' BARRISI‘ERS, somctrons AND NOT- ‘BARRTST'ERS, SOIJlUl'l‘ORS, the. 01‘â€" } : admir-‘v'wiï¬f-l "-"1" , - _._ l 000 000 000 000 0<>0 0'90 Professional Cards. LEEATI. A. MCDIMUIID. Binnisrnn, SOl.lCl'l‘OR,Etc., ruse lon Falls. 'Olli'Ce, 'Colborue street cppcsitc Post-ofï¬ce. Money to :loan on real estate at lowest current rates. g . ~ I g I FENELON FALLS. HEAD OFFICE -. MONTREAL ETABLISHE‘. 1817. lNCbRPORATED av ACT or eAnLtAMENT. CAPITAL '- $4,400,000.00. REST x $1i,ooo.ooo.oo. UNDIVIDED PROFITS $922,419.31 ASSETS OVER $165,000,000. SAVINGS BANK Q i t f i 2 DEPARTMENT. % Q i l i g MCLAUG BLT-N, PEEL &- FULTON uries. Ollices over Dominion Bank, Lindsay. Branch ofï¬ce open at liobcaygrou BVery Monday. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. R. J Mohwnman, K. 0. 5A. M. FULTON, B. A. «JAs. A. Pnub. o<>oo<>00c>o' 000000000. 5 G. ll. HOPKINS, K. C. ARRISI‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public, 8m. Solicitor for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit borrower. Ofï¬ces, 6 William street south, Lindsay, Ont. INTEREST ADDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR . Deposits taken of 9.51 V and upward. . ‘ _Dep'osits can be Withdrawn on deman . STEWART & O’CONNOR, [ ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 880. MONEY TEEL ARCHED SHANK to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Olticr on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. T. Srrwurr. L V. O’Connor, B. A MOORE a JACKSON, k...»- R. M. HAMILTON, MANAGER. 0C>oo<>oo<>oo<z>oo<>ooc>o not only good looks but “good wear. ' The shoe that fits your foot wears longer than the shoe that is too tight in some places and too loose in others. The Empress Shoe is correctly made by a firm Who make nothing but high grade shoes for Women. We are one of their 400 agents. lice, William street,bindsay. A. JAGksos \OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO F. D. Moons. Result _of Co operative Experiments Willi Autumn Sown Crops. Th:ce hundred and seven farmers throu,=.h0ut Ontario conducted experiâ€" ments with autumn sown crops during the pa t year. Reports have been re- ceived from twenty-six of the counties of the Province. The counties which furnisl ed the greatest number of good repor' s of successfully conducted exper- iments were Bruce, Norfolk, Middlcsex Grey and Halton. The experimenters deserve much credit for the good work they have done for themselves and to: the farmers generally. Average results of the carefully conducted colopcrative experiments with autumn sown crops are here presented in a very concise form. 1 Winter Wheat. â€"â€"Three varieties of win- ter wheat were distributed last autumn to those farmers who wished to test some of the leading varieties on theii own farms. The following are the aver- ages in yield of straw and of grain per acre: Imperial Amber, 1.4 tons and 25.!) bushels; Abundance, 1.2 tons and 23.‘ bush.; and No. 5 Rod, 1.2 tons and 2?. bush. Not only did the Imperial Ambc give the greatest yield per acre in th co-operative experiments throughou Ontario in 1908 and 1907, but it als came first in popularity with the exper': mentors in each of these years. The Int perial Amber will again be distributor throuhout Ontario this autumn as one o the three varieties for co-opcrativc ex pcriments. ’i‘hc Dawson's Golden Chafl which we distributed for co-operativ experiment throughout Ontario in one of twelve years previous to the autumi of 1906, and which is probably grow. more extensively in Ontario at the pres out time than all other varieties of win for wheat combined, has not been inclu ded in the co-opcrative tests since 1906 Winter Ryc.~â€"Of the two varieties 0 winter ryc distributed in the autumn o 1907, the Mammoth White stood first in, average yield of grain with 34 bushels and the Common second, with 28.6 bush cls per acre. Last year the Mammoth White surpassed the Common ryc by an average of 5 bushels per acre through- out Ontario. Fortilizers With Winter Wheatâ€"In the co-opcrative experiments with dif forcnt manurcs applied in the spring of the year, the average yields of grain per acre for the past ï¬ve years were as fol lows : Mixed fertilizer, 27.6 bus. ; Nitrate of Soda, 25.8 bus; Muriato of Potash. 