Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Sep 1908, p. 5

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. A ’ w 7W. .. . . -.--â€"vâ€" "'r“-f“‘""" " “wiry-L \ s z: . ’ N . 1 ""wk'.’ ‘4";\ ‘ ' i h V L mi .. ‘ .‘J .. : .Il.i:,,l.:,. . .9 i..‘ufl __________________â€"â€"_..___.____.â€"__ miEmiiumiiL HEiiiSPirEii .‘i‘ltti‘iff‘iil‘lt‘tdll???“‘“i3°C“l “on us (0 ea iaie a) encc - BlBLE STUDY CLUB Does God often use the ungodly as iii- flfll‘ ‘ with which to chastise 'liis g l THE GAZETTE'S BRANCH. Verse 4â€"Was the death of Saul deter- pllagce at this but- CORRECT COLOR, JEWELRY, Does the Ti‘ord‘ know. how, when and l V é CORRECT WEIGHT, CLOCKS, CORRECT STYLE, FlNE CHlNA, CORRECT FINISH, CUT GLASS, ' . Scribbles, a. Prizes for Answers. The Gazette has secured the right to Where one“ “"6 0f “S Wm die ? publish the International Sunday School Gl‘mltlllfl.‘ tllfi‘: freedom or the Willy and Lchon questions by the Rev. Dr. Lin- that acts are contingent and not neces- scott, which have aroused so much inâ€" sal'y. 110W 01111 God know What it free . .‘-G-v¢~l'r. nu... terest elsewhere, and they will appear agent Will (10 ? . . boos: itllliitilgl‘lls Ts Sagilt to })0 blamed fforfgvzlilntifiigi‘lililis § x '. ' <5 ' - "‘a 1 servan 0s a' 1m or 'or i a Y i 0‘ . - ’ 1 upon these answers prizes will be :ward- himself '3 5 l ’ 3 b ' “ Brltton e are always pleaS‘ O i: ed. This paper is also authorized to V". rhlr 1, . H t . . 1.- n. B . n d G, t d I - o o - v form a Local Newspaper Bible Study - , “$95” ,1 4;? 311113 m mas, Pl-01‘F\.in”. los' an Pam ee ed to recelve VISItorS ‘ Club for its readers, and guarantees to 1‘ can 3e smc 01 01 for ad]. tlme. and Shaw our gOOdS. ” - ) . . all Who join and fun“ the conditions’ ‘gi'rnsi: (' Nl\ inn iOVo RY‘I IS IT POQ § ’ r i ‘ t,tey...ll- , “8- .. -.1., _, 1â€"H. it. .- i f,:{;hfl:1(f;,‘l:al;:.lii$altln pwmibehsh L” m san THAT, IN‘ ANY INSTANCE, SIN CAN Foot of Kent St., LINDSAY . ' RESULT IN FINAL HAPPINESS. AND IF AN " l ISSUERS 0F MARRIAGE LICENSIES- - _ Persons may join the club at any time during the year, but must, of course, answer the 52 questions hereinafter ex- plained, to qualify for the prizes. It is, however, desirable that the quostions be answered as the lessons are studied. 'The International Newspaper Bible Study Club, which had its origin last year at Brantl’ord, Ont., is for the purâ€" pose of promoting, in an unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the baser truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every ACT, \VllIClI 'l‘llE \T’ORLD AND Till? CHURCH LABEL SiNi-‘UL, REALLY iii-ISITL'I‘S IN ALL ROUND HAPPINESS. “'AS THAT ACT PROPER- LY LABELLi-Ii) ? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club. Verse 7‘â€"Y;ll{lt reason is there to be- lieve that the wrong-doing of one person sometimes results in the ruin of a fam- ily, a community or a nation ? Verses 8-10 â€"Tu what respects is mod- ern warfare conducted in a more humane way than anoient warfare ? Persons requiring dry lumber should. take advantage of the facilities aliorded by our new dry kiln, where they can have lumber in lll Stilttl Bltllliitiiiili _ Robson’s Drug Store .....M....~_.w.._..._e.. e . r .H. dried to order at reasonable rates. __________‘__,_____â€"- ._ man‘s life. it is composed of all those who join a local club and take up the simple course outlined liereiii,barring only ordained clergymcii. We have the Is there any sense. or humanity, in modern warfare, in killing: and maiming all you can in battle, and then picking up all that are not actually dead, and, Lumber planed or finished in any style desired. 