. .l '.'.‘.‘1i-‘-Z~'.*.\ .4. S" 3 .L y 31w w ,. -.-,~.-<ï¬x.cq.g,;,-v_v-,s,:. f‘ I i 35 o s. W _ ., v ‘ Improved Ligowo, :fggla. Jul‘ln. allluulfliuuril'm Manmmdhull‘huflu iifhrnllfliuudlimifliu :ifllne inhurflmdfllknithn Jflumflmflmflnmw gingham. iflnamflmfli :uï¬utnéï¬lrmiffnmflr millilimiidllï¬lfhmï¬ V. Muskrats have become so numcï¬ous _ - . ' "'- ‘ ‘ I , . _ . I ' ’ . M . Mï¬ï¬‚fl ‘ . . lease a portion of the road between conâ€" The ranch)“ Falls Gi‘zctte' (Sessions 7 and 8, on the south shore of ___________.__,._.._â€".â€" Balsam lake, to the said Jos. B. Pan-kin Friday, Dec. 4th, 1998. for mining purposes, along the Trent Canal from Nassau to the lift lock at l’ctcrbcro that Superilv tcndent McClelland has given orders for their extermination, as there is danger of their injuring the canal banks. .. "~‘f""3,.":':'..;"‘5“ £57.; -. 'ï¬,‘ ï¬shes Erecting Ease It is much more convenient to do your broiling by lifting this Key Plate, thanito lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room and get the meat directly over the coals. Moved by Mr. Moynes, secondcdby Mr. Palmer, That the lessee be respwns- ible for all damage, the township to be kept harmless and free from all cost that may arise from any operation that may be carried on.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Tolmic, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That By-law No. 606 be now Two prisoners in Lindsay jail, Fred. Mallory and William Brooks, escaped from that institution on Saturday afterv noon last, a few minutes after two o’clock. The two men were being marched from their cells to the wood Distribution of Seed Grain and Potatoes. By instruction of the Hon. M inistcr of Agriculture, a distribution is being made this season of samples of superiorsorts Menckfl'ra-‘WHWP W» Moth-(go ills LOW \Varunng Closet, of gifailittlndpotatoes EOtCatlla(ljillll ta'irlln- given its thug reading and Signed and . .1 1 ’ up r m - ‘ l ‘ a spec.al leature of this year s s 015 01 10 11111310‘v0mtn o sect. 1e sealedwcqrmcd . can, w 1010 103 “urcto cut some wood. . . 5,; , v I ~ ’ t , r . t - . r I v M ' ‘ o _ u I ' "Peerless Peninsular†Ranges. The By-law was ï¬nally passed, Signed £1313“?mfdcél’ï¬gdg’é \vvhep 12111013 _ . i. .' 4- ' ' t t -t ‘ _d_ 0 I- u" L. \00( sxet, Daylight Oven, Adjustable . lnrlian Head, Susie, and Brandon, Man. “11211532210133, Ml.- Palmor, seconded by were some little distance of their guard, Damper, Removable Grate “to. iflnfllflf's coilsâ€? llsgglf)§(glge;fj Mr. Cragg, That this council receive a Ezllll‘gvlwé‘lelz cams, “p E0 .the come“ Bars, Thermometer In ovenâ€" 5%. 2.3.30 ghï¬lqt'go: Thlcl quantity royalty of ten per cunt, and that the bile; bim‘g tllelollflï¬lggglflflv tlnf )‘lil'gT {a ‘ ‘ ..’ ‘ " V 7‘: »‘ > ' v ' ' ‘v ' ‘10 L... are _°n1Y 3- few 0f the con‘ of cats soup is 4 lbs., and of wheat or :gg‘fma‘rgednféiflilâ€™ï¬ had made thtiir escape by inodufti'rli‘nzi: ireniencesyoushould ask about. .barley 5 lbs, sufficient in each case to = Ste,“ €30 the same._cdr‘ried woodpile, and from the top of it getting r; ' sow one-twentieth of an acre. The sam- “Council the“ adjourned: ‘ over the wall. The fugitives. gob Clem. a: 4 away, but were recaptured at the little .ples. of Indian corn, peas and potatoes jweigh 3 lbs. each. A. quantity of each ,of' the following varieties has been seâ€" , cured for this distribution : ' OATS-‘râ€"Bftn'llel‘, Danish Island, “ride- Awake. White Giant, Thousand Dollar, all white varieties. . Wmm’r.