Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Jun 1908, p. 7

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F GIRLHOOD It} MIDDLE LIFE ..â€"â€"â€"-â€"-a fill Women Need the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Actually Make. From girlhood to middle life the health and happiness of every woman depends on her blood. If her blood is poor and watery she becomes weak, languid, pale and nervous. If he‘ blood supply is irregular she suffers from headaches and backaches and other unspeakable distress which only women know. At every stage of a woman’s life Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills are her best friend, be- cause they actually make the rich, red blood which gives health and strength and tone to every organ of the body. They help a woman just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply. Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for twenty years has been one of the best known residents .of St. .Roches, Que., says:â€"“Dr. Williams’ Pink Piils have been -a blessing to me. I was weak, worn out and scarcely able to drag my- self about. I suffered from headaches and dizziness, my appetite was poor and to attempt housework left me utterly worn out. I slept badly at night and what sleep I got did not refresh me. For nearly three years I was in this condition and was constantly taking medicine, but found no benefit from it. One of my neighbors who had used Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills with much benefit, advised me to try them. I did so, and the whole story is :told in the words ‘I am well again.’ There are times yet when I take the pills for they seem to me a guarantee against the troubles which so many women suffer." Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills do not act on the bowels. They contain just the elem-cuts :that actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. That’s why they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheu- imatism, lumbago, headaches, back-aches, heart palpitation and skin diseases like pimples and eczema. That is why they are the greatest help in the world for growing girls who need new blood and for women who are troubled with irre- gular health. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box orlsix boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. iWilham-s’ Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. *â€" 'â€"-â€"â€"-._ LN DANGER. Ancient lady (about to lecture a tramp for his good)â€"“.\Iy man, were you ever married?" Tramp (hurrying away)«â€"“Wow! I forth this was leapyear.” 1..-“-.. "THE NEW FOOD” Have you. tried a package of “THE NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Choxc- est White Wheat, then stczam-cocked'and 'flaked. i‘No kitchen can produce a bet- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption. In order to introduce “THE NEW FOOD” )8. prize has been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Card‘s calling for LADIES‘ GOLD WATCHES, have been redeemed, and SEVENTYâ€" fFlV-E Red Cards. Each one of these bards has been found in apackage of “NEW FOOD.” The Red- Cards give the finder the choice of the following articles: Boys” Nickle Watch. “Our Pride” Gold: Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Pattern, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, De: imask. .Balby Ring, Solid Gold. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long, Linen. ‘- Open- Salt. Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top. ' Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers on Best .Make. Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place for Photos. Ladies Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set With Brilliants. Signet. Ring, 10k Gold, Place for Two Initials. A new lot of prizes have been placed In the: packages. Ask your grocer for a package of “THE NEYV FOOD.” .____..}._. MUSIC CRITICS. Mooneyâ€"“Faith, Oi cud die listenir)’ to Tom Callahan play th’ poipes." . petition.” RESCUE SCHOOL. Will Learn How to Rescue Miners in Case of Accident. Recent terrible Colliery explosions will draw fresh attention to the new Rescue Training School which has been estab- lished in Lancashire, England. This school is fitted with an imita- tion coal m'no gallery, looking from the inside of the hall something like a hut;’0 aquarium, having a plate glass front, SO that spectators can see what is gomg on. Some test "rescues" were recently made in the imitation gallery. Miners, attired in special safety outfits and car- rying safety lamps, traversed the wOI‘k- . ings of