, m-.. ._... _.__.m~â€"â€"é‘wï¬ï¬d‘wï¬ï¬shnw(pa-WV“~~a .,.. I ' ‘ 7' "e. ./-.e 5." N _ V > ‘ .___m,~__..._..__â€"'oâ€"â€"â€"â€"J>~ -: __.;._.___â€"â€"~ ____________________~___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"’ Six years had really elapsedldifferent person. It was unaccountâ€" years, and to-day it wants a milder- H-I'fl' .i - - ' ‘ - ' ,. ace . e+n+n+e+n+e+e _ . §+ï¬+gm+ï¬+§+ï¬mm+mifl+ï¬+mv+ 7m Since yesterday. _ able, nay, incredible. flavored butter than formerly. In that vexmg and perplexmg (To be Continued.) When we say "milder," we mean ~ one in which fermentation during present I reflected upon. the puzâ€" * zhng past. That happy dinner w1th EMERGE}; CY \VAIbUHESTS. ripening of the cream has not gone Mabel {it Tne.B01.t°ns’ the subse' â€"â€" so far. First, the cream becomes quent dlsc‘owine; an that; im‘hmg‘ Money. Does not Last Long When slightly 501113 then it becomes Kip?» room “711616.518. sat? t e‘pmno Wm. Begins_ then overâ€"ripe. The difference is in ‘ calmly playmg’ er so t Wmds of . . the degree of fermentation, and the tenderness, and the subsequent The $30,000,000 in gold, which market today wants amildï¬avored '+ trf’a‘Chery Of that dogâ€"faced mfm Germany keeps hoarde up in the butter one that is not rancid or 33% Hickman, all passed before me WithlJulius Tower at Spandau against made from over_1.ipe cream.†g emmordmary V1V1dneSS- Yat, m'the next great European war, and _______ ‘ ‘ ‘ truth, all had happ?ned long ago- which certain clerical members of THE CARE OF GROWING STOCK ’ % A135! 1 was n0t hke’ Other “1311- the Reichstag recently wanted to . . ‘ i. l I To the pracmcali level‘headed man convert to other and more imniedi- At thls flme 0f the year, glovung l % $105 affairs “Toâ€"dayâ€.may be suflici- ate needs of the Empire, is not a fowls rgfiuire thelmosicai‘efiil atten- . . _ ,_ ____, __,_, .,__._._.._._.._.._. ‘ . _ - I. I ‘ _ . . . .. .,. . .. , . ,. . w ' _w cut, allâ€"engmtsmg but to the very .. t . . , , __ tion. 1 any pou tiy eepers me in K‘Tfï¬l'ï¬ffllf'mgm‘f’ï¬vï¬ï¬iw‘k +ï¬+wm+m+ï¬+m+m+ï¬+ “will†large majorityâ€"a majority which, I :2“ gag-minagheiss the habit of letting the chickens take believe, includes also many of the care of themselves after the ï¬rst L+ Fl 5% i A this: ti (a nmmmmmmmmm OR, THE GIRL IN BLUE r men" 3 admits of constant pleasant exeurâ€" of a week ‘ or four months old, it is essential that every care should be taken. A little neglect may ruin a very prom- ising youngster. The aim of the We wandered on from room to ' no .. .' v H . e tainl . Wh ? . . . ioom. There must, I think, have HA“: I really 103mg my senses 2n Sions’intqlthe gollden miï¬tsqu L‘lchlig een uite thirtr slee ino‘ apart- .-.. A. .0 u r ' , ave an many iappy igi s 0 1e (1 Ii P a - I cried, dismayed. Yesterday u as 1.35;, heights of “some day.†Most . True, in the war of 1870-71, Bisâ€" marck made the $25,000,000 he had on hand last over the first fortnight. merits, guests’ rooms etc. all furâ€" - ems a 01“ _ Elished in that same,glariiig style. Six y . ._ Efforthgï¬nwï¬ï¬e regéinbitfaï¬‚ï¬ But wars then were not nearly so PPF‘MI‘Y‘keePer.Sho‘fld b.6170 keep the that is more SOOtl‘lng than many Russw‘ possessed a warâ€"Chew" Of ity, and this can only be accomplish- $200,000,000 when hostilities broke out between her and Japan in 1904. Or, at all events, so she asserted. Yet she was borrowing money freely bleéore the campaign was four weeks 0 . ‘ - This, by the bye, was the biggest “kriegschatz†(emergency warâ€" chest) ever