25.7 bus. ; and Supcrphosphate, 25.3 bush Tho unfertilized land gave an average of 22.4 bus. per acre. The Supcrphos- phate was applied at the rate of 320 pounds, and the Muriatc of Potash and the Nitrate of Soda each 160 pounds, per AU CTIONEER. FELIX A. NOll'l‘ HEY, PUBLIC A UCTIONEER. Farm and other sales condueted in first- class order. Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fenelon Falls. ‘ _________.__._.___.__.____â€"â€" srnruun OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. : Live Stock and general Auctioneer Write for dates before advertising. _â€"__â€"__________.â€"'â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" frnoiï¬as oasnonn, AUCTIONEER. - FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conductch in a ï¬rst- class manner. Secure dates before ad- Vol-tising. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"-’________‘_*'_â€"“_____._â€"-â€"aâ€"â€"â€"'_"__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€":â€" MEDICAL. M DR. n. n. GRAHAM. I-M. 0., c. M., M n. c s. Eng, M. c. P. a 5., Oman, r. r. M. 5.5- HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- eur. Ofll‘ce. Francis Street, Fenelon l‘alls. g i i i i . i i i i i J. L. ARNOLD WWWW ‘ m“? . -'.u.v_-1.»._,»,.t_.m‘ DR. A. WILSON, ~51. 31, M. c. P. e s., Qutario,â€" . )HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUCH l eur. Oliice, Colborne Street, ll‘enelon Falls. ________________,______..__â€"â€" EYES TESTED, Flitll‘llES TESTED. \Vhen your eyes trouble you, cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, go to DB. Evil. . ANNS, Eyesight Specialist. (over Noill's shoe store), Lindsay - Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- I For Summer ear ' We have the ï¬nest line of Suit- ings ever shown in this district. Come and see them or write for samples. Quality, ï¬t, style and workman- ship always up to the highest standard. rownnsr sacs. Successors to J. J. Townley Fenelon Falls. crate. ___ _ DENTAL. ____.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"___â€":____â€"â€"â€"_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-“‘-â€"_‘_ Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and acre. The mixed fertilizer consisted of in these experiments, is between four" and ï¬ve dollars per acre; I , Fodder Cropsâ€"In each of five years, the seed of Hairy Vetches and of Winter Rye has been distributed throtaght One tario for co-operative experiments in testing these crops for fodder pill‘pOSu-ï¬ In the average of the five years“ expel-i4 tncnts, the Hairy Vetc‘ncs produCcd slightly the largest yield of green f...l-’ dcr per acre; but in 1908 the largest yield was produced by the winter rye. , As long as the supply lasts, material will this year, be distributed, fl'2‘tj of charge, in the order in which tho’ applications are received from Ontario" farmers wishing to eXperiment and to‘ report the results of any one of the ‘following tests: 1, three varieties of Winter Wheat; 2, two varieties of Win-' ter Rye; 3, ï¬ve fertilizers with Winter Wheat: 4, Autumn and Spring applicas tions of nitrate of soda and common salt with Winter Wheat; 5, Winter Emmet with Winter Wheat‘ or Winter B..rley ; 6, Hairy Vetches and Winter Rye as fed-S der crops. The size of each plot is to be one rod wide by two rods long. Ma- terial for numbers 3 and 4 will be sent by express and that for the other 1111th bers by mail. Women’s lasiilu’lé; The Women's Institute held a very’ successful meeting at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Fell, District President, at Burys Green, Oil/Friday afternoon, A4,:- ZBth. Mrs. (Dr.) Gould, President of the local branch, and several of the members drove out to Mrs. Fall's, a distance of seven or eight miles from the Falls.- ’l‘hcrc they found assembled a number of members from the surrounding country,- including ten members of tho Burnt River branch. The meeting was open.