“- E .- _-â€" _ h- ‘f' â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-‘.« 1,___.__.__â€"â€"'â€"â€"-â€"-4 mecca WOMOMWMSGWz 669996909?“ Sheltwo men returned to the hall. “They indeed make a fine couple.†lections. This air of ease and con- Oe was not satisfied With the re- “Hello! Here come the Earl’s tentment is not apparent in the methods and manners of the comâ€" mercial interest alone; the farm- ers carry that all right, ready to meet emergencies and expression and conï¬dence seems to prevail on both sides. On the whole there is a marked improvement in the busi- ness situation over last year. The thoughts of farmers have been turn- ed to side lines, especially dairy- ing,_and although this departure has taken place since last spring and the volume of dairy business visitor. Who is the man? I am convmced that I know him,†Joel cried with animation. .“How do you do?†he said po- litely, as Ackroyd approached them. “I feel sure that I have the pleaâ€" sure of your acquaintance.†“Indeed!†Ackroyd said coldly. “Then I am afraid that you have the advantage of me, for I can’t say that I know you.†“My name is Joseph’s.†“What the Joel Jesephs,†Ack- sult of the conversation, but he was glad that Harecastle should know of the Earl’s difï¬culties, and he lzoped that the hint that he let fall might bear fruit. He was anxious to know if the Earl had already broached to his son the subject of his marriage with Rebekah, and would have at once gone tosee him had he not ascertained that he was still engaged with his visitor. They_found that tea was being served in the hall, and to Joel’s de- .__..._â€" A Tale of Love and Disappointment , g few 8 wweweaeweeeemeeeemme @Gg CHAPTER V.â€"(Cont’d). “Do you know anything about his light Hfl-I‘ecastle at once took a “eat royd said with a well fei n ‘ ‘ ' ' .. . . ~. ., --°edsmrt nt 1;;- The Earl quaked as he heard the qï¬au‘sâ€"I lnean ï¬nancflauy ‘2†he lieSIdG Rebekah. Every Slgn Of admiration. O ' that_pointcd to the consummation of his hope caused him keen plea- sure. The feeling which predomin- ated with him was his love for his daughter, but there had been added Joel bowed slightly, but he was not taken in “I am indeed pleased to make your'acquaintance,†Ackroyd said effuswely. asked. “I can’t say that I do. He makes me an allowance, which is sufï¬ciâ€" ent for my needs. He has always kept his affairs to himself, but from dible relief tothe system of meeting all expenses after threshing.†May not the same thing be said of localities in Canada where ereameries and cheese factories are :' scathing words, and all his courage «' left him. ’ “You must moderate your deâ€" mands. I realize that I am in your 6 power but if- you wish to obtain , . ‘ , , _ {mythi’ng at all, you must be me,.Ci_la remark made recently, I think he to 1’6 anothei motivenwhich was well “You might tell me your name. " in operation Tney supply ready ~â€" 1 ful. As it is, I am advised that Ills. no)? gomg to pcrmlt me to help ï¬lghtlhsfowerfu†111610"? 0f bat" “Smeleir’†he answered Prompt" cash to the farmer at a season of 3 have not long to live, and is it wise, huh; . he {W “(’1 had {’immh’ted hlm when 1y) for he hath “0 With to 1131? 3001 the year when ready money from ‘33 therefore, to drive me to despera- , That 1.5 exeeheht from every 0 one 15 for hls mhhohs at Km" out Of hls (hthcuttY- When he had other sources is not available pomt of View. Your father wants barley was part of his nature. It once cashed the chcque which he - tion? Think!†2‘ “Ackroyd felt that the battle was a men 0f sound commeh'sehse to won; he had asked considerably‘be continually at his_elbow. In fact 3' more than he ï¬nally intended to ac- he heals an reï¬tmmmg influence)†"I cept, Joel said signiï¬cantly. “I have explained my position “What do You mean it†Harecas' ex licitl . You must increase our tle athed frigid-1Y- - cffgr very considerably. Iywill “Please do n0t take Offence at abate my demand a little, but we anything hwy. I assure you that must meet one another.