‘4. 1. 4! ii. , iii‘raaiunofui savanna BlELE STilli‘i BLUE THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Prizes for Answers. The Gazette has secured the right to publish the International Sunday School Lesson questions by the ltev. Dr. Lin- scott, which have aroused so much in- terest elseuihere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each Week is to be answered in writing, and upon these answers prizes will be award- ed. This paper is also authoriZed to form a Local Neszpaper Bible Study Club for its readers, and guarantees to all who join and fullil the conditions, that everything herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but- must, of course, answer the 5‘2. questions hereinafter ex- How could Solomon distinguish this dream from an ordinary dream? Does God still give his children a choice as to want they would like, or does he choose for them ? If God does not choose for his child- ren, does he inilueuce them in their choice, and what is the diil'erence iii the two supposed methods ‘3 , __ Verse 6.â€"â€"What help is it to us to be able to praise God for the lives of our fathers and mothers ? Do you think it probable that our fath- ers and mothers, on the other side, look back and see their Sons and daughters here, and take pleasure in their pros- perity ? Verse 7.â€"â€"Should we, like Solomon, re- cognize the hand of God in putting us into our present positions 2“ Are great men ever boastful, and is true humility always a mark of great- ness ? Verses 8-9.â€"»Solomou’s chief desire was for wisdom to properly administer the trust committed to him. What should be our chief desire '3 t @@¢§'@¢ O ¢@@@@@@®ï¬ss§3 aweï¬ï¬mï¬â€™ Thinking Of the holidays Sets you thinking of the presents you will giveand we have been thluking of what will best supply your needs, With the result that our this year’s assortment of JEWELRY, WATCHES, FINE CHINA. SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, CUT GLASS, BRIG A BRAC, FINE LEATHER GOODS, isthe most varied we have ever shown. Inspection Invited. ï¬gscfynnnr STREET, 0 3.. Because of the assortment and qual- g ity of our holiday goods. We pride ‘ ourselves on being able to give you , a selection of goods with quality in ‘_ every cent's worth you buy. Perfumes, Metal Novelties, Brushw and Comb Setts, Writing Setts, Books 1 , and Games, and other things such as every recipient will appreciate. Robson’s Drug Stores: Fenclon Falls. No matter how grave our responsibili- ties, or diliicult our position, is itabso- lutely sure that God will give us, in an- swer to our prayer, the necessary wis- dom and facilities to successfully admin- ister our trust ? Should all men in pesitions of public trust feel their iiisulliciency and call up- on God, as Solomon did ? Verses 10-12.â€"Why did Solomon’s re- quest please the Lord? Does God toâ€"day answer every true or wise‘prayer, as he did this prayer of Solomon's? ‘ Would not all public and private sin and folly be prevented, if men only called upon (Brod ? What is some of the evidence that God gave Solomon great wisdom ‘2 VERSE 13,â€"Ih‘ OUR PRAYERS ARE FOR GOODNESS, AND NOT GREATNI-ISS, TO BE or SERVICE AND NOT TO Bu snnvni), MAY we inirrNi) THAT G01) WILL GIVE Us nvuiw OTHER. NECESSARY THING, Wi'i‘I-IOUT OUR ASKING ? (See Matthew vi: 31-34.) *Jlaincd, to qualify for the prizes. It is, however, desirable that the questions be ans \vered as the lessons are studied. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last year at Brantford, Out., is for the pur- pose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man’s life. It is composed of all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined herein, barring only ordained clergymen. We have the sympathetic co-operation of the latter, but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday School teachers, Bible class scholars, and church goers generally may belong to this news- paper club, also non-churehgoers of all shades of opinion. All such are warmly invited to join and compete for the prizes. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her fam- ily, must be a paid-up subscriber to this 'SASH 'AND STORM DOORS. Prepare for the cold weather before it comes. Save‘fuel by making your house snug and tight. Order storm doors and sash now. Don’t delay. First-class Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. FENELM FALLS PLAiiiiiG MILL. » A. TEIBS - PBOPRIETOB. O This is the season when the feet of every man, woman and child should be protected by a Safe Paint Runners, £3128? during tlike coilléinlémice of like 01011- (This question must be answered in iiis nil; Oiifémigdgiiqi trait. mlgi-Jeigitii: “fling by members 0f the club-) to use 18 good pair of rubbel's- Dry feet Stud Club and this Local Clliib ' - W111 every true Christian have an the are better than life insurance if - riches and honor that are good for him ? THE t] d‘ v d w.“ be as_ 2. Each contestant in this _Local Club Verse 14..__were'Gode promises in this ' “3:53 26$; afn ‘ y0u.f 1, must answer; each of the written ques- case conditional upon obedience, and are SHERWIN-Wuu‘us SL116. o e 01 mcr 1 you wear tions for 5‘ consecutive weeks, com- they so conditioned in every case ? PAINT a pair of our rubbers. mencing for Sunday, July 26th, and the answers must all be in the possession of ' this paper within two weeks after the Slzes’ . 9 All Shapes, % 0 close of the contest. ‘3. Each question must be answered separately, and the paper written on one side only. No answer must exceed 200 words, and may be less. if possible, write on letter paper, size about 83,- by 11 inches. 4. Each answer must have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer, so it can be identiï¬ed, given a number, registered, and thou the Verse 15.â€"Does communion with God always make us strong and brave and generous ? Lesson for Sunday, December 13th, 1908.â€"Solomou_ Dedicates the Temple.- 1 Kings viii. It is a. pure lead, zinc, i and linseed oil paint of .; the greatest durability. Properly ap. _. plied it can’t go wrong. We can show It you houses, painted with it years ago, that are still in good condition and that prove.the value of the paint. i All Styles, Q All Prices, Q i i __,____,______._..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- but only ONE QUALITYâ€"the best. FENELO .‘I F A LLS MARKETS. Fenclou Falls,‘Friday, Dec.4th, 1908 Reported by we 1V0an mar Roller MW 00 Wheal,Scotch or Fife .... 80 to 85 J. W. BRYANS. SOLD BY . . ; l u 1 i y s l I name cut oil .so the examiner may know wheat, €311, per bushel.â€: 80 87 , . ,. . . . .. . . , p .. Weston,s Bm‘m for Sale. it b) lllllnbb]. oul) . iglrllgifllel 2(8) :3 . H _ ‘ ‘ Q ‘ii- a 5. Students should be careful to under Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 48 53 stand the question before answering. Tc; 0 t H 3_ ‘37 do this the lesson text must be read, am a S: o - -- ' - " P0 s we have some Of'the newest lines in AUCTIONEER eSli{e(1:ially the .verse or d.verses upon Eetse, “: . ..._...- Weddilyg Invitations, Yisiting Cards, ' _ w lie 1 the question is base . Pinko“ a ‘ ' ' ‘_- ' ' ' 4‘0 45 Memorial Cards, etc., which it will give ‘ 6. The answers for this local club Bum†p,“ 1b .... 29 25 giggglasure to show you, at the GAZEITE FELIX A. NORTHEY, _ I. : V: f] ‘1.r ‘ ‘ :1.S [Tc w , I .n..u.....~- u . ,s ,9. T ‘7 iti‘iitbéecï¬fiilfiieiiiii‘hé’sé .‘fé Tie .031 we» I)“ 17 18 » 1’03"†AUCTIONEER- ._ - s - test and forwarded to headquarters for all? per ton ’ ' ’ ‘ ' ' ' 1393 ‘5 00 ‘ 1mm“ 2’“ “She†33163 000d0019d in ï¬rstâ€" '5 . ) . ( . r l es . . . . . . . .. 6.3 - â€"m‘+â€"‘JWMâ€Wâ€"â€"_Fll ï¬rm-"n u'riu",WTTâ€"","- c ass 0!‘( er. ecure dates before adver. independent examination by competent 5 75 ~ ’3?“ a El 51‘ ’E 'll" WY’WW using. Address, Fenelon Falls. _ â€"â€" Don’t forget that I‘have. Hogs (live) .. examiners. The prizes Will then be Hogs (Dressed) n†7 00 class manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. BOOBS; YOurkpatronage solicitedz, Third Seriesâ€"A teacher‘s Bible, price $5.50, to each of the next ï¬ve contest- ants. Fourth Serics.wThe book, ‘f The Heart of Christianity,†price $1.50, to each of the next thirty-ï¬ve contestants. Fifth Seriesâ€"A developed mind, an expanded imagination, a richer exper- ience and a more profound knowledge of the Bible and of life, to all who take this course, whether winning any other prize or not. ’ Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each bible and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies regard- less of the degree'of their education, as the papers are not valued from an edu- We mention this Just to cational or literary standpomt, but from Show how good a school we the point of view of the cogency of their lnve reasoned ideas. The Kennedy School, Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson ior ADELAIDE STREET EAST, Toronto. Dec. 6th, 1008. W tures. Just the thing for Xmas presents. It will pay you to § call and see them :23 when buying Xmas 2 =55. i awarded according to the hin‘hest num- a; ber of marks wod3 by membgrs of the [ifef- - - '_ ' ' - ' ' ' ' " - ' ' - ' ' ' ' 5 (31% ‘ I a ' ‘ w ‘ _ International Newspaper Bible Study WSEFSRԠ' ' ' ' - - ' - - " 8 . , {a S] ltl’HltN OLIVER, a. ï¬rst classPlaner ‘ and am: Club, and rizcs which ma r be awarded - ° - ' ' - - - ~ - - - ~ - . to memberI; of this Local 3Club will be Rout! §_"1““‘1°I:173 1?