3km initial: Jiliimillhmflhmflflit Inwxjfilmlihlflili'mlfi" ii‘l‘! r. 3 a..first class Planer and aim prepared, to do all. Work in; , - ' thisline in the best style 3:; 7;, ' 3 alsoto make 1 SA’SH’? ' i AND ' v . DOORS. ' Your patronage solicitedi. test and forwarded to headquarters for independent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be _ awarded according to the lllgllesbfllllllll- This Schnol bases its claim for ber of marks won by members 0‘ tie , ‘ . , m- V ‘ International Newspaper Bible Study su‘mmt u‘mn mum (Home Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Club will be . l//%‘ 93 \‘en out from this oilice. . fl ’ . v ., . .13 ._-i..»' la‘.\- . - . V.» With tenderness and at great expense, 3, q l E , f° . .r , ‘ . ‘ ‘1 nursing them back to health? " i I z : - :l v' :oiiipete tie-r1 the 1prizesl. 1laundin1 530110”: Verses 1] l3 What ll‘lfl r+1111 done for ' L, a i % eacicr.‘ ’1) cc ass so 10 ars ant e mm: 1 ‘ - ;- 7' ' â€" ‘ 3 ¢ ' _ __, goers 8,3,5”qu may bdoug go this news_ the nation. that the inhabitants of Jabâ€" A. - K â€" luiper'cluyb, also iion-‘churehgocrs of all {itss‘léi‘lmd remembered 11”“ With Ql'ut‘ O k I have a carefully select_ 5‘" shades ol opinion. All such are warmly ~ ' . g invited to join and compete for the Is there any danger that a good man fl r . m ?” ed stock Of the best lll’it‘S. ;; prizes. may live to distrrace himself and the mm H , . ‘ I s E. c :iini‘ioxs or TilE CON'l‘ES'l‘. cause of God? 0 55 ._ . g All Sizes: Shapesi Stytes f3, 1, Each contestant, 0,- his 0'1. [101. fam_ Lesson for Sunday, Sept. 13th, 1908 â€"â€" ‘~ ‘ E '1 and pl‘lCOS. See rt 10111 e- ily, must be a paid-up subscriber to this 33%“ "i‘l‘}e7-l“‘l§]°l:er Judah and Israel“ ' L b ' fore buying your fall fOOt- in? paper durin-‘r the continuance of the con- ‘ “m- ” -“ i "3 ’9" i _ , ' . 5% . u l' ‘ test in ordei? to qualify for membership â€"â€" ‘â€" , weal ' is}. | in the international Newspaper Bible _ 3 ,_ - .. . Study Club and this Local ('Jlub. - ‘ “'0 use 13 I =% M if. 2. Each contestant in this Local Club » TQE é: y must answer each of the written ques- _. . . TTâ€"mâ€" _ _, . n . tions for 52 consecutive weeks, coni- Iliummpaljuy Of the Towfl‘fhlp .Of Somâ€" ‘ Syggymyuwiflmfiyg - ,. meucing for Sunday, July 26th, and tho ervdle, County of Victoria. g PflyT a; , answers must all be in the )ossossion of “‘"'â€" ,- .' '* this pauper within two welclis after the NOtiCG is lll‘l'JlW give“, that I have . I ' . :5â€" , close of the contest. transinitted or delivered to the-igneous It is 3 Pure lead, Zlnc’ g IS complete an:d.all gOOdS I . . . mentioned in Section 9 of the iitario " . _ , Q _ , '- a, a 3. Each question must be answered ,Voter's ListK Act the 001,165,.equiredto and linseed 011 palnt of I I keptnew and fresh. ; ngmmely’ “Pd “1‘? Palm “fun?” on 9‘10 be so transmitted or delivered of the g _ a d P 1 a â€"â€" Sulclonly‘ 1M) “mam”; “llmlgkcgetllffeo list, made pursuant to said Act, of all perâ€" . the g1 eatcst. ura lity. roper y ap- ,5 ~ "l wo.“ 5’ am’ may 6 egs' p 5,51 ’ sons appearing; by the last revised As- - - n . . 3' Write on letter paper, Size about b; by sessment Rouhf the said Municipality plied It can C go wrong. We can show 2; J. . ‘. ‘ o 11 “1185' Of SO“'.