Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Sep 1908, p. 4

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Fused UGERES make the “Hecla” permanently airtight and sanitary. The heated-air is fresh and pure, because no gas, dust or smoke can get into the airchamber. Steel-Ribbed Firepo! has steel instead of cast iron flanges. 97 of these steel flanges are fused to the out- side of the firepot giving it 1 ti: are times as much radiating surface as any other style. In a three years’ test the steel ribbed pot showed a saving of fuel of over 1 1%. V . :43; new features of the 1908 "Hecla." 65 ., a. cal 4 #3- lines in town. you do your shopping. .ufiznfinrflhradfit ethicallfilnn...‘ Triangular Bar Grate enables you to clear any part of the fire of ashes. There are {our grates. Each can lie shaken separately. It gets all the ashes outâ€"saves coalâ€"â€" and means a clean fire. Made by the makers of famous “i’cexlcss Peninsular" Ranges. Stop in and let us Show you all the ‘ 'maflnni‘llluull'hwlllhuuiflfu milliumulllinuillllilmellhr Jill'llilraillllomullhmlidur. .ilfll‘llur. .nihhuxil'llmdhixmflu nulhcmil'llrmd‘lilmifliur.Jllllilmlllnam; Groceries, Reooylllclle Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc. Ours is the largest and best assorted stock in these Ours is the largest and best appointed store in town. Your’s is the opportunity to buy from the best assor- ted stock in the largest and best appointed store when Do you take advantage of it ‘3 l. McFarland. %flf'flflfliflf 'llimllrlllluullfllllmllllrlllljmfll‘UlflWlUflfiflufllfimfllnufiaflll uilmlrulmlrllmrnmpr 'Jlllmfill'lflfiwrlll‘lmllrllllmlf 'Jnlfifplfi'lllllfiyli’ lllli‘ilillrlflmilrflldflmlflflfifilflr 'lllfi'dlllf'li We have the latest styles in Mid-summer Hats and in all Mil- linery Novelties See them before buying smearsanL oronsr TOR0ll0.: will be at the NA NSION HOUSE, FENELON FALLS: Wed. and Thurs, Sept. 2nd and 3rd, And Wednesday and Thursday of“ every alternate week following. Satisfaction asaured~l‘latc, - .Crown and: Bridge work a Specialty. --â€"-â€"â€"- HOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned is prepared to deliver ‘V‘Und to any pal-u: 01"“: Elm village at. any time. Hard or. soft. wmdfi‘; feet long or ant to Union All kinds of green and dry wood? bought at highest ,a-icv. ' if: I, IHALEY. fluency put up in two, five and ten pound tins. Quality first class. Gathered from clover and basswood. Only a limited quantity for sale. Secure what you want now andlbesure of it.. It will keep well. 2-pound'cans - 300.. 5â€"pound pails -, o 702., lO-‘jound pails -. $1.40 E. 6. HAND,, FE i £1.03! FALLS . , . 1599's?) ‘iint' h‘ mass“ '- -“ "1 ~<‘ Z :49: 1A»; * a "'(n'.""«'.\'x.'.‘< 1; Wrflunfiprmjpr u 3534.?! Self- "lflfllll " an»: wwwrlrvuruwe up ' furrow. . The Fcnclon Fallsâ€"Gazette.- Friday, Sept. 4th“. 1908‘. Death of Mr. John C. Craig. Mr. John 0. Craig, of Kimn‘ou’n‘t, died.- at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay,- on Monday night, of typhoid fever; He‘ had been brought down from Kin-mount only that morning and taken to the hos- pital. Mr. Craig had been feeling un- well forseve'ra'l days, but not thinking anythingscrious Was the matter, had neglected to consult a doctor until his case became too for advanced for suc- cessful treatment. _ Deceased was for many years a resr- dent of the Falls, but removed some fifteen or twenty years ago to Kinmouut, where he conducted a furniture and undertaking business. He was possess- ed of considerable inventive genius, and at various times had taken out patents on his ideas, from some of which he re- ceived very satisfactory returns. He was a brother of Mr. W. T. Graig. of the lumber ll rm of Craig & Austin, Kinmouut, a nephew of Mrs John _._____.__â€"â€"- .___ ____â€"â€"_ worn Truss s rows Two Stabbing Always in‘a Week hillilTE ME?! AND ITALiAfig BOTH 'i'fiiKE d HASH. Shortly after nine o’clock on Monday night, Mr. Sam. Nichols, about 18 yrars old, son of Mr. Hart Nichols, of Murray street, south of the river, was the victim of a serious assault at the hands of Percy Nettleton, of the United States, who is a couple of years younger than Nichols. thblctou, who lived at the Falls a couple of years ago, came here a few days ago on a visit, accompanied by a friend, and the two were staying at Mrs. Inkpin’s, on Lindsay street. Ac- cording to Nettlcton’s story, he and his friend were out walking on the street on which they were lodging when Nichols Alleill and a and Jack Barry commenced annoying brother-i114?! W 0f MP- 1‘1“- Kel‘l‘a 0f the them by trying to shove them off the Falls.