the gallery, with the object of rescuing other minc‘s who were sup- posed to be entombcd. An atmosphere rendered deadly by dense fumes of sul- phur had been injected into‘the gallery. and the “rescuers” had to find and bring 4 away a dummy figure, supposed to be unconscious, and weighing over 12 stone. While working in the gallery the “resâ€" cue" party had to overcome all the obstacles usual in a mine. disa~t"r. Dan- gerous portions of the roof had to be retimbered, piles of debris cleared. away, and the apparatus used in mine venti- lation had to be put into operate-n. It. was a fight. yard by yard, and the first test occupied two hours, during which time the men remained in the deadly at- mosphere, medical officers, of course, being in attendance to render aid should any of the competitors be overc:.me. At this Lancashire school men can be trained so as to form rescue brigades for service in “the real disaster which are so constantly taking place. >11... ...â€"â€"-â€" aniuP RINGS. Once Highly Recommended by the Medi- cal Profession in England. Formerly it was customary for kings of England on Good Friday to hallow certain rings, the wearing of which pre- vented cramp or epilepsy. They were made from the metal of de- cayed coffins and consecrated with an elaborate ceremony, some details of which are still preserved. They were “highly recommended by the medical pro- fession” about 1557, for Andrew Boorde, in his “Breviary of Health,” speaking of cramp, says: “The Kynge‘s Majestic. hath a great helpe in this matter in hal- lcwing Crampe Ringcs without money or Occasionally cramp rings played a per- suasive part in diplomacy. Lord Berners. British Ambassador at the. Court. of Charles V., wrote in 1508 “to my Lorde Cardinall’s grace" for some “crampe ryngs,” with trust to “bestowe them well, by God’s grace.” *_â€"_â€"â€".-â€"â€"~ It Will Prolong Lifeâ€"De Sofa, the Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of F iorida, whither he went for the pur- pose of discovering the lagendary “Fountain of perpetual youth,” said to exist in that unknown country. While Dr. Thomas’ Eelectric Oil will not per- petuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into un- timely graves. “I won’t say marriage is a failure,” he said, angrily; “but some are more fortu- nate in what they get than others.” She laughed annoyingly. “You are right,” she said. “You, for instance, got me; but Iâ€"got only you." â€" The heat of the Tropics fades roe‘y cheeks. It; takes away the energy. “Ferrowm” is the best tonic to brace you 11 . It. stimulates the‘ system. It makes the west strong. It: 13 pleas- ant. to take. All druggists sell it. .I In Germany the telephone charges amount to only about $5.00 per subscrib er annually. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best results. - ..._â€"_._ COLLIDED \VITH ELEPHANT. Elephants are one of the perils of rail- road life in Indoâ€"China. The Bangkok Times says that when the morning train from Bangkok was near Ban Klap an elephant walked out of the jungle onto the track. The engineer sounded his whistle, but the elephant, trumpeting loudly, lowered its head and charged the oncoming train. So great was the im- pact that the elephant was killed on the spot and the engine derailed and badly damaged. The clephant’s tusks were snapped off, but when a search was made calarrh to such a degree that it affected my hearing. ' years ago by being exposed to droughts and sudden changes of temperature. specialists and have. used many drugs recommended as specifics for in the head and throatâ€"ell to no pur- pose. by a confrere in office to try Peruna. doubts as to failures, I gave P-cruna a trial, and am happy to state that after using eight or proved in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils." sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth, NASAL CATARRII PRO'DUCES DEAFNESS 'RELIEFIN PE-RU-NA. Mr. R. J. Arless, 401rCity Hall Ave., Montreal, Quebec, 13 an old gentleman- of wide acquaintance, having served thirty-eight years in the General Post- fllce of Montreal, 8. record -which .peaks for itself. Concerning his-use of Peruna, see letter given below. ' .-:'n #:3- MR. 8. J. ARLESS. “I have been afflicted with nasal “This was contracted some twenty “I have been under the treatment of cait-arrh “About three years ago I was induced “After some hesitation, as I had results after so many ten bottles of Peruna I am much im- llIanui‘ncfured by Perungi factur‘ing Company, Columbus, II. S. A. ‘ Drug Manu- Ohio, IIANDICAPPED. I Judgeâ€"“Remember, witness, you at, and nothing but the truth.” Witnessâ€"“Judge. I’m tryin’ my durn~ cdest to do it, but that pie-faced slob of a lawyer over there won’t-let me!” A Pleasant Medicineâ€"There are some pills Which have no other purpose evi- dently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the :patient, ad-, ding to his troubles and perplexities-ra7 ther than diminishing them. One might as well swallow some corrosive ma- terial. