Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Oct 1908, p. 4

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V Means Perfect Heating “idiom Gas, Dust or Smoke. The “Hecla” Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years’ use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke. and gas. The Steelâ€"Ribbed Fire l’ot used on the “Hecla” Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style oi lire pot. It Will save fuel for l The Fenelcn Falls Gazette. Friday, Oct. 11th, 1908. A Successful Fair. The annual fall fair of the Fcnelon Agricultural Society, held at the Falls on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, )ct. 6 and 7, was well up to its usual standard of excellence. The weaâ€" ther was perfect, and the attendance was consequently one of the largest on record. The showing of horses and cattle was first-class, many fine animals being on the ground, but sheep and hogs, especially the latter, appear to bore- ceiving less attention from the farmers than they did ten years ago or so. Poul- try were fairly well represented. In the indoor department, the exhibit of grain, roots and vegetables, etc., was good, the roots especially being better than might be expected in such a dry season. Fruit, however, was a small class. In domestic manufactures and fancy work, the, exhibits while about up to the average in numbers, were of extra good quality. Only one event in the way of a horse race was on the pro- gramme. This was a green race in which Mr. John Aldous' mare “Fanny ” took first money, winning three straight‘ Maggie Twomey, Frances McIntosh, Irene Minthorn, Fred Jell'rey; leaders of glue club, Lillian Connell, Rachael Me Farlan d, Vivian Kerr, Florence Cham- bers, Olive McGee, Norma Mason ; pro- gramme committee, Zetta McFarland, Arthur Robson. Lois Kearns, Ella Chad- wick ; critic, Dick Nevison. Colors, red, » white and blue. CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of the Fenclon Falls Gazette: S m,â€" ,4 There has been published in the public press of the town a letter by Col. Sam Hughes, addressed to me. The let- ter is so grossly insulting and indecent in its tone that it will receive no reply from me. The public, however, deserve an explanation. Four years ago Col. Hughes made a deliberate attcm pt to ruin my professional character, and he put into every home in this constituency circulars for that purpose, entirely false, one serious charge being supported by an alleged letter, which was afterwards shown to have been a fabrication. The people of Fenelon Falls and the rest of the county will remember that I placed ' $100 in the hands of the chairman of the‘ Fenelon Falls meeting, Mr. Thos. Rob'- son, and publicly challenged Col. Hughes to establish the truth of 'any of these aaalveascnv SERVIGES liltTDlllA CHURCH ,POWLES’ CORNER SUNDAY AND more“ CDT. 1'! AND 12 SUNDAY, 19.30 and 7, Rev. R. H. Leltch, a former pastor, now of Port Perry, will preach.- the 12th, Entertainment consisting of music, etc., and addresses by Rev. M r. Leiteh and. resident min- isters. ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS. FENELUN Fill/LS MARKETS. Fenelrm Falls, Friday, Oct. 9th, 1908 Reporter] [2]] me {Vorle mar Roller [Hill 00 you and give you more heat. It extracts from the heats. Th? 131,120 up, will be published slanderous Statement, (making to accept “,I‘cul‘acwfll or Fm: 80 to 85 fire} ilCRc that \VUUld L’KhC‘I‘VlSC g0 U I) the Cllllnney. as soon as 1b 15 received from the score. the Secretary of the Conservative A530- lVlICilt, ill”, per bur. lltl. . . . 80 8.5 . tar)" ‘ elation as referee; and if he were to say What“: spring o - - - - - i . 75 m I“ "5 Sim‘." 3““ m“ ‘908 .” “NI”. ” “nd explmn an "“ ‘ '_'“""""‘"_’ “' that there was a word of truth in any of inrley. P“ ll"5b‘=l- -~ - . - - » 4.5 50 the lazcst uupnwemonis in detail. Spmo Acqmfied‘ (these grandma, the $100 was to'gn to guckwhcmlo: H . . 