for consumption. The wine tax bill provides for a tax on still wines bottled in the country or imported in bottle from abroad in the shape outrages which up to that moment were still unknown. Suicides were found in time to bring such poor creatures back to life, murders were discovered while the corpses were still warm, and so of course was the scent. The criminals were at once hunted and stopped not many miles off, waiting for a chance to escape. Tramps hiding themselves in thickâ€"- ets could not enjoy a quiet hour, and many a “wantec” was dis- covered by the help of these dogs. It is an unfrequent occurrence that an out rage is not discovered vithin twenty-four hours after the commission of the crime. The next AIRSIHPS 'iN wan. abjectives Will Not Be Armies). tut fieckyards, Arseuals, etc. Of the use of airships in war a writer says: “Large from 500,000 to 1,000,000 cubic feet capacity, capable of travelling at a speed of forty miles an hour in a. I calm and of carrying considerable quantities of high explosives, can set out. and with a favorable wind, can cover vast distances in a few hours. When they will come‘ and what their objective will‘be cannot possibly be known to the enemy, who cannot always be looking with vessels . of' neighborhood of King’s Lynn farin- ers are sowing say it is ' luseless before the onset of these ’hordcs. of a general bottle tax and a grad- “station dog” is at once called, and uated surtax. The wine tax ‘ will unless he has not already stopped a amount to five pfennings (yfid) pep suspicious individual.during one of' bottle, and the rates of the surtax, his pati‘OlS 110 W111 Ple “P at once which will only be imposed upon the line of the criminal after hav- wincs costing more than one sliillâ€" ingâ€"iu case of fatal outrageâ€"been ing per bottle, will vary from one brought to the corpse. penny to three shillings. Since police dogs were introduced For tobacco an ad valorem tax in Brunswick there have been corn- on the manufactured article will he parativcly few evasions of justice introduced according to the sealed in cases of violence. The certainty band system. The rates of taxation of detection has had a good result, . ’winged starling. guns ready pointed into the air, while they will pass over the coun- try so quickly as to be out of range almost as soon as seen. ' “Their objectives would not be- the enemy’s armies, but his deckâ€" yards, arsenals, store-houses, rail- way centres and so forth, where the maximum of damage can be caused at a minimum of cost. Possibly they might even attack the enemy’s. refraining from “ their corn because they I purchased a. bottle of .360th Emulsion and im- mediately commenced to improve. In all, Ithink I took 14 bottles, and-my Shooting them is useless. The flock at which you fire swing around and settle close behind you, and ' . however many are killed the loss weight increased from 1337 makes no apparent gap in the numâ€" pounds to 184 pounds in bers,-and the birds are almost less than six months_ I Iwithout the instinct of self-preser- know from personal results the efficacy of Scott’s Emulsion.”â€"-â€"FRED. R. STRONGMAN, 417 Bath- urst St, London, Ont. Let us send you a copy of Mr. Strongman’s letter. He had a trying experience, had got run down built him up, as it has thous- ands of others. The strengthening and flesh- producing properties of Scorr’s EMULSION, are un- equalled by any other prepa- ration, and it’s just as good for the thin, delicate child as for the adult. Be sure to get SCOTT’s. It‘s been the stand- ard of the world for 3 5 years, and is worth many times the cost of the numerous imita- tions and substitutes. ALL DRUGGISTS Let us send you a full copy of Mr. Btrongmnn'slrtto: and some other litera- ture on the subject. Just mention this paper. SCOTT Gr. BOVVNE 126 Wellington St, W. Toronto vation, Starlings are not the only birds in exceptional force. The wild geese, whose persistent affection for Lore Leicester’s estate is one of the strangest phenomena in local miâ€" gration, having arrived in thous- jands. Their wild chattering can be {heard from a great distance, and {now and again they can be seen in Ia great cloud in the air at several miles distance. The veracity of this multitude is so great that they will ruin some of the best grazing :marshes in the district, quite stripp: ling it of young grass before they go back