â€"-Rod varieties, Red Fife :(Beard’lcss), Chelsea, Marquis, Stanley :and Percy (early beardless), Preston, 'I-Iuron and l’ringle's Champlain (early lbca-rd‘ed). White varieties, White Fife (beardless), Bobs (early beardless). , BARLEY.â€"Six-rowediâ€"Mensury, Odessa and Mansfield, Tlvo-rowedifl-Ilrvi-ne‘lble , and Canadian Thorpe. FIELD PEASâ€"«Arthur and Golden Vine. , INDIAN Conn; (for ensilage).,.â€"â€"â€"-Early {sorts-, Angel of' Midnight, Compton's gEarlly and Longfellow; later varieties, XS'el‘ectcd Leaming, Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. § POTA'IOESLâ€"Early Varieties. Rochester- } Rose and Irish Cobbler. Medium to late 1 varieties, Carman N30. 13,. Money Maker, Gold Coin. and) Dooley. The later’vari’e- ties. are, as a rule, more productive than 1 the earlier kinds. ' Only one sample can be sent to each applicant; hence, if an individual re- ‘ceives a sample of’ oats, he cannot also receive one of' wheat, barley, peas, In- dian corn or potatoes. Lists of mmes from one individual, or applications for ._ more than one sample for one household, ï¬cannot be entertained. The samples .I willI be sent free- of charge through the . mar . . Applications should: be addressed to ‘the Director of‘ Experimental Farms, EOttawa, and may be sent in- any time Step in at any time and go over the "Peerless Glad to explain their '22 â€"â€"â€"-_"â€"_-.-. __._.___. , village of Pellerl-aw, in York county, on ‘Tuesday and brought back to Lindsay Jail that night. . Peninsular" Ranges. improvements to you. ." BASKET SOCIALâ€"A basket social will be held at Fell's school-house on the evening of Friday next, the 11th inst. - A good programme is being. prepared. AUCTION SA.LE.â€"â€"To~uvorrow, Saturday, ; at 1 o’clock, Mr. Thos. C'as‘hore, auction- ? oer, will sell for Mrs. Thos. Roberts, at 1 her residence, Fenelon Falls, :1 quantity of farm implements and household fur- , niture. For list, terms etc. see bills. Sr. Aunnnw‘s Cannonâ€"The pastor, Rev. C. S. Lord,~B. D., will continue his discourses on “last things â€' in St. Aa- drew‘s church next Sunday. Evening subject, “ Will the body rise? " Text: - With what body do they come 2â€"1 Con. 15 : 35. ' SOCLALr-A pop-iu-and-pog-ourt social 1 will be held at the residence of Mrs. P- 10. Burgess, May street, on the- evening . of Wednesday next, Dec. 9th, under the f auspices of the ladies of the Methodist ‘2 church. -Tea will. be- served from. 5 to ‘ o’clock. Admission 15 cents. CORRECTIONâ€"In. publishing the make- up of the rinks for this season's curling, last week, a slight mistake occurred. ; In Skip Graham's rink the name oil Mir. l A. Moss should be substituted for that a of Mm. M. Haskill as lead 1mm. Mr. Has- ? kill and Dr. Johnstone will be spare men. BAZAARâ€"The bazaar held' by the Par- ; ish Workers of St. J ames' church on Wed- ‘ nesday afternoon and evening was very _ ' successful, notwithstanding the unfavor- , . able: weather. There was a good attend: ’ . : ance, practically everything on the i from the lst of December to the»15‘th of" 3 counters: was: solar, amt the evening pro.- 2 February, after thi‘c-h the1 lists fbe ' gramme was much enjoyed. closcd’, so that t 1-c samp- es as ‘ e car 1 SCHOOL RFPORT Re , ; , _ , ..‘| , a _ ‘ - n, . .â€" port of weekly "my be sent; Gum m goat mm for SOWW" ' examination in Continuation class. Sub- HEARD. FENELON FALLS STEAK.