mmmrm.umwsmu-mm_m. um. 1n. n raw-menu. warm._mvm._iw~..- M...“ . . .0. m...â€" ,. F. A. ncniamim. PARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE ) lon Falls. Ollice, Colborne street opposite Post-ofï¬ce. 31-62,?“ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. MCLAUGH LIN, PEEL &. FULTON l ARRIS'I‘Elt-n‘, SOLICITORS AND NOT- arics. Olï¬ces over Dominion Bank, and York streets, Lindsay. 'i‘.S'1‘nwa1ir. L V. O’Coxson, B. A nooun a JACKSON, Aitlllfi'l‘ERS, SOLIUI'l‘ORS, 850. Of- lice, William street,Liudsay. F. D. Moons. A: JACKSON AU CTION BER . FELIX A. NOR’l‘HEY, PUBLIC AUCTIONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in ï¬rst- clnss order. Secure dates before adver- tising. Address, Fenelon Falls. _____________.__._._.â€"â€"â€"-â€" STEPHEN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer Write for dates before advertising. ____________,____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" THOMAS CASl‘lOBE, ‘ AUCTIONEER - FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- class manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising‘. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__'â€"â€"_â€"_-â€": , MEDICAL. #â€" DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-M. D., o. 111., 111 a. o s. Eng, M. c. P. A. 3., Own, F. 'r. M. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUGH- cur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Feuelou Falls. __________________._._.___.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- now and save money. being sold at greatly reduc- ed prices during July. Buy your footwear 9 QB; l .0. i it HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL ETA’B‘JSH E 1817. INCORPORATED sv ACT or PARLIAMENT. FEl‘iELDl’l FELLS. R. M. HAMILTON, ' MANAGER. 9000000 000000 OOOOOO§ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 000 000 000000 A Simple Statement. Socialism is a system of human so- ciety, based 011 the common ownership of the means of production and the carrying on of the' work of produc- tion by all for the beneï¬t of all. In other words, Socialism means that railâ€" ways, the shipping, the mines, the fac- sories, and all such things as are ne- cessary for the production of the ne- cessaries and comforts of life should be social property, so that all these things should be used by the whole people to produce the goods that the whole of the people require. That is no Utopian dream, but the necessary outcome of the development of society. It used to “be supposed that anything like the collective carry- ing on of an enter-prize was impossible, because the personal supervision and control of the owner was necessary to the success of any such enterprise. But we see to-day that the greateSt' undertakings are those weich are own- ed by jointâ€"stock companies, in which 000000000000cooooooooooooooooooooooooococoon 1 because there is more of them than these who produced them can buy. Under the present system, the very increase of wealth is too often a curse to the wealth producers, simply beâ€" cause those who produce have no ownâ€" ership in the means of production, and no control over the wealth produced. Under Socialism, the means of pro- duction would belong to the whole people, andrthe whole people would have control of the thinu‘s procuced. ,Every increase of wealth would then exist anywhere on this earth. All that is needed is to establish a more equit- able method of distributing the wealth already produced in such profusion. That is what Socialists propose to do. The work of production is socialized ; it is necessary to socialize distribution as well. What is to be done to supplant the present system by Socialismâ€"to subâ€" stitute fraternal cooperation for