N. T H “L h V I ‘ MW“ mwlé_‘;~rnn†...._v...._ .4-.- 4%.. M ._.__..._ / .iw-..-_ ... est of all ‘ uting tricksâ€"that of moose “ call)": E nyone who thinks different- ly from ‘Mr. Dickson on these subjects should read his article in the August “ Rod and Gun." Comxc, ALL RIGIlT.â€"â€"A month ago the Gazette informed its readers that there was a likelihood of Mr. Jesse Perrin, the well known boat builder of Lindsay, removing to Fcnelon Falls. One of our Lindsay contemporaries at. that time thought that we were a little previous with our news, but another of them, the Free Press. gave the rumor conï¬rmation last week in the following item: “ it has been learned on good authority that the popularboat builder, hlr. Jesse l’errin, has sold out his factory and machinery here and will move to ll‘cnelon Falls in the autumn. He has been in business in Lindsay for many years, and will be greatly missed by the residents of; the town. Mr. l’erriii feels that he can con- duct a better business at the Falls and Will have a larger number of craft for hire as well as for sale. In Lindsay he has been unable to carry on his busi- ness advantageously, and was forced to give up renting last year.†M Mr. Perrin brought up a launcli'and zi:bout a dozen skiiis and canoes on Friday last, and has been in town most of the time since, making arrangement for accommodation for his craft and his business. Terrill 'Bros.’ Gigantic Sale has been extended ten days to August lath. Farm Laborers’ Excursionsl 25,000 Men wéiiélfror Western liar- ves‘iing. ' ‘ ~ To moot as far as possible the unusual demand for farm laborers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway will run Special second class excursions from al’ Ontario sla- " n 4 - v' p A tdhlmni‘" .2. 1iExitinl‘liunifllinnié'ï¬m.:dllnmzihunirilnzanllim Italian .‘I ‘K. .In g; .42- r *5 gigging: rim: «55p: Ikï¬iilllli‘fllllï¬illlfltlmlfll' inward - rgli'ingyir‘ ll Made specially for rough and wet wear. ii I have just received i a stock of the celebrated Dayfoot Shoes manufactured by C. B. Dayfoot 85 Co , of George- town, Ont, who make a specialty 'of shoes for lum- berinen and river drivers. 'll See “ The River King†the best shoe on the mar- ket for the man who is goingon the river. J. w. BRYANS. Weston’s Bread for Sale. japan anything; WWW @100 Wining: mummiï¬arr'gprngyu angrrmmumprnwrmw: app: unmannma mgr:qu wring: 11 5.’ G /________________.._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" "i I. i iiElil lllGGllll costs a lot of money. Therefore take care of the If it tions. Cost of one way ticket to Winni- waggon you llltVG. lihlr is $10.00, and from Winnipeg to x r U a ‘ ‘ 1 .1 0‘ 1 w - points where laborers contract to work nef‘ (15 0‘ (‘1 h‘u‘hnp 01' 1 3 they will be carried without charge. pairing, have 1t ClOllG After at least one month’s work in the i . . 7 1 1 - . . _ , f 3 . harvest held, a ticket back to Ontario ~ I“ (“upâ€) “HI 1)] 013L113†starting point will be issued at $18. I Tickets are. only good on Farm La orers' Don’t let it go to rack through carelessness. mm“. , s g} Wedding is†h ’ Stamped Bros.†and Guaranteed BRITTR BROS. CORRECT COLOR, CORRECT OURLITY, CORRECT lllElGHT, CORRECT STYLE, CORRECT FINISH, CORRECT SHllPE. “Britten for all time. ' F Rings Wedding JEWELRY, SILVERWIIRE, CLOCKS, FINE Clllllll, CUT GLASS, ART GOODS. VJ e are always pleas- ed to receive visitors and shew our goods. oot of Kent St... LINDSAY ISSUERS 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Persons requiring dry lumber should take advantage of the facilities aï¬orded by our new dry kiln, where they can have lumber dried to order at reasonable rates. Lumber planed or ï¬nished in any style desired. FERELOR FALLS PLAREREMELL. Sate Paint to use is .sp'ccial trains, and will be issued to , _ , . "f‘woincn, but no half-rate _for children. fllClllthS fOl.