Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Sep 1908, p. 8

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.i' -- --_--__«_~;~_~w _ Ag; ; L‘r' , '13! h I , , i‘. - _ if v i Fig“, â€"- ~~-â€"- -â€"â€"-»-» â€"â€"»-â€"â€"â€"-â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"--»â€"-â€"-â€" '5‘: I q 3... Ni: VJ 5 OF I HE NEIGHBORHOOD '“ ’ burnt River. an ensilage cutter and blower. The i: L . '_ . corn IS a good crop this year. Mr. Mc- ’. , 'Cr)7-respgn,f,~,,,w of the Eugene. Gee hasten acres which he estimates l ‘ . Miss \I. Briqbin. of Rochester. N. Y-a Fill; {1311? ~00 tons. some 0‘ It IS fifteen f’ ; us spending her vacation at Burnt River. “Elihu” {.1 b n ,, t1 . ,3 '1, re 1 . i y “1158 Pulwck Ur Fortescfig is the ere 1.5 ee 11 o iei c 1 ngei a ;. i guest of .‘r U B '2 .b, 1 ’ estate. Mr. i\. E. Johnston has sold his 3 , . ' Mr 0715f “D flf' _ _ farm to his brotiicr-in-law, Mr. Edgar '9 p . we‘ek' “mine mmul to Dunsmrd this Sims. We learn that Mr. Johnston is to d l' f. Mrs 17' -b. - t - becomea resident of Fenelon Falls. He fi ‘ i x .fric‘ld' 0‘ it” leg eltt'mfled he? young will make a very desirable citizen. ’5 i i ’ mfg ,lsfifiilt "1.0% ‘W “wrung! an.“ a“ w‘ Mr. 0. Newton, of Lindsay, spent a ‘ ,’ * MR, cf?” t‘me' , , few days here the first of the week, iook- ’ ' ' ' ' .3 ‘i ,g-a- ,‘ “.U‘MS ltd?‘ gone to “ “1330” 5 ing up old friends. - Al .'. 4 1311:: T31 afialillcdlit yvlistttiuned fiom Hali The young men Who lefb here for the h ' . d t 2‘, » i ' " ‘ ” U " ' ' ' North-west reached their destination all I ‘ '7 ' " ‘ 7' 3 i ' ' “ ‘ (button 311_Wednesday. . . right and are getting very good wages. e a" e Jubt 1 6061‘ L or” lrb i . afir. lat .iloi'iey is spending this week ‘5 I ' I In oron o. ' ‘ w ' i ', ,7 ; . _ The repairing ore“ of the G. T. R. are Rosgdale, 511113111th Of “7th Is He“ e“t ‘ 1. 'i.u:y “fixing "' our station. ' ..___ ' d ‘ . L d . 7 ‘ i *2 mong‘ those who are takinn" in the . , ' ' ’ .- .. ‘ ‘ U { ,bwhb Exhibition this “reeling-re Mr. (Coriespmnluica of the Gazette.) 3:11 RIOSl} up to (13.6 in a; .90 ‘ :K, ~_:md Mrs. I-Iodgson, M rs. Smith and Miss ,Wte gm hgjl'adganfi’ 10.311113 ouilsgmnifl' £14 1 - f ' OE" 'Jva, Miss ’iV. Suddab ' m d \Ir. Thomas V131 '01' - 'r- - 31ml 0“ an “m1 y 0‘ " " i 0 ‘ V, g .imddubbn ‘) l 1 left for Toronto on Friday. 1‘0 1 C ass “Lla’ntleb' 'A‘ tk’l 01088 Miss; Lizzie Deyman, of Fenelon Falls, aspent Sunday a- Burnt River. Diemâ€"nit Burnt River, on Monday, ..iiigust 3lst, 1908, Archie Wesley, son of .TMr. W. U. Booth, aged 3 months. a...â€" .Narland. (Correspondence of the Gazelle.) Mr. J. W. Cornell was in town on busi- ‘12ch one day last week on business. hi r. ii. Secord, of Gait, was here on business one day last week. Mr. James Isaac, 01" Coboconk, gave "our little village a ilying visit last week. Miss Lily Henry and Miss Lulu Walsh, km' Peterborough, have returned home :: [tor spending a few pleasant few weeks .::.s the guests of Mrs. R. E. Woodcock, of ‘ihis place. The many friends of Mrs. H. Pearson w ill be. sorry to hear that she