†I-IEIFER. Came on to the premises of the under- stgncd, lot 26, con. 2, Vex-alum, on- or about October 1st, one- two»year-old red lieiter. Owner can have her upon provâ€" 4 ing. property and paying charges. THOS. J ENKINSON Sm, Fenelon Falls P. O‘. Groceries, Ready Made Clothing, Boots v and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc. M ‘ Ours is the largest and best assorted stock in these lines in town. ' Ours is the largest and best appointed store in town. Your’s is the'cp-portunityto buy from the best assor- ted stock in the largest and best appointed store when . you do your shoppin 0‘. t P Do you tak e ad vantage of it ‘E 5 MW! unqucr‘iumriwarniqu‘unpprnumxrunwnlmc mrwpyirmgrrw unmanpriqpmqggr 'EW'UWUIIW' 1W W'Lllw 44-3*‘ STRAY I-IEIFER. _ Game on: to the premises of the- underâ€" sxgncd‘, lot 13, con. 3,. Somervilil-‘c, on or about September last, one red: Heifer. Owner can have her upon proving prop- ertAZ and paying charges. ' THOS. BULMER, . 44-3" Fenelon Falls P. O. E i i 5:; TENDEIRS- WANTEII). Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to Dec. 14th, 1008, for the . purchase of $500 Local Improvement Debentures of the village of Fenelon Fall‘s, payable $100 annually, with interâ€" est at 5pm: cent. By order, W. T. JUNKIN', Municipal Clerk. _____________.____._____._â€"- NO'EICE‘. J. MCFarland, All persons from whose premises night, 5011 has not yet been removed are re- quested to notify the undersignedin. writing at once. W. T. JUNKIN, :Ap13licants should mention the variety . . . . 1 , .7 ‘ . > g _ Ject English history. B. Mason 88, ll. 'Egg“1,“?ï¬iï¬gï¬g‘ï¬ï¬f’ï¬eaiï¬gglï¬frffe Marin 86. N.Robson 85, G. McFarland 85, Village Clerk. . - 7. . = , ~ .PP l. ' . . d w. Shane 83, R. Walker 80, R. Arnold 76, FenclonFal‘ls-,Dec.3rd,1908. ‘, ii 4' “a†1“ Wth they are 1003’“ ’ 5° M. Palmer 76, K. Mc-Dourrall 70, M. Mar» . g i : 1°"g as the t‘ml’ly 0f Seed lasts' Earn." 'an 661 G. Fell 65, M. rï¬ley co L..lsaac ‘ 3 7 6w 8, - .9“ 3“? mime“ 33° apply wily ‘30 “WI 558, K. ’Brandon 5.6, R. warmsén 55, A. " i ' . I 'POSS‘W (“sp'ppolntmemt‘ Those a NY- Northey 55,.W. Maybec 63, M. Austin 50, .1ng for Indian corn- or potatoes 5 ould H Suguitb 50 L Corbett 45 J Carley ’ ‘bear in mind that the corn IS not usually '43' V Bord 40’ D 'Minore 30 ’ ' . ,. ~t~ , t 5 .. . distributed until April, and that pota- 5 . » toes cannot be mailed until danger from j pounce that arrangements have been ‘xfrost in transit is over. No postage is . !required on mail mutter addressed to .made with Miss Lillian G. Wilson, A. T. :. 'the Central Ex1)er~imcutatal‘ Farm, Ot- ,C. M., to conduct a choral class for a tawa. Isacond term. Any persons wishing to . WM. SAUNDERS, take advantage of this exceptional op- ; .PDirclctor of Experimental Farms. portunity for taking singing lessons may apply either to me or to Miss Wilson. A Telephone Meeting. CHORAL CLASS..â€"â€"I am pleased! to am. We have just placed in stock a large assortment of Ladies’ Mantles, Goats, Dress Goods, Skirts, Furs, Fall Millinery, Etc. limited number of applications will be i received. The second term of 12. weeks ,, _ I . lJen‘i'ns Friday Dec-.1310: at 7.30,. in the ‘ . ? mime a'nmmt lmc‘hfng" 0f “‘6‘ Burnt bagement of the Methodist church. Lesâ€" ‘ ,v. i “13"?†Tcl'ellfh‘m‘be (mm-mm“ Ltd" was sons will be discontinued for two weeks ‘ .thd at Burnt River, on December lst. during the holidays. W_ J. M’ CRAGG_ = j’l‘he attendance of shareholders was Famrnns' AND Wonnns' INSTITUTES.â€" «. very good, but more might have attend- . 