‘ repair- ot excursions are as ing repainting and over_ I THE August 14th and September 8th, from hauling WRggODS were SHERWIN‘WILUAMS all stations in the territory between . . J 3. 1 , . ’l‘ortnto-‘(orth Bay line and Toronto- Bevel JJC’SEU' All “ 01 k I P/l/IVT Sarnia line. guaran cc ‘ . .~. . . Aiigustlllth and Sept. 0th, 'froni all L KNEVC '3 It IS a pure lead, zinc, stations on Torontosbarnia line and P I L .1- and linseed paint of done on a good up-to-date machine at reasonable rates. south thereof (in Canada). August 22nd and Sept. 11, stations east of Toronto-North to and including Kingston. , Eon-lite three excursions in Augustl ; special trains will be run from all points I ' "‘"' 0n the C. P. it. if you are in- any doubt l h“ 0 014 la ‘ . a! mi .1 as to date of excursion from your disâ€" l a - = I “wag- wé‘iig -, trict apply to local C. P. R. agent, who 95‘ mun-mg») will also furnish times of special trains, or write to C. B. Foster, District Passen- ger Agent, C. P. R., Toronto. _ from all lay line, | i. the greatest durability. l prove the value of the pai l? . ,â€" W l7 E NELON F A LLS MA RKETS, Fenclon Falls, Friday, July Bist, 1908 Il’t’pOl'lC‘d 01/ me Norm. ouw- 1?:on Mill 0.. habit hatch Right \\'heat.Sc0tch or Fife 90 lo 95 Wheat, i'all, perbushcl.... 80 so 'Wheat spring ........ 80 80 * ,- l _1 v M a. 0‘. I 8m“), 1m bushel . _ ‘ . . . . . 50 60 engincei who 1.111 1115: engine gnuckwhent‘: .. .. 00 two or three years, night and 6, 3 (cats ‘ . . . . . . . . 42 . . . ‘ mg, i. ,, so 32 day, Without cleaning or 011- lg Rye H . . . . . . .. 65 70 - .z) ‘ / Polzitoes, “ 00 70 mg: i, Buttem‘vm‘ lbw-~- 2“_ 23 What would you give him Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . 1:) IO . , , liar. )ei‘ Lon...... ..... .. 10.00 12.00 for his machine alter a few 4 . .l l Hides . . . . . . . . . .. . . 400 re rs of. qucl nae . ll HogSOive) 5.90 6.00 l 3’ 1 b i o - gag; (Dressed) .... And yet you 8111338013 vour @ 'L‘L‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . ........- ’~ 7 . sheepskins .......... 50 90 Wiltoll~ft far more delicate H .d , Wool ....... . ...... 8 H . , . . V. (I . a OI S~ Flour, litandon’s Best . . . . . 3-00 Elect. Of Inq‘ChlnCry7 tod “St thls T Flour, Silver Leaf . . . . . . .. 2.75 ‘ 5’ . . ‘ ‘ Flour, Victoria ..... . 2.20 29? “edtm’ent- _ _ ,pl . l i.’ v - . . . . . . . 2m ‘35) ' r ," v ' . ' 5,3311},Néï¬xï¬lgcéï¬pper.m 275 Don t you think it would I Exchange connechon lran, per lOO'Ibs 1.15 1.25 pay you tohavc itclcancd and 6 per day, An Extgnsion Set on Your “I. Is “ “ 1.30 .35 - “W†’ 155 Le.) oiled up once a year. \I ‘ .‘rlixcd Chop “ JOHN SLATER, lSSUER OF MARRl-AG‘E LICENSES I NEXT DOOR TO I'OSTâ€"O'IPFICE. ‘ renews Fans. 0 . , . » .5: 3’ ‘._. WW {A laced. ï¬esitien Eileen. ~ The Equitable Life Assurance Soâ€" ciety of the 1United States will be pleased to receive applications for ‘ its General Agency for ll‘eiielon Falls " and vicinity. To the right man even without life assurance experience. ,3? ,1 but who can show a good past biisi- “ ncss record, an attractive income contract will be made. Address con- lidcntially if’desircd, C. 'l‘. liliespie, . Manager Equitable Life, '24 King st. :- wcst, Toronto. - for Rural Line Connection. Ore mum u: ‘1 . N‘. Don’t. forget we carry c ' full line of Bedroom suits, odd Dressers and: Stands, 1.55%. . , Tenders for Booth- Parlour Sluts 5 and 3‘ , , f t,â€*:'., f, . pieces, Iron Beds, Side- ‘onl'ers or ieprivi 00:0 0 iavniy' a l s _ H ’ ‘ _ .. ‘ boolh at the Park on tlieilfllth of Augiist, I bl?†(152 Ethellhlon tables» during the sports in connection.with I Dyner Chimps, and all the Civic Holiday Celebration, will be i received by the undersigned. ’ “LA. Bishop, Sec. of Committee. ’ ‘ '7’ A.«‘...:..‘ . ‘4 ‘12â€" wwsz- ewe-t» Fall Term Opens Sept. lst Those who know best the merits of this school are its staunchest ‘ supporters. 