†I Speak ehtll‘ely for your gOOd; and, “Heaven only knows how I shall 0i ‘00111‘58: your father’sy†Joel aid‘ get it, but I will give you ten thou- (led hastily- sand pounds. That is my ï¬nal ofâ€" “I am n0t 50 043113’ Oï¬ethd, M13 fer.†Josephs, but I Wish you would tell “It that is so, I am sorry for you. me at What you are hinting", Things will have to take their ,“I, have riot your father’s per- , course,†misSion to discuss the matter With place Wlth such a nature as Re- “The Earl turned to his desk and you, but I certainly think you ought hekah’s. He felt that his onlflweit' took up the statement, that he had to know that he speculates a good 13011 was his wealth and the Earl s prepared for Joel. deal,†H monetary difficulties. . . “Look at this,†he said, handing “1 was not aware Of that, Hare‘ Joel did not make the mistake of the paper over. “You will see that castle Said quickly. “I . thought thinking that money was all-power- I am not lying to you. I am heav-lthat he followed your advlco upon ful. The great majority of men lly in debt and don’t know which ï¬nancial matters.†. have their price, and it may generâ€" way to turn for money.†“He has done SO, and With grout ally be adduced to pounds, shillings Aekroyd looked at the ï¬gures, beneï¬t to himself, but I have dIS- and pence, but he recognized-that and his face fell as he realized their COVBl‘od tO-day that he has been Harecastle was one of the minor- meaning. For a moment he thought plunging on his own initiat-ive,’and ity. . i that his hope was doomed to disap- With rather disastrous results. He watched them carefully as pointlnont, and fury filled his This information gave Harecastle they converscd. Rebekah was heart. food for thought, and he at once bright and animated, and Joel could “I can’t help your tl'OhhleS,†he jumped to the conclusion that here see the loveâ€"light in her eyes. No, said ï¬ercely; “I’velmy Own to con" lay the T635011 0f the Opposition to this was not merely a young maid’s Slider. This paper may contain a his marriage. He decided that upon fancy, but, a woman’s passion. true statement of your affairs, but the ï¬rst, opportunity he would go Harecastje bore his Share of the that doesn’t afteCt me- If you have thoroughly into the matter with his conversation, but his manner Was had lain dormant, but the mere sugâ€" gestion of their being a difï¬culty in bringing off this marriage pro- ject had revivif‘ied it. He was con- vmeed that Harecastle must have made love to Rebekah. He reason- ed that she would not have centred her affections upon him, unless she had met with encouragement. This reasoning was bad, but he thought he thoroughly understood his daughter, and that her pride was equal to his own. So it was in orâ€" dinary things, but where love is concerned, pride does not hold a held, it would not matter, but in the meantime he must be :iareful. “Sinclairâ€"Sinclair,†Joel said reï¬ectively. Then I must be mis- taken, but I don’t often forget a face.†' Harecastle came up with a smile. “I should like to return your hosâ€" pitality. You were a friend in need. You won’t have a chance of a Whisky and soda till you reach town.†A servant appeared and the reâ€" STORING SEED CORN. Seed corn should be stored- in a dry place, and in such a way as to allow of free circulation of air be- tween the ears. A chamber con- taining any considerable quantity should be ventilated. Until fairly dry, the corn should not be exposed to hard frost, and it is safer_ not to undertake to dry it out rapidly by artiï¬cial heat. A good way to store a small quantity is to tie the husks freshment was ordered. Ackroyd together and throw the ears m gulped down the liquor and rose to pairs over a fenceâ€"wire or wire 30- . clothes-line, suspended between two posts or from joists. This will, or- dinarily, afford pretty good protec-,( tion from rats and mice unless the corn hangs close to the joists over- head, in which case the rodents might drop down on it and do more or less damage. ,34_._â€". _. TWO OPINIONS. Lawyer Smartâ€"J‘Good morning, Mr. Gull. What can I do for you to-day’l†I . “I want to get your opinion on a matter of law.†“Yes.