°1’\'3“0s P0. befilmued to P'Ote i“ you houses, painted with it years ago, . ‘ Westo'l’s 31’9"“ 1°" “‘10- ' C 4.. Each answer must have the name the said iiIunicipality at Elections for -. _ , . _ and addrcss of the writer at the bottom members of the Leaislutive Assembly ., that are still in good condition and that ,- gnaw,,memwwt,menwwmwwfi, of the answer, so it can be id,'_.)i'1t,ifiedy and at Municipal Elections; and that h 1 f h . ' " y r' ' l A. r-vristn- d and hen he the said list was first )osted up at my :: {CV6 11 6 V3 He 0 t 6 Paint- ~. {,HCII a num Jci, ea Vic , . t t n L B b R_ lIL )9” 1 f ‘ a name cutaoii' so the examiner ma ' know O'ice a' urn iver on .he 1. i ( ay 0 v ‘ ., it by number only. 3 August, 1908, and remains there for inâ€" “We; Ewes-N“ NHL“ SOLD BY ~--~A~é~~ = I, P ‘ _‘ ’. _ _ ‘ Spec. 1011. p “ > i _ I; _-. 0. Students shouldbo caici'ul to'unde‘i- And I hereby call upon an voters to A] d , _. stand tne question belore answering. 10 take immediate mceedinfls to have any . .. 4 , , r , . ‘ t. W, p I? L . do this the lesson text must be read, and errors 01. ommissious corrected accord, . . - v, ., . especially the .verse or verses upon to law. E ,v. . ,. . . -. . _ I: wmcn the (“[05th 15 base‘L Dated at llurnt River tllO‘ISt day of "' â€"â€" ii . 6. The answers for this local club September 1903- I" , . ; -. ,. _. 3 must be delivered at this office, and they 31 2 - ' SAM; SUD?ABY, . / D011 13 forget that I have - ' E will be collated at the close of the con- Clerk of the Pownslup of Somervflle. I _ / . . t ~ i l mmmm Tun DRY/JCS. First Seriesâ€"A gold medal to each of TORONTO: ORT- tlie lirst five contestants. Has high grade courses, superior Second series,.-.A Silver medal to each facilities and unsurpassed teach- Qf the next {we contestants. ~ ing talent. Hundreds of students Third Seriesâ€"A teacher’s Bible, price 5‘50 out annually 1mm this college E . - _ . . to o‘ood positions. Let us educate c- l ' ‘" n' 1" ii'\' - b . >0 00’ to we 1 or he 11"“) t H’ co “at you for prohtable employment. We ants . . . . i ' Will do it rumt. Catalorue free. Fourth Series.â€"â€"The book, “ The Heart Enter any uni; 5 of Christianity ” price $1.50 to each of ~ ‘ - . . .- - . - the next thirtyâ€"fire contestaii VV' J‘ Lnlouh Pl “1011.931 con. yous: AND ALEXANDER srs. Fifth Series-~43. developed. mind, an expanded imagination, a richer experâ€" ience and a more profound knowleng ol’ t:he Bible and of life, to all who take this course, whether winning any other prize cesi- a Lari-LE newnessâ€"Leer YDH'FORGET SiXLlEE-S BEEN. ‘_M ‘9 hatawe are agents for the famous “ Buster Brown” children’s Express Whole or part of time ; liberal terms ; Use hurried Riga; orl-iiot. . i . outfit fleet we have something new to Waggon. Handy around any house, store or farm. Very strongly made. .1330“ medal “"11 .be Smmlfly engraqui OlTCl‘. Write at once. Established 1857. TVill last as lon<r as an ordinary lartre warmon. Call and inspect. Also â€"~-â€"â€" . gleg the name 0t “‘9 “""Wl' “‘1 10" 500 acres in nurscrv stock. This TiIOiLis f 111- ff t.) 't . f 11 k' 1. 33m it) (1' n. F . 't - S1301. __ . What it is “‘W‘dodv and i" like “mm” W iowuw 8: Sow Co, LTD, Ridgeville‘, a u mo 0 “ml me 0 a m” a 16 ea mo mm “ie 6 TVhat would you think of am . ]_ y. . - . j. I ‘ o i A . . . . I. ‘ . each bible and book will be inscubcd. out. AL. g:- _ engineer. who ran. his engluc‘ All who can write, and have ideas. are / urged to take up these, studies regard- f mam m two or, three years, night and: less-0f ‘th 1 degree of their education, as , . _ the papers are not valued from an eduâ€" titty, WltllOllh cleaning 01‘ Oil.