got together by any naâ€" tipn, although the United States once bid fair to equal it. This was after the civil war of 1861-65, when the Government at Washington was “The next‘room,†explained my :zyest'erday Six years agogn he I , secretary, as we approached the echoed looking at me in blank be_ pleasures, the heiisc wherein they end of, the corridor, “is Mrs. IIeaâ€"Iwi1dm.,}mnt_ «What do you mean 2†were born, or at any rate the abode tcn’s boudoir. I expect she’s in “I mean that if what you’ve “1 “'hmh they .passed, the 0344.1†there, I saw Dalton, her maid, en- told me is really the truth n cried years of their lives. ’lhe agonizing ter‘ a moment ago.†agape in wonder, “then ’it is the griefs of childhood, the disappointâ€" “Oh, for Heaven’s sake, leave her most, astounding thing live ever ments, the soulâ€"racking terrors, alone!†I said, turning at once on heard of. Are you absolutely cer- “161]9Wed by the gentle. tOUCh Of my heel. I'had no wish to meetltain of the date '2†passmg yem‘S’fIa’YG n9 Sung for our that awful rejuvenated hag- again. “ lertain? Why of course.†mature senslblhtles’ but come back 1 I {racy Gedge smiled, but, if he no]; the year. I meaan to us now With a. pathos that is ; did he was very careful to hide his “Positivel R’s eighteen ninety_ laggely tinctured with amusement. amusement from me. He was, six†* StOOd there remewmg the past’ l without doubt, a very well-trained “For how long, then, have you puzzled‘ utterly unable to account ed by the strictest attention to every, one of the many detail on which successful chicken rearing depends. See that the coops are well ventilat- ed, and that they are regularly and thoroughly cleared. Avoid over- crowding at any cost, as more cases of retarded growth and actual loss can be traced to this cause than to any other. It is a mistake to feed growing fowls solely on “dry†chick feed; - much better results can be obtained . ... ‘MWW...._‘_NJ. wyw .a..._._--.... ‘ ' night, and the startling discoverâ€" “For nearly l’our.’ 3 10s I subsequently made recurred to “And that woman,†I demanded, me at that moment, and I felt dazed breatlï¬esslvw‘ï¬s she actually my and bewildered. This painted and wife?†v powdered person could surely not “Most certainly,†be answered. "'6 my Wife: When I loved Mabel I stood stupcficd, stunned by this 3 Anson with all my soul! Only yes- amazing statement. 1 terday I had sat at her side at dim “But,†I protested, lost in won- , ner, and had felt the pressure of day, “yesterday was years ago. HOW ; her soft, delicate hand upon mine. do you account for that '5 Are 3/011 N0; it COHld 110$ be that 1 W83 30- certain that vou’re not deceiving . tually married. Such a thing waslme ?†u l utterly 1ianpossible, for1 surely no “I’ve told you the absolute man cou go t iro‘ugi tie marriage .. n . ' r “ - hat I ceremony without knowing sonie- miliéï¬zfggrfdel' on t thgigclgï¬gï¬fslgeh h n d “I steed aghast, glaring at my Why I wondered elide-Jligcme timel l'eflecmon m . the ' nun-0r, Openâ€" ’ . .’ ,en“ 00‘ mouthed, as though I gazed upon 11116 to his rooms in order 0:) make some Object supernaturay My pep - Inlï¬tlifeeï¬trï¬}%:d$giid sonal appearance. had certainly was undoubtedly due to the blow Changed’. apd Pilaf m 1138.6†iconlmw beyond the bounds 0f POSSibilltY- 1, 1 d , ed me that them must be some Nevertheless be it how it mi ht 1†m Clea“; me‘ The theory that truth in this man chge’s state- t," d. t’d t , q- 1 fl ’ f a:1:22:11Sicfiiegggfngsï¬gl$1?)liefâ€! ment. I was older, a trifle stout- 1‘?1a121n1;5;£1;d0in&0 u;:g:;3:ils ; 'v 'i ..s n )r- ., c . ‘ '« -‘ - l kin it was I felt assured onlv 0:9, er. thd'n beml?’ thigh? ail-Id my 0“ that Winter’s night SIX yew-“S be- f _h ’ . , . ’. v. rod-brown beaid seemee to give my {we and had known abs 1 t 1, ‘ o -t at £901 Britten s' brilliant ideas face a remarkably grotesque ap_ , if r ‘ d, 0 u e 3 poi ; with which he misled his tooâ€"conâ€" pearance' I had always hated f11119210. mgif sluiroun ingstluntï¬ â€˜ ‘ ï¬dmg pamepts: If tins were 50’ boards, and considered them a re- (pug: HéyFe‘ ,3,ng “pofn llet 001 then all the meidents subsequent to he of prehistoric barbmity. It was "11 ï¬le] tla‘gmo'loom ota “'113' was my recovery Of conscmusncss were surprising that I should now have 3†Se?“ 0 e inf/f coun 13,, pills? ‘2: years 011 o a man s i e is a part of the conspiracy which had _, . ,, commenced on the previous night $10)"? 011‘“ - larnre slice The face of the world †D ‘ “I‘nen according to your account ‘ a - _ _ changes conSiderably in that space years that I had not lived. Yet this man before me declared most distinctly that I had lived them; that I had enjoyed a second existence quite apart and distinct from my own self. Incredible though it seemed, yet it became gradually impressed upon me that what this man Gedge had told me was the actual, hideous truth, and that I had really lived and moved and prospered throughout these six unknown years, while my senses bad at the same time remained dor- mant, and I had thus been utterly unconscious of existence. But could such a thing be? As a prosaic man of the world I argu- ed, as any one in his right mind would argue, that such a thing was i . . . , c - . foi it. Age the iconoclast had ' ‘ . -. . l 1‘ Sememly- been my secretary ’2’ I inquiied. ‘ ‘ o i V , ) , in such dire stiaits fOi money that - . u . ,, _ 1 The thought of Mabel ' Anson “Neal-1y ï¬ve yearsj’ “mitteled most 0f the all? 101015 is notes sank in, vale until thev W31“? 80% and dly -food all I l . . - y ' ‘. ' which my youth had set up in hon- . - . †minimal)" Vegetable EOOd 1'3 essen‘ i .1 ciossed my mind. All the recollec- “And how long have I lived in ‘ f .1; If I 1 d 1 ,t ,- , f 1 “ould fetCh somethmg less than one' tial and chickens cannot be rear- ; tmns Of the dmner on the preï¬ous this place?†\ iiioit przecious yéirs (Eff m1; Iifet 16 third their face value' ed to the best advantage unless they I 1 x . v _ -â€" . . . ~ one Of the ï¬rSt things It dld’ con’ have a grass run. Where, however, sequently, when public credit was at length fully restored, was to start a “kriegsehatz†with an eye to future emergencies. Its war treasâ€" ure, however, was not in gold, but in coined silver, and the weight of this presently broke down the walls of the treasury, the resultant ava- lanche of dollars killing, and tem- porarily burying, several unhappy clerks. After this experience, the United States determined to rely, as does Britain, on her ordinary bank re- serve. it is impossible for a grass run to be provided, vegetables must be given; but care must be taken that they are perfectly fresh, and renewed daily. If decayed vegetables are left about in the run, they will do much more harm than good. A great mistake, which many poultryâ€"keepers make, is to keep their chickens in too close conï¬nement. If strong, big birds are desired, it is essential that the chickens, after the ï¬rst week or so, should be given a free range or an extensive grass run. Exercise is the ï¬nest thing in the world for growing fowls, and the birds that take the most exercise make the big- gest and most vigorous adults." - .