Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1908, p. 3

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...... .54..- a..- . “â€"â€";d-DMW>~( “our "- mesa" .. :.‘ rodnct ° 9 flabby s Sweet Fringed Pickles .~, That lirm, crisp quality and j__ delicious flavor is what you get when you insist on Libby’s Mixed Pickles at your dealers. ‘ rl‘hey are always the finest and 15 never disappoint. lt's the same with Libby's Sweet Gherkins and Sweet Midgets. Ask for them- ° _ 9 - tabby s times The cultivation of centuries marks the olive groves of Spain as the world's best. Libby’s Olives are imported from the oldest and most famous of these groves- " aw. 4|v=.',‘|"11~i,“ z; .;.- The result is a z: rare product, delightfully appetiz- ing. Try one bottle and you'll if, buy more and never be without them. lililay’s Preserves ;; Pure, ripe fruit and pure sugar in equal parts, cooked just right 3“ and timed to the second, in 3‘- Libby’s fires! White Kitch- en, is the secret of the extreme superiority of Libby's Preserves- There's none as good at any price. Grocers and delicatessen stores if: carry all of Libby’s feed Pro- ' _ duels. They are war» ._ rantedthebestto both you and the dealer 1 - . . 'i. 1203522531705 i3 Make Good Thing: 43 to Eat." : â€"' Insist on Libby’s a! your dealer's. ....___.__ ___. AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in every city and town in Canada with waterworks to sell a patent article needed in every home, hotel and public building. Sells at sight. Hustlers can and are making 35.00 a day. \Vrite at once for particulars. Geo. '1‘. Cole, Owen Sound, Ontario. The Mild Climate of Virginia offers splendid opportunities for stock raising, fruit growing, (lair-ying and general farming. Winters are short. Climate healthful. Land ' 00d and selling below its value, but increasing n value each year. Many Canadians are living in Virginia. Write for information to G. W. KOIN ER, Com missxoner of Agriculture, Richmond, Va. CLEADHNQ 9% Wham: mouse w Gen be done perfectly by our French Process. Tnl ll. BRITISH AMERICAN OVER“) 89. m “DN'EfiEAIu. TORONTO, OTTAWA k QUEBEO $2 TRIAL EOTTLE FREE Money maer made the $25,000,000 he_ had on hand last over the first fortnight. fi But. wars then were not nearly so costly as they have since become. old. "‘kriegschatz” future emergencies. . ure, however, was not in gold, but Sixths of the tot and the weight of . 1905_ in coined silver, this presently broke down the walls ' g Permanemw urea Bl' DR. KLIh‘E’S GREAT ' NERVE RESTilfiER - EMERGENCY WAR-CHESTS. War Begins. The $30,000,000 in gold, which Germany keeps boarded up in the Julius Tower at Spandau against I the next great European war, andé 8653’s.“ which certain clerical members 0 . ISS DELLA m - . the Reichstag recently wanted to M STROEBE: “3 R1011 convert to other and more immediâ€" ate needs of the Empire, is not a down condition’aandIcoum find no re_ great sum as Government .warâ€" 1i ~ chests go. In the event of hostilities could not enjoy my meals, and could breakmg out Wlth’ Say’ Fran.ce’. It not sleep at night. I had heavy, dark would probably be exhausted ins1de circles about the eyes. of a week. . True: m the War Of 1870‘71: 315' was advised to give Peruna a trial, and to my joy I began to improve with the Russia possessed a war-chest of $200,000,000 when hostilities broke out between her and Japan in 1903. Or, at all events, so she asserte . r M y. , , Ava, Evanston, 111., says that she be- ?)Left Shetfiva's bong“ mg Inglis: is came run down, could neither eat nor 6 ore e campalgn was 0 sleep well,and lostflesh and spirit. Pe- . . . runa did wonders for her, and she thanks T1115! by the by? was 13113131353? Peruna for new life and strength. emergenc . â€" chest) ever got togetherby any na- ' tion, although the United States once bid fair to equal it. This was after the civil war of 1801â€"65, when y the Government at Washington was Wagenen, could be packed into a in such dire straits for money that 1. is DOteS sank in vale untll f’hey The value of this gold is about $400,â€" would fetch something less than one- 000,000, and its weight is nearly 674 third their face value. tons“ Since the one Of the firSt things it (lid: con" ice. the world has mined altogether scquently, when public credit was at about 21,424 tons of gold. That part length fully restored, was to start of the globe controlled bythe Anglo- 1‘ “kriegSChal’z” With an eye to Saxon race has been the most pro- VJS WM treas‘ lific in gold, having produced fiveâ€" of the treasury, the resultant ava- lanche of dollars killing, and tem- (Highly. 