~~ He was about 55 years old, and un married. ). Tennis. The first match between the locals and Bobcaygcon was commenced at the latter place on Tuesday of this week, but, ow- ing to the unfavorable weather, the game had to be called off at 4 p. on, being then half finished. By all' appearances it would have been a close one, as ’Caygeon had their best team 011. Following were the teams : F'sxutos FALLS. BOBCAYGEON. Gould Boyd Wiggins Combcr Graham Pratt McEachcrn Boyd Macadam Bingham Keats Bottum At 4 p. m. the ladies served very dainty tea at the club house, Mrs. Comber and Miss Bottum being the hostesses, after which a hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to the Bobcaygeon people by Mr. M. T. M cEachern-, on behalf of the Feu- olon Falls club, for their genuine kind-_ day. Dr. Boyd then replied on behalf of the Bobcaygcon club, expressing their pleasure at having the visitors, and ex- tending to them an invitation to come back at as early a date as possible. Personals. Mr. W. J. Heard was in Toronto from Friday until Tuesday. . Mr. A. J. Brown, of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting Mr. W. T. Junkin. Mr. F. W. Warren left for Toronto on a business trip on Monday morning. Miss Seymour returned on- Sunday ' from a visit of ten days at Bobcaygeon. Mr. Norman Martin, of Tory Hill, is visiting his home at the Falls this week. The Rev. II. B. Kenny, of Bellevillo, spent a couple of days at the Falls last ' week. The Rev. F. Hornby, of Cannington, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. Geo. J. Nic. Mr. Jas. L. Arnold left on Tuesday for Toronto on business, and returned yesâ€" terday at noon. Miss M. Dinnic left on Friday last for a visit of a week of two to her brother at Parry Sound. Mr; Thomas Robson left on- Tuesday to take in the Canadian National Exhi- bition at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Goodman, of Rose- dalc, passed through the Falls. to T0- ronto on Monday morning. Mr. Leonard D. Ncsbitt, reporter on- ' the Watchmanâ€"Wardcr, was at the Falls on Monday, and gave the Gazette a call. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hunter and child, of Toronto, are on a visit to the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, at the Falls. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wright and their son Douglas, of Collins Inlet, are here visiting Mrs. Wright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram. Mr. J. Y. Greenwood, who spent the summer with Mr. W. H. Cullis, Powles's Corner, returned to his. home in Toronto on Tuesday morning. Miss M cCreary, who has been spend- ing some time at Mr. W. S. Scott's sum- mer residence on Cameron Lake, return- ed to the city on Monday. Mr. D. E. Miller, cx-Mayor, of Thorold, Ont., spent a portion of last week in Fen- clon Falls, and was greatly delighted. with our location and scenery. M rs._James Dilworth, and two children, and Mrs. Eben Church and Mrs. Geo. Rornagcl, of Rochester, are visiting 1 their mother Mrs. John 0. Brandon. Rev. C.S‘. Lord,.,B.'D., will resume his pulpit duties in St. Andrew's church next Sabbath, Morning service at 10.30. Evening service ata7., Strangers cordi- ally welcomed. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robe and their 2 daughter, Miss, Mildred, of Newark, Ohio,, arrived byythc night train on Wednes- day, for a few days‘ visit to their rela- . liVUS at the Falls. Mr. A. S. Campbell returned'to Belle- ville on Tuesday to resume his duties In the Bank of Montreal there, after being off. work for some time,- with a mild attack of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark, of Lindsay, Sunday morning, covering lhc .sixtocn miles 1n '9 hours. by tram next morning.- on a trip to Detroit, where they will 5,. undo wcclz, and will visit- f'ricnds in Toronto on their return trip. ness in giving the locals such a splendid : Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sharpe and their.