-â€"â€"â€"â€"-"- .524-†a . u CANINE SU?ERINTENDENT. 0n Allan Line Docks at Liverpool, “Jack†Starts Day’s Work. A retriever known as Jack has taken upon himself the duties of canine superintendent of the Allan Line at The Canada dock, Liverâ€" pool. As soon as one of the com- pany’s steamers arrives he is the ï¬rst up the plank, making tracks for “n.1,,†~..__ w ON WHAT DOES BUTTER QUAL- ITY DEPEN D. Prof. Van. Norman in the last re- port of the Farmer’s Normal In- stitute for renxisylvania has some- thing to say as to what the quality of butter depends on, that is worth with Hickman’ s attempt. , . , . ._ - We descended the stairs, passâ€" Eï¬gigoblgitï¬day hem of time. I found myself living a considering by Canadian bugber the galley, where the cook awaits i118 the IOOliman Gill, who, with a H ", i l f ‘ , 111,, 1 life which was so artiï¬cial and in- makers. Referring to the faults in him Wlth 34 bone- _ ~ Why’ 0 amuse 3011 UL’ ’6 re" congruous to my tastes as to ap- the butter of his State, he says there All 7 O’CIOCk eVel‘y 11101111118 he ushers the dock laborers to their bow, saidâ€"- . , , u , . . _ . Li “I hope, 8113 you feel better'.; sponded. We weie engaged one “A little,†I answered. “Bring me a whiskey and soda to the li- brary.†And the man at once disappeared -, to do my bidding. 7, z “I suppose he thinks I’m mad,†I remarked. “This is a very re- markable menage, to say the leastf’ In the great hall, as I walked toâ€" . ,wards the library, was a long mir- ‘ ror, and in passing I~.eaught sight of my own ï¬gure in it. I stopped, and with a loud cry of wonder and dismay stood before it, glaring at my own reflection. The bandages about my head gave me a terribly invalid appear- ance, but reflected by that glass I , ' saw a sight which struck me dumb , with amazement. I could not beâ€" ! i lieve my eyes; thp thing staggered belief. ' i On the morning before I had ' - shaved as usual, but the glass showâ€" 1 ed that I now were a well-cut, pointed, reddish-brown beard! My face seemed to have changed curiously, for I presented an older appearance than on the day before. My hair seemed to have lost its youthful lustre, and upon my brow ,were three distinct linesâ€"the lines l is an unnecessary amount of manure gets into the milk due to lack of cleanliness in the stables. If cows are kept clean the butter will be just as acceptable to the trade and will fare better at the National Dairy Shows. To quote: “The trouble is that we lack the uniformity which comes from comparing our own make with others. When I sit down in my little room and make butter, and see no better except what I make myself, I have no means of judging wherein I fail or excell. My judgment is one-sided. That is the trouble with most of our butter- makers. “What I want in a judge is a man who is brought into contact with dif- ferent kinds of butter regularly. He needs the variety and practice to keep his judgment accurate. “One fault I ï¬nd with much of the creamery butter, as well as the farmer’s butter, is that the cream is allowed to get too old. Our farmers hold their cream at home for one or two days before they deliver it to the creamery, and the butter made from it has an old flavor, as the but- terâ€"maker calls it, and it is a flavor we do not want. The cream can be kept two days and kept in good con- dition if kept quite cold, but it is not wise to do this, as a rule. The