†“My hens got into my neighbor Brown’s yard and he pOisoned them. What I want to know is, ’ can I recover damages 1’ (To be Continued.) VITALITY OF WEED SEEDS IN MANURE. It is well known that there is considerable risk of introducing new weeds by the purchase of ma- nure and hay and other feeding stuffs. E. I. Oswald, of the Mary- ? _ ,, not got it, you can borrow it GaShy father. Ethel Fetherston was rich, listless, and it could be readily seen land Station, undertook to obtain U , 1. . us i r3 enough- Your Je‘ViSh friend Joel but was by no means wealthy, and that his thoughts were far away. more deï¬nite information on this . quta1n1Yg It Wis .303“ 11319 1/; W0uld lend it you for the aShihg- if his father’s affairs were serious- Joel was rapidly coming to the point, especially as regards dis- mischief on his part, es1 es‘t e’l’ng I I suppose that is the only reason lV embarrassed it would delay their conclusion that Harccastle not, seminabion through Inanure, by a destruction Of your pfoptil Z-t d ' ' studying the effect of the fermen- “Thanks- But held" S a e that wrong. It was Brown’s hens got into my yard and it was I who administered the poison.†“Ah, yes; I see. That puts a 1.5? you are so friendly with him. The marriage for a, long .pel‘lod.‘ love Rebekah, h ' Joel Josephs .Of this World are hot If this was the cause Of his 01." This only added to his determinaâ€" usua‘uy recelved by .people like POSitiOh there was a hope that.1b tion that the marriage should take D’OUI‘SGH unless there 1,5 somethlng.iiiiglit be overcome, for of all ills place; Not for a moment didhe tation of manure handled in differ- ent ways and passing through the digestive systems of animals on the l; behind it.†lack of money is the one that is| nsider whether it would be for vitality of various weed seeds, in- _ ‘ - The Earl looked at the drawer easiest Opercmlw and that leaves d‘auqhterk happiness to marrylcluding seeds of about ï¬fty of the dlï¬mï¬nï¬ 00101- “1301,?th tlarcilsactigln a worst weeds found in Maryland. and it is clear that 0: m ‘e P “'hiCh contained Joel’s “Cheque the least traces behind it. a man who did not care for her. Should he sactlï¬ce that? What} “I think that I am quite an fait He assumed that Rebekah loved , , , 'V. would happen If he W“? to Wigwam; your father’s affairs. If he him, wanted him, Accordingly she nure remained (1) for six months in to. gwe the man anythmg? lh‘fxvere to die at the present moment, Shoujd have him, if he could bringla barnyardheap, and (2) for a short money that he had Obtmhed tbathe would leave a considerable liaâ€" it about by any means in his pow- Whlle 1“ P1195 as Wheh ,ShIPPed m '. morning: he £61111“ had pmd for by bility behind him. You would suc- 9L He would prefer that it should I earload lots from Cities, it was hls mterwew Wlt'h hls SOh' N0) ceed to the estates, and of course be done quietly, and that thereifound that in the ï¬rst case there He mu“ pay' ACkroyd meant bugl‘ the property would be free from any would be no need for the removal of was no danger and in the second I ngss’ and anythmg bettertha’n that claim by your father’s creditors. his gloves in the handling of the case little danger of distributing 1111s act of treachery should become But, perhaps, as it matter ht hon“ matter. livc weed seeds. In the expm-i- _ :nown. _ ' ~ . or. ,Ou would consider foul-self “ , . _ menting in which the weed seeds f, “Name your mlmmhm’n he 5:“‘1 obliged to settle his liabilities.†1 1%:eglmlï¬ilfeifilghigfgGaga: u ere fed to yearling steers and the curtly' He.had made up his mmd “I should naturally pay every- $0,, in Ermt affection but Joel manure handled in various ways it to the Sa‘crlï¬ce’ and he “715th to thing that my father owed,†Hare- came to thJe conclusion ’that them\was found thatâ€"- son of his hens, was the trespasser, whereas in leaving the pOison on your premises you were quite uln- aware that his fowls would eat it. It was purely an acoldent, so far concerned.†“Thanks. How much?†“Five dollars.†_ “What, that’s just tw‘ice what you asked for a legal opinion the other 03‘th know it; but, .you see, I have given you two opinions to-day. »1< THE CHART DIDN’T SHOW ‘IT. ' There is no occasion which pre- In experiments in which the ma- .