“ catioha. or lit irary standpoint, but from - ‘ the point of view of the cogencyot‘ their reasoned ideas. secede invasion ecum- i llEii iiiaiiiii County of Victoria. INTENOlRG PLANTERS. OF. .. - . STOCK: Rev. Dr. Linscott’s Suggestive Qucs- ‘ 605th al- lOt Of Inoney' The next sittings of the above Court wil tlons 0n the Sunday School Lesson, ~" Therefore take-care 0f the be held in Two“,ng 1m” Fenelon “"5 Should citlierwrite direct towns or see for Sept. iitll, 1908. W,.‘0.(,.0n you hmva it ’ our nearest agent: before pin-eingtheir “'0'? ' -r ' ‘ ' ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1903’ order. We guarantee satisfaction. .Przccs, .: What. would" you. give him; f6r~~his~ machine. after. a. few: H years of such use. v .Saul' and Jonathan Slain in- Battle“ : .. needs overhauling or re- right, Fifty years’ experience. Extra. And yet you subject your IAS‘Lm'3-1- ’ commencing at 1.30 o’clock in the after- heavy stocktotzthe best apples. Golden Textâ€"Prepare to meet thy palmng5 have" 1t’ done God. Amos-1:12. promptly and properly. watch'râ€"a: far. more delicate piece of machinery, ,to just. this: noon. Saturday, Sept. 12111, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in. 5 Aggnts-i Wanted. What is the preparation necessary in .. ~ ’ 3 ‘ . this county. Defendants living in other. _1_ . a order to meet God with confidence and‘ g Don t ht 1t go to rde COIID‘leS ml'St be Served on 01‘ before Tllcs'- ' “ingl‘imfdmfi‘ 0f hmc‘ Salary or'hbmiiw treatment. in peace ?. _ I 7; through carelessness. day, SGIIL 8th coirnnssioii., Ontl'it- free. Send tor , ._ _ , Verse 1~Were the-Israelites defeated «3‘ My facilities for repair- 82?“ Uihce hnurs from 10 a maoi p.111. terms. ' Don t‘ you: think it would-x. ‘ became the Pliilistincs-had’thwbetter = -- ._ , , - - v ,_ ELISHA MARK. E. D.HA-ND _ ' CANADA’S OLDEST NURSERIES. , - , _ A , . armyfor was it because God-was against.- Ing- lep‘un mug and oval Baum. O‘te’rkt pdy you to have It cleaned aiicljl ., Marlins; ill-‘5‘ Bowman &'a.Son-, (10.,Ltdi MDGEVILLE, 0NT.. Fenclon Falls, June i9ts. oi-ledfip'omi” azyeara- JOHN. SLATER. DEN T I s T H Y: . . lSSUE'R.OF-MAR-ltl'AGE- L'lOENShS‘-; DR. H.‘ A. NESBl’l‘T', L. D..- 8., 1).. DsS. a . .3111-‘1 . , H“?- .v ~ I n ~71_ . l I. \_ Graduate of Royal (Tollogc of? Dgnhil’i T I i » Ppéziiibslbhh - y; '. ~‘ ' -. I Surgeon: of Omurio., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. ' -‘ '- ' ’ " '-‘ '“m' ' n ' ""“w ' m “m ' M _' ' '”‘ I .‘1' l Three Y'i‘n rs nrn ctricnl'r'experieuec.., ' I. : - ' weimve son.” 0! the newesb lines “1‘ '1 a. M, modem improvements. , ‘ , i , 4 i - ,, . Wedding InVItations, ViSiting Cards,, as ' .3 Office over Camdiim Bank of' CommercO, giegigiisflrgatfizh‘o’g’" 2mg: .Q'l-"t" . . z ‘y‘ u3 . vmvlvlv l: . v K : V”: I . i i .0012!“ “1:3; Zvéd \ i hum street, Lindsay, . (“sneak I IsrwlatthiS-time ?'- hauling waggons were t_Wliy was God against Israel at this never better. All Work nae. _ ‘ h I J May we ever expect to win intany- = gu‘l’ ducked- thing if God is against’ us, and, it not, PIJANING ; done on a good up-to-date how do you account for the apparent success of some bad men ? . machine at reasonable. rates.- Verse 2â€"Way did’God permit. the s q ~"-...’ - v‘ . I". C. daemons. 10 vol y Jonathan ,toibc slain 2 - ‘ is it often, in these days. tliat’th‘e inm noccnt have to suffer with the guilty ‘3" Give some examples. lIo-v '11 j."‘-l justify G01 in permitting- _the innocent to suffer, with the guilty-,1? .32! hr, 5‘ r E .L' "in

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