- daughler, Miss Vera, left this morning i and set the broken bone. sidewalk when they met. Nettlcton ovi- dcntly resented this very deciding that it must stop, but that ho was not big enough to stop it in the , natural way, adopted Italian tactics. The last timethc young men come to- gether here was a short scuffle in which Nettleton, finding himself getting the worst of it, pulled an open jack knife out of his pocket and proceeded in no uncertain way to use it. Before Nich- ols could get away, after realizing what was happening to him, he had received several severe slashes and stabs in his left shoulder, fll‘ll’li and body, well as he left side of his face and neck. Barry, who was tussling in a harmless sort of way with Nettlctou's companion, was next attacked by the young despcrhdo, -‘but he escaped with a slight cut or two. : Nettleton and his friend, probably satis~ [led that they would not be further an- noyed, then took a walk around by the railway bridge and returned to their lodging house, and were basil y engaged packing up their belongings, preparatory to leaving town, when Constable Jones rounded them up, about twenty minutes , after the. assault. Nichols and Barry had their injuries attended to by Drs. Wilson and Graham respectively. The former has two or three rather severe cuts and some small- er ones, but the latter’s injuries are less. Apreliminary trial of the prisoners was held in Twomcy’s. hall on Tuesday borough to. resume his positién with the Petcrboro’ Lumber Co. His many friends are pleased to see him able to go to work again after his long siege of illness. 1 Rev. Canon Spraggc, of Cobourgnvas; a visitor at the Rectory from Friday last until Monday, and assisted at the services in St. James’s church on Sun- day, preaching an excellent sermon in , the morning. Miss Sarah Kirk, of Tamworth, Ont., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Bell, for the past three weeks, left yesterday for home, accom pa nicd by her niece, M rs. Harry Littleton, and her lit- tle daughter. Mrs. James London, of Pctcrborough, ,who has been visiting Mrs. Thomas F. Smith at the Falls for the past six weeks, left on Wednesday morning, accompanied 'by Miss May Smith, for three weeks' visit to friends at Clabo, Washburn’s Island and other places. ' LABOR Duhâ€"Monday next,- the 7th inst., will be Labor Day and consequently a public holiday. All stores, Banks and other places of business will be closed. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.â€"A meeting of the directors of the Fenelon Agricultu- ral Society was held at the McArthur House on Thursday afternoon last. : Fair on Oct. (3th and 7th, and other imâ€" portant business was transacted. in different parts- Of' the. village have replaced, but the commissioners desire us to state that the manufacturers have been responsible for the delay. .l.t,«1s in a few days. VOLUMEnusâ€"Messrs- Fred. Keast; Melville Wcsscls, C. Dcwdl, Wm. Gar- michael and Ollie Moyucs left on- Mon- day morning to join the members of the local company of. the 45th regiment at Lindsay, from which town. they depar- ted the same day to spend twelve days in.camp at Barricficld, Kingston. The local boys are under Capt. Lancaster-,of Bobcaygeon. PRECOCIOUS.â€"Ou-1‘ esteemed and good- looking young contemporary, the Lind- say Free Press, though barely four month old, is already beginning to “sit up and take notice.” Only last wcckit was guilty of having its head turned by afickle make-up, and came out as. the “ Press Free." Wait awhile, Prcssy dear, you are too youngyct to think about changing your name. ' Accmnsnâ€"On Tuesday morning last Mrs. Ann McDonald drove with her-I daughter,, Mrs. George Martin,.to Min. Martin’s farm, about two miles from the Falls. On reaching the farm, All-slic- Donald, who is nearly 87 years-old, alighted safely from the buggy; but, walking to the house, tripped on some- lwalkecl from that town to the Falls last. Vian "nd f9” 50 he“ Vill' l“) we 99033-101" 7 on... one of her thigh-bones was broken. They returned home She was at once assisted hack into the buggy by Mrs. Martin and a farmer who happened to be passing, and brought to Lin; Falls, where Dr. Could attended her She is. pro- Who's-in: as \\'.§ll m: can he expected in. l Ulpatient of her advanced. age. Mr. John Power has returned to Peter» ' Judges were appointed to act at the» STREET LIGI]TS..