same thing holds true on the farm, where only a limited amount of but- sccmed absolutely impossible that so“ with the powjemd cheeks. That Eur ls made: “mist makes two: three, six. whole years should have passedl.... ' ' “t ]f "Lg guff ' t t .01†or men V6 “ya {7.0 colleCt’ ‘ “kid-Om 1“ 1 Se ‘ ‘V‘ ‘ ‘ “Hen 0 enough cream for a churning. The H h H ‘ . v . , ear utterly unreal. Yet, as I made g‘e‘fl’“ ,P‘lrt Of ï¬fe day Oler LTLL fiirther inquiry of this man Gedge fan 8 affair. Waiter Halliburton, ever moment that passed showed the mining engineer, came down to we y1,Lin1y that What he hid said see you, and we were together all “£311,516 truth 3:33:03†He 1ch fol Lon' He related to me the routineof “And wh'ew did I dine 2n my daily life,_a1{id I stï¬od listizning “Here. With Mrs. Heaton.†agape m Tum er' 6 wk me “Don’t g enk Og hm, as Mrs things of whicliIhad no knowledge; . ,, “pf . I ’ ‘ 1., ,‘ of my private affairs, and of my Heatonl I Ciicd in angei. She s K - , . _ I ~ ._ ,- r ~ business proï¬ts, he took big lea- not my Wife, and I Will not have u ‘b d 1 do. , f, t} .1 t her regarded as such.†161' 0m.) e 0015 10m ‘0 gha He gave his shoulders a slight greml'pa'mted safe’ and Showed the Shï¬lg' foyniidabllc suniis . endteiedththterein, . . re a in ie ex -ame o e rans- iiNow’ 109k here’ Mr' (iedgeif’ I actionsgii-t the Iiifiice lip in London. 5a.ch Spefkmg £03131“: msb tmle Some documents he showed me, With confidence. .‘If you were in large Ofï¬ciapboking Sheets with my 'Pla’ce’.a‘mkenlng Sudd‘inly to stamps and seals and signatureS, ï¬nd that SIX mars Of.y0ur me had which he said were concessions obâ€" vanished in a single night, and that mined from a certain foreign Gm“ you were an entirely different per- emment’ and Opened my private so“ to that Of twelve hfurs ago: letter-box, exhibiting letters I had What viould you beheve? actually written With my own hand, He looked at me with a somewhat but. without having any knowledge sympathetic expression upon his or having done so. thin feï¬atlll‘es- These revelations took away my “Well, I don’t know what I breath. should think.†Then he added, It could not be mere loss 'of me- “But surely such a thing can’t be mory from which I was suffering. possible.†I had actually lived a second and “It is possible,†I cried. “It has entirely different life to that I had happened to me. I tell you that once led in Essex Street. Apparâ€" last night was six years ago.†ently I had become a changed man, He turned from me, as though he, had’entered business, had amassed eonslidered further argument unâ€" a fortiinewand had married. “Vin mg' Assurcdly, I reflected, I could h'Iy head reeled. What he had never have been in my right senses told me was utterly incredible. It to have married that angular per- work, barking at the head of the procession. He accompanies them 1... out to dinner, and leads them in again for the afternoon. Jack [at 1 o’clock then may go a mile away to board an Allan steamer in the graving deck, but he never makes- the mistake of going on a wrong vessel. I - Sunday is Jack’s visiting day. How he found out various Allan officials’ homes in Everton or Wal- ten, miles away, nobody knows, but ’ T he barks at the doors regularly and is taken in to dinner at one house and to tea at another. At 11 o’clock at night he returns to the dock, where he barks until the watchman opens the gate for him. ___._..