is on the :<ick list, but will hope to soon see her «around again. ~ ‘ ers. Joseph Calhoun, of .Toronto, is _“‘\'isitiiig her brother, Mr. G. W. Allely, ‘~ in} a few days. Mrs. G. W. Aliely was Visiting her thither, Mr. R. Rilance, of Beaverton, «hiring part of last week. . Capt. LeCraw and Lieut. A. Wake- '1in took quite a number 01' our young men of the surrounding country as vol- iver Sunday. Mrs. Win. McIntOSh left on Saturday for Toronto, where she intends Spending a couple of weeks visiting friends. The swing portion of the bridge is be- ing replanked. This is not being done before it Was needed, as the old planks Were very unsafe. "‘ Mr. McDonald started to put in con- crete for the new lock on Tuesday last. I-Ie intends having. a great deal of this work done before the freeze up. The opening of the duck season was hailed with welcome by some of our sports, who were lucky enough to secure several fine specimens. Mr. Harry Daniel succeeded in catch- inga fine ’lunge on Monday last. This is his first catch this summer, though he has been very earnest in his attempts. Women‘s Institutes. Continual from ’uqc 1. a reputation for bad temper loses, in his intercourse with his fellow-men ; their friendship, sympathy, even toleration. He is not a pleasant companion along the highway of life, whose ill condition- ed mind refuses to accept the changes and chances of this world with a cheer- ful and cquabie spirit. Mrs. Gould then called on Mrs. Fell, who responded with a few well-timed District Notes. better can be found. We submit this magnificent raige observation as to “What Fashion has decreed just right, and after... inspecting various lines of the leading makers of Ladies’ and Children’s Mantlcs, at home and abroad, We have chosen What we believe to be among the first (in the wcr‘d’s productions for fash- < ion, . fit, quality, workmanship and finish, and as for values we are confident that no‘ for you: inspccio l aid will deem it a pleasure to acquaint » ._.,_ .. . . V _ km IanVgewsxwv .. . = r. J: .t f $5.5: ii 519%:â€" . «W373?» : runteers for the 45th Regiment to King- femfu'ks- A5 t11t§l3r015i(le"t [ml-asuggesgid i; . tston for a fortniwht's lraininrrfor active lawn" ‘1 Giles 10" C “1W6? 5 ‘9 agree 0 ' ,' ' y . l - : :service. ° ° conaif‘ét a at the next me’eting. By ro- you With the vaiious styles and cloths in V ogue f0i l r . __- quest of the president, Mrs. J. Bran; a, i don consented to prepare for t ie nex - x 3 Baddow. meeting a. paper on frozen foods, their the and Whiter seaSOn. i _..__ composition and value, and their use in is : (parwmznnldeflcc “fwd Gaming.) health and‘iilness, making and servmg « v. H E”, I, I H, 1 F u . ice cream, ices, etc. . . ' , fig, 6 ,_ .1. 'F‘“ . .d edice’ 0 one 0” a 5’ ‘5 The meeting closed by Singing the rim , \‘lthlllg‘ il'lQll'iS in Baddow. National Anthem . 