48 53 .. . . . n n . jg -â€" iany‘ charitable institution he might di- Ms, . . . . . . . . 31 3 it" :3 “.dc b) the makers 0‘ Pmlc“ peninsqu Ranges 82 .'Vito Spine, the Italian, who was ar- 'I‘ecfi- Tillfe mohfiyrlay'fberonth? in the EN“; . . . . . . . . 75 33 37“- ” rested on a charrre of havin stabbed an- hands 0 MP- 0 3.50“.- 0. 1"0!) y, @7071, 3'81 . . . . . 6:5 70 3“ r3 . , other Italian at Echelon Fails on August could ever be obtained to the challenge. Volumes, "' v ....... - 80 so 315b, came up for trial at, the Lindsay Until Col. Hughes takes up this chai- Butter,pc r In . . . . . . ..... . 1‘), 3‘0 assizes on Friday 13,313. As there was no lenge, I shall not attend any meetingpf Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . I7 13 witness of the aliray prepared to swear Ills. I would be pleased to dl-‘a'cnss pollt- Hay, per ton . . . . .. . . . . .. . 12.00 14 00 M. rm:fiend-Lani:sz.xfiznfisaflzzfiiMiami:filmmuflfihuitfucmfiuManflmmkathmfluxfig that he saw the prisoner do the stabbing. ml questions Wlth any one; but to en- Hides ..... . ... .. . . . . 4 oo 4.50 n l .lll and as at least two men said they had ter into a contest of vituperation and Hogs(live) 600 650 seen another Italian, immediately after personal abuse, is a thing I certainly Hogs (Dressed) ...... .... ‘7 00 8.00 the stabbing, run away from the crowd, WIII not do. ; Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 5.00 6.00 *4 , ,' ' throw something into the canal and then In 1904 I t00k occasxpn‘ to reply to and Sheepskins . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 90 {i S make off across the bridge, the jury refute the slander?» ctrelllatccl against Wool . H ,, ., _ , , . , , , , 8 14 I I could only bring in a verdict of “Not myself. and I )Velli: "0 flll‘ther- In “10 Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 3.00 330 ‘3' I Guilty," and Spino was accordingly t present campaign I'have taken occasion Flour, Silver Leaf . . . . .. .. 2.75 2 95 4;; p , given his liberty. People are now ask- to gutlmso the address that Is In cu‘cu- Flour, Victoria 2.70 2.90 e 6 ing, of course, why Spino was arrested [iIth‘U among “19‘ DGOPIO- Ill-my humble Flour, New Process . . . . . . 2 60 2.80 I I I ' , at all, when there was nothing to show .llelgm'Efnt “10 leej‘flls 01’ Hahbm‘ton fmd Flour, Family, Clip-per. . .. 2 '"5 2 75 that he- had committed the crime, and, VICtIOI'la have “0 Fight t0 lie called, Gltll- Bran, per 100 lbs . . . . . . u . L15 1325 ' secondly, why the other man whose ac- 61‘ (lll'ectly 01‘ by lllSillllatlon, “ boomer-‘5. Shorts, “ N . . .. . . .. . I30 1:321 tions were so suspicious, not pursued personators, repeaters, bogus voters and Mixed Chop u _ H. u. . 1 55 Leo Ours is the largest and best assorted stock in these lines in town. Ours is the largest and best appointed store in town. Your’s is the opportunity to buy from the best assor- ted stock in the largest and best appointed store when you do your shopping. Do you take advantage of it ‘2 J. Mel-Iceland. fifigmufiur JI3mmIgiuyir‘ingiguruunpruxfiprrwrnw‘awar Inmnrungfipnnwnwr mpxrrmarmwmmr unwr'iimr awrrqmrnmuramr we: ".fl ' a: aifitmflzmcfiiizaill’u: zilliux.zxt"ii::u.tx:.:niit: tiltinaifii:5;.'itr.;£ill.zz ""4731 3' L W‘Wmflwyfl“ zwwmrflmumwrvarvmewmw “Emit” “WTW “W” :4 We have the latest styles in Mid-summer Hats and in all Mil- linery Novelties. See them before buying. Lime and F’sriland Cement. For sale at the Standard Chemical Company's Lime Kiln, Fenelon Falls. J. H. BRANDON, it. es E V put up in two, five and Local Agent V By order securing another shipment of ‘ ' ~ 1 ' . ' ' I" ,_, to lo even bct- . "i « _ . ’ ten pouna Quality at? L. mm: ~ ~ . Organ for Sale. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" .. ~ I . . . . .. 