5 ed. Mr. J. R. Mark was‘appointcd audi- i The regular 311111131 111905an 0f the EaSt ‘Victoria Farmers’ and Women's lustiâ€" E In making provision for the coming cold weather you cannot afford to neglect to visit our store and in- spect our stock. Prices reasonable. Everything as ',_ ltor, and reported as follows: “ To the Burnt River Telephone 00., Gentlemen: I hereby beg to report that I have this . day examined the books of the company, .have examined the vouchers and com- pared them with the accounts and found them correct." On motion the report - . g adopted and" ï¬lled“. ' The Secretary reported an indebted? 11053 on capital account of $480.75 against which there are 12 shares of represented. ' "E stock subscribed for and not paid, lea-v- ‘ " ; in-g net debt $380.00 of which $100 was ‘. taken at the meeting, and a surplus. on ' revenue account of $41.85. It was moved. by Mr. S. Suddaby, sec- onded by I. It. Mark,that the line flees for shareholders owning their own tele- phones- be sin: dollars per‘yearsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Suddaby, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that if after making due ex- ; ortions to raise funds by the sale of cap- ital stock, there shall not be enough . . raiSed to pay off indebtedness, then the 1 directors be authorized to borrow sufï¬â€" WWW ll llllill WAGGON costs a lot of money. Therefore take care of the l was eon sets. The undersigned is prepared to deliver i wood to any part of the village at any ‘ - glove. Hard or soft wood 4 feet long or at to- order. All kinds of green and dry .wood bought at highest price. angmr 3â€â€œ? ha V9. If it 46- M. WHALEY. cicnt for- that purpose and pledge all n 9,. (15. over], ,mlinw 01. re_ - surplus revenue for payment of’samc un- . . ‘ P D.“ SHAR til it be paidâ€"Carried. Pill 1'11] ‘95. llflVe it do“ 0‘ ' -' ' PE, The directors elected were Messrs W. Hm, . t1 nm-C 3y v) 11:»li- pï¬y“ v. m ,. . . Fell Josiah Flctt J .ll. Brandon Yoeman p P y ( I 1 01" -* SP TORONTO' Smith, A. B. Townsend, John 1Hodgson will be at the l MUARTHUR HOUSE, FENELON FALLS Wed. and Thurs, Dec. 16th and 17th, And Wednesday and Thursday of and Dr. R. S. Frost. Mr. J. R. Mark moved, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that a vote of thanks be given the directors for the able and en- ergetic manner in which they have con- Don’t let it go to rack through carelessness. My facilities for repair- ' (r e ni‘ t'no“ n v '- .. . . . .. . . . .- » . . lilo l? ll ‘l C,‘ {l (l 0 Cl l e\ cry alternate “cell follomng. ducted the affan-S of the company._0a. \\ G Satisfaction as;.;lllue(:l_1‘]atci Cpo“ru and ,File lllOOlilllg bllell‘ adjourned. never better. All Work Bridge work a, specialty. The secretary of the, company states that, while the surplus earnings of the [WM company for the eleven months during which their-line has been in operation, , appear small, the prospects are good for j the future. uncil Minutes re Rosedale Mme By-Law. g uaran to e cl. 1’LA.NING~ " done on a. good up-toâ€"date machine at reasonable rates. mm â€â€™ Winter Term Openslan. 4 Arrange new toatlcml the famous ELLIOTT The clerk of Fcnelon township sends cz/z/ %/ fl // “1% W ' O 1 us this wee: a report of the minutes of l TGRQHTG, 9 3T. the special meeting of the Fenelon coun- l 4, Fenelon Co V This school stands to-day without 0i], held 0“ AugUSb 315$, WhiCh is the a superior in the Dominion. Near- SO'Wlled 5001‘“? meeting l’eft‘l'l'ed to ill ly all colleges claim to be the best, I Mr. F. J. Goodman’s recent letters in the but claiming to be so does not make them so. Get our catalogue. Read it from cover to