- gef' it over as soon as pOSSible' castle ' l ' ' ' d - ' ' . ' (1) Where th m nu‘ ' l l d H n ' plompt y “home ' would be a, limit to his obedience. V e a 13 “as m“ 3 Ten me-the mOSt you can pay at “I thought you would 100k at it He was now inclined to think that en'eetly from the Stable as 3‘ top H , v . . once’ ACkloyd sighed eagerly from that point of view,†Joel re- there might, be some truth in the dl‘essmg an average 0t only 1938 per cent. of the seecds fed to am- s’ “Twentyâ€"ï¬ve thousand pounds.†. , _ ‘ . 1 J ah . . ’ J L lied With quickly concealed ‘Ll‘l- re orted en ‘axrefnent to Lmel . "h theiihlhigfiiits Itawhuldado “lldly a“ hmhh- “It is only What one would Fertlierston. g a ’ mills germmated‘ . sents such 1&1}:th aiihhitndfieseii “It is a hm‘gaihan he etied heSt' exPeciE from a man Oftyoï¬r Chiral?â€" “IE it is SO’ it must be bmken rehilgfffii‘ietliiealsltifhldiihgohatlidiaiiil ileiapleaciiliid tlicerzligsnone on which i . tel" am very sorry 0 ave O kc 0H †he said riml to himself. , ‘ ‘ ', ’ ,g a ‘. . g L ,I ,_ 5'1: 1)The Earl produced Joel’s cheque the bearer 0f- hews that tht ha" Eord Harccaitle iiose lazily and and plolwiddutnc‘el’..2'bi per cent' Of his Jocorï¬jtlesfolifsgï¬eg h from the drawer, and taking up his thmhy cause you a†deal Of “out†suggested a stroll on the terrace. 1005?]? ,3 tlo ar‘um‘ts Came “I.†d. g le of his most ambitious if pen Slowly wrote his name on the l have known you for. some time, Rebekah looked up expectamfly, but (0)1 I 181: .lef ilappingslrizmamed fr; one it: back and 1t 1 may be Denim!“th to 5333,, no one moved. on L110 pas me 16 S mm H telate e of S 7 v in the middle of 35" “Give me the papers †he said Eeril have 3‘ great mfmg for you' “You go, Rebekah,†Mrs. Gold- as heyfeufm average Of only 3'1 “henj W‘if VS‘EIIJ'L vrence and the Z) “veakly for his strenn'th, WrLS leav- “That is Very ‘klnd, 1‘11‘. JO“ berg said kindly and the girl ac‘ Per CE'NTL 0ftl10 seeds fed to animals GUI O - ‘V 'i ‘ V ’ D ‘ ’ germinated. nearest coast was 200 mi es away, - l †I-I' rreastle said heartil . ., fl - _ . _ ‘ . sop is, a c y companicd I'Iaiecastle with a plea The results indicate that in gen_ a Yankee qulefly remarked I__ ing him. . . Ackrovd clutched at the cheque “Your future ought to be a hub sure that, was very endent, a , “ H h _t close l.- v - . r - a . .- -..,, .7 eral it is safe to assume that the Wal I guess we MO (1111. e gridded: ï¬ifeefdigiv‘e‘ihen he saw ita‘iiiioroihljilâ€rlhe only fibula you IaCk algggl Josephs and ms Slbtbr we“) vitality of weed seeds is d-eâ€" to land ,now. It ailn’t more’rhoï¬lglv‘fci; h Lord Welverhelme Seized the let' “A mosh important thingâ€, Harc' “Rebekah is very mheh 1“ love,†Elf-rot) $21518liihiliiilrihleiiutli?oifuh qugefgehalfyaivgltrholthoyinterest in it tors in his hs’nds’l cagefuily examlhi- Midge said} a t b Mrls' GOldberg sald‘ WIth a dOICful the digestive tracts of animals aiid facts of this nature, and were con- ed them and p ace t em in 11s es u one ia can e ae- Sig 1, . _ I y ‘u‘. . . . . . _ but manrem pocket fer subsequent destruction. quired,†Joel broke in quickly. “And She sham marry 111m,†J00} ma} he (3&1 116d tolthe land if the tentlto~ sit aï¬d‘gelciils/ï¬Ã©d out of) the He thou .111, it was time to come maid ï¬ercely manuic is not wel rotted befOie eitec .tiave el 1 t th 8 I V ' 1158~ smoking-room to have a 100.: a e longâ€"hopedâ€"for continent. They presently came back in the worst of tempers, saying that the charts and all other authorities declared the land to be at least 200 miles away, and that there was certain- ly none in sight. †£ 5 “Wal, I didn’t say the shorc‘,‘ returned the champion joker. I i guess there’s land right .under us, I iiot threeâ€"quarters of a mile away. I .__,__...p....,.«. She shook her head. “- “I do not think that he is in love ' 1 w _, v Y with her,†she replied decisively. WHAT A CRPJAMLRY WILL DO. “That makes no .dil'fcrence.