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills have pert y. is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. LNAUDIBLE AND INVISIBLE. (Sceneâ€"Farmers’ dinner; tables well filled.) Chairmanâ€"“Mr. Thamson, please lac say the grace.” Mr. Thamson, with'bent head, eom< mences to whisper to himself. Farmer next himâ€"“Speak cot, Thomson!” ,Mr.‘ Thomsonâ€"“Shut up; I'm no' speakin’ tae you." not this disagreeable and injurious prog,‘ > They are way to lake, are not 3?: unpleasant to the taste, and their action TROUBLED. Photogi‘apherLâ€"“You are all right now, except your expression. Please look pleasant.” ‘Jay Greenâ€""Hang it, man, I can’t lm bow-legged, and I’m trying to hold my knees together so as it won’t show. When I smile I forgit all about my knees, and when I pay attention to my knees liorgit to smile.” Great Things ’From Little Causes Growâ€"lit takes very little to derange the stomach. Thecause may be slight, a cold, something eaten or drunk, anxi- ety, worry, or some other simple cause. I > But if precautions be not taken, this Simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a chronically de- bilitated constitution today chs its de- struction. to simple causes not dealt with in time. Keep the digestive apparatus 1’] healthy condition and all will be well. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the purpose. Belleâ€"“You’re to be married next week? Why, you told us you were en- gaged for a, personally-conducted tour with a small, select party!" lVI-arionâ€" “Yes, dear; but George Is the personal contductor, and I’m the small, select 1331‘ Y-" ‘ Loss of Flesh, cough, and pain on the chest may not mean consumption, but; are bad signs. Allen’s Lung Balsam loosens and heals the cough: Not 0. grain of opium In It. , When a woman informs a man that she’s going to tell him something for his own good it is time for him to stand from under. %rough indiscretion in eating green fr in summer many ehildrenbecofiie subject to cholera morbus caused by ir- ritating acids that act violently on the lining of the intestines. Pains and dangerous purgings ensue and the deli- cate system of the child suffers under the drain. In such cases the safest and surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial. It will check the in- flammation and save the child‘s life. _..~â€"-~. Even a shallow man may get deep in debt. , M PEACHLAND, B, c. “The Pick of the Okanagan Lakes" 5 to 10 acre fruit lots free from stones or under- brush, at $50 an acre on easy terms. By purchas- ing through me you save land speculators’ profits of at least 507,, Write me for free information about; any part of B. C. as to fruit. land or hearing orchards. James Brooks, Box 4, Peachland, B.C. CLEANIN mar-- LADIES’ . .G. *1“ on be done perfectly by our French l‘roceu. Try It BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEINO 00. w taxman. TORONTO, OTTAWA I QUEBEO CLARKSON, Toronto; OUTING t J» sauna:- ..~. ~-.-.x--v- ,. '.q..:- .- 1. 2 33 scott St., TORONTO. Phone Width [311 N INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bOught~ and-i- sold on. f_ exchanges for cdéh30rwniar'lginflf" ' Cobalt orders executed for cash. For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.- “50 CENTS- ALL DRuooisrs, 0R '- The Pango Company, WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and NATIONAL DRUG (30., London. Mn cum rs from no... EEgng, so. 05 Vitus' co, Nervo 11 0: Falling: kn as he d 1" to the L11“! 9 nuatreo Toronto c h for o to all bottle of tthr Fit 0 on 'I‘rcattse. Enclose 100 for postage apd packing. NO CROP, NO PAY! Fair finance is it not? Wild and Improved farm land from $12 to $18 an acre, near ood market; and in tho “ Bread Basket” of the .W., “89.3- katchcwan." Saskatchewan Settlers Land Agency Wauchope, Suck. .AOENTS WANTED. A reliable man In every city and town in Canada. with waterworks to sell a. patent article needed in ever homo, hotel and public building. Sells at sig 1:. Hustlers can and are making 85.00 a. day. Write 1“ once for particulars. Geo. T. 0016, Owen Sound, Ontario. " HIS MASTER’S VOICE" VlGTOR-BERIINER GRAMOPHOHES All prices and styles from $12.50 to $2.40. Write for free caialogue. Dept, D. TORONTO GRAHOPHONE COMPANY ,1. 