__t{4____â€" HOW MAOARONI IS MADE. This is how macaroni is made :â€"-To very glutinous wheat flour is added ' a plentiful supply of dried eggs. Mixed with water this becomes a dough, which is so thickly kneaded , _ M as to be difficult to impress with the ' 1; ï¬ngers. Then it is carried to a . ii round press perforated with holes, through which the dough is pressed by means of a heavy plate worked by a screw. The result is macaroni without holes in the sticks. Pipe macaroni is made through a similar press, with the difference that a round piece of metal makes the cenâ€" tral hole As it issues in long, snaky ropes from the bottom of. the he..-“ _. I of care. I felt my board with eager lumds. Yes, there was no mistake. It was there, but how it had grown was inconceivable. l Beyond. through the open door, I saw the brilliant sunlight, the} I green lawn, the bright ï¬mmm and without my knowliedge; that I convince me that my brain had been facilities fm, holding that 0N3le and re“ the are Violently fanned to . 4 cool foliage of the rustling U‘L‘Gs. Shm‘m .hm'e.enl“er‘?(‘ upon atbum‘ unbalanced during those Six lost k r .t‘. 1 I» Wt. ' ‘ ‘ p 3"†t‘ï¬y f. t.'k. d “womb i It was summer. Yet only vesâ€" “935 “I “111011 I had Pl'eVlOUSly years 6611:1151 gooc um‘llmn’l a‘enOt pr†on] mm“ mm Slut ï¬n‘o 08'. ‘ . - " '., I,.. . '. ' .. I n " . . r v' . .V - 1 ,_..l. . yr: - .. tm‘dav was 911111, dark wmtm-j With kuonu mulling, that I should have Alone I Stood, mthout a smgle as avorai e as we mm d_ ham or, anc aiea eiuaics a on on in " them. Therefore the cream is not to the open and laid on long bam- A threatening snow. rapidly amassed ~a fortune; and, svmpathizer_.without a, friend, Had I been asleep. mm [{il, Vim most oi all, thatwl should have mar- Winkle in. the legend? mod that. powdered and painted ï¬fe had been produced was abso- “Tell me,“ I cr-md “wliilfldlzv‘ woman who had presented herself lutely beyond explanation. I tried . turning to the man standing behind 115 inli"‘-'1IC- 19‘? 511011.“ch fhe “n' to account IUI‘ it: but the maderff‘ cabbage dmner that “:0 50-inc- g . me. “what’s the day of the month] accountable facts which this man will readily understand that thc'tln‘les llil'fe, and the result is unwr- t0_dnvgn (ledge asked me to believe. 1,1,01,19,11 was. to me, utterly inexlitunate in the butter. l “The seventeenth of July.†Ile saw that I was extremelylplicable. I. the victim of the tron-l “The fir-9tlll‘i!l\'«’l1310in 0111' butter- “DR? 1’05",†Said “‘0 “QTY.†Sadly) , l ‘ “July!†I echoed. And what dubious about the date, tliereforelchcry .of that man Hickman, liziillmal-Ling is to bur-:2 a clean, raw pro- as he prclmred to adm‘imrte_r to , ‘ year is this?†he led me back to the library, fallen unconscious one night, andlduct and control the changes durâ€" little lipbi-aim liziz-tus his eighth ‘ ' “Why, eighteen hundred and where there hung upon the wall a had awakened to discover that. sixlli'ig the ripening of the (33“."N‘n so as: spanking in the last three days, "is. nine‘tyrsix‘ of course.“ 1mng calendar which quickly con- whole years had elapsed. am? thath gz-t the desired results. The mar- a ii'iifigla‘iy bad boy. How do white “Ninét:«_six1"‘ I gasped, stand- Vinced me. i I had developed into an entirely let ’l;::s changed in the last few sheep of Ce family.†boo poles to dry. Two, or three days’ exposure in the warm, sunny air of Italy makes the doughâ€"pipes hard and brittle, and fit to use for ' food. = kept cold, and is subjected to the odors of the cellar and of the cook- ing, of the washing, and of that boil- "How this astounding gap in my _.__..._. 5m...“-