‘ I The following pubï¬shed by a 10- how math “13 my mind that 13119.8"0111 paper in North Dakota attests CHAPTER VI. I to“elose quarters. V v ‘ I wonder you have never marâ€" Joel Josephs had conï¬dence in his tried,†he continued quietly. “I own ability to bring this marriage 4 am sure that you would never marâ€" to a successful termination, and helm for wealth alone, But if you dotel‘mihed t0 taCkle Lord Ha1‘0\cculd ï¬x your affections upon one shall marry, and I get my way 111 to the value of a new ereamery built caStle- “Ne thhe like the Present,†thl‘o riches lay, it WOUN- he a hap- thc long run.†in the localtity where the paper was the motto; and he soon follow- py solution of the difï¬culty.†NYC“ a“, a, wonderful man, Joel, ,5 published: ed Harecastle to his room. “One cannot always order one’s ' but it will be dimcult, Lord Hale- u “At the present time the busi_ affections,†Hareca‘stle Said Ooh-313'- castle is not a puppet-H ncss of this community is verysatis- “I hope I am not bothering you,†“Quite true, quite true,†Joel “But he shall dance to my factory In fact, no business (19. he ramarkcd, and took an armchair, Without waiting for an invitation. said hastily HI understand that, String,†he repliedï¬ï¬mny. pression has prevailed in this com_ “Perhaps you know that 5’01†fa‘ hut I had hoped that 370“ had torm‘ “Be col‘ti‘uh‘l that 3'0“ do “0t "Hike munity so far this year, because it a ‘ lGNOSIS thel‘ cehï¬des in me to it greet 015“ ed an attachment that would be in a, hag}, of matters, In is genemlly is a country of resources. MADE HIS D11 - tent.†. _ every way suitable.†_ better to leave this kind of thing “The creamcry has brought in “What diagnosis did the dOCtor Harccastle looked up quickly, («I do not wish to be rude, My, to work out 11,5 own salvation. I some ready money which has been make of your “ï¬gs illness?†and wondered, if by any chance Josephs, but you must please un- have a dread presentiniont that med to de'fmy current expcngcs of “Said she was suffering from Joel was aware of the reason of'tho dcrstand that this is a subject that trouble will come if you mgddlc, creamer-V patrons. and book In} overwork." . Efn‘hs Opposmlon to Ins nmrrlage I do hOt cute to discuss at the Pre' JOOL†, . counts for necessities are no‘..icc~ “Is that so i†1' Wlth Ethel-FatherSton‘ Although Sent moment", . “I hate 1“ intentwh 0t lile‘hlhhga ably less than a year ago. It is “Yes, he looked at her tongue ho had IWIShCCl to be alone, lie HAS {01‘ any financial difï¬culty, I as you it,_ That nurttors no“. the beginning. of the Hush sea†and reached that decision immedi- thought 1t wise to hear what his Say___n ‘ go as I wish them to}: so“ n uccmmt of marketing new may.†g vis1tor had to say, in the hope that ulsjeaso say nothing. Perhaps “Stin to yam. own line. You crops, but them Seems to be a lack, H ’ I Y he might throw some hghh 0h the you have said more than enough. don’t and never will understand of the usual {jun-V among business CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BBL i g; subject that was troubling him- What you have already told me has women.†people ‘who usually at this seasrm J J ’ GADE : “so I have undm‘s’tood’†he an" glVen thh feed to" thought In “Ah “hdemthhdhlg 0t women is want to have the ï¬rst income of I i . .. swered politely, wand I am .sure a, day or two I may perhaps be able'not {L necessity in this (121.30. It, is me farmer for liquidatim,‘ of hi? “You give me a pane’n said the i that your “SSiStahee mutt he Ct to give you my confidence. Indeed, with men that I must deal, and l lmukammmt; Thpm is a prevail-in“ .wimlmv 53.511 to the glazier. sleet sel‘ViCG t0 hum-n 1 shall then be very glad of your {latter myself that I know their helicf that fwnmr's can meet-311 1),}. “Th-it’s all right,†rejoined the Joel smiled grlmly ehd thought!BISSiStmlCC/J he “'Uhhd UP With.“ W‘Hh FOlhtS,†he said Sl'h!"l."- inst demands upon them and for man with the putty knife, “but it of the Cheque that he had drawhtsmilo “Loot: at til-9m,†MI‘S- Gol‘h‘m‘tâ€"V that reason merchants are not put- will he charged UP to .‘r‘G‘G-l' hOSS» that morning' I t Hill‘ecattle r053 33119 SPOI‘ZC) and Said With 34 81111100 to the tel‘l'ilt'c- ting any great rush on their 001â€" just the same.â€