264 Yo ngo Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town. ‘ W FREE EXCURSION To Kercmeoc, the Hub of the Smithameen Valley, In Southern British Brltlsh ,columbla -A Ghannce to see Kootanay'o Boundary and Okanagan Valleys The Smithameeu is Canada’s most favored spot, where Oliv0,a.lm0nd, peach,wlno grapes, nectarinos, melon, sweet potato, tobacco and and sub-tropicals attain perfection in the open air, without. use of glass}. and all northern fruits grow erfectly. No light; crop years. Four crops c over u'yeur. ' Corn r1 ens in July, strawberries,cherries, apricots, ans 1. lear- liest; fruit district in Dominion._ No mud, mosq‘uitces or fruit pests. Dry air belt, the, land of health and sunshine, just: opened by building of Great Northern Railway. Close to coast. and prairie markets. Open prairie lands, free of stumps, stone and brush, ready for plow. Lands low priced on 811.5 terms. See the Siuiithameon .its the equa. of the best parts of the world infirst-hand openings for business, fruit. growgn , stock raising, mixed farming, mining, mt ustrial 'openmgs, homemaking, pleasure and place to rest. Not. a. country to experiment: or pioneer but one to retire iiiâ€"tested 40 years. Spend your vacation outing here where fish- ing, hunting and scenic beauty are par excel- ence among the lofty Cascades. 'We operate special low rate excursions twice a. month from eastern and western pomts. June 16, July 10 and 25. Address, BEAUTIFUL VALLEY LAND 00.. 108 Colony Sh, Winnipeg, Man, or Koremeos, 13.0. Phone 7878 '..‘ l~> u u Toronto LYMAN Montreal; KNOX & ’ ~.._..__...,, . ... .. . ... ~ DO YOUWORK A FARM ?‘ FOR FUN OR FOR PROFIT .',-.a.. You are a farmer, you cultivate the soil, you grow fruit, vegetables, wheat, oats; you raise cattle, sheep; you are interested in horses, in short, you are master of all you survey. “armors are the most '])I‘-.JS|;JCI‘OU.S class of people in Canada lie-day, therefore, you are getting rich. No? Bad crops?g Drought? Oh, a leak in' your costs department. Economy begins at. homeâ€" plant a Bicycle on the farm and reap a harvest. of saved time, money, and shoe leather. for them they could not be found. Some- Donohueâ€"“Fer meself, Oi’d prefer a one had walked off with them. peaceful ind.” SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE. A certain famous pianist was invited Why go limping and whining about {Cur corns when a 25 cent bottle of dolloway’s Corn Cure will remove them? - . . . . e‘ b a realth mai r I. Give It a um] and you will 110"“ regret I30dtl’2VrIlOII‘ ed a large Iii-OI. nlirlnl‘inaoctd‘r'I/S, n' and had been a shormaker in his time. : . After the repast, the pianist was re- BORROWLD I'IL’HT‘ quested to play something, and he con- “He’s quite a star as an afterdinner scnted. speaker, isn't he?” Not long afterwards he invited the “Star? He's a regularnioon. He boot manufacturer to his house, and becomes brighter the fuller he gets.” I Mcindslior’uld Iook for this when dinner was over handed him a pair of old boots. “What am I to do with these?” in- quired the rich man. Willi a genial smile the pianist re. Plled.‘ T"Why, the other day after dinner, you Kill them all. No dead files ILSN' asked me to make a little music for you. F and now I ask you to mend these boots 1! for me. Each to his trade.” ‘j i‘inck never manages things just right,” said the, irritated one, who dis- â€"â€"80Lu 'FY»â€"â€" ) likes music. “It might have been the , other way round, but it. wasn’t." “What i is the trouble now?” “My daughter, who : . plays the piano, has a sore throat, and v the one who sings has a sore finger." Wine and women may be alike in some respects, but age improves wine. lying about wllgn use gs ‘ directs . T a g o n ' .. ‘ C Ii e wi 11 g I I -, obacéo. I; guaranteesthe high quality of For the odd message into town, to the post-office1 to the store, for a hurry-call to the doctor, the Bicycle saves time and SAVES ’llIly IIORSE. .A horse eats oatsâ€"a bicycle wont. ) f A The Massey Silver Ribbon, Cleveland, Brantford, lemect, Impenal and Rambler Bicycles are all built for service and satisfaction in rig'd and Cush- ion Frame models. GANADA CYCLE & MOTOR 00;. llmlted, WEST TORONTO. CANADA MAKER! OF TH: WDR .D'3 BE}? BIO l0L!8. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ND. 7 DRUGGISTS, GROCERS Alli GENERAL STORES ' 101:. per packet, or 8 puckoto for 253. will Ian‘: .1. whole season. Black Watch 2272 ISSUE NO. 26â€"08. ‘v .. a a.-.” nod/5 flow:- . ;‘

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