cover. See _ for your self what this college is “19001100†met to he“? the report 0f doing and the advantages it offers, . councillor Palmer and J. B. Parkin as to ‘ War-Elliott Principal l the different reasons of those protesting aâ€. "mu Am, Hump" "s. " against the passing of By-law No. 606, pbcine; a by-hw. authorizing council to 13.3.11333793‘! AIiI N G. . not published at the time. Here they :181'8: The undersigned is prepared: to do. Dressmaking or Sewing. either by the day or work taken home. Good work- manship: charges reasonable. Apply at Mrs. McArthur's residence. M303; l’v'l IFS. M cDONALD; -_~.â€"-- ‘ ers’ Institute will meet in Dickson’s hall . hall in the afternoon, and a joint meeting . be an excellent programme of music by :visit‘ed: her mother, Mrs. H. Austin, at = ' the Falls last week. . . .Mr.Arthur Nevi- ‘:home from: the Northwest on Saturday 'V ' Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, was ' that Order. . . .‘I‘he Rev. W. H. A. French ‘ left on Wednesday evening to conduct i rncr‘ at Cookstown, Ont... . ..Mrs. A. T‘or- ‘ Gazette, and the minutes of which were : butes. will be held at F‘enel’on Falls- on. 3 Monday next, the 7th inst. The Farm»- ‘ and the Women‘s. Institute in. Twomey’s will be held in Dickson’s hall in the owning. The speakers at these meet- I ings will be Mr. A. M. Campbell, of Max- : ville, W. F. Kidd, of Simcoe, and Mrs. Colin Campbell, of Windsor. There will local talent at the evening meeting. PimsonilLrâ€"Mrs.Walters, of Bellevillc, son came home from Kenora, Ont., on Thursday last, and will remain until after Christmas. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Clark, of Lindsay, were at the. Falls on Tuesday. .,...Mr. Grover Kerri returned . . . ..Mr. A. E. Abbott, organizer for the at the Falls this. week in the interests of the funeral services of a former parish- oance visited her daughter, Mrs. George Carew, in Lindsay yesterday....Mr. F. Ray and his mother visited at the home of Mr. Thos. F. Smith over Sunday. , last two village boys, J ilnmic Northey ald McIntosh, went down to the plains with a 22-calibre rifle. While returning home,.and when they had nearly reached the village, McIntosh was handling the loaded rifle when it “ went off," and the bullet entered Northey’s leg a short , distance above the- knee, and back of bone. The injured boy walked without assistance to Dr. J ohnstone’s oflice, where 'Drs. Wilson and Johnstone succeeded, after some little trouble, in locating and removing the bullet. Jimmie was then carried home, where he will have to re- main for some time. The injury is not of a. serious nature, being entirely in the flesh, but if the bullet had touched either the main artery or the bone, both. of which it narrowly missed, there might be a different story to tell. M BORN. CORBBTr.â€"At Fonelon Fall's. on Wed- nesday. Nov. 11th, 1908, the wife of Mr. William Corbett, son. A SHOOTING Accmnnr.â€"- On Saturday 3 (second son- of M r. W. Nor-they) and Ren- . of. Jacob's Island, of a Don’t put ofl‘ buying- your gifts until the last minute, but come early and look through our complete stock of useful and fancy articles, which comprise th e most attractive line we have ever shown. Don’t fall to secure your Xmas leaflets and post cards early. We sell TEGK’S exclusâ€" ively. Also have your gifts made up with Denni- son’s Gift Dressing, Xmas Seals, Cards, Tags Gummed Labels, Veto. . It adds to the appear- ance greatly and never - fails to please. r. a. cancer, FEN ELON FILLS.