Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Jun 1908, p. 5

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Fia‘igflh “a I . . a}. __ {)1 ICE). , O‘LV'M’ " sâ€"A t. Burnt River, on Thursday, June ,plifiliik’floseine 'l‘inney, wife of ['13. 1 Tommy ,- oaged 19 years, 5 lupin/Its and :5 days. AN’l‘iS.â€"â€"lli the township of Fenelon, on E Monthly, June 22nd, 1908, Henry Antis, aged 41 years and 0 months. . l‘r‘l‘l‘Z(:l-Zli.\i.l).â€"j Suddenly, at Par r y Sound, Ont., on Saturday, June 20th, 1908. d. W. Fitzgerald, Collector of Customs, , in his 61st year. ‘ Markets same as last week. M Card of Thanks. i desire to thank my many friends for their kindness and sympathy to me in my recent trouble, and I can assure all that I appreciate to the fullest extent the many acts-of kindness shown me, and the sympathetic words spoken. I also wish to thank the Lodges, the Odd- feliows in particular, for their part in the burial and other'matters in connec- tion with the funeral. ’ - ' ‘ ' Mus. WM. M'cIN'rosu. Roscdalc, June 23rd, 1903. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant. to R. 0. 1807, Chapter 1:29, Section .33, that all persons having claims against the estate of the late John J. Townley, _ late of the Village. of Fenelon Falls, in 'the County of Victoria, Merchant Tail- or, who died on the eleventh day of October A. l). 1907, are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned administrator of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 15th day of July 1008, their names, statement of the particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and that after the said last mentioned date the said admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. ' Dated this 22nd day of June A. D. 1908. HERBERT J. 'l‘UWNL EY. addresses and descriptions, and- aafull | .. 1 I near tow RATES I" swam TIME. Get your training in the school that is qualified to give ’you the best that can be had. Tun BRITISH. AMERICAN Brsxxlcss COLLEGE, Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto. Write for Catalogue. mums-a- Noyrt was , Excursions ' ‘* Leaveion Tuesda s ' June 9, 23 Aug. 5., 18 : July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Return 2nd Class Tickets From all Ontario Stations to Winnipeg, Calgary. EdmOnton and principal points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at 3 36' e... z. .I «5 TICKETS GOOD FOR 60 DAYS Berths In Tourist Sleeping Cars at small extra cost, iFSecurcd in advance. . Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for full , Information and free copy ofHomeseekers' Pamphlet, or write C. B. POSTER, Dist. PassHA‘eni, Toronto SEASON 1903. ROSEOALE, COBOCOHK. Commencing Monday, June 8th, The Str. [KAWARTHA will make daily trips, except Satur- days and Sundays, on the above I... oa-aoaocoac-oa-ououea-ouoeo @ Wedding Rings Wedding Gifts. CORRECT COLOR, CORRECT QUALITY, CORRECT WEIGHT, CORRECT STYLE, CORRECT FINISH, i 6? JEWELRY, " CLOCKS FINE CORRECT SHAPE. Stamped Bros.” and Guarnteed for all time. ' i. mm was. O “ Britten Foot of Kent St, ISSUERS OF are REQUIRE We are always ed to receive Vlsitors and shew our goods. SILVERWARE, CHINA, CUT GLASS. ART GOODS. pleas- LINDSAY MARRIAGE Licenses. EilTS. if you are goingto build a house or barn next summer, you will need 1 Doors and sash, Window and Door Frames, Mould- Don't put off ordering these things until the carpenters them, and we are rushed and behind with orders. Figure up your: requirements now, and bring them to the ings,,Stairs and other interior work. , are waiting for 9 ‘ rErEun FALLS PLArIra lilILL. A. TEIBS O . Safe Pain to use is PRC! PEIETOB. O WOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned is prepared to deliver: wood to any part. 01" the village at any time. Hard or soft wood 4 feet long or' cut to order. All kinds of green and dry wood: bought at highest price. 46. HI. WHALEY. M_ BR. SHARPE, DENTIST TORONTO. will be at the MANSION HOUSE, FEUELON FALLS- Wed. and Thurs, July 8th and 9th i . And Wednesday and Thursday of every alternate week following. Satisfaction assuredâ€"Plate, __Crown and." Bridge work aSpecialty. .._.