the cutâ€"throat competition of today? The first thing necessary is to organize the workers into a class-conscious party: that is, a party recognizing that, as a class, the workers are enslaved through the possession of the means of produc- tion by another class 3 recognizing, too, that between these two classes there is an antavonism of interest, a perpet- ual struggle, a constant class war, which must go on until the workers become possessed of political power, and use that power to become masters of the whole material means of produc- tion. When that has been achieved, the war of classes will be at an end, because the division of mankind will have disappeared, the emancipation of. the working class will have been‘ae- complished and Socialism will be here. -â€"Socialist Standard. V.-. Think! Think! Think !' Where did you get the ideas that . a it . -% Linds:r_v. Branch ofï¬ce open at Bolicaygeon CAPITAL - $14,400,000.00. . ,n - A ,. eVery Monday. Money to loan at lowest REST - $1,000,000.00. beneï¬t‘tlle M11016. com.munlty' Ulldil rates ,‘filucwst‘ UNDWIDED PROFITS $922.4113, the piescnt system increased wealth 1,, _ , , ASSET means increased enur and sniferinp1 ,g R.J .\,1<. o. A.M.I‘o1.'10.\,B.A. 165,000,000. P y . _ _ o g Jss. A. PEEL. for the many. Under Socxahsm mâ€" ;E ___________._____ ‘5» S B creased production would mean more; ' G. H. HOPKINS, K. 0. § leisure, more wealth, more means of 3,2; )ARRISTER’ SOLICITOR, NOTARY I.» . . I ~ enjOying life, more opportunities for . ‘ l) Public, Ste. Solicitor for the Bank of ’3“ I a INTEREST ADDED u recreation for everybody. ._ MOIHI‘CM- gyï¬lmy ‘0 lam.“ termstt" 5:1†E 'J y F0 '1 T'MES “ YEA" By the discoveries of science, the borrower. 'ces,G '1 mm strcc son 1, , inventions of Genius and the a .1i_ ' Lindsay, Ont. ., o 3 Deoosus taken of $1 - . ° . . 9}? s t 0 d 1 d cations of industiy, man has acquit ed ,5 . an upwar such power over nature that he can i} " J l ‘ L ’ NNOR ' _ . ‘ )Aliltfsl'lllllthgoTAï¬tllSS &c ,nONEY ,L now produce wealth of all kinds as *» bk to loan at lowest curienl rates. ’l‘erms . DBpOSILS can be Plentlfuuy as ‘Vat‘er' There 13 no gooci - m suit borrowers. 0mm. 0,, comer of Ken; I _ Withdrawn on demandI reason why poverty and want should l~ E mew-n.1,.“- {Wmmiscscwa ....~\...,~-.;,W r*@‘*»-mw&Ԥg1fl,¢éfl ~.. DR, A. WlLSON, the personal supervision of the propri- control you'.Z Who put them into your -â€"M- 13-, H. C'- P- & 5-; Ontarioi" etors is quite impossible, and in which head '2 Why did they put them there 2' HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH the business is managed and carried Would men, if they could, give horses . eur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenelon F on by paid ofï¬cials, who might just as the knowledge of their power“! Would S’ Falls. well be paid by the community to car- horses remain enslaved if they knew a â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€"‘â€"â€"‘â€""“‘_-‘-'_‘ ‘ ry on the enterprise in the interest of their pOWer’l And Would you men be V the general body of the peeple as be enslaved if you know your power? ' M l . . paid by a few wealthy men tocarry it You are kept ignorant, so those who ' “ b1 ' We have the ï¬nest, llne 0f Sult- on r1foiltheir PiiOï¬li. t d d use you can plrofittfrogi yewd Mlany o: i 1‘ eves trou e ou - .. - - - - ‘o~ a goocs are no pro uce to you are mate 3 upi y rin: am e _ Wéfélseyo;gu ï¬ï¬n or 1-1933. ’ lngs evel Shown 1n thls dlstrlct satisfy lgiipian neelds; tlflliyf arilsimlply bin-d \giOl‘kb mitil £3311 guy; bugtlitltle '~ . . , r , ~ , - r0 ace 0 mm c r0 or 1e cass a ove -1e eas s 0 1e e . eec- 1, z ache or 1t you}. glclsses 16- come and see them 01 wrlte that owns tilese meath of