across the seas. Nowhere in England is to be seen a spectacle quite so strange as this noisy host of great birds, which are regarded as almost sacred and left unmolested for the great part of their stay. The east winds which have saved these and other birds from all the perils of, the journey across the ,1 North Sea have rather diminished 'the usual number of snipe and lwoodcock, which seem to have flown straight across to Ireland and . the west coast. But nearly all other birds are exceptionally numerous, fthough none in nearly such quan- §tity as the starlings, which have no friend left in the eastern countries. V b“, Sheâ€"“Just look at that man on [the bicycle. Why on earth does he lstoop so Z” Heâ€"“He must be try~ iing to put his shoulder to the wheel.” a" NEXT TIME SHE’LL CARE. for cigars will be from four to ninetyâ€"six shillings per thousand; for cigarettes eighteenpcnce to twenty-four shillings per thousand; and for fineâ€"cut tobacco eightpence to 12s. 8d. per kilogramme (2% lb.) V f‘( DELIGle UHlLDRl-lll Milli} WELLIllllll STRONG The little ones are frail. Their hold upon life is slight. At the very first symptoms of trouble Baby’s Own Tablets should be giv~ en. This medicine cures colic, sour stomach, indigestion, diar- rhoea, constipation, teething trou- bles and other minor ailments. It is equally good for the new born babe as the well grown child. Mo- thers have the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine contains no opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Mrs. Cressman, New Hamburg, Ont., sayszâ€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for stomach trouble and constipation with marked success. I feel that my little ones are safe when I have a box of Tablets in the house.” Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William's’ Medicineâ€"00., Brock- ville, Ont. , nâ€"â€"%â€"â€"-â€"â€" Htsâ€"“Will you have sters’l” Sheâ€"“I don’t care.” Heâ€"“All right; we won’t have any.” some oy- and the criminal statistics of that town show that during the last two years not a single murder was com- mitted there or within twenty miles around this municipality. .1. e“... PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. Algeria and Tunis have this year suffered from an extraordinary inâ€" vasion of locusts. The locusts arâ€" rive from the direction of the dos- erts in swarms so thick as to hide the sun. They cover the ground as with a yellow carpet, and someâ€" times render the railways so slip- pery that trains can hardly run. At this stage. they are not voracious, being engaged principally in laying their eggs. But 40 days later the young locusts, not yet winged, be- gin to run about, devouring every green thing, including not only leaves, but even the bark and tend- er shoots of trees. The hordes, ad- vancing in a body, sometimes cover an area of severa square miles, Barricades of cloth, surmounted with waxed strips, erected in the line of march, arrest the progress of theinsects, which are unable to crawl up the smooth surface. Pass- ing along the line of the barricades, they fall into ditches dug for the purpose, wherethey are killed with corrosive liquids. Another method is to smooth descending paths, end- ing in poisoned ditches. The in- sects follow the descents, and thus go to their death. ~ __.1‘..____._ Real charity doesn’t employ a publicity promoter. navy if he has one, but possibly the same effect would be produced" in a more humane manner by' merely destroying the docks. “Keeping high up in the daytime- and descending at night, they can keep their direction with practical certainty, and hovering close over any desired spot may launch exploâ€" sives with relay action fuses, which- will enable them to retire to a safe distance before the explosion oc- curs; or they may even risk de- struction to effect some notable cx~ ploit “There would appear to be but little difficulty in lodging the ox- plosives with great accuracy if good plans are available to work by. while the expense, even if airships be lost, would be insignificant. --â€"~i« A woman can always tell from the way her husband shakes down the furnace whether or not he's in good humor. a». The N amc of Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug 0‘ lack Chewing Tobacco "AMP?" W2fl‘:d-'W5a1¢l'ld§ntil.f~7 3.; . 'l‘-:m.:,w- a.

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