â€"cheral street lights. ‘ been burnt out lately and have not been - expected the new lamps will be received ~ l Barman Ash-:MCAN Busmnss COLLEGE afternoon by Police Magistrate Moore, of Lindsay. After taking tho evid’elrc'e‘ of the doctors, adjourmnent was made for a week, so that. the victims may be able to attend. The prisoners, who are being defended by Mr. F. A- McDiarmid, were. remanded to Lindsay jail. On Tuesday morning a party of' about a dozen Italians came down from Rosc- dalc, where they had been employed on the canal works, and spent the day in: town, waiting for the evening train to take thezn soutl . In the course ()f‘tlle afternoon some of them partook of more liquid refreshment than was discreet at- one of the local hotels, and about four , .o'clockarow started in the barroonr. much, and, ' As was to be expected in such a case, the disturbance had just commenced when one of the dusky chaps, Vito Spino, who had by this time moved out to the sidewalk, pulled a big jack-knife out of his pocket and plunged the blade-of it;- in to the abdomen of one of his compart- riots, Patsi Arrez. Three or four villagâ€" ers, who had been trying to suppress the row, abandoned the attempt when they saw the knife, but a couple of them nar- rowly escaped contact with it. Several of the ltaliansat once. seized Spino and; attempted to duck hiurilr the town \vute r' tank, probably to cool h-ilu= oil, but cm. stable Jones arrived on the scene and took charge of the assassin, placing him in the lock-up. He is having his prelimâ€" inary trial this, (’l‘hursday) afternoon, in Twoiney's l-Iall, before Police Magistrate? Moore, of Lindsay. The victim of' the murderous thrust; was taken into the hotel and laid on a table, where .Drs. Graham and Gould, who were at once summoned, foundi a, gash about three inches long in the left. side of the abdomen. After replacing about eighteen inches of the intestine which protruded from the opening made by the knife, the doctors stitchel it up, and the wounded man- was. taken away on the train by his companions. His in», jury, while of course serious, is not nec- essaril y dangerous unless cmnplications occur. ‘ W A Midland C‘hi-naman stole electric current from the light .wires entering a laundry, and it cost him over $100 to! settle with the commissioners. Prob~ ably anyone, to look at that Chinaman, would'not believe. that he knew any more about electricity than. he looked as. if he did. 4 BORN. N ORTlIEY.â€"â€"In the to wnship- of‘Fenclou, on Sunday, August 30th,. 1908', the wife, of_Mr. Felix A. Northcy, of a daughter. . BIA. RIRJLED. 11'0me â€"JUNKINâ€" At All S'aints”‘ Church, Toronto, on August 29, 1903, by the Rev. Mr. Raymond, Emma Isabella, only daughter of the late llenry J an l:iu,., to William Howard, eldest son of; George:. A. Howard. our use church is mailch free on request. Write . for it if you have any notion of a College course. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLEEGE, TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, Pros. E. ii. SHAW. Sec FENEL‘ONFALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Sept-.~5th,.19fl8 ; _1fg/)m'[cdD.I/l/Le Norm mar Roller JIM]. 00'. vVheut.Scotch or Fife .... 80 to 85,; Wheat, full, per-brushclnu 7.5 80, Wheat, spring .... 70 75 Barley, per bushel.... 45 48, buckwheat “ . .... . . .. 45 45., Oats, “ ..2’.. 34 Peusc, “» .... .... V75. 78 , Ryc,_ “ .o... ..-o 7(),.‘ Polatoes, “- ..,.. .... 80 90,. Rutter,per lb'...... 18 20 Eggs,pel‘ dozen...... 17'. 1.8: Flziyr,p.er ton....... . 9.00 10.00. Hides..... 600 6.50 Hogs (live) .. 5.90 6.00 Hogs (Dressed) ...... 7 00‘ 8.00 . Beef..............,........ 5-00 61W: Sheepskins . . n 50 90-:- Wool .8" 14-; Flour,- Brandon’s Best . . . . . 3.00 3 20 Flour, Silver Leaf . ..... .. 2.75 2 95'. Flour,_V'ictoriue .... ...... 2.70 2.90 Flour, Nc~.w-.Process~......, 2-60 2.80 . Flour, Family, Clip-pcr.... 2 55 2 751, Bram, per-100 lbs ...... .. . 1.15 1.25 Shosts,: “Iv “=- .... . 1.30 1.35. Mixed Chop ‘~" .... . 1.55 1.60.. -. _ '3, F A L L T E H M ‘ ixgins Sept. 1st. Our old-established A and reliable school offers the best faciiidcs for securing a sound busi- ness and shorthand training. Write for catalogue ; it pays lo lll‘.C$ll,'.;t'_,i(-. Y ngc and Mc’lill Slush Toronto.

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