1 __ porarily burying, several unhappy pins clem- the stomach and bow- els of bilious matter, cause the ex- cretory vessels to throw off impuri_ tics from the blood into the bowels clerks. _ . After this experience, the United States determined to rely, as does Britain, on her ordinary bank re- and exp . from the body. They do this with. out pain or inconvenience to the: patient, who speedily realizes their D01 LABS each 1nd ONE HUN_ “HOW did you gilquire Sllch Skin 2” Esotfhlfeifiégfic? S0011 as they begm DEED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- asked the inquisitive one of the clev- recommendations from all kinds of people. â€"â€" â€"-€< SKILLED. er juggler. “Why, I have a natural talentâ€"â€" hereditary, I might say. My fath- er used to eat peas with a knife.” g 914.....- . mfiisssi Give the Children a Chance Spanking does not cure children of bedâ€"wetting. There is a consti- tutional cause for this trouble,. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, Wind. 'sor, Ont., will Send free to any mother her successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her toâ€"day if your children trouble you in this way. Don’t blame the child, the chances are it can’t help it. This treatment also cures adults and‘ aged people troubled with urine Bent through \ anadiau Age-icy Permanent Cu-Ie, not only temporary relief, for acrvona diseases. Epilepsy, fipisms. at. Vuus' Danie Debility, Exeanstion. Founded 1871’ on. H. a. Kilns, Ltd, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia: - . ..-_,->â€".~,.-..-. Looks now as though we ought to have a good ice crop. The Crick in the Back â€"â€" “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin,” sings the poet. But what about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago, which is so common new? There is no poetry in that touch, for it renders life miserable. Yet how delighted is the sense of relief when an application of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil drives pain away. There is nothing equals it. RACE FOLLOWING. \Vigâ€"“Bjones follows the races, doesn’t he?” Waggâ€"“Yes, that is, I’ve never heard that he was over ahead of them.” ._.â€"-._â€" Do you happen to know a father who would want his son to follow in his footsteps ’l difficulties by day or night. Lord Lewsonâ€"â€"“Why, Pat, there used to be two windmills there.” Patâ€"“Thule for you, sir.” Lord Lewsonâ€"“Why is there but one now '2” I’at~â€"“Bedad, they took one down to lave more wind for t’othâ€" er.” They met in the street. “Do vou remember me?” “Can’t say that I do.” “Well, just ten years ago to- night I asked you for a match at this corner. You gave it to me, I went home, lit the match, accident- ally burnt the house down, and got a thousand dollars insurance. I hm/ glad of an opportunity to reward yoi ~â€"â€"-â€"” “Witliâ€"â€"â€"” “With an- other match.” h.) rags .._--;v ~v , .1, _ _ The final luxury of tea-drinking, the quality which distinguishes it as the world’s best, is assured users Ask your of “Salado.” Tea. grocer. â€"DEAR OLD DAYS. A “Why do you stick out the middle finger of your right hand so straight while you are eating ‘2” asked the compassionate woman. “Was it broken 2” “N0, mum,” answered the hobo, with a sniflle. “But during my halc- yon days I wore a diamond ring on that finger, and old habits are hard to break, mum.” No CAUSE FDR COMPLAINT. “I went fishing yesterday,” re- marked the obese passenger. “Have any luck?” queried the drummer. “Sure,” answered the o. p. “I didn’t get drowned or lose any of my bait.” râ€"/_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€":”’MWWM l. CANINE SUPERINTENDENT. Does not Lust Long when Miss Della Strocbe, who had Come felt completely cured. I cannot say too much for Peruna as a medicine for women in a run-down condition.” you for such a brutal act '2” “Wâ€" well, he provoked me. w“ when by the use of “Fer-rovim,” the best Iinc what great crime Nero was send our name and address and you will receive on Allan Linc DOORS at Liverpoob a frog sample of SLOCUM'S C()l\lt’0UND “EA. Eve y mother and lady “ -â€"” ‘ - -, 9 wxz 'YROYAL Jack btaris Day Slyork. lifhiifd use it. Used successfully by thousand: 8 A .known as Jack has “elic‘iiisior‘h5:2.32?