2911- M ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬yï¬, 353.23.15.01 J’s v I'll, household furniture, a complete line of spring-s 5-"- ’ and mattresses. 4 Also a new stock of mouldings, bring your pic- 7 tures in to be framed be- fore starting housccleanig- TGEONTO, This college stands ï¬rst in POPUâ€" LARI‘I‘Y, 'J‘nouO't'ouNl-zss. and GENU- INll Mi-Zui'r. Go where you will you will llnd our graduates push- ing to the front. 'l‘heir superior training enables them to get and hold ï¬rst class positions. College open all summer. Enter any time. S'TiiRT ANY. TIME. riot your training in the school that is: qualiï¬ed to give you the . . . best that can be had. Tun ’Burrisn Puces ï¬ght. I . Annuicas Buswnss COLLEGE, Y. M. i p p ‘ L. DEYMAN 8c SON. G, A. Building, Toronto. Write for 'cataloguct M p p ' COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER STS. What would you think of an g IS MOST STRQNGLY MARKED B.Y_ THE INCREASE 0F lTSâ€"â€"â€"-’â€"- TELEPHONE snnvicn iii THE BELL TELEi’RlliiE. Cd, service with 100,000 subscribers. cents. per lay WW 1 . artisan transients... m. Incâ€"W W. J. Elliott, Principal. PROPREETï¬R. Properly ap- ', plied it. can’t go wrong. We can show ;; you houses, painted with it years ago, that are still in good condition and that nt. .1“ costs only 5% to 10. Cents Desk.3i r 300 RuralSyslems now. connected k . Q , . :vl . ’ e I a 5 g I 9 Local I;E:,iimgci‘.. -._\.\~/z:5\ ._~. " ‘ - “:12. ems;- ‘ fer-123:8». \J‘Vâ€"f ~¢w \‘5""_ .. 3‘“:â€" _. lillllSERi'. STOCK. Should either write direct to us or see 1 our nearest agent before placing their order. We guarantee satisfaction-Prices Extra- right. Fifty years' experience. heavy stock of the best apples. Agents ‘ ‘Vanted. Outlit free- Send terms. CANADA’S OLDEST llI‘lJGIlllTILLE,.0NT.. r 0- lli‘lTEllllli‘lG" P‘lililiTERS 0F l'or-l i'URSElliES. Thelhos. W. Bowman 81 Son, Co. Lfd'. Whole or part of time. Salary or. liberal: I commission. I I 0000000000000 To get the best re- sults in your pickling and cooking you know you are getting the best money can buy. It will pay you to buy from us . . . 0000000000000 FENELON FJ-XLLS. STEAMER KATHLEEN Leaves Fenclon Falls for Ceboconl': at 11 a. in. Leaves Fenelon Falls for Lindsay- at 4 p. in. Every Monday, VVednesday and . . Friday. Book tickets can be procured from \V. T. Jun-kin, Lockinaster. Fenelon Falls, June 10th, 1908., ’v Lindsay liable links: Rabi. Ghamhers Dealer in- and manufacturer of all kinds Marble and Grinlle Monument Being a direct importer I am able to- quote the closest prices. . I have 'lately installed a pneumatic pol; ishing machine, and a pneumatic plant for~ Lettering and Tracing. We are able to do» better-and deeper work than heretofore. cau and get designs and prices. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing- House. B. GHMEBEï¬i’s, Proprietor. Don’t forget that I have a ï¬rst class Planer and am: prepared to- do all work in this line in the best style ;; also to make Qï¬iï¬lfl’ Aidï¬ 033%. Your patronage, solicited. SEA-SON 1908. FfEilE'Llliil Fill.ng -‘ RESEMLE, CORilCili‘lll- Commencing. h‘fonday, June 8th, The. Sir. KA‘WARTHAE will make. daily trips, except Satin? days and Sundays, en the above named route as follows: Leave Fenelon Falls. at 11.00 p. in. Leave I-loscdale 5.30 p. in. Arrive Cobbcouk 0.230 p. in. Leave pCoboconk 7.20 p. '91.. Leave Rrsedale 8.20 p. m:. Arrive Fenclon Falls. 0.001). m.. register iii-ii? '1 sustain. SATURD.’-\YS ONLY. Leave Fen-elon FaHs 1:30 p.m. Leave Roscd‘alo 3.00 p. in. Giiliing at any point on. the lakes" . . '3; i This time table subyact to change: i without notice. ___._._â€"-â€" W. BilRGiii’iiE 3; Sill-l, FEN ELDN FALLS. ONTARIO.. Wehavc some of the newest lines in Wedding Invitations, Visiting Cards, ' Memorial Cards, cte., which it will give us pleasure to show you,.at the 5 OEEICB..