93,3 Misses Minnie Dodd and Ethel Towns- ‘ ' i ' «will, of Burnt River, were in Baddow "" ' a Mr. and Mrs. C. iood ha ml, of Lindsay, lâ€" EXCURSEQNS to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. ‘ Well-paid work for over 25,000 men. V Organ for Sale. A. second-hand G-octave Organ, in first- - c ass order. Apply to \X’innipeg to points where harvesters are needed, east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to Q'QLE Alberta at one cent per mile. - RETURN TICKET T0 ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOP ADDITIONAL ' L. DEYMAN 8: SON, ' Fenelon Falls. visits-cl r iatives here. last week. The Villarre of Havelock was visited ' . . . v 3w ' , Missjiota Arnold, of Feneion Falls, by a $45,000 fire on Tuesday morning 1 piece eggh’ BldCL “Pd 5, i . is spending a. wch in Baddow. of last week. Among the heavy losers Navy Panama, 44 in. .3“ k Mr. and Mrs Robt. Ulllpiippy‘ of Burnt are; Mr. J. V. A. Coon, general merchant, . 1. 6,. i, 1" . liver, attended the Methodist church Mr, E Barrett, general merchant, F. Wlde, regular 131108 00. ,5 ;¢ ' .] "r- last Sunday. I Joyce and Percy Lancaster, proprietor sellinw ' ii ~'il‘- “ill'l'x “Hillier. of Fifii'S Stat")le ol' the l-lavelock Standard. A number of now ' a a 0 G - ‘was noziced ill Bilii'iow on Sunday. small barns and stables were burned at _ _ .. Q . ;,;. ,é We are sorry to hear that Mr. Henry I and residences and other storespartly , i it Watson is very ill. . damaged. The total insurance is csti- J M I‘- Mntiiivsou's machine is busy mated at $20,000. The origin of the fire iii } :‘- ':t,j].'.":hill"' in this neighborhood, and the is unknown. . _ . . ig‘ ; g Vis The Pym hotel at Huntsville was bl'il'll- venetian Stilt-111$ ; 111 ._ 11/2 ' . .1 ,."- ,\.--,. . . - _ w . i. iting hoi- sisior, M George Eade. the leadlng ' Sh‘u‘eb fin 7f? .l‘vil'. i’ci'ey Suggzitt has secured aposi- ’3 . "P r. 1 “t t. D I. t Fail and \Vlnter wear f E dion as book-keeper in Lindsay. “ 01 ‘ on "m my: new I m ‘on p “in v - ’ ii .‘ (a- .. . was commenced on liiiirsday last, May or Black, Navy, Cardin {Ii ,5 kg . P | I c n I “ Bk'gggtfllilll'lé, the lust sod. I . _ and Green. Regular is ONies barneib. The annual conieicnce of the Aich . ‘ T y, , F‘i - deaconry of Peterborougli will be held price d. B OW lg ; (I’,,,-,.,.s/,.,,,.l,.,,,-,~ oft/u: Glzcflr.) at St. Paul’s church, Lindsay, on Nov. Selling at per 7 in! g , f4 Mr. Edgar Du .u, 02' Cameron. S"0lllS to 1b,“! and llth' , V _ . . yard _, _ , QC. '5 , .w: :‘I; I the i‘ivorite threshor in this locality, Rho “1110,”? Sunken crib 9? 931‘ tlmhm ' « ,1 $ 4‘? and is no“. You. I,” 4.. Thcgmin is tu,.,,_ which tradition says has him in the bot- a» 1 ’i ; inj,r out good in proportion to the straw.- tom with“ scug‘lg waters 1“)" abof‘t 4‘.) h “ 'ii i‘he rain last 'l‘uesiiav afternoon was .l’cm'sv 15' reported, to l‘f‘ve been 10mm . . . ii xwv weicome. ' , “081' Bruce’s landmga SQ“£‘-‘2i “We, by . Broad cloth Su1t1ngs,1n v‘. gm» ,jhe ,_;,,,_.,, fact-r”. at Cameron Shut Messrs. Bert hicGrath, Darid Watson I 1 y ‘ i , d” ,.n our“, in Aug.th and “,0 patmns and W. Raymond, of. Lindsay, and the " CU 015, i 31V)? ’10 V“, ; i :‘ wand here are sending their cream to work 0f 1"”51'13‘3' the “"11",” IRIS {91'0ng Black , Cili‘dlllili and ‘3: Fe” 40” Walk commenced. i‘iie “ find, which is eslti- C 1 I G 1 in A ' t . g Mr, gum g. Rpm...” mu] 3[,_._ J_ H_ Stmud mated to be worth from $20,000 to $60,» "1 Lena COL, V3 L fl , i 1V0 disposed of their aisike clover seed, 009i “:33 Wilde through the catcmilg 9? Oill‘ SpECl {ii i :lll'i are quite satisfied with having re- I “ [Ming 11”" 0” 0"0 0f “‘0 1035-. “'f It Drice )ev . E “a (mine, 5-,; pm. imam] rm. it. we might , has always been reported and supposed, 1 I 1 0 0 , . I mention that Mr. b‘ti-oud's barn had a i however! “mb “19.10% crib “it? 5.0"“3' )‘zli‘d - - ' '5 \ei-y narrow escape about a month ago. 3 “'h‘H‘O betweel} Limb"): and him'twgn , in: it .';i~' struck by lightning. and had it i hi”! the 0”“ 10mm “1 banging, I‘ll‘e’.‘0 ' {’ ("illg‘iit Eire, three iiunired (loilars' worth i ‘mleiiu‘wul’i “"15: "0t be the (meter Winch . f; H- olpvm. 500,} would very like”. have I searcn has so olten been made. mammmw‘mvmm a... , i be ll burned. ' I Several farmers .near Bellevilie weie , g- i\i1'. .la e: Fall, .\I r, Alex. McGee and ; lined $.10 and costs each for selling wat- . p *1 . v, i‘ullis: & Loan are intending to purchase I cred milk to the cheese factories. Tglqiliil E i x -« ~ ---â€"~---wâ€"i -- - ~ in on a s g '7 o y, a“ ‘ “ ' ' n " 1- ---r CHEAPEST GENERAL LET THE OOUTN T r . . 3g“ v. one-way second class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from ~ it $I8.00, AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH Apply to ticket agents for full conditions - GOING DATESâ€"â€" from terri or EGRTEIWEST Ci mom t y E A s T or in R 0 ii T o -» SOUTHWEST 0F TORGNTO AUG. 14, 18 AUG“ 13’ 19 AUG. 20.22.27 SEPT. 2. 11.14 L5?‘ VbLPT- 1' 8 1’ 9 F if E! {T ‘ F” m ‘ stations on Toronto-North Eny Linc. week in buinoiiuuiudmc From station: on Toronto-Semis North Bay line. to and including line, and soulh lhcrcoi in Ontario. Shaibot Lake and Kinmlon. '1 uronlo-Snmia line. Tickets issued to women, but not a! half-fare for children. ‘HOMESEEKERS' SPECIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P. R. STATIONS ON Excuniim afford :bcst acccm- AUGUST M- 18 an“! 20- Apply to nearest C.P.R. ticket 83¢!“ for leaflet giving conditions, train limes, etc“. or write Hm: .3 T1“ . Lime and Perfiiand szent. THE GAZETTE to January lst, 1910 (16 months), and THE FAMILY HERALD AND \VEEKLY STAR to Jaii~ nary lst, 1909, (4 month‘s), F‘OR Oi‘dE CELLAR. ‘mM,_/Ws.rxâ€"WÂ¥warx.~ ’ 93;: L14? ;,:r« n.7,. For sale at the Standard Chemical ' i "' Lime Kiln li‘onelon Falls. , comm”) s »’J. 1-1. BRANDON, Local Agent W or you can have both papers tor January lst, 1910, F0 R $1 .75. These rates only for cash in advance. The sooner you subscribe the more you get for your money. 'DO IT NOW. 11011505 for Sale. Two good Frame Houses for sale, one on h‘idieWS Hill and one one mile south of the village. moiaiion, with Tourist Siecpcis. Leave: SEPT. i. i5. 29. Ask agent abouilhcm. W. T. JUUKIN, C. B. FOSTER. Distch Passenger Acenl,TORONTO . FunelOll Falls.

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