â€"â€"â€"â€" HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.. Good» frame house on Francis street- east, Fenelon Fall’s» ' v Apply to .\Vl\l. GOLDEN JR, thl‘l- Fenelon'll‘alls P. 0.. 2 STEAMEB KATHLEEN Leaves Fenelon Falls for Coboconk at 11 app. Leaves Fenelon Falls for Lindsay at 41' pain. ’ Every Monday, \Vedncsday and ' Friday. . Book tickets can be procured from' "W. T. Junkin, Lockmaster. Fenelon Falls, June 10th, 1908.._ Use Your Watch Right; 0 Administratop. named route as follows: THE . ___._. -1-3 , .llenelon Balls P. 0. Leave Fondan- Faus at 4.00 1H,. Wu, "3 What would you think of an- Leave (liosedale 5.30 p. m. SHE-Rm," I l 0‘. 1 } h 1 , Arrive Coboconk 6.30 p. m. - P‘lflr enolneel' W 10 1-3111 118 engine- nnujnu Minor.le Axioms, cum TRENT._CANAL_. HOLLAND, RIVER BRANCH. NOTICE Ti) CONTRACTORS. gliALEI) TENDERS‘ addressed to the I undersigned and endorsed “ Tender -. for Trent Canal,” will be received at this oilice until 16 o'clock on Wednesday, the 15th July, 1908, for deepening and improving ofa channel way from a point in Cook's Bayâ€"Lake Simeoe. Ontario, to the mouth of and up the Holland River, and the East branch thereof to the Bradford Road at Holland Landing. ’ Plans, Specifications, and the form of the contract to be entered into, can be seen on and alter the 22nd June, 190%, at the ollice ol’ the Chief Eugino’er of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, at the Oliice of the Superintend- ing Engineer, Trent Canal, Petorboro, ()nt., and at. the office of the Division Engineer, NeWInarket,xOnt., at which places forms of tender may be-obtaincd. Parties tendering will be required to accept the fair wages Schedule prepared or to be prepared by the Department of Labour, which schedule will form part of the contract. Contractors are requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and in the case of firms, unless there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the firm. v An accepted bank cheque for the sum of $2,000 must accompany each tender, which sum will be. forfeited, if the party tendering declines entering into con,- tract for the work, at the rates stated in, the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be re- turned. to the. respective parties whose tender are not accepted; . ' The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. By Order,- ' L. K. JONES, Secretary.. Department of'Railways and Canals, Ottawa, June 17th, 1008. Newspapers inserting this ad'vertiSe- !' ' 0. ‘ ' 1» . 'v - _ . lr‘t’é ~ F u 0 ment without authority fromtho Depart- Don t forbet thaw I: have _ CANADA‘S OLDEST NLRSERIES- « . . DA Y lfifilfié & ment Will not be paid for it. a_ first class; Planerg.al11fli am; - V CUStb a" log 0 mane)" 7;.- MAIL. SEALED TENDERS addressedi to the '~ Postmaster General, will be received; at Ottawa until Noon 0n.F~r.iday, the 24111 July, 1905, for the conveyance of his Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract an- l‘our years, six. times per week each way, between: Dunsl’ord and Pleasant Leave Coboconk 7.20 p. in. Leave Rosedale 8.20 p. m. Arrive Fcnelon Falls 9.00 p. m. FENELON FALLS -_ ROSEOALE, SATU R.DAYS ON LY. Leave Fenelon Falls 1.30 p. in. Leave Rosedale 3.00 p. m. Calling at any point on the lakes. This time table subject to change without notice. w. 311353er '3. son, , FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO. cams GREEN, .. %ELL;OTT PARIS cased"! The Pure Article i111 1b. bottles, 350.. Robson’s 13mg Store ? l digit @â€" ": prepared. to do all? work in: 3 SASS-I AND. 00035. Your- patronage- solicited. .305. E" It is a pure lead, zinc, and linseed oil paint of the greatest durability. ' plied it can’t go wrong. We can show ,‘ you houses, painted with it 'years ago, that are still in good condition and that prove the value of the paint. 0 v - M...‘ FENELev ALLS = :3 ES CD -w C4 CD a: 1’3- D = nâ€"Qg ‘ c: â€"-r ._.| CD D) C? :â€" CD --1 C73 m. x and many studentsenter at. this time. | We have a greaterattendance this year than ever[peter-i051».vUL-aduates readily IIi‘ITENOlNG' PLANTERS OF:E NiIRSERY STOCK... . a~ ’ Should either write direct to user'sec our nearest agent before placing their order;- Wc guarantee satisfaction. Prices lx‘il‘ty'years‘ experience. heavy stock ()f'the best apples. â€" A gent-sf- ‘V‘ante (1. Whole or part of time. Salary or liberal commission.. ()‘utlit free. Send lor right. terms.. Dealer in and’ manufacturer of all kinds Marble and [illillllt Monuments I, , Being-a direct importer 15am able to -- "ORou-ro, our. remains open throughout the summer secure e'mplo‘ynient. 