- 1 in the usual manner by repeating the Lord‘s prayer in unison. Mrs. Gould, tile t’resident, in her initial address to the members, said that, as it was her first zip- pearance before them since her election: to that ofï¬ce, she would say ï¬rst that she was pleased to sec so many present, and secondly, that she hoped all the members would realize their individual responsibility as members of the W0: men's Institute to help make all the) meetings successful ones. These were the only meetings for women in this dis~ trict which were conducted on a non~ sectarian basis, and which afforded them t1], opportunity to exchange views on a variety of subjects. She then introdu-z‘ ed Mrs. Hodgson, President of the Burnt River branch. Mrs. Hodgson remarkch .;hat the Burnt River Branch had been organized a short time ago, beginning with ten members, which had been E-i- creased to sixteen. They had found the \V. I. a great help in their neighborho...l. filany attend one meeting and run away with the impression that they are only for farmers’ wives and daughters, but his was a great mistake, as all are wol- zome, and all are benefittod. Miss Bessie Nie read a splendid pap er in Self-control, being a synOpsis of rocks entitled “Self-control, Its Kira;- allip and Majesty,†author W. G. Jord..u. \ few extracts from this paper are as allows : When a man fails in life he us- ually says “I am as God made me," but vhcn he succeeds he proudly proclaims imsclf “a self-made man.†Man in his JOitli‘llOSS is the. creature of circumsta-i- :cs, 1n his strength he. is the creator If circumstances. We sometimes envy he success of others when we shoeid nnulate the process by which that sua- ecss came. We sometimes envy the mixer and spiritual strength of a P::ul .vithout realizing the weak Saul of T..r- am from which he was transformed. hrough self control. We have first the :rimcs of the tongue, which are in them- selves very destructive, Some of tin-so tyre words of unkindness, anger, envy, nalicc, bitterness, harsh criticism, gus- up, lying, scandal. In the conquest of my weakness in our mental or moral nakeâ€"up, in the attainment of any itrcngth, in our highest and truest rcia~ ions to ourselves and the world,. let us nuke Love our watchword and not more Duty. Miss Patton then gave an instrumen- tal solo which was much appreciated. Mrs. Hopkins, of Burnt River, read an interesting paper on “Getting ready to be happy.†The summing up of this parpcr was to not waste time “ getting ready †but enjoy life on the way. Miss Nie read a very good paper writ- ten by Mr. R. l). Keefer, of Bobcaygomi. entitled “Bad Temper.†()nn. extract from this is as follows : It is of com-<6, ww‘ilsâ€"VW nun. urn-ems... 1908"“ n R 1 '51] College of Dental Surgeons: an“ m, u __x,,1,,h“ï¬,,,.i'fl,,. ï¬rm? . m H, V [I I“ u“ 1, 1, m: “i I I ADLL BR QNCHES 0F DENTISTRY ï¬géldltmtll Emil‘llltatll‘illtifll’llhlll“oldie a tutti"ilihiillltiillliiil iliiiiil'illiill‘lliiilililililliiii ‘ oneâ€"third the quantity of each of the needless to point out that a‘pcrson with ‘ ' ' 5E“ other three fertilizers here mentioned. performed according to the latestimproved .3? as T1 1 t ftl f .tol- . . 1 w - ) methods at moderate prices. é; 52.25% 10 “Sim 00$ 0 13 01 1130151 as “5% (.mzluzucrl on l-uge 8. .OFFICE :â€"â€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- é; £333 ' . “a†a a“ ' “w†- . I836 . T ti E A if if 0 F .. , . .- its" , .. DRS. & goes'ï¬ne at biealeastaime, "I, a r . p L; , , and IS stlll to be continued. - g . , A , :.' t i. ~ DENTISTS ' LIEDSAY' Of the making of cereals there x Q '. ‘ : Natural teeth preserved. Crown and is no end. We have all the if h l ‘1 bridge work a specialty. Splendid ï¬tsGm é; good and tried kinds . _ . . . I egg; ' 4-, ‘ til'llllCllll ICBlll. Painless extractwn. .flS I There are so Dyan i varieties Leila administered to over 9,000 persons wrth in . that we can hardlyyenumemte, ES? A3§ETS QVER $56,000,000. gm“ “0“358' them, but whatever kind you A Strong, Reliable British Bank. .- r» llke best 18 here and at a price _ A SAV] G S U NT, {Id-(led t0 Peglllfll‘ly, c ‘5- that W111 Supply you many ï¬t"? and constantly earning Interest, is the w1sc man s provxsmn for the future. LILL|AN G WILSON A, T, C, M, t; ' breakfasts at a rate that even It enables him to take advantage of thSIHCSS opportumtics, or meet .. , 95- .' ' . » the most economical must ad- reverses- . Honor Graduate (Piano and V0031) 0f Cf .- ' - ' ‘ mit cheap. 7" A deposm of $ 1 .00 or upwards starts an account at any of our Toronto Conservatory of Music. Gold *3 . l branches. _ iledflllsl Of Lndics’ College. VOlce it ‘ . I, I “ g l is credited .4 M A R I and Piano Pl'l‘lls “ccomed' Apply M g, l i ‘ Money may be withdrawn at any time. . studio. Dr. Wilson’s residence, or telephone é . ,fl‘flmmflmnflm airlift mills: Jamar :rlfinr , ‘ ., mills: w’ï¬Tsr. affirm. fits-2% F «Whigs: Mgr magma-murmur Jaw: Jam inâ€: A r 3.3;}: 2 .0591 supp: aw new 2% 35’ No. 20. 31â€"6111 W. A. Bishop, Manager, «‘V" 7‘...“ -, ' '.'“r-t.' r . .-; t .4. 1 sM-:~4_.- m“ ,‘._‘s.