1 A secondâ€"hand G-octave Organ, in first-. filst CIJSS' Gd thel'ed f1 on ’ class order. Apply to L. Dumas 8; Son, 29H? Fenclon Falls Elever and basswood. Only- “ limited quantity for sale. ..._.._ Secure what you, want, now andE be sure of i_t._ It, 1:, -. ween FOR SALE. Dr , The undersignedisprepared to deliver W111 keel? wen'- Wood to any part of the village at any. ‘ ' time. Hard or soft wood 4- feet long or. at to order. All kinds of green and dry wood:- llDught at highest price. “2; I H! Qspound' cans -. 300.. 5-pound pails - 700.. l‘yO-pound. pails~ «. $1.40, E;- (i. HAND» $353933? and captured. They also would like to know why this evidence was not taken at the preliminary trial or at the latter hearing at the hospital some time ago. . We don't know. We were on the spot two minutes after the stabbing took place, but heard not a word about a man running away and throwing some- thing in the canal, nor did we know such , a thing had happened until the fact was brought out at the trial. Neither can we figure out by what process of reason- ing it can be argued that Spino received 1 "British fair play.” BOBCAYGEON FAIR.â€"â€"â€"A number of“ our ‘villagers attended the Verulam Fair at Bobc-aygeon on Wednesday last, and re- port a good show, in spite of the chilly weather. Sr. Arron-mus Cannonâ€"The Sacrament 2 of the Lord‘s Supper will be celebrated V on Sunday, October 11th, at the morning j service. Preparatory service on Friday evening at 8' o‘clock. The Rev. J. M. Duncan. M. A., B. D., of Toronto, is to be the anniversary preacher on the 18th. MINIsTEnLu. ASSOCIATIONâ€"At the opening meeting of the Ministerial As- sociation of Fenelon Falls, held at the 'Baptist parsonage on Monday evening, the Rev; W. H. A. French, Rector of St. .Jamcs’ church, was elected president, and the Rev. W. J. M. Cragg, of the Methodist church, secretary for the en- suing year. A SUCCESS.â€"Tl1e annual harvest home of St. James’ church, held last Thursday evening, was a highly satisfactory event. The supper, one of the best served in the village for a long time, was largely 3 attended, and the service in the church was very enjoyable, the sermon by the Rev. C. H. Marsh, of Lindsay,boing very appropriate. ONTARIO HOR’I‘ICULTURAL EXHIBITION.â€" Owing to the change in the date of Thanksgiving Day to Nov‘. 9th, the open- ing of the above exhibition at Toronto will take place at7 p. m. on Monday, Nov. 9th. Exhibitors will please take notice that all exhibits must be placed by that hour. The building will be open for exhibitors Saturday afternoon and all of Monday. HARRY K. STILL WINNING.â€"â€"1\I1‘. J. H. Lee's horse “ Harry K,” has his name in the papers again, this time a little more conspicuously. At Montreal on Monday in the class, he won the three straight heats, doing the second one in 2.19}. “Harry " appears in the turf rec- ords as the property of' Dr. Cowan, of Lindsay, but he still belongs to Mr. Lee, the doctor simply being his trainer. Cumnus‘ Munrmc.â€"’l‘he annual meet- ing of the curling club. held on Friday evening last at the MeArthur House, was well attended, and all ._the old curl- ers are enthusiastic, to, the future prospects of the club, last year haying been the most successful in. its history, for the ensuing year: Hon. President, Mr. Wm. Can‘ipbell ; Pres., Dr. S. J. Sims; Vice Pres, Mr. J. H. Stanton ; Sec._Treas., Mr. W. A, Bishop ; Managing Committee, Messrs. Thos. Graham (chairman) J. L, Arnold and- Thos. Ca_shore;. Chaplain, Rev. W; J. M. Cragg; Representative. Members, Messrslt, M, Hamilton and; III. Brandon._ ernnauv SocrarÂ¥.