production. tion time they who have been proï¬ting ‘ j: .qun‘e Changlng or you for samples. ‘ It is only for the sake of this proï¬t of your degraded condition will smile 'l need new glasses, go to . that the property owning class owns at you and extend the glad hand and i D n _ m I B. A N N | 5’ Quality, ï¬t, style and workman- these means of production. As a conâ€" tell you what a great people we are, 45 E esi hi 5 eciaiish always up to the sequence, we have shoddy and adulte- what a free country we have, how you 4; y g, . , g" ,t _ rated goods produced. Also, as this are the equal of a king, and how you 1 § . (inrer l 0111 S Shoo $80); Standa'rd' proï¬t is simply the diii’erence between should vote them into a fat place. And 3 . Llildsay t 1 Cl 5.111001- the value of the work which the work- that is how they keep you where you: " I Satisfacmon guargiiaggf' lal°e ing people do and the amount they are, and how they continue to rule. Fâ€"______:_’____._________ receive in wages, the actual producers You are controlled by ideas, just as“ g A DENTAL. never receive the equivalent of what the Mohammedans are; just as areth‘e I # they produce, and therefore are never Buddhists ; just as are the Chinese; " ‘ able to bu it back avain. It ha) ens, _'ust as are the rum-soaked, blear-eyed, ‘2 “I‘- 5- Il- sums, DENTIST! Successors to J. J. Townley Fenelon Fain-S- thcrefore, ythat, as the machindfy of degenerate people of the abyss. »Wl‘.en l Fenelon Falls. production increases and workmen are you begin to think, there will be one .. Graduate of Toronto University and able to turn out more goods, they are more link broken in human slavery. , Royal College of Dental Surgeons. mwm‘ï¬gmmï¬Mmgmwgflgmï¬m mug,nyjpupjgnmjmm flit-umjmmlmgugynmammonium:aimigsillsnflpltï¬fnlggE thrown out of work, and they, with The lowest cannot be made to. use I: - ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRX gill “WWW 5&1“ “W “WLJW‘JW “W lair-w newts W‘J‘tiim‘llniwiuil“4'50"â€!WWiF‘mWUW ll†ml†their wives and children, are in want their brains; but enough can.’ VVillT ' performed according to the latestimproved ‘ "n' and misery 3 not because there is any you be one of them? Will you assert * o.nears3:.m.°.::3;:.rsz-.. a... H E G E B E A L S T 0 BY scarcity of the things they but your god-hood iâ€"Arzwl i i t C:_â€" . 1 " I I“, “"*'_";":“___.___.__....._V I _...- " ' orne street ~ llg ' I. 1 '2‘ , oroes ï¬ne at breakfast tmie, . v. It NEELANDS & IRVINE' ' and is still to be continued. ' .".' " DENTISTS - LINDSAY- or the making of cereals there Natural teeth preserved. Crown and is no end. :Wehave all the bridge work a specialty. Splendid ï¬ts in good and tried kinds . . . . . . , V 3 _ 1 artiï¬cial teeth- Pninless ex‘mc“°“~ GE†There are so many varieties i. g ,. f administered to over 9,000 pe‘rsons With that we can hardly enumerate “’1 '3; i great success' them, but whatever kind you CA . VOICE CULTURE AND PIANO. LILLIAN G. WILSON, A. T. c. M. i :‘ Honor Graduate (piano and vocal) of mit cheap. ‘ Toronto Conservatory of Music. Gold i )Iedalist of Whitby Ladies’ College. Voxce ' l ' i g?! . _. ~, ,1 H § and piguowplupils accéppteg.or::pprl’y;o:: ' 1 ~ & . ‘ l tudio, r. isons rem enc . ~ ' :’ he 2°â€" ’ ï¬esaaeeeoesessam We: assesses. a ...- i' ‘ ' :. like best is here and at a price that will supply you many breakfasts at a rate that even the most economical must ad- A Joint ' Account may be opened by two persons. , Either may deposit or withdraw money on his or her signature alone. Interest at highest current rate is paid on savings deposits 4 times a year. Money may be withdrawn at any time. Fenelon Falls Branch, menswear: eases W. A. Bishop, litanager. 5’! 50': Wâ€"-.~wd-«..wvwâ€"VA (V WV ~,_. ‘WV...