7 Write to-da y for handsome,"Catalogue. . 'It pays to attend the~best.. Edi": 4 ' W . J". Elliott, Pl'nlci’pal. COR. YONGE AND AEEXRNDEH STS. The‘Thos. W. Bowman & Son, to. ll'lilliilllV'lllhE. OWL. - Lindsay liable links Ram. chambers” rough and w town, Ont, specialty of s J - aiESé’é‘iiflilie hot for ' thci gain g: on the nurEhLaiil'hrm-‘lhrnd'lht aidimxih'mu‘lhmfinz sui‘linunithcjiimnnlth: a‘flumll’linufiihmnilhm allllrflttgitlim "" l . :ajmnylpr mmyr zimur'uumlrnngppr a] 3 Extra ‘ rm” ll liEil " 1' wpggon- you needs overh iianlin g ‘Il Made specially for ii I: have just received a stock ofi the celebrated E'ayfoot Shoes. manufactured ’ by C. B‘ Dayfoot & Co, of George- 'bermen- and-river drivers. the laest'zsliiicton the mar- - river; ' BRYANS. W'eston’s Broad l‘or'Salc. Therefore, ta-kecare of the Don’t let it go to rack' throughcarelessness. ' . My. facilities forrepairi rug- repai'l'lting and over- waggons never better- ct wear. who make a hoes for lum- River King” man who: is an input‘nmprnqupr'mwr"Liquunfit; iliGGON have; iii" it were All. work puny}: 'iugfpr‘uwruumrmmm‘ipjxr mgxrnpprzmnrnmnm, r amglranpyrummn fihmfmmmrquimr urn-pr . -and two or three years, night andi day, withoutcleaning or oil«- ing?! What would you give him for his machine after a few. years of‘sucir use:. more delicate; 'Don’t- yOu‘ think it would- pay you. to have it cleaned and=_ oiled up once a year. SLATER, ISSUER 0F MA‘RRIWGE LlCENSES NEXT DOOR. TO POST-OFFICE. FENELBN FALLS. ‘ 0 Don’t forget- we carry a. full line ol'B'edroom suits, = 4 odd Dressers and Stands, Parlour Suits 5. and 3 pieces, Iron Beds, Sideâ€"- boards, Extension tables, , Diner Chairs, and all household furniture, a n complete line of springs and mattresses. . V Also a new stock of f} 3' mouldings. bring your pic- tures in to be framed be» j" fore startinghousecleanig. -- l’riccs righ v. 45- ».., â€". . represent p, r 1 thl'S'. 11118 111’ the style ;. f . . V auling 3.1: re- a WANT " A ‘ 8130, to. Illa-k6? Ilalnngé have“ Lt (10118” I a reliable local salesman for Foneloni + Va .â€". . '1. -, 1-H..- pl‘Olnpoly. and. properly. halls and HIJOIIIlllt, country to . u _. EEWRB’A?S- GREATEST HflfiSERIES- Largest list of commercial and domes-- tic-fruits, large. and small ; ornamentals: shade trees : "ownring shrnl)s,. vines, roses: fine seed potatoes one of? 1’0???" n-Oin‘tlle lét UUF'QD‘FI'IPUV?” ‘ ‘ . ,~ .. I I quote the closest prices. j . guaranteed. our SPOOMIHOS- Slow" “ml is hm‘dY’ . li-iiitC(l notices coptannpg t.iur‘ lei mi- ‘ 4 ._ , _~ I have lately, insmnpd. n pnenmmio my. , . cmnes irom us. fmmfitlml “3 t0 001“ [hour 0 [holmsm "5. I . ' .' isl-ingmachino, and a-pneumatio'plantx{on PLANING Avermancnb Situation [0,. the right. Contract may be seen, and blank forms off'l‘c‘ndcr may be obtained; at the Post Ollices of.‘ Dunsford and Pleasant Point... L‘e'Hcring and Tracing. beucrzund deeper. Work than heretofore; We are aole to do d’one‘ on a. go machine at reasonable 0d up-to-d'at‘e- man, for whom territory will be I‘Cr'L-L'V-- ed. Pay weekly. Free equipmcnt.. Write fer particulars. And yet you subject your-’7 - watchâ€"a: far piece of machinery, to just this : treatment. ' nuan-n‘dlahu Call and gel designs and.prices-. WORKS â€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing andiat the Ollice of the Post ()liice In-- specter-at Toronto. G. C. ANDERSON. v I l o I. . 3 " “ ehave some of the newest 111105 in latt’s‘ Wedding Invitations; Visiting' Cards. STGHE' & WELLINGTON... i l l i l Superintendent. Memorial Cards, etc., which it will givo- HUUSG- ‘ c . ~ FOIItIIIIl Nurseries. Post Ollice Department, Mail Contract us pleasure to show you, at the Gan-2mm. B. Gill‘s-ENS, F: I - (850 ACM-Sd smut-11.. Ottawa, 10th June,1i)0.8. armor... I . Fromm“ ' TOR-ONTO. - ONTARIO; I ‘ i 5‘, . o . ‘ 1 o L; . high so

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