“ ' ' ' ‘ ' 22365- n a: I LINDSAY . ONT' prepared to do all work" In: xven out from this oiï¬ce. ‘ 9UP, ~1- ver_ ca .. . 0 - ’ live Stock and eneral Auct‘ nee .' . - g' Tm, mum"; Ellour, gictoga .. . . . . , , H 22.560 ' é write for dates before idvemsing. m r thlS lme 1n best Style ,3; , ‘ “" ' our cw recess . 5 , n " tflFittistbsfer10s,“? gpldtgnedal to each of p10,â€: Family, Clippeh . u 2.50 E 3150, tulmake, 1‘3, 1'5 We 00“ 95 an - Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 1-15 1 ~ ._ , '. Second Series.â€"â€"A silver medal to each Shorts, “ “ . . . . .. . . . 1.30 A 1a)" ge a’SSOl tment u U M AD CASHORE. . of the next live contestants. Mixed Chop “ . . . . . .. . 1 .45 u - - AUCTIONEER - FENELON FALLS. ‘ 0f lllumlnated P10 a Sales of all kinds conducted ma ï¬rst- AND- a VOICE CULTURE MinzPIANO. LILLlAN G. WILSON;.A. T. c. M. Honor Graduate (piano and vocal) of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Gold Medalist of Whitby Lndies’ College. Voice and piano pupils accepted. Apply at, studio, Dr. Wilson’s residence, or telephone No. 20. 3lo6m Shorthand and Typewriting. In typewritiu g we have won the championship of Canada, of America and of the world â€"the last in eleven succes- sive contests. s. 3. Gina. fine i‘ouiiniciiigita presents. Prices low, at L. Deyman 8L Son, Furniture Dealers and Under- ._ takers. a , W. W 5:.n'flm. Jillihmulillnuililhi .lllllililli. flinï¬lllum‘ï¬m Jilth Mills. fluï¬ iiiililii lilii tilllli is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00 A YEAR, IN inmate or one cent per week will he added,;, as long as...it: remains unpaid.- i .l )lth‘atzwould‘t you think of an. 'gcii-gineer- whoman his engines . . _ -’.two onthree years, ,night andl day. without cleaning on. ,bi-derawe: guarantee satisfaction. Prices in “‘2: rights, Fifty years†experience. Extra 0 heavy stock _of_thc.bcst~.apples. . \Vhitt would? you; - f01‘;'lliS.~ machine. after; a; few; years of: such: use-g ' Andi yet: you.- subject: your: ‘watchrâ€"a‘ far» more. delicate: pieeeuof machinery, _to justthisg treatment: 5 Don’t you: think. it, Would! ' pay-you .to have it cleaned andl E oiledtup once ayear; ' JOHN ; SLATER,, rescue rOerMAR-RIAGE. Licunsns. NEXT noon TO POST-OFFICE; EEIEI-QH- Ell-Isis. Solomon Chooses W isdom.â€"-I Kings iii: 4-15. Golden 'l‘ext.â€"â€"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdomâ€"Prov. ix: 10. Verse 4.â€"â€"What is the chief depend- ence alike of a king and a citizen ? What was the chief object of sacriï¬ces l in those days ? Was it to appease God, or to develop a spirit of giving to God; and did they have any idea that it pre- ï¬gured the death of Jesus ? When your eyes trouble you, What are the chief benefits tci) thelgiy- cause you pain or head, ers of money n‘iven to tie eiurc i, o ‘ .’ v 1 ‘ missions and tobthe. poor? _ ache 01 1f you} glasses 1e- Which is the richer man and the ue quire. changing or. you. who has lived to most purpose, heuylio neecp newglasses "0 ~ to (hex; [caring no estate. but hax inggivcn 7 a to God‘s cause.$20,000 during hlSthfe£ n B _ M _ B_ A H u I S, or one who«dies leaving an esta e o' . $20,000, and having given away practiw ’specjalis‘n call y nothing during his life ? (Ewen teal 5.31.109. store», Verse 5.â€"Are such visions or dreams†Lindsay. . q, (putt as soloman had, unusual in these days boil Satisfactiouguamnteedi‘ charwnm_ spiritually minded people i’. flaw“ Wholeor part-of time. Salary or liberal comiis-ion. , Outfit free. Send for 'terms. ‘ CANADA’S OL'DEST NURSERIES... The Thos. W. Bowman 818011, Calla; RIDGEVILLE, 03L, . . â€"pa-â€"â€" Advertising Iiates, Professional or business cards, 50'cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts, by the your, half year or. less, upon. reasonable terms. $111330an ,3 Four, TH E- l. J _;PBINTINGlexecnted..neallx,por- ‘ect yéaud at moderate prices... ' . ELDJHA‘N‘Da‘ i Promo-ox. .1 gm N... *. .‘kh