â€"A literary society. was‘organized:inthe Fenclon Falls pub, lic sehool;on Fridayafternoon last, The following. officers ‘were elected :. Hon. Ilh‘esident, Miss McKee, B, A.;. Presi-: dent, Harold Wilson.;. ‘ vice-president; Ivan. Jpnkiny. Secretary, Hazel Broken,- ‘shire ;. treasurer, James Northey; proph; 'ets, Willie Wilson, Ross. Mann, Living, ston_Kclly, Grenville Aldous ;: histprjaps; election crooks,” and have so stated. I perhaps stated it strongly, but I think you will agree with me. I believe the general character of the District of Vic- toria and Haliburton, with comparative~ ly few exceptions, has been good. In no case have I interested myself in Col. Hughes’s personal character or per- sonal affairs, neither have I commented on him in his business relations. He may serve his employers well, for all I know. I have stated to the electors that if they take that address and" read it, and consideritan honest, fair, truthful stateâ€" ment, by all means vote for Col. Hughes ,~ but, on the other hand, if‘ they believe it false and scandalous, it is their privilege and duty to do otherwise. ’ Yours truly, R. J. M CLAUGHLIN DEPARTMENT OF R'AILWAYS AND GANALS, CANADA TREN'T CANAL. ONTARIO-RICE LAKE DIVISION. SECTION No. 7. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “ Tender for Trent Canal,” will be received until 16 o'clock on Tuesday, the 20th of Octoâ€" ber, 1908, for the works connected with the construction of Section No. 7, Onta- rio-Rice Lake Division of the Canal. Plans, specifications, and the form of the contract to be entered into, can be seen on and after the 29th of September, 1908, at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Can- als, Ottawa, and at the office of the Sn- perintending Engineer, Trent Canal, Pe- terboro, 01113., at which places forms of tender may be obtained. Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared or to be prepared by the Department of Labour, which Schedule will form part of the contract. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in the ease of firms, unless ,there are attached the ac- tual signatures, the nature of the occu- pation, and place of residence of each member of the firm. ’ An accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10,000.00 must accompany each ten- der, which sum will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work, at the rates stat- ed in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in, will be re- turned to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarii y accepted. Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, September 25th, 1908. Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority, from'the Depart. ment willmot be'paid for it, ' an.snanss, cruise TOIlOlT0-:. will. lac-hat the . McARmURJ-IQUSE, Fun ELON FALst \‘l’.cd_._angl Thurs" 0ct. 21st angl 22in, A-pd; Wednesday. and Thursdayof- every alternate week: following._ Sallsmcfion assurfilrâ€"Plate. Crown and ‘ 'BFWEO W9;_lg_q_Specialty.. D R ESSDIAIKING. ~ The undersigned is prepared to do Dressmaking or Sewing. either by the day or work taken home. Good work- manship ; charges reasonable. Apply at Mrs. McArthur's residence; 35-3 MISS. MCDONALD. _â€"_ -The pick of the sea- son’s stock of furs. has just been received from the nianufacturers. You cannot afford to pass this store if you’re looking for reliable goods. \Ve rely on the intrinsic merit of our goods and our small profit method to bring us trade. 3 l 3 34 inch, flne even curl, made i in all sizes extra value at . . . . . . , 1 l Astrachan Jackets, lined with best quality lining satin, blended sable collar. An ex- ceptionally fine male ............. 48.00 In this stock you will find a very choice collection of fine fur pieces, such as : l l l l l i Astrachan J ackets. German Mink, Matched setts at $15 to $25 American Opossum § 16.50 i Stone martin dye Mull and Rafi... Hair Coney Stolcs from $3 upwards. These numbers are but a few specials, they invite you to step in and inspect the whole range. i l g We have been fortunate in p alley mana- co... to. Stay. i i Next week lookiinithis‘ é space, for specialism g Fred. Warren, :ireneton;rntts,i OWOHOW‘O 0-00 OWWOWMM Knit Undreywear. l l l l l i l l i 2 I '1'" I. 09 i ‘ :zée.8.-..?..9aa}? 39.. p, i l i i i x 3 $060 WW I ’ ‘i-l ::":;: 5.": i .-- "- = ;, g". .311». i l i if (t‘ l u w a v .

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