“‘.2§t$€i5“33§3neifiiffliii taken upon himself the duties of filing-3,595 arising there rom. ' 2.10 size for sale 1:, canine superintendent of the Allan l ,1! flrgggi‘s‘F-Tolzghg' A‘ blown“ L‘m’tw’ 1" Line at TheCanada dock, Liver- m" ' " ' pool. As soon as one of the comâ€" pany’s steamers arrives he is the first up the plank, making tracks for the galley, where the cook awaits. him with a bone. At 7 o’clock every morning he ushers the dock laborers to their work, barking at the head of the procession. He accompanies them out to dinner, and leads them in again for the afternoon. Jack at 1 o’clock then may go a mile away to board an Allan steamer. in the graving deck, but he never makes the mistake of going on a. wrong vessel. ‘ Sunday is Jack’s visiting day. How he found out various Allan oflicials’ homes in Evertonlor Wal- ton, miles away, nobody knows, but he barks at the doors regularly and is taken in to dinner at one house and to tea. at another. At 11 o’clock at night he returns to the dock, where he barks until the watchman opens the gate for him. .._.-._.__ .54”...â€" A CfiNTEST WGRTH ENTERING. A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS is offered by , the ORANGE MEAT people to the one sending in the largest number of bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages beforc May 31, 1909. This means that the winner will receive One Dollar EVERY WEEK, 01‘ FIFTYâ€"TWO DOLLARS every year, as long as he or she lives, or they can exchange it for :1. CASH PRIZE of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Besides the above there is a secâ€" ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes as follows :â€" Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY DOLLARS each. I Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- E.-.=‘.RS each. Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE 15143160! Lost 1957' Emit/z, Found Relief from Pe-ru-na at Once. mend St., Appleton, Wis, writes: “For several years I was in a run- ef from doctors and. medicines. I “My friends were much alarmed. I rst bottle. After taking six bottles I Send for free catalog, No. 75. Pe-ru-na Did Wonders. Mrs. Judge J. F. Boyer, 1421 Sherman. me in Plano uni Olllllll (:0, n1. Gummy LIBRARY BUREAU _ 'OF CANADA ' Have fitted up Libraries at Ottawa, Toronto, Belle- ville, Brampton, Chatham and Sarnia, and are the only Canadian Company that can furnish full inforâ€" mation in regard to Card Catalogs, Charging Sys- tems, Furniture and Book Stacks. 900 CUBIC FEET OF GOLD. All the gold mined during the car 1906, says Mr. T. F. Van 00m 10 feet square and 9 feet high. discovery of Amer- Information sent free of charge on application. Library Bureau of canada LIMITED, 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONT. a1 amount mined in They Cleanse the System Thor- I’armelce’s Vegetable el the deleterious mass One packet has actually ,_ kllled a. bushel i g. of files. 3 : -â€" SOLD Y â€"- DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GE""lAL STORES '55 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. ‘ will last a whole season. They have strong LAR each The only condition attached is that you cut out the bottoms of the u 1,, J' '13, ,h 1, ORANGE MEAT packages ‘and W“ “mm 181 me a “2’3 send them in to ORANGE MEAT, . "' B,bb'- b1 k 7:0 night; egélseellzve Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo I I ' package counts equal to Three of n “HOW did the smaller size. You should be H - able to win one of the above prizes He hlt me if you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send your name and address to y _ ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- .tomir, they could veryquickly recover theirhealth DAY, and State that you are en_ he provoke you?” back!” "rs-"Ernie > ~-.â€"- 351'!"V‘Nfia‘h-{zwcabifluai p.052” -.. . ,__._.,-__ Weak and Pele Women foolishly keep the». SIRE â€" SEEMEEE 'andsnmugih' Try“: tcring the contest. It is surely I THERE ARE OTHERS. worth trying for. a v ,__u 7 ’X‘ . ‘ TeaChel JOhnny’ can you tell “How did the wedding come off a to-day 2” “Without a hitch.” “Glad to hear it.” “I said without a hitch. ~ - , - ‘ ‘ I The bride backed out at the last Ag;pgce5V$§tztgisffgg[Safgg‘izeto minute.” '4 ' g - guilty of i” Johnnyâ€"“Yes’m. He played the fiddle . ’ ’ DEFT. D l Rilllll (llll‘lllllillfllll' lllllil’lllll. 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. hey Advertise Themselves.â€"Im-- mediately they were offered to the public, Parinelcc’s Vegetable Pills became popular because of the good report they made for themselves. That, reputation has grown, and they now rank among the first mo- dicines for use in attacks of dys- pepsia and biliousness, complaints of the liver and kidneys, rheuma- tism, fever and ague and the in- numerable complications to which these ailments give rise. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do notvdelay in getting a bottle of Holloway’s Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of sums without pain. Failure with it is unknown. Agents wanted in every town. Miss Dressington (to little boy who is sidling up to hcr)â€"â€"-“What do you want, dearâ€"430 give me a kiss 2” Little Boyâ€"“No, I wants my breadâ€" ’n’â€"butter that you’se sittin’ on X” a» .02: Every l Scratching ls foolish; it only makes a bad: matter worse. Weaver's Carats allays the pain,, iiili‘ioiliiuika’303519133523” and “he” “wt-l Farmer The Bank of England- is empowerâ€" p i, , .4 ed by its charter to sell any goods r? or merchandise upon which it has ‘ advanced money, and which have not been redeemed. “Dat boy,” mid the negro sadly, as he prepared to administer to little Ephraim Rastus his eighth spanking in the last three days, “is a mighty bad boy. He’s de white sheep of de family." how much money he could save by using a. Fairbanks-Morse Jack-nf-:ill-'l‘ralles fins-«dine Enâ€" gine to saw wand. iump Water, grind food, 550., Regarded as one of the most po- we WHlllll not he ab 0 in supply the demand. tent compounds ever introduced with which to combat all summer . - - ‘ 1 - ‘ . Cut this ad. out amlsclnl to us to-day and we complaints and inflammationof the Help youl Clnldlen to $1 0W will send you our free catalogue. ’ bowels, Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysenâ€" stlong and I’Ol’USt by counterac‘t- . . h . . . v x - . -' .._ tel-y Cordial has won for use“ a mg anytning that causes ill health. Rama reputation that no other cordial for One £3191”! cause 0f (11503450 111 011.111- ihc purpose can aspire to. For dren is worms. Remove them \Ylui‘l . . 71 s I . I ‘ v, ‘ r V I . _ 'oung or old suffering from thew Mother. Giavcs Weim Extermina 3 . . ,_ . icomplaints it is the best medians “3‘13 It neVCl‘ falls- .that can be procured. _..â€"â€"-.._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"" ...â€"._4 Address Ii'he circadian Fairbanks 80., lelted, Toronto, On] Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. Third-Floor Tenantâ€"“See here! LOGIC. I’m one of a committee of men ip ‘ ' ‘ ’ r. “Look here, waiter, this pudding Lihls btufldnlllg’ filfiiecfiuufisggogifi is wrongly named,” grumbled a 301“ OTSC ytJâ€"ND 1. ,‘tpl t guest when brought the ice cream from. I enan f e '0 SE: pudding she had ordered. “There .you' ' {an} one]: 0 tagm el commlé ought to be ice cream served with tce’ .anc Vim am“ ‘Obccimenup an it.” ask if you (I sell youi aiy. “Cannot help it, mum,’ replied ' the waiter. “We don’t name the puddings. “Besides, you .don’t get a cottage with a cottage pudding, you know.” Cupid used to aim his dart at a maidcn’s fragile heart. Now he aims, with cunning look, at her fath- er’s pocket book. Everything he wants will come to the man who waits until he doesn’t want anything. hotel Mantis-riser NEW YORK Near 50th Street “ub- way on hard Street Elevated Station. I L Ideal Location " a Near Theatsrs, . ' L. Shops and « :_.,"I Central Park New, Modern and Absolutely Fire Pvt-of chewing tobacco. tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing All Outside roonii, Semi for Booklet. Under th Management of HARRY P. STIMSON n. J. BINGIIAM ' F‘m'iyoluotcllmoorlnl F'm'ly of Hotel Woodward ’ | lWW tTransient Rates; $2.50 with Baths and up, i l